
Author Topic: The Basketball Diaries  (Read 9360 times)

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The Basketball Diaries
« on: October 24, 2015, 10:46:02 AM »
1.  Don't Call It a Comeback

I was out at the local park trying to get a workout today.  There's the typical segregation of ballers.  The Baller Court.  The Kids Court.  The Scrubs.  The Oldies. The Average.  And so on...

I'm currently recovering from a serious foot injury, so I haven't been playing any games lately.  I've only started shooting again.  All of sudden, all the ballers decided to change courts and join mine.  They must have seen me put on a shooting display.  Anyways, they decided to start a game.  I was going to sit out, but I got picked first.  WTH?  These guys are 6'0 and 6'5 and in their primes, and I get picked first?  I am older, hurt, out of shape, and not as physically gifted.  If I weren't hurt, I wouldn't care because I got tricks.  But oh well,  Warriors don't make excuses, so I just played along...

First touch of the game and my defender jumps right on me.  They have clearly seen me shoot in practice, so I am not going to surprise them and I am not going to get any freebies.  I do a Eurostep and a 12ft scoop.  I am pretty sure these kids don't see that move everyday, and it's probably the only thing I can do since I can't jump (but they don't know that I can't jump). 

Second play for us, and I get the ball again.  They are just looking at me expecting me to do something.  Well, I didn't catch and shoot, and I don't have the speed to rise up or drive.  So I just back down my defender, who has a 6in advantage on me (strangely enough, their shortest guy wasn't guarding me).  The kid clearly didn't know how to play post defense.  He reached, and I taught.  I simply did a turnaround hook. 

Third  play, I get an open jumper. 

We eventually won the game.  We went on a 5 game win streak before losing.  I resorted to being a passer.  I didn't shoot much since there was another guy who could shoot.   I missed too many layups and dishes.  I simply didn't have the hops to finish.  I still scored enough, and my teammates were good enough.  We could have won the entire night if I weren't hurt.  These kids were good, but they simply didn't have the experience to win.  Maybe in a couple of years they will surpass me.  They at least have the physical talents to surpass me. 

I may never be the player I once was, but I am not looking to make a comeback.  These days, it's all just about exercise and fun.   

« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 10:50:02 AM by bulbasaur »

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #1 on: October 24, 2015, 10:47:14 AM »
2.  How It All Started

"Yo, you with the volleyball.  We need 1.  Wanna run?"

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #2 on: October 24, 2015, 11:05:06 AM »
3. Becoming a Sniper: Part 1

People usually assume that I played basketball as a kid because I can shoot.  However, that's not true.  I only started playing in college.  Basketball was my warm-up for volleyball. 

I would often get to the volleyball court early to practice by myself.  I would sometimes get asked to play basketball.  After a few games of bball, the volleyball felt light in comparison.  I decided to get a basketball and shoot free throws before my volleyball games.  Those free throws eventually became 3 pointers. 

Since I was shooting, I figure I would mimic other guys who could shoot.  Why not right?  Well, after a year, I was actually becoming better.  Even though I was still being asked to play basketball, I never shot.  The only shots I took in games were putbacks or breakaway layups.  However, that would soon all change...

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #3 on: October 24, 2015, 11:50:14 AM »
4. Becoming a Sniper: Part 2

As it sometimes happened, I got asked to play in bball game.  But this time, all the better players were on one team, and all the scrubs were on the other.  I was on the scrub team. 

The game was was to 16, and they quickly went 10-0.  There wasn't a skunk rule, so we just kept playing.  Like the good ol' hare, they weren't even trying to play defense anymore.  My team virtually gave up because they actually gave me the ball.  Well, I shot it.

10-0 became 10-2.  They missed four open jumpers, and I made four more.  At this point, I was just running routes, and my teammates were looking for me.  12-10 us.  14-10 us.  I could see the desperation in the other team.  Even though they were better, they were getting scared of losing to scrubs.  As for me, I had nothing to lose.  16-10. 

This game made me believe that I could be a viable game shooter, and this game is the reason why it doesn't bother me when I play with noobs.  If anything, I like playing on scrub teams versus better teams.  It makes the win more satisfying. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #4 on: November 04, 2015, 09:15:18 AM »
Game Update

Shoe of the day: Jordan 29
Ball of the day: Under Armor 595

I went out to shoot for a little bit.  I've been hurt for a while, but I am slowly recovering.  I am at a point where I don't look hurt, but I can't go fast or jump. 

I played a casual game of ones.  The guy wasn't bad, but he lacked experience.  I can see he was surprised when I started stepping further and further back to shoot.  It was nice to get a workout even though it wasn't a serious game. 

The AJ29 feel better on the bad foot than on the healthy one.  Go figure. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #5 on: November 14, 2015, 08:46:30 PM »
I got complimented on my shot and form today.  The guys and girls out there were decent shooters and players, but they weren't experienced enough and they aren't necessarily students of the game.  They said they wished they were blessed with a better shot like mine.  What they don't know (yet anyways)...

1.  Most shooters wouldn't say that they are born with a shot.  Shooting is a technique.  I personally didn't even start playing until college, and my form isn't really the best. 

