
Author Topic: Types of Hmong in China  (Read 7152 times)

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Types of Hmong in China
« on: February 08, 2016, 10:41:25 AM »

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #1 on: March 03, 2016, 12:57:10 PM »
If you can get your hands on a copy of this book, it shows the traditional clothing of the different Miao groups in China. It's really interesting to see the differences.

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2016, 11:00:13 AM »
OH DAYUM! I am going to get it...

Make sure you save up. It's really expensive. The cheapest I saw it for was $250. ;D It's $500+ used on amazon.  :o Those color pictures are pretty expensive.  :-[

Luckily for me, my best friend has a copy I can look at.  :D ;D

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2016, 11:58:36 AM »
I am looking for the ones that relates to Dongyi.

...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:

Pretty sure you, being a DUH-uh-Ha'Mung ha'primitive ha'clueless ha'ignorant ha'idioctic HA'MUNG, is in fact am looking for DUH-uh-Ha'Donkey ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2016, 10:07:30 AM »
I am looking for the ones that relates to Dongyi.

I can't help you at the moment since my best friend is currently thousands of miles away.  ;D

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2016, 09:07:04 PM »
Let's keep in mind, all Hmong are Miao but not all Miao are Hmong. All bourbon is whiskey, but not all whiskey is bourbon. You can't assume that just because they dress or speak similarly that they come from the same mother as Hmoob dawb and lees. A Santee and Dakota Indian are from the Sioux Nation but you wouldn't say they a Santee is a Dakota and vice versa a Dakota is a Santee, would you?

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #6 on: March 09, 2016, 07:41:04 PM »
So are you saying that Hmong Green and Hmong White are different? Aren't we just all Hmong? Again, enough with the confederate mind. We are Miao and all of us are Miao.

Hmoob dawb and lees are one and the same no matter what anyone claims. A Hmoob dawb child born and raised in California USA and never exposed to Hmoob lees, vice versa a Hmoob lees child born and raised in Laos and never exposed to Hmoob dawb, could sit in the same room and intelligibly communicate at a rate of >90%. This also goes for the Hmoob dub of Vietnam because a Hmoob dawb born and raised in USA and never been exposed to the fact that there are Hmoob (dub) in Vietnam could meet with one for the first time and intelligibly communicate >90%. That is why in my earlier post I intentionally referred to Hmoob dawb and lees as a single group:

...just because they dress or speak similarly that they come from the same mother as Hmoob dawb and lees.

Now, what I'm talking about are the other groups considered to be part of the Miao umbrella term that do not call themselves Hmoob. They may dress or look similar, but they are not the same as Hmoob dawb, lees, and dub. Let's not act as if they are Hmoob but all of a sudden a few centuries ago had a brain fart and forgot who they are. Ethnic and sub-ethnic groups do not just magically forget who they are. And the rate at which we western Hmoob refer to them as being us just because they have similar clothing or culture is disrespectful.

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #7 on: March 10, 2016, 11:20:44 AM »
...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:

Per diehard Ha'Mung-DUH and Ha'Mung-LAME (including some of their elitist wanna-be-leaders' rhetoric), DUH-Ha'Mung-DUH and DUH-Ha'Mung-LAME ha'are  ha'NUTturds duh-UH-ha'ShAME.  Period  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

Ha'aZZ ha'some DUH-Ha'Mung-LAME have claimed (or believe hypothetically) they are the authentic original Ha'Mung and/or are the true ha'aZZcenstral Ha'Mung ha'pEEps-pOSers  ...  kekeke  ...   :idiot2:/ ::)  ...  KEKEKE  ...   :2funny:  (FACT:  This uh-Ha'Mung-LAME farce is pure ha'BuLLzshEEtZzz ...  kekeke  ...   8))

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #8 on: March 13, 2016, 10:11:01 AM »
So are you saying that Hmong Green and Hmong White are different? Aren't we just all Hmong? Again, enough with the confederate mind. We are Miao and all of us are Miao.

