
Author Topic: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...  (Read 37823 times)

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #120 on: April 02, 2014, 11:48:59 AM »
Sometimes I wonder why I put my two cents into these trolling threads created by the so called "Liberals" with a chip on their shoulder.  I'm writing to say, go your life as you please...we live in America, you can do this...I'm not judging you...I will drink beer, eat burgers and watch the NCAA tournament with you and we can be merry...You don't have coodies...I don't have coodies...we are all people...just don't try to do more than know...You want equality...I want you to have "equality" too (although I do not believe such exists in reality)...I want you to have the same legal rights too...I'm fine with that...just don't do it by imposing your definition on me when there is civil union already...wher e marriage is at, you should get the lawyers to add "and civil unions too."

That's it folks...that's my two cents.  All this discussion on technicality and definition doesn't help your cause and only excite more misunderstandi ng...You know what you need to do, just do it.

I'm done with these thread by the folks with a chip on their shoulder.   Have a great day.

What are crying and running away? The reason why you are doing that is below.

Talk is cheap
That's all you can do. You say that you can admit when your wrong, but when the time comes, you cry and run away.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #121 on: April 02, 2014, 01:30:17 PM »
You do know we are ALL TALKING right.  Since you are for GAY RIGHTS, go carry a sign in the next demonstration so you are not talking too.  I'm not crying one bit.  I support your gay rights as long as it doesn't violate the definition of marriage.  I draw the line there.  We should work to make sure the world can be relevant to all the good people.  Btw, when I use good, I mean good to the law of man...

So you're running away again. You still won't accept that you were wrong.

Here you are talking about supporting gay rights but your actions don't want them to have rights. :idiot2:

That's what you call ALL TALK.

Since you're just ALL TALK and never done any action, you don't know what it is. It's not just about carrying a sign. I support gay rights and have help the gay people I know.

« Last Edit: April 02, 2014, 01:33:52 PM by dogmai »

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #122 on: April 02, 2014, 01:43:36 PM »
Since you are for GAY RIGHTS, go carry a sign in the next demonstration so you are not talking too. 

So you're the type of person who wants people to recognize you for your good deeds. All about talks and show here.

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #123 on: April 02, 2014, 05:13:25 PM »
Look this whole topic is about changing the definition of marriage.  I am clear I do not support the change in the definition of marriage.  I am clear I support adding civil union where marriage is defined so gay people can have equal rights.  In this way nobody feels like a loser except the tax payers who have to change a lot of law.  This way we all are happy.  Now do I need to take action?  Absolutely not.  It's not my fight against the US government.  It's the gay community's fight.  You want me to sign a petition that I support adding civil union where marriage is at...I do...just don't use it to say I support the redefining of marriage...tha t's not what I support.

Simmer down now ok.  For the record, the debate forum is ALL TALK if you don't know it by definition.

I think your ALL TALK stems from the fact that some of you atheists in here talk science, but don't do science.  Some of you atheists talk logic, but don't know logic.  Go ahead...let the frustration out.  I'm cool with it. Keep it up.  Not sure what value that gives you.  ;D

u talk logic but dont know logic. u talk numbers but get owned and proven wrong. u talk facts but they r wrong  :2funny:

didnt u say u were leaving? still here huh?

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #124 on: April 02, 2014, 05:36:02 PM »
Since we are on logic and numbers, let's test the hypothesis that I don't know logic and by the deduction, you know logic.  Construct the proof for the real number system...this is 1st semester...fre shman in school mathematics do this...walk circles on this who cannot do this from the school of mathematics?  Show me or shut up.

After today...I won't be posting with you alts no more...gosh... March 20...already talking smack...really?  Historically they wait a month to get into that grove...

u said u r leaving and now u say u wont leave?  ;D

u want numbers and logic go make a thread about it and stop sideswiping this topic. u already were proven wrong 3 or 4 times and yet u still here trying to save face.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #125 on: April 02, 2014, 06:23:28 PM »
Look this whole topic is about changing the definition of marriage.  I am clear I do not support the change in the definition of marriage.  I am clear I support adding civil union where marriage is defined so gay people can have equal rights.  In this way nobody feels like a loser except the tax payers who have to change a lot of law.  This way we all are happy.  Now do I need to take action?  Absolutely not.  It's not my fight against the US government.  It's the gay community's fight.  You want me to sign a petition that I support adding civil union where marriage is at...I do...just don't use it to say I support the redefining of marriage...tha t's not what I support.

Simmer down now ok.  For the record, the debate forum is ALL TALK if you don't know it by definition.

I think your ALL TALK stems from the fact that some of you atheists in here talk science, but don't do science.  Some of you atheists talk logic, but don't know logic.  Go ahead...let the frustration out.  I'm cool with it. Keep it up.  Not sure what value that gives you.  ;D

Who's talking about atheists here? You're running away and now throwing your frustrations at atheists.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #126 on: April 02, 2014, 06:32:21 PM »
Go ahead...let the frustration out.. Keep it up.

Not according to this.  :2funny: :2funny:

I'm done with these thread by the folks with a chip on their shoulder.   Have a great day.

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #127 on: April 03, 2014, 09:27:01 AM »
 :2funny: :2funny:

Changing topic now?

 :2funny: :2funny:

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Offline duckwingduck

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #128 on: April 03, 2014, 12:40:17 PM »
It's too bad some of you talk logic and cannot do it.  Here's the natural number proof.  It's taught to all freshman in mathematics.  This is the easiest proof you'll get in class.  It's a gimme and if you cannot recall it...I doubt you know anything about logic.  Since you don't know jack-shit, how do you know if I'm lying or not lying?  That's how bad you are that you cannot discriminate if I'm a liar or not...