2.  My shot used to be better when I played daily for hours.  Nowadays, I only play on weekends for just an hour, and that's if I am lucky.  Being hurt doesn't help either.

3.  They have time and the fitness to learn. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2015, 02:56:01 AM »
I played the old men's game this morning, and I was awful.  I guess I still shot 50%, but that is not where I would like to be.  Plus, the shots I missed were easy ones.  I am still trying to recover from injury, but my playing days are behind me.  Back in the day, even on my worst day, this game wouldn't have been challenge.  Oh well.  I may not be able to play at a competitive level anymore, but I can still get so me exercise. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #7 on: December 19, 2015, 08:19:35 PM »
Game Update

Shoes: Nike Hyperdunk 2014
Ball: Spalding Zi/O Excel and Spalding Neverflat

I didn't go out with the intention of playing because my foot is still injured, and it hasn't felt good in 3 weeks.  But, as soon as I get out there, some ballers recognize me and asked me to play.  I haven't played with them in quite a while, so they don't know that I am hurt.  Anyways, I played. 

Surprisingly, I felt pretty good.  I wasn't 100%, but I didn't think too much about my hurt foot.  My shots didn't feel good, but they went in.  About 80% on jumpers, but most were just catch and shoots and little baby J's.  I'll take what I can get. 

Hopefully I continue to get back to normal form. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2016, 12:45:57 AM »
I don't get these guys...

They are just having fun, so I doubt they were serious.  But damn, those big guys used the wrong strategy.  If that smaller guys shoots lights out, then fine.  It's too hard to chase him around the court.  However, once the big guy gets the ball, just plow him down.  Why settle for jumpers and cute fades and floaters?  Even on a miss, just get that O board. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #9 on: January 27, 2016, 12:50:02 AM »
Game Update

Shoes: Kobe 9
Ball: Spalding Zi/O Excel

I should really do one of these every time I go out.  Maybe I should be more diligent about it.  Anyways...

The shoes are stretching out, and they are feeling better.  I still wished I had gone up a half size.  As for ballin', it wasn't that bad.  I am getting healthier as the weeks go by.  Shooting 25 footers are becoming easier.  The percentage isn't quite there yet, but I can feel the power coming back. 

No games today, but I don't mind.  I shouldn't be playing until I am healthy anyways. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #10 on: January 28, 2016, 08:21:55 AM »
Game Update

Shoes: Under Armour Torch 2
Ball: Under Armour 595

Shot pretty well today.  100% from the NBA 3.  I only took one from there, but I'll take it!  The foot is feeling better, but still clearly not 100%.  Slowly but surely. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #11 on: January 28, 2016, 04:35:41 PM »
Playing in the Rain

I understand if people don't want to play games in the rain (slipping is dangerous), but the rain has never stopped me from just shooting around.  Maybe people don't want to ruin their shoes or their ball, but I just wear my older sneakers and use my older ball.  Maybe I am just fortunate enough to have such things. 

The biggest downside to playing in the rain is that the ball gets heavy.  I don't mind so much because I just consider it practice.  It is kinda like practicing with a medicine ball; it makes using a regular ball easier. 

If anything, the rain always gives me an open court.

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #12 on: September 03, 2016, 08:45:52 PM »
Game Update

Shoes: Adidas D Rose 7
Ball: Spalding Neverflat

I haven't been doing these lately (WARNING!). But here it goes...

I have been out a few times, but not much.  I hurt my other foot.  Unlucky I suppose.  Or, maybe I am just getting older. 

I have been shooting the past week, but no games because of injury.  But then, these 3 guys come up and wanted to play some 2v2.  I was worried, but agreed.  During the game, I mostly passed and took  baby jumpers. My teammate did most of the work.  But then, they decided to play a game to 12...

I guess because I didn't do much before, they played off.  My teammate scored 2, then I shot 5 straight from 25 feet.  Shooting isn't really testing my footwork, but at least I can generate some power to shoot.  Hopefully I can continue to recover and improve. 

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2016, 07:03:04 AM »
Game Update

Shoes: Adidas D Rose 7
Ball: Spalding Zi/O Excel

I was just going to shoot around and call it day, but I got recruited to play 3v3 before leaving.  9 for 10 for 3's, but I missed all 3 layups.  I am still trying to get my hops back.  I played about 6 games (maybe 7) and won them all.  The games went by really fast.  I didn't shoot much per game, but my teammates took the bulk of the shots.  I didn't have to do much but pass and drain the occasional jumper.  They were probably wondering how I missed those layups and why I didn't shoot more, but they didn't know I am hurt. 

I shot pretty well today, but that is probably because they played with my ball.  For some reason, people bring their crappy rubber ball to play outdoors.  I always play with whatever ball they want to play with, but I do notice that my percentage drops when shooting with a rubber ball.  Then again, I am not the only who shot better with my ball.  For me, rubber balls and double rims tend to lead to lower shot percentages.  Maybe those things don't give a favorable bounce?  Maybe those things aren't as forgiving?  Maybe it is all psychological. ...

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Re: The Basketball Diaries
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2016, 07:16:37 PM »
Game Update

Shoes: Hyperdunk 2016
Ball: Spalding Zi/O Excel

I didn't play, but I shot well.  People be knocking on this ball, but I think it is a pretty good outdoor ball. 

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