
Author Topic: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail  (Read 40111 times)

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #45 on: March 26, 2014, 10:39:47 PM »
Oh, how I missed my mom's home cooking.  It feels like a man living on island and eating exotic food.  What I missed the most is the nostalgic meals that brings back the hidden taste bugs and the soup that heal the wound.  Oh, how I missed you so much.

In the coming months, a journey ahead of to create the utopian dream.  I vowed to hold righteous in the trust you instilled on me.  I will missed your meals ever than before.  I hadn't had a good meal in days, weeks, and months.  Only when I visit, and sit at the throne along his majesty do I get a meal fit for a king.

Any queen in my castle will only know the true meaning of happiness if a meal is well prepare.  I yearn for one who will be the supporting queen in the kitchen and our kingdom. 

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #46 on: March 26, 2014, 10:48:01 PM »
Dear Journal,                                                   Date:??

The first time I saw her was like in motion picture.  One of those scenes where the guy sees the girl and time stopped.  When I drove passed her, my time stopped although motion was occurring.  Somehow I saw her eyes, her hair, her face, and her beautifulness.  Does the saying do not judge a book by its cover make any sense?  Can looks deceive the eyes and bring forth what is in their hearts. 

A love so strong, not even the reaper can tear us apart, but only foolishness can bring forth the sacrifices of death.  How those times could have been tragedies leading to hundred of cries through the my hometown.  Guess the saying "If you don't see a pigeon fly from her nest then don't assume her innocence yet"
Am I thankful for my guardian who have watch over me and protect their descendant.

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #47 on: March 26, 2014, 11:39:02 PM »
I can go back home, but it feels different when you have live independently for a long time.  I missed home cooking because what I cook is not as good.  I missed her crawfish and her fish.  I eat too healthy and I need someone to fat me up.  Its been so long I don't remember how good a bowl of Pho Piak or home made pho taste like.  I do make my own pho, but I tend to waste it so I only do it once in a while. 

I was once an aspiring pianist, took lesson and could read notes, but now I am just an old fable.  I do not own a piano anymore, I gave it away years ago, but when I see one my hand get the itch.  The only songs that my fingers can remember even though my will of fire had died out is
Christmas without you, ocean of love, Just for love, Green Sleeves, and another one.  I played FF10 once, but it was many years ago. 

Thanks for the song.  I love this song and the movie too.  Have you seen "Spirited Away" and "Howl's moving castle"?

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #48 on: March 26, 2014, 11:55:02 PM »
Howl's moving castle is such a masterpiece. Watch it when you have time. It's a good love movie too and the story line is amazing.

The creator is very popular and he's the kind of that emphasis even the smallest details.  I love all of those movies.

Have you seen "Whisper in my Heart" Also from the same creator?

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #49 on: March 26, 2014, 11:58:01 PM »

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #50 on: March 27, 2014, 12:11:34 AM »
Dear Journal,

I had a great exchange of words with one of the most respectful and wanted on ph.  She's a wonderful person.  Well, lets put it this way. If timing was right then I'll see her someone day.  If not then just seeing her smile is enough to soothe the friendship we have.  God bless her and her family. Have a good night.


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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #51 on: March 27, 2014, 07:41:04 PM »
Dear Journal,

For the last 10 years, I haven't had the chance to spend time with my nephew.  Although we live states apart, I feel that I missed out so much on their youth.  I know it is still not too late and I am planning to make it up soon.  Basketball and eating out should be fun. 

One of my uncle passed away in Stockton, Cali and his funeral is this week.  I felt bad for not making it and wish his family the best.  I missed my hometown and all the kids I grew up with.  I wonder if they will remember me when I go back there.  It's been over 15 years since we moved to WI and missed all my cousins and families still living there.  I know things have changed and places are not the same anymore, but the question is whether I will feel good going back there?  The first thing I want to do is eat out and see how it compares. 

Dedicated this song to someone who did the same for me.

And dedicated this last scene to her too.
Happy a good night!

« Last Edit: March 27, 2014, 08:06:45 PM by Wi_sweetguy »

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #52 on: March 27, 2014, 08:59:09 PM »

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #53 on: March 28, 2014, 02:24:23 AM »
Dear Journal,

For the last four years, I have been taking care of my grandma who is nearing her 80s.  Since her strokes, her inability to walk put a lot of stress and burden on the family.  My uncles and aunties are all working and there is no one to take care of her, but me. Since I work during the day and free on the night, I took the responsibility of being her gate keeper.  From the beginning I wasn't close to her. She was not the type of grandma you would love because she was very different in the sense that she favors and dislike those who do not praise or give her items.  Most of her friends never really care to seek her although she went to a senior center and her fondness of keeping her finance to herself not spending a dime on herself or people have taken the very thing that matters the most to any human being.  That is friendship. 

In the last four years, I sit there watching her walked as smooth as a snail, but today she walks as if she was a limping lion.  My mother called me to come home and help watch her for the night because they have been too tired of taking care of her especially having to wake up late at night 4 to 5 times to help her to the restroom.  So I am here watching her sleep like a new born baby.  I tried to sleep earlier, but each time I do, she calls for me name. 

