
Author Topic: what's on your mind?  (Read 15790 times)

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #60 on: November 10, 2013, 06:54:06 AM »
I was in a similar situation in high school. My grandmother (who as the only living grandparent I had left growing up) passed away when I was a sophomore in high school.

I had just returned to school after taking a week off for my grandmother's funeral. In my IB English Lit class, the topic of predestination came up. The teacher asked me if I believed in predestination .

I remember mumbling that yes, I believed that everything was predestined. To push it a bit further, she asked if that meant the win or loss of a baseball game was also predestined. I vaguely remember stating that yes, even something as seemingly small as a the win or a loss of baseball game was predestined. I went further and stated that perhaps a person is betting all their money on the win or loss of a specific game. The outcome determines their next steps. After that, I for some reason got really choked up and mumbled something about my grandmother dying. Next thing you know, tears were streaming down my face. Thinking back, I probably was not very articulate and made no sense whatsoever.

The next day, the teacher apologized to me.  ;D After that incident, I felt really awkward in that class- there were only 12 students so I couldn't even hide in the background.  ;D

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #61 on: November 10, 2013, 09:45:51 PM »
haha. So do you still believe that everything is predestined?

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #62 on: November 10, 2013, 09:53:59 PM »
haha. So do you still believe that everything is predestined?

I believe everything happens for a reason, big or small. We just might not be aware of it. :)

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #63 on: November 11, 2013, 01:12:16 AM »
that's good that you believe so. I think so too. As they say, nothing is gaurantee in life.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #64 on: December 03, 2013, 03:26:08 AM »
Planning my 2014 resolutions early.

1) i will gain weight and eat as unhealthy as possible
2) I will be lazy and do nothing much
3) I will not look for a better job
4) I will not work harder
5) I will sleep all day every chance I get
6) I will spend every single penny I have
7) I will wait until the last minute to do my school work
8) I will not study my butt off for exams
9) I will not try to make new friends
10) I will try not to have fun and do something exciting

Each year I end up doing the opposite of my resolutions. So for 2014, I'm planning ahead and jotting down some really good resolutions in hope I will do the exact opposite again.  ;D

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #65 on: December 14, 2013, 03:31:02 AM »

Dear Santa,

My little neices and nephew are such great kids. I asked them each what they wanted for Christmas, and I was afraid they would say something like Playstation 4, Ipad, or whatever, pretty much something that would cost me a leg or arm. LOL Surprisingly, they all just wanted very basic things. Such as a furry coat, a new baseball glove,  to ummm  baby toys. Yeah my 3 year old neice, said she wanted baby toys. Im guessing baby dolls. LOL  Looks like they are being raised right so far. haha

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #66 on: April 22, 2014, 02:53:23 AM »
Today I had to picked up my little nephew from school. We got home and he got started on his homework right away as he usually do. I went to check on my laundry and when I came back my little nephew said "hey Uncle, who wrote this?"  I looked and said what? On a little note it reads " April 26, Matt's birthday" I said to him "oh it's your birthday soon huh?" I tried really hard not to laugh, because obviously he wrote the note, and wanted to remind me it will be his birthday soon without telling me directly. So I asked him what does he want for his b-day. And he said, I just want you to be there this year. I replied, did your daddy and mommy tell you to say that to me. He just continue on with his homework and softly said "no".

Sometimes, I seriously think whether if it's just my little nephew, or kids these days, but they just seem so years beyond their age.

Okay buddy, you got it. I'll be there.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #67 on: April 22, 2014, 03:21:56 AM »
Sometimes when I drive home from work, I'll purposely make a detour to this very nice neighborhood. I don't know what it is about this part of the town and it's neighborhood, but it soothes whatever tensions I might have. I'll imagine that I'm in a far away place, out of this world. In this place, people are nice, caring, loving and........... ....

then I'm back to reality which is. Show no remorse, KILL ALL ENEMIES.  >:D

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #68 on: April 22, 2014, 11:07:16 AM »
Sometimes when I drive home from work, I'll purposely make a detour to this very nice neighborhood. I don't know what it is about this part of the town and it's neighborhood, but it soothes whatever tensions I might have. I'll imagine that I'm in a far away place, out of this world. In this place, people are nice, caring, loving and........... ....

I know the feeling.  I did that too, except, I'd go where all the million dollar homes were and imagine how life would be like if I lived that lifestyle. 

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #69 on: April 24, 2014, 03:54:11 AM »
You are different from me than. If I drive through a super wealthy neighborhood, I would have to speed through it because I would feel unwelcome. lol This neighborhood I talk about is just a very normal working class neighbor. It's a quiet and well kept area. Judging by the designs on these houses, probably built during the 50-60's. I guess it's that vintage feeling I get when passing through.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #70 on: April 24, 2014, 04:03:58 AM »
These days, you can't do something nice and hoped that you will simply just be acknowledged as a nice person. Instead, you do something nice, and it's either the other party starts to get suspicious that you're expecting something in return. Or the other party takes your kindness as a weakness.

What's the point of being nice anymore if this is the result you get. But at the same time, it's understandable . In today's world, you have to be on your guard. there's simply just too many bad apples out there now. You can't just give away respect and trust to someone and expect to get the same in return. Everything cost something, everything must be earned. It shouldn't have to be that way, but it is. And It has to be that way now. It's a never ending changing world. And if you fall behind, you'll have a lot to catch up.

(yes, I am just starting to catch up to the modern world) lmao

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #71 on: April 24, 2014, 03:09:37 PM »
In today's world, you have to be on your guard. there's simply just too many bad apples out there now.
ZDH – here’s what’s on my mind…. There’s a vast ocean of bad apples out there but we should reflect within ourselves to ensure that we do not become part of those bad apples too.  I may not be able to change those bad apples but I have the power to limit how many bad apples I come into contact with.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #72 on: April 24, 2014, 04:13:30 PM »
You are different from me than. If I drive through a super wealthy neighborhood, I would have to speed through it because I would feel unwelcome. lol This neighborhood I talk about is just a very normal working class neighbor. It's a quiet and well kept area. Judging by the designs on these houses, probably built during the 50-60's. I guess it's that vintage feeling I get when passing through.

It's the same feeling.  I just like the wealthier look.  You prefer the middle class look.  I live the middle class now so I still like to look at the million dollar homes and neighborhood.

It's that saying, "Shoot for the moon. If you fail, at least you'll fall among the stars."  :)

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #73 on: April 26, 2014, 04:28:38 AM »
ZDH – here’s what’s on my mind…. There’s a vast ocean of bad apples out there but we should reflect within ourselves to ensure that we do not become part of those bad apples too.  I may not be able to change those bad apples but I have the power to limit how many bad apples I come into contact with.

there were plenty of times where I wanted to give up being the better person and take the easy route and be the one doing the hurting so I don't get hurt. hahah But The good lord must have made me this way. He said to me, that good guys suffer the most pain because they are the strongest, they finish last, but in the end they always prevail. I think I am living proof of that. haha

thanks for your advice. it makes perfect sense.

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Re: what's on your mind?
« Reply #74 on: April 26, 2014, 04:34:31 AM »
It's the same feeling.  I just like the wealthier look.  You prefer the middle class look.  I live the middle class now so I still like to look at the million dollar homes and neighborhood.

It's that saying, "Shoot for the moon. If you fail, at least you'll fall among the stars."  :)

I know. I'm just kind of bias towards wealthy people b/c i get this impression that they are stingy. lol But I know that's not fair. There's two type of wealthy people. Those who becomes even more generous or those who become even more greedy when they become wealthy.

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