
Author Topic: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...  (Read 7613 times)

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #15 on: July 02, 2016, 12:55:25 PM »
hahahahaha. Oh wait, were you serious?   :2funny:

If you place 100 balls into a jar - colored 70 white, 10 black, 10 brown, 10 yellow - and you mix them all up and randomly pull out 10 balls, you're not going to get exactly 7 whites, 1 black, 1 brown, and 1 yellow. That's just the statistics on paper. In reality, chances are, you're going to get something like 8-9 white balls and 1 of the other most of the times and it wouldn't be uncommon to get all 10 balls to be white because the odds for white balls. If you used your brain and whatever intelligence you have and you looked up Marathon County, according to 2010 and 2015 census, Marathon County is over 90% white, 5% asian, and less than 1% black/Mexican. It would be very common to always have a jury pool made up of nearly all, if not all, white people. But according to you, this is unfair because white people can't be trusted. Because you believe white people are innately racist and unfair. But you won't admit your bias, ignorance, and out-of-touch with reality.

But common sense and logic probably doesn't go well with you. Seeing as how you are throwing the race card (and gay card) around like you are a ref of game 6 of NBA finals, I wouldn't expect anything else out of you other than "Man! They was white! That's why Dylan is guilty!" You sit behind a PC and presume to know all of the evidence and testimonies that were presented to the jurors as if you were there during the trial. None of us were but you speak as if the jury came in to court every morning telling themselves "I'm putting this chink away for life!"

You are the same people who believe Chai Vang is innocent. People like you hold us Hmong people back.

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #16 on: July 02, 2016, 09:03:04 PM »
hahahahaha. Oh wait, were you serious?   :2funny:

Oh wait, you have no response? I wouldn't expect anything more. When people laugh, they've run out of ideas and they're cornered. It's like boxers who get hit hard but they pretend to smile like "That's it?!" because they know they got rocked but don't want to show it.

Hurry up and get your moderator butt pals to erase my posts. That's been happening quite a bit here in 2016 so I'm expecting another round of my post deletions.

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #17 on: July 02, 2016, 09:36:11 PM »
hahahaha.  So you were serious.   :2funny:

It is not worth to rebuttal you because you lacked reading comprehension.  YOU don't understand the situation, and YOU are making all sorts of absurd claims.  It's just too easy to prove you wrong.  But since you want a beat down, here it goes...

1.  Your math is all wrong.  I'd explain why, but if you couldn't get this down, you wouldn't understand the explaination either.  Plus, your math contradicts itself.  Plus, even if we took your math at its value, it doesn't support you.  Re-read what you wrote, "In reality, chances are, you're going to get something like 8-9 white balls and 1 of the other most of the times..."  The jury was all white.  You admit that the chances are that there should have been 1 minority on the jury.  Thus, you admit that I am right.  Why you mad?   :2funny:

2.  So let's look at your other claim, " wouldn't be uncommon to get all 10 balls to be white because the odds for white balls."    The chances of getting all 10 balls (jurors) by chance is possible.  However, you forget that jury selection is not just by chance.  The jury pool is by chance, but the judge and/or attorneys can challenge the selection of the jurors.  This is where the unfairness comes in.  The judge and/or attorneys approved of the jurors before the trial.  Dylan's attorneys should have challenged. 

3.  You wrote, "Because you believe white people are innately racist and unfair..."  Here is where your lack of reading comprehension comes in.  I actually wrote, "For example, the people in that community have been exposed to a certain image of minorities.  When the accusation that Dylan was in a gang was brought up, no one blinked an eye despite the fact that he was not in a gang."  I didn't say they were racist.  The community simply has preconceptions and emotions related to the situation. 

4.  You wrote, "You are the same people who believe Chai Vang is innocent."  Who said he was innocent?  Once again, reading comprehension. 

See how easy it was to rebuttal you?  It's not a challenge. 