In the last four years, I was her best friend and we grew more than what we had from the beginning.  We talked about her ability to sing khw txiaj, hu nplig, grown vegatables, her child hood, her families, her father's 9 pot of silver hidden in the ground somewhere over the mountain in Laos and many other things.  Her favorite place to go is the Casino and taking her there makes her happy.  She can stay there 3 days and 3 nights if she wants too, but I let her stay there for two hours or so and I take her back home.  I am not a gambler so I walk around drinking free soda and look at people betting their saving away.  From time to time, I've seen one or two of my uncles who have loss everything in the casino.  They went first then got their wives to go and now they lost their house and their relationship.  Casino is very tempting to play, but I live by my three golden rules and that prevents me from doing anything of these havocs which would result in misfortune.

So I'm writing to you with the intent that one day, reading you again will bring back memories of what I did today.  Well the movies "Koos Loos tuaj ntsawj ntsuj" is playing now and it's a good movie.  I have Strange's Hero in one of my tabs and I might not be able to finish it, but hopefully I do this weekend. 

I got two teachers okay for May the 8 to take two exams.  I just need to talk to two more teachers and I'll be done.  Hello the sunshine state!


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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #54 on: March 28, 2014, 11:23:25 PM »
ST, the drama I watched was good and funny.  The hero is clever and out smarts everyone.  The drama is called
Strange Hero".

Any plan this weekend?

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #55 on: March 28, 2014, 11:53:59 PM »
Spending time with my mama and that's about it. How about you? Tell me what are your routine? I want to visualize it.  ;)

Sounds like you're going to have fun tomorrow.  Your mom is lucky to have you.  O0

Monday & Wed.- wake up at 8 and leave for school till 4 pm. Then work on HW and leave to my part-time job till 9pm.  Come back around 10 and leave to the gym till 11 or 12am then off to bed.
Tuesday & Thursday- wake up at 7 and leave to school till 12.  Then go straight to my intern job at the Hire Center till 4 pm then off to my other job till 9.  Then gym or homework and off to bed. 

Friday-  I spend the day with my brother at the gym and we go eat out.  Then karaoke if we feel like it.

Sat and Sun is spent with relatives and helping my dad with his stuff.

And yours.   8)

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #56 on: March 29, 2014, 12:08:52 AM »
Sounds great! My life is too boring to go into details. I pretty much just stay home unless I have to go out like grocery shopping, visiting my family, or attend family's event. life is boring too, but the gym keeps me happy.  Friday night is usually guys night out, but too busy lately.  Some of my friends are party type, but I always decline. Too many girls to look at the clubs.  I prefer one special girl only.  ;)

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #57 on: March 29, 2014, 12:26:05 AM »
U mean, you don't want to steal all the attentions away from all your friends, that would make more sense.  ;D I can see you being a Chippendale dancer.  :2funny:  You want a lap dance?  ;D

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #58 on: March 31, 2014, 05:45:16 PM »
In the coming week, a cousin of mine is beginning a new journey with his newly companion.  It will be an extraordinary day as he wears the founding clothes of the Hmong Vaj Clan and show his effort of commitment in the thousand year long tradition.  His beautiful wife will be wearing the outfit of her in laws, signifying her commitment to be part of his family and clan.  This weekend will be one happy moment in time for these two love birds at they celebrate their wedding and ever closing the ties between the two clan. 

How I seeing them bring me back memories of yesteryear.  Hence, it will probably reflect my recollection of myself wearing and going through the same tradition.  It's been awhile since I wore my mother's beautiful Hmong clothes.  My beautiful Hmong outfit representing the Hmong people from La Phrang Ban.  Did anyone know that by looking at their clothing and their head gear that you can tell the area they are from?

 I used to wear it during the golden years of my youth, and hope I will wear it again in the near future.  Thank mom for always sewing a different set for your son.

I made a call to top soil companies, but it seems like most of the places I've called are not operating due to winter's frozen cold.  I hope I can get some top soil soon and fix my foundation before my departure.  It's going to be tough leaving my castle, but the future will hold that certainty. 

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Re: Counting the days till my return with the holy grail
« Reply #59 on: March 31, 2014, 06:04:54 PM »
The city of Stockton, where I grew up and had most of my childhood memories.  I grew in the downtown area in a big yellow duplex next to a big church. When the church bell rung, we would sleep in horror thinking about the funeral being held there.  As a kid, I was always independent and brave not thinking about the dangers of the world. I would walk to my cousins, which was probably a couple miles away and hang out with the kids at their residence. Then one day, we moved to the north side and it was the beginning of my cherry picking.  The neighborhood kids, we would ran distances to pick plums, yellow fruits, oranges, and cherries from people's front yard, back yard, and trees on the side walk.  One time I went with my friends to pick up cherries and came back to get a whooping. My dad also gave my brother a whooping although it was me only that went, but he thought my brother went to.  Sorry for getting you a whooping.  Since that day, I stopped going with the friends to pick yellow fruits and cherry.

Secret pepper dipping sauce for fruits.

chili pepper flaks
and MSG

Today, a pigeon decide to take a dump on my beautiful washed civic and the evidence of white poop points to those pigeon.  How tasty they are in the open pit with salt to marinade the meat and the crunchiness of their bones will satisfy their behavior.  How I cannot wait till bird season.  LOL.  ;D

« Last Edit: March 31, 2014, 06:08:02 PM by Wi_sweetguy »

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