I don't think you fully grasp what hung was talking about. But your question about Hmong green and white actually is another example of what was being explained. On top, there is Hmong. Going down, Hmong is divided up into the two groups, Hmong green and white.

So even though Hmong people are Miao, not all Miao people are Hmong.

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #9 on: March 13, 2016, 11:24:15 PM »
Actually, what I'm saying is that Hmoob dawb, dub and lees are the same. Like the example I said earlier, a Hmoob dawb born in the USA and never having been exposed to any other Hmoob lees/dub, would meet with one from any part of the world and intelligibly communicate above 90%. This is not a coincidence. It takes many centuries for a group of people who are the same blood living together closely to develop the same language. Hmoob dawb, lees, and dub are the same. You can't prove me wrong because it is a fact.

The other part of what I'm saying is that the other groups of Miao who do not call themselves Hmoob, have never called themselves Hmoob, are NOT Hmoob. No matter what similarities you see, whether in the clothing, culture, or even a few words here and there, they are not Hmoob and we are not them. They would know who they are and they know for a fact that they are not us.

To make this simple, if you take a five-minute clip of two Hmong dawb/lees persons from the USA having a meal and conversing in Hmoob about their day, and you show this to all groups of Miao in China, if they cannot understand at least 90% what in the world these two Hmoob are speaking about, they are not Hmoob.

This is not about elitism. I have nothing to gain by pointing out the simple, observable fact that not all Miao are Hmoob. This is purely addressing the frustrating phenomenon that the majority of Hmoob USA people, upon seeing any clothing or culture material that looks remotely like ours, without any further investigation, they go "Look! Look! That is Hmoob. They are us!"

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Offline dogmai

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #10 on: March 14, 2016, 04:15:38 AM »'re not excepting the fact that we are just all Hmong.

It's not surprising, but you are not excepting the fact that not Miao are Hmong. The fact that some particular Miao groups themselves don't consider themselves as Hmong.

I accept the facts that's why I said that not every Miao people are Hmong.

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #11 on: March 15, 2016, 01:11:27 PM »
That's because we are still having our confederate problems in the past. San Miao was a good example. And by the way, we are all the same through genetic.

...  kekeke  ...   :2funny: ( :idiot2:/ ::))

Ha'DiSSherz UH-ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'idiotic ha'edumacated ha'nonsense ha'ranted ha'ISSherZzz  ha'FACT
  ...   :idiot2: ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D  Why?  Cause genetically, duh-Ha'HOMO-Ha'Mung and human beings (plus some other mammals such ha'aZZ ha'monkeys, ha' apes, ha'and ha'chimps (including the ha'Sperm-whale, ha'DOPE-phins, ha'DUH-bill-platypOOsEE etc.) are the ha'SHAME ha'genetically ha'aZZsuredly ...  per DUHafturdLIES ha'idiotic ha'edumacated ha'genes ha'datz ha'ISSherZzz  ...  kekeke  ...   ::)

Any serious Hmong (or Miao) scientist, aka historian and/or researcher, of and about Hmong and Miao history, culture, language, customs, and yes -- genetics -- need to seriously stop self-incriminate by lauding that Chi You (aka Txiv Yawg -- which is a FALSE label/name of absolutely NO correlation whatsoever) and the Miao ethnic designation (arguably exclusively in China, merely as a non-Chinese/Han ethnicity of over 55+ unique people) as Hmong/Mong, or their ancestors, or even linage for that matter.  Granted, within the 55 Miao minorities in China, yes, there are four:  AHao, KhoXiong, Hmu, and Hmong who are arguably our brethren -- per scholarly facts.  Not genetic mumbo-jumbo.  But even then, two, and even three of them barely can speak our Western/SEAsian/USA Hmong/Mong language intelligibly.  Ha'DUH!  Now, that is scientific scholarly fact/s that can easily be researched and cited from any/ALL Western and Eastern scholarships worldwide  ...  kekeke  ...   O0  Ha'NUTtards ha'diSSherz ha'edumacated ha'nonsense ha'genetically ha'SHAME ha'crAPPerz ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

Oar chow dow-dow  ...  kekeke  ...   8)

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #12 on: March 15, 2016, 07:20:27 PM »
What is Miao/苗族 translated into English? The answer is Hmong.