Oh wait, you have no response? I wouldn't expect anything more. When people laugh, they've run out of ideas and they're cornered. It's like boxers who get hit hard but they pretend to smile like "That's it?!" because they know they got rocked but don't want to show it.

Hurry up and get your moderator butt pals to erase my posts. That's been happening quite a bit here in 2016 so I'm expecting another round of my post deletions.

« Last Edit: July 02, 2016, 09:42:22 PM by bulbasaur »

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #18 on: July 06, 2016, 12:37:18 PM »
...However, you forget that jury selection is not just by chance.  The jury pool is by chance, but the judge and/or attorneys can challenge the selection of the jurors.  This is where the unfairness comes in.  The judge and/or attorneys approved of the jurors before the trial.  Dylan's attorneys should have challenged.

The district attorneys and the defendant's attorney(s) cannot challenge the selection of jurors like it's a board game. Both sides can question the jurors of usually about 30-40 people before the final 12 (actually in Ramsey County, MN, 13 total, just in case someone gets ill or can't continue) are paneled.

The sides choose jurors like it's a pick-up basketball game. After public questioning, both sides submit their lists to the judge and they have their equal turn at selecting jurors. The actual juror selection challenging is limited and has to be approved by the judge. Attorney's cannot start asking for a new turn or whine like it's a game of Monopoly. In fact, challenges don't happen all that often because in the world of judicial law, challenging another attorney's selection is like telling your co-worker how to do their job - it had better be a damn good reason or every attorney in the county will despise you.

The only times attorneys really challenge juror selection is like, for example, defendant side questions a juror about his family history and knows that his family has been arrested a lot and hates cops, and they choose him. Then the prosecution side could challenge to the judge that defendant attorneys are selecting that jury because he/she has a bias towards law enforcement. But here's the thing: attorneys and judges aren't stupid. If they see anyone talking dumb, even if that person will help their case, they won't touch them.

I think you watch these law movies about racism and you believes that's how real-life court is. You're convinced that Jasper, Earl, Trevor, Bobby Jo, Buddy Lee, Harley, and Gator, all cousins and brothers at the same time, are coming to a jury bench near you today. Get to reality, dude. We all know everyone has bias but this isn't 1800s railroad building times anymore.

Your thinking is flawed because if you believe that the prosecution side will choose 6 jurors who hate non-whites, then wouldn't you also believe that the defendant side will nullify that by selecting 6 immigrant-loving, Christian-hating, America-hating liberal yuppies? Mind you, this is just for example. As I have said, attorneys and judges aren't dumb and will not allow a court room to turn into race wars made for television.

You only see one side. You are truly bias. You only see the prosecution side as the evil side and that they are bending the laws in order to have 12 jurors on their side.

« Last Edit: July 06, 2016, 12:44:24 PM by HUNG TU LO »

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #19 on: July 06, 2016, 04:15:43 PM »
hahahaah.  Stick your gay hating.  You are better off with your blind hatred than trying to make a comprehensive point. 

The district attorneys and the defendant's attorney(s) cannot challenge the selection of jurors like it's a board game. Both sides can question the jurors of usually about 30-40 people before the final 12 (actually in Ramsey County, MN, 13 total, just in case someone gets ill or can't continue) are paneled.

The sides choose jurors like it's a pick-up basketball game. After public questioning, both sides submit their lists to the judge and they have their equal turn at selecting jurors. The actual juror selection challenging is limited and has to be approved by the judge. Attorney's cannot start asking for a new turn or whine like it's a game of Monopoly. In fact, challenges don't happen all that often because in the world of judicial law, challenging another attorney's selection is like telling your co-worker how to do their job - it had better be a damn good reason or every attorney in the county will despise you.

The only times attorneys really challenge juror selection is like, for example, defendant side questions a juror about his family history and knows that his family has been arrested a lot and hates cops, and they choose him. Then the prosecution side could challenge to the judge that defendant attorneys are selecting that jury because he/she has a bias towards law enforcement. But here's the thing: attorneys and judges aren't stupid. If they see anyone talking dumb, even if that person will help their case, they won't touch them.