To define N - natural number.
Let 1 be the first natural number.
Let a be a natural number.
Let f(a) = a+1 be the next number.
Given a set F, if 1 exists in F, and a exists in F, then f(a) exists in F, then F is the list of all natural number.  (Note: this implies a+1 to where 'a' iterates (succeed) towards infinity, in case you guys missed it.)

I bet this proves that gay shouldn't marry?

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #129 on: April 10, 2014, 11:07:14 PM »
Refer back to the title of the thread.   :2funny:

It's too bad some of you talk logic and cannot do it.  Here's the natural number proof.  It's taught to all freshman in mathematics.  This is the easiest proof you'll get in class.  It's a gimme and if you cannot recall it...I doubt you know anything about logic.  Since you don't know jack-shit, how do you know if I'm lying or not lying?  That's how bad you are that you cannot discriminate if I'm a liar or not...

To define N - natural number.
Let 1 be the first natural number.
Let a be a natural number.
Let f(a) = a+1 be the next number.
Given a set F, if 1 exists in F, and a exists in F, then f(a) exists in F, then F is the list of all natural number.  (Note: this implies a+1 to where 'a' iterates (succeed) towards infinity, in case you guys missed it.)

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #130 on: May 19, 2014, 09:14:15 PM »
Another dumb argument is...

Gays wants to redefine marriage.

Why would they want to do that? When by definition,

Main Entry: mar·riage
Pronunciation: \ˈmer-ij, ˈma-rij\
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English mariage, from Anglo-French, from marier to marry
Date: 14th century
1 a (1) :  the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law (2) :  the state of being united to a person of the same sex in a relationship like that of a traditional marriage <same-sex marriage> b :  the mutual relation of married persons :  wedlock c :  the institution whereby individuals are joined in a marriage 2 :  an act of marrying or the rite by which the married status is effected ; especially :  the wedding ceremony and attendant festivities or formalities 3 :  an intimate or close union <the marriage of painting and poetry

I guess maybe they would want to if the definition of marriage doesn't include gays.

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #131 on: May 21, 2014, 03:15:54 PM »
You do know we are ALL TALKING right.  Since you are for GAY RIGHTS, go carry a sign in the next demonstration so you are not talking too.  I'm not crying one bit.  I support your gay rights as long as it doesn't violate the definition of marriage.  I draw the line there.  We should work to make sure the world can be relevant to all the good people.  Btw, when I use good, I mean good to the law of man...

Ok then what's your definition of marriage? In the Bible which you revere King David has thousands of concubines and that your traditional marriage?

Let's not pretend that marriage has ever been defined until modern times as one man + one woman. Marriage was/is: business agreement between families, way for men to control women, way for men to procreate and make more descendants.

So tell me how a gay person getting married at all affects your marriage? Your stupid arguments are the same stupid ones made by those racists who were against interracial marriage when that issue came up decades ago. I am sick of religious idiots using their religion to hate on others.

You profess you be a follower of Jesus yet what did he have to say about gay marriage? I know your ONLY real argument is biblical, it's a religious reason, at least be honest about that. The only prohibition of gay love is in the Leviticus. Eat any lobster lately? Wear any mixed cloth garments? You just broke as much biblical law as gay sex. Why don't I see you hypocrite Christians railing against eating shellfish, pork, working on the sabbath and wearing mixed cloth garments? Why don't I see you working to help the poor? Shouldn't that be your main goal? Since it did seem to be Jesus' main goal. Didn't he say to give all your possessions to the poor and follow him?

Bunch of hypocrites you all are. Can't live by the biblical laws yourselves but expect others who don't believe in those fairy tales to follow your stupid laws. How are you any different than those fundie Muslims who impose Sharia Law? Christians in this country want to impose their own version of Sharia Law.

Damn, lost every shred of respect for you right now. I always thought you were the "reasonable" Christian on here, one of the few. Now I find out you're just a run of the mill bigot.

« Last Edit: May 21, 2014, 03:18:02 PM by thenewbguy »

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #132 on: May 21, 2014, 06:37:36 PM »
Damn, lost every shred of respect for you right now. I always thought you were the "reasonable" Christian on here, one of the few. Now I find out you're just a run of the mill bigot.

Took the words right out of my mouth. The whole time I thought I was the only one.

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #133 on: December 30, 2015, 04:56:28 PM »
Someone needs to refer to 1, 2, 7, and 8.   :2funny:

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Re: Dumb Anti-Gay Arguments...
« Reply #134 on: December 30, 2015, 05:16:04 PM »
oh no, this again..   :2funny:

So you are implying that being gay is a natural thing and not a choice eh?  So what did your science say about the gay gene?  No conclusion with the gay gene and the studies that you are probably watching were done on gay twins and men.  Where is the love for gay twin women? 

So is there a straight gene then?  Well straight gene is by natural for the survival of such species so you do not have to look for it.  If it is not genetically related or you were born gay that way then what else can it be?  A choice?   :2funny:

This is how I see this.  A big bio mass of bacteria growing in a petri dish.  You got so many in there that most will propagate as society's norm and then we have homo in the corner trying to propagate but nothing happens.  The ones that are able to propagate will carry their genes to the next generations.  The misfits that can't will die off but does that mean that the gay genes will die off since the forefathers of the gay genes can not propagate? 

Science and logic, it makes you think and it can make you stupid.   :2funny:

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