...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:

What is DUHafturdLIES translated into ha'Angleesh?  The answer is: uh-DUH-Ha'Mung ha'primtive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'edumacated ha'idiotic Ha'Mung ha'ranting ha'nonsense ha'incessantly Ha'Mungingly ha'CRAPperZzz  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D  ...  ( :idiot2:/ ::))

The label, term, and ethnic nomenclature Hmong and/or Mong (Hmoob/Moob) is arguably a 19th/20th Century inception from SEAsia; whereas Miao (by all known accounts/records per Chinese Antiquity, including Western and Eastern scholarships) IN FACT translates as "barbarians" (or non-Chinese peasants/lowlifes) -- NOT Hmong/Mong period whatsoever.  Only in the Modern Era has the term (Miao) been ignorantly sensationalize d, glorified, and purified (mainly and intentionally to appeal to Western Miao, aka DUH-uh-Ha'Mung -- or Hmong/Mong, and the 55+ Miao Minorities who still reside in China too, of course)  ...  kekeke  ...   O0One can even argue substantially with merit that Miao in China (pre-Modern Era) is the equivalent of the "N" word in America  ...  KEKEKE  ...   :o

Ha'DUH!  Get a ha'fawking ha'clue ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'edumacated ha'ranting ha'idiotic uh-DUH-Ha'Mung, aka DUHafturdLIES  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #13 on: March 15, 2016, 07:37:29 PM »
...  kekeke  ...   :2funny:


Unlike you, and the countless other ha'primitive ha'ignorant ha'clueless ha'idiotic ha'edumacated ha'ranting ha'nonsense uh-DUH-Ha'Mung (here in PH), who believes in hearsay, wives' tales, unfounded fairy tales, and an Uncle who travels to China, mainly for personal/commercial reasons, yet barely can (and/or cannot) speak, read, and write Chinese --  and is most likely ha'edumacated -- some of us actually have been doing Hmong/Miao research for years now (and know ha'CRAPperZzz ha'fromERz ha'FACTs), at least per worldly scholarships that can be easily referenced, cited, and accounted for  ...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

For example, the term, or coinage of Hmong/Mong, is clearly documented within National Geographics right about the height of the Secret War in Laos, in the 1960s (61 if memory is correct), by then a journalist who was researching the war, and Hmong/Mong (who were IN FACT called "Meo", or Miao, throughout Laos/SEAsia and the rest of the world).  As a matter of fact, DrJHamilton's book, "Tragic Mountains" -- the 1st Edition, specifically referred to the Hmong/Mong as "Meo", aka Miao, until Western/USA Hmong confronted her.  She then, upon reprints (or new editions/revisions), replaced "Meo"/"Miao" with Hmong/Mong.  Ha'DUH! Ha'and Ha'FACT/s...  KEKEKE  ...   >:D

Oar chow dow-down  ...  kekeke  ...   8)

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Re: Types of Hmong in China
« Reply #14 on: March 15, 2016, 10:15:40 PM »
苗 族   人 - miao2 zu2 ren2
literal translation:
miao2: sprout
zu2: clan
ren2: man/people

The word "miao" was not created or chosen by any of the 50+ non-Han ethnic groups to designate themselves as such. It is a Han Chinese word and the ethnic groups just rolled with it. It was simply the mainstream Chinese society - the scholars, politicians, professionals, media, etc - that came to an agreement to use that word to designate all ethnic groups that are not Han. Much like how "American Indians" or "Native American" came to be. But we all know there are more groups and sub-groups and sub-sub-groups within the context of "Native American". This is the same concept with Chinese Miao ethnicity.

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