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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Great Responses From Conservatives
« on: November 20, 2017, 03:03:30 AM »
Only knowledge of history and civics can overcome these differences. It would also help if people would cease trying to replace what works with what sounds good. Most of this is based in reasoning driven by emotions and feelings rather than reality. It has been said that we can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality. UNfortunately, reality doesn't hurt nearly bad enough or soon enough. Some people are more grounded in reality and learn to work with it rather than against it, while others view reality with disdain and strive their whole lives against it, like poor Sisyphus...

Another problem is communicating effectively with each other. Words have definitions, denotations and connotations, and their meanings often become distorted, twisted, even reversed over time. Our language is a mess, but all language depends on words, and the more words you know the better you can communicate, but we must all agree on the definitions of those words else we're just babbling at each other. Words like "conservative and liberal" have been so terribly abused they no longer resemble their original meanings.

For example, "Liberal" as in contemporary American Liberalism does not mean what people think it means. In fact, it's just the opposite. Classical Liberalism, as in Jeffersonian Liberalism, has a valid historic context we can use to educate today's Progressive Liberal Democrats who naively embrace Leftist ideologies better known as socialist, fascist, communist (regardless of any nuanced adjectives they may employ). Of course, the same people who use "liberal" incorrectly also believe fascism & communism are right-wing ideologies, which is just nuts... That's but one more hurdle to overcome with those determined to retain their error. (btw, America is not a damned Democracy, either.)

There is NOTHING "progressive" about any part of the failed 19th century political ideologies called Socialism, yet that is exactly what today's Progressives demand. They are either uninformed or intentionally misleading, ie: ignorant or liars. Lest anyone wish to decry that so-called Democratic Socialism isn't the "old socialism" (those that committed democide, killing over a quarter million of their own people), I refer you to the words of Vladimr Lenin:

"The goal of socialism is communism." --Vladimir Lenin
Note that Vlad didn't obfuscate the issue with any nuanced adjectives.

Also, only socialism and it's variants facilitate democide. Only Socialists have successfully exterminated over 260 million of their own people, only socialists want to.

Even if we eliminated all these political words and labels today, new ones would be invented to take their place tomorrow, because the thoughts, agendas and idologies persist.

The problem with language arises when the meaning of a word or label is changed, obfuscated or mutated, because it causes communications to fail, resulting in talking past each other. To ensure correct communications we must first agree on the meanings of the words we all use and adhere to those definitions, rather than mold them on the fly to serve some underlying agenda. Unfortunately, history suggests this is unlikely to ever change...

"When words lose their meaning, people lose their liberty/freedom/lives." —Confucius
(The last word has been translated to all three options.)

Regardless of the labels we use to describe ourselves and each other, people need to grasp that government is not a charity and spending other people's money is not philanthropy. It sure is fun, but it is also theft; Frederic Bastiat called it plunder:

"When a portion of wealth is transferred from the person who owns it -- without his consent and without compensation, and whether by force or by fraud -- to anyone who does not own it, then I say that property is violated; that an act of plunder is committed...

"How is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen himself cannot do without committing a crime..."
—Frédéric Bastiat, The Law, (1801-1850)

I know, more of that pesky reality and annoying history...

Give Think a chance.

The BuddyLama

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Great Responses From Conservatives
« Reply #1 on: November 20, 2017, 03:04:49 AM »
The difference between liberal and conservative thinking is very simple.
Conservative thinking is a result of proper analysis of three things:
1. Causation
2. correlation
3. unintended consequences

If you just talk about free college, that sounds great, and people will tend to think in a liberal fashion. But then when you consider that the free college results in higher, progressive taxation, which removes the incentive for students to excel in technical fields since most of their high earnings will be swept away in taxes, you have a dramatic decrease in the amount of STEM-oriented people in the population. Thus, future STEM occupations will have to be imported or outsourced, and over time, the society will lose relevancy, and self-sustainability.

Everything has a cause an effect. The further beyond the surface you can ponder these things, the more conservative your thinking will be. The more shallow and emotion-oriented the mental activity, then the more liberal or "progressive" a person's thinking will be.

Shallowness or depth of understanding and thinking in these three areas are the only things that separate conservative from liberal thinkers.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Great Responses From Conservatives
« Reply #2 on: December 11, 2017, 11:40:31 AM »
The difference between liberal and conservative thinking is very simple.
Conservative thinking is a result of proper analysis of three things:
1. Causation
2. correlation
3. unintended consequences

  Proper analysis eh.. Let's apply it to what Trump says about Flynn.

1. Causation: Trump's claim that Flynn lying to the Feds was a caused by Hillary lying to the Feds.
2. Correlation: Trump claims that there's a negative correlation since Hillary didn't get dinged for lying while Flynn did.
3. uninteded consequences:  Flynn got in trouble for lying.

therefor it was Hillary's fault that Flynn got into trouble..

 ;D  :2funny: :2funny: ;D

Don't take my word for it, listen to Trump himself saying that here:

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