
Author Topic: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated  (Read 61894 times)

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Offline YeejKoob13

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2013, 08:18:47 PM »
Mormonism isn't Christian. Please, go some research about Joseph Smith. I am an evangelist arminianist. So, if you give me a verse and compare to theirs, I'd say about 80% of the time speaks the same truth. 20% are the ones that never READS the bible and would give another interpretation . For example, Jehovah's witness don't believe Heaven is like the afterlife. They believe Heaven is here. Well, I find that to be wrong. Therefore, if you compare a verse about Heaven, almost EVERYONE say that Heaven is from God and above the sky. That means that we do speak the same thing on the 80% side. The 20% are the cults or the ones that never read the bible in their whole life.

You telling the Mormon Christians that they aren't Christians ====> That's like us Hmong telling you sellouts that you ain't Hmong no more, but you still insist you are.

You have warped our integrity of being, but you're too cuckoo to see it. And now that's what the Mormons are doing to you as well.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #76 on: October 23, 2013, 02:09:58 AM »
Point proven.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #77 on: October 23, 2013, 12:18:17 PM »
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (yes, even Mormons, Jehovah's, etc.) can't even come to the conclusion that they worship the same God. And we have Christians interpreting the Old Testament now? After 2,000 years post baby dude's death, you guys can't even piss in the same bucket.

So who the fukk made you arbiter to pass judgement on other cultures and practices that without [European] imperialism, external influences, wouldn't know or care to know to know about Jewish/Christian loathing of the idea that the spirit realm, should it exist, is not to be contacted by humans?

It's like going into the Amazon rainforest and telling the native tribes how great Grand Theft Auto 5 is and how futile their way of entertainment is.

Christianity isn't real. Me punching you in the face and giving you a bloody nose is real. No religion is real. It's all beliefs and there's nothing wrong at all with having beliefs. But don't be so cocky to believe that your way is the right way.

Two hundred years ago, your great-great grandparents were sacrificing animals to spirits in hopes that your grandparents would survive the infant stage because the infant mortality was high so that your ass, their great-great grandchildren, would live to see the light of day. They didn't know, didn't care to know, or needed to know that Christianity was out there waiting to be found as if they were so fukken lost as a people and needed a white God to feel the rapture. And here you are, two hundred years later, talking like your lineage was part of the crusades. Pfft! STFU you bore me and you embarrass your family name. Go get a life.

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Offline dlabtsi_os

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #78 on: October 23, 2013, 10:11:15 PM »
^^^ you should go watch Ancient aliens on the history channel. I love watching history.

Okay I finally watched all the Ancient Aliens. I don't really understand all the concept. All I can say is that is full of speculation. It is interesting theory nonetheless. One thing is consistent: Human needs Alien.

My favorite quote: The only way the Ancient Aliens Theory can be disprove, if they came down and say "We never been there." By Giorgio Tsoukalos.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Another thing that was funny is this meme:

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #79 on: October 24, 2013, 08:31:25 AM »
Yes, it isn't a conventional religion; definitely not an organized religion (but that's a good thing too). It's more like a set of beliefs.

Find a row of ten Hmong houses and each of them will have different nuances for hu plug, ua neeb, and how their xwv kab looks; even which ever shaman they use will all have their different equipment and styles. Find a row of ten Christian/Muslim houses and all of them will always pray at meals, attend service on a specific day (ex. Sunday church), all read the same book, etc.; don't matter if they are in North America, Europe, or Asia.

Doesn't that go to show that the spiritual work here is to divide the people, not bring them together...?  Just saying. 

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #80 on: October 24, 2013, 08:35:31 AM »
Shamans receive major respect.   My grandpa was one and when he passed out, hundreds of folks came to pay their respect.   O0

Did he pass out or pass away?  I'm sorry to laugh but if you read this again, hope you would understand the misunderstandi ng.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #81 on: October 24, 2013, 09:33:34 AM »
Doesn't that go to show that the spiritual work here is to divide the people, not bring them together...?  Just saying. 

My post was to support the point that folk religion involving ancestor worship and spiritual guidance is not an organized religion. It was not to question division or legitimacy of folk practices. It's not about being better or worse. It simply is what it is. You are taking one thing (folk practice) and criticizing it based on the merits of something else (organized religion; Christianity). That's like saying a horror movie is better than a drama movie because drama movies don't have zombies.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #82 on: October 24, 2013, 10:07:48 AM »
Such a quick claim that something isn't real. I see that you are not a humble man. If you think Christianity was made by white people, think again.

I wasn't born yesterday and came to this "quick" conclusion today. I see things for what they are and if that makes me impertinent, then so be it. You want to talk humble? How about the fact that every indigenous population that Christianity has come into contact with has been deemed unfit, barbaric, and decimated by brute force? And now, you want us to see Christianity for the righteousness that it is? "B-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-but Christianity has done much good since then!" Well, if I rape a girl, even if changed to be a Nobel Peace Prize recipient, it doesn't change the fact that I raped someone, does it?

I know that Jesus was born in the Middle-East and sure as hell wasn't born in England. But the current manifest of Christianity, with its white baby angels, white Jesus, and white God, are all stooped in Europe. Who brought you Christianity? French missionaries because of the brutally forced French imperialism in what was then Indochina. Your parents didn't conceive the notion of the Holy Spirit in the middle of their rice harvest and realized that's what they would pass on to you. This isn't to point out any fallacy or good or bad. It simply is what it is. If you can't face reality for what it is, then I see why you need religion. saying that Christianity isn't real or claiming other religions to be dumb and full of corruption...

My exact quote:
Christianity isn't real. Me punching you in the face and giving you a bloody nose is real. No religion is real. It's all beliefs and there's nothing wrong at all with having beliefs. But don't be so cocky to believe that your way is the right way.