I think you watch these law movies about racism and you believes that's how real-life court is. You're convinced that Jasper, Earl, Trevor, Bobby Jo, Buddy Lee, Harley, and Gator, all cousins and brothers at the same time, are coming to a jury bench near you today. Get to reality, dude. We all know everyone has bias but this isn't 1800s railroad building times anymore.

Your thinking is flawed because if you believe that the prosecution side will choose 6 jurors who hate non-whites, then wouldn't you also believe that the defendant side will nullify that by selecting 6 immigrant-loving, Christian-hating, America-hating liberal yuppies? Mind you, this is just for example. As I have said, attorneys and judges aren't dumb and will not allow a court room to turn into race wars made for television.

You only see one side. You are truly bias. You only see the prosecution side as the evil side and that they are bending the laws in order to have 12 jurors on their side.

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #20 on: July 06, 2016, 04:37:18 PM »
hahahaah.  Stick your gay hating.  You are better off with your blind hatred than trying to make a comprehensive point.

You know I'm right. That's why you've got nothing else to say but "go away". I'm sure you'll get your good buddy moderators to silence me again.

I've been part of the jury panel for a 2nd degree murder case. Everything that I have stated about the selection process has come out of the mouths of the attorneys, judges, and jury officials. I don't make stuff up like you do, trying to make it as if the judge lets the prosecuting DA's choose all 12 jury panel while the defense attorney sit there scratching their heads like some fake dramatic Hollywood law movie. Maybe if you stopped living in your mom's basement and get a driver's license, you might get put into a jury duty lottery and you can see for yourself how the jury selection process goes. But you probably won't get selected because unless you are a serial liar born with the ability to be able to look into people's eye and tell them a lie, they will probe you in front of your peer jurors and the judge and you'll eventually let it be known that you think Chai Vang is your hero.

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #21 on: July 06, 2016, 05:00:57 PM »
*yawns*  Tearing apart your "argument" is no fun.  Your argument is incomplete and incompetent.  For goodness sake, it even contradicts itself.  There is no reason to take it seriously. 

You know I'm right. That's why you've got nothing else to say but "go away". I'm sure you'll get your good buddy moderators to silence me again.

I've been part of the jury panel for a 2nd degree murder case. Everything that I have stated about the selection process has come out of the mouths of the attorneys, judges, and jury officials. I don't make stuff up like you do, trying to make it as if the judge lets the prosecuting DA's choose all 12 jury panel while the defense attorney sit there scratching their heads like some fake dramatic Hollywood law movie. Maybe if you stopped living in your mom's basement and get a driver's license, you might get put into a jury duty lottery and you can see for yourself how the jury selection process goes. But you probably won't get selected because unless you are a serial liar born with the ability to be able to look into people's eye and tell them a lie, they will probe you in front of your peer jurors and the judge and you'll eventually let it be known that you think Chai Vang is your hero.

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #22 on: August 09, 2016, 10:00:40 PM »
And now this...

Why do they keep referring to it as "gang."  This is a case of bullying. Also, it's not really clear why the guy is being suspended.  Odd.  However, there is apparently a re-vote.  Of course, why was it even an issue to begin with? 

All of this, and it still won't help Dylan.  September is around the corner. 

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Re: Breaking down the Dylan Yang case...
« Reply #23 on: August 28, 2016, 11:28:17 PM »
So his first lawyer is being investigated, and his sentencing got pushed back.  His new team needs to push hard on this.  His only chance is to get a mistrial/re-trial.  Dylan needs someone who isn't in on the lawyer bro-code.  Or, people need to convince his first lawyer to give a public statement of incompetence or conflict of interest.  It looks like he is going to lose his license anyways, so someone should convince him to help Dylan while he can.  Where are those Hmong leaders when you need them?

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