So where exactly did I say that religion is dumb and full of corruption? If you can find it, I will personally permanently ban myself from PH. In fact, I even stated that there is nothing wrong with having beliefs.

If religions were real, maybe Islam is the real and yours is fake? Or Buddhism is real and every single-creator religion is fake? Oh wait, only yours can be real, right? So if the Buddhist dude in Thailand says he's in the real, a Muslim guy in Arabia says he's the one, and a Hindu Indian guy says he's the chosen, well tell me, who the fukk is real and whose pants are full of shit?

« Last Edit: October 24, 2013, 10:17:53 AM by HUNG TU LO »

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #83 on: October 24, 2013, 10:21:44 AM »
Guy sits next to little girl on airplane ride. Guy says to girl "Let's talk. Time will go by faster." Little girl asks "What do you want to talk about?" The guy replies "Let's talk about God and where you will go after you die". Little girl says "Ok. But before you do, I want to ask you a question. Deer, cow, and horse; they all eat grass. But a deer poops pellets, a cow poops a huge chunk, and horse poops grassy clumps. Why is that, sir?" The guy replies "I don't know." Then the little girl says "Exactly. You don't know shit. How are you qualified to talk about where we go after death?"

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #84 on: October 24, 2013, 11:00:35 AM »
They aren't real since they are NOTHING MORE but a demonic intervention.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
Too funny.
 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Such a quick claim that something isn't real. I see that you are not a humble man.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #85 on: October 24, 2013, 03:14:07 PM »
Muslims, Jews, and Christians (yes, even Mormons, Jehovah's, etc.) can't even come to the conclusion that they worship the same God. And we have Christians interpreting the Old Testament now? After 2,000 years post baby dude's death, you guys can't even piss in the same bucket.

So who the fukk made you arbiter to pass judgement on other cultures and practices that without [European] imperialism, external influences, wouldn't know or care to know to know about Jewish/Christian loathing of the idea that the spirit realm, should it exist, is not to be contacted by humans?

It's like going into the Amazon rainforest and telling the native tribes how great Grand Theft Auto 5 is and how futile their way of entertainment is.

Christianity isn't real. Me punching you in the face and giving you a bloody nose is real. No religion is real. It's all beliefs and there's nothing wrong at all with having beliefs. But don't be so cocky to believe that your way is the right way.

Two hundred years ago, your great-great grandparents were sacrificing animals to spirits in hopes that your grandparents would survive the infant stage because the infant mortality was high so that your ass, their great-great grandchildren, would live to see the light of day. They didn't know, didn't care to know, or needed to know that Christianity was out there waiting to be found as if they were so fukken lost as a people and needed a white God to feel the rapture. And here you are, two hundred years later, talking like your lineage was part of the crusades. Pfft! STFU you bore me and you embarrass your family name. Go get a life.


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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #86 on: October 24, 2013, 10:54:52 PM »
Disproving Christianity's behavior doesn't disprove God and His nature.

And your belief in God and adherence to the bible doesn't invalidate or disprove shaman practices or any other belief or religion out there.

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #87 on: October 25, 2013, 08:33:15 AM »
It's funny how some people defend their beliefs with reasonable logic but totally ignores their own logic when others use it to defend their beliefs.

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #88 on: October 25, 2013, 03:01:33 PM »
Okay I finally watched all the Ancient Aliens. I don't really understand all the concept. All I can say is that is full of speculation. It is interesting theory nonetheless. One thing is consistent: Human needs Alien.

My favorite quote: The only way the Ancient Aliens Theory can be disprove, if they came down and say "We never been there." By Giorgio Tsoukalos.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Another thing that was funny is this meme:

After watching that thoery, does it make sense? I you watch more they go on about the bible. What the bible that we have is all re-worded. There are like 7 or more bible books out there that we are not aware of. If you read the Old testament. I forget who is who, but in some Paragraphs they speak of GODs. or shinny god(s), now why is it that there were more then one GOD. Hmmmm.

Or the part there they spoke of mana, from the Mose, I think. where they Survive in the desert eating mana. What is Mana? it is an algae  that's the same stuff that Astronauts eat while they are in space.
Anyways it does make a lot of sense in the puzzle of Aliens and God(s).
or the part about the Covenant box. No one can touch it and on a certain days it has to be clean. and that you can nit come in contact with the box. Okay. and some of them  started dying or losing their hair. Come to think of it radiation does that to you. And who gave them that box the gods gave them the covenant box. Hmmmm.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2013, 03:05:48 PM by saki saki »

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Re: Hmong Shamanism Should be Eliminated
« Reply #89 on: October 28, 2013, 12:47:42 AM »
That is why you go to the spirits and cry about your worries EVERYDAY! Again, you're putting your faith on a spirit that you have NEVER SEEN or DIED for you as a REAL FATHER would do.


That is why you get on your knees and pray every night to an imaginary supreme being. There is no evidence to suggest that a God exists.

I'm non-religious. Why would I be among the ranks of bozo's like yourself, Hmong animists, Muslims, Buddhists, Jews, or Hindus?

What I am against is idiots like yourself who thinks that your shit doesn't stink. How can you say that Hmong animists are communicating with imaginary spirits that don't exist but then you close your eyes and get on your knees like a slave and pray away, as if some supreme being gives a flying monkey's ass of what you have to say?

Shamanism is nothing more but holds an empty evidence that is crying to the world to leave them alone.

The same can be said about every religion in the world. The modern world isn't moving towards a more uniform/organized religion model. We are moving towards a secular, non-religious world order. The future holds no room for silly bedtime stories about some dude who's going to answer your prayers and if you believe in him, you'll get to go to heaven and be with him.

*chills* seriously...ho w does a full-grown, highly evolved homo sapien specimen hold such silly beliefs?

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