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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #1 on: September 25, 2018, 08:32:06 PM »
There's no rapture for the Christians while living. The procedure will be like this: after death, they go to hell and Jesus will break them into two groups, left and right. The left (goats) fall into the ditch of burning furnace and the right (sheep) will rise with the angels of heaven.

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2019, 02:45:44 PM »
There will be a rapture as it is written the New Testament. After the rapture, I know why war broke out against Christians is because all of their missing ones have gone to Heaven. How would you feel if God takes your kid, your love ones, or your best friend/friends to Heaven--not to kill them--but to take them like how He did to Elijah. How many will rebel this act if you come to think of it? Do you like when someone takes your child without your consent to a better place? The persecution will begin since the police wouldn't be the police anymore, but in fact, they will become soldiers for man, killing all Christians to their very dark hearts. Thousands will see God at the right hand because they are pissed off for seeing the Almighty from their naked eye (take pharaoh for example, who sees God's miracles and rejects them because he can). There's a difference between a man who knows God but rejects His existence and creation vs. a man who doesn't know God, but doesn't know what he/she is doing. This is worst than Judas Iscariot. This is just as worst as the tribes of Cain who knows God, but hates Him because of His presence.

God wants man to be at His side because He loves us and loves you. No one is greater than God himself.

Jesus didn't go through like that when he died on the cross. lol

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #3 on: August 02, 2019, 11:20:47 PM »
I was talking about man's problem, not God.

What was men's problem from the very start?

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2019, 04:14:39 AM »
Disobedient and we lost immortality.

But we gain our freedom and morality.  I would say that is more important, valuable, precious etc, than being an obedient robot slave in a prison. Going with genesis, that would make the serpent a freedom fighter and also humanity's savior.

BTW,  it wasn't Adam and Eve's fault and shouldn't be blamed. Since god didn't give them the knowledge of right from wrong, what the serpent told them what and they did was part of their natural, god-created nature. And since god lied to them, technically they weren't disobedient and in fact did obey god. Since they didn't die, they never ate from the tree that was supposed to kill them. And there's a misconception that many Christians have about Adam and eve being immortality and lost it after eating the fruit. Go read the bible again. There's a verse (s) that explains why they were always mortals to begin with.

I give you a clue. It's in genesis. And look for the forbidden tree.

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2019, 07:15:13 AM »
If God took away the freedom of evil, it's not dictatorship. It's forcing the peace. Imagine everyone was force to love each other in a world of unicorns and rainbows like that of the movie in Wizard of Oz. Everyone is nice to each other in a place of beauty and not a single ounce of evil lies in it.

That movie was staged and scripted by the director, not going accordingly to God's plan. lol

« Last Edit: August 20, 2019, 07:18:17 AM by Visualmon »

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #6 on: August 20, 2019, 09:34:40 AM »
But we gain our freedom and morality.  I would say that is more important, valuable, precious etc, than being an obedient robot slave in a prison. Going with genesis, that would make the serpent a freedom fighter and also humanity's savior.

BTW,  it wasn't Adam and Eve's fault and shouldn't be blamed. Since god didn't give them the knowledge of right from wrong, what the serpent told them what and they did was part of their natural, god-created nature. And since god lied to them, technically they weren't disobedient and in fact did obey god. Since they didn't die, they never ate from the tree that was supposed to kill them. And there's a misconception that many Christians have about Adam and eve being immortality and lost it after eating the fruit. Go read the bible again. There's a verse (s) that explains why they were always mortals to begin with.

I give you a clue. It's in genesis. And look for the forbidden tree.

This bloke here is a non believer but raises some good questions.  I had some deep theology studying into this garden of eden and while what I say may not be adequate but it sure looks good on paper though so hear me out.   :2funny:

Adam and eve before the fall and while living in this garden is mortal, meaning that they can die.  There also existing in the garden is also the tree of life.  This is the tree that every Christians are reaching out for.  The tree of immortality.  While the bible does not clearly states the nature of adam and eve before the fall, we must dig elsewhere in the bible to see more clues.  Jesus Christ is said to be the second adam or a type of adam.  Jesus christ was born to be said of a virgin birth so he's special and different and by different, I say that he does not processes this so called "sins of the father" kind of a thing.  I mean he has to cuz he is supposed to be a god right?  It only makes sense if he is the type of adam that did not eat from that tree.  We are the adam and eve that ate from that tree. 

Now what did Jesus Christ do or did?  He lived, he died and was resurrected to be an immortal.  Now to be an immortal, he must of had died and resurrected and was given an opportunity to eat from this tree of life.  The Adam (part 2) finally was given the opportunity to eat from the tree of life.  He is the first to set the pace for all that believes in him so we too may die, get resurrected and be given the opportunity to eat from this tree of life that adam and eve did not eat from. 

Jesus physical body is dead but his soul lives on forever.  Eating from the tree of life will give you eternal mortality of the soul. 

So by gathering all these clues, adam and even "could" possible be living in this garden of eden and die and reborn again and die and reborn again.  Their physical self keeps on dying cuz they are not born immortals.  With the help of god, thus is possible of course.  They are allowed to eat from every tree in the garden, including the tree of life but they have not gotten to it yet.  They ate from the forbidden tree, god kicked them out to prevent them from eating from the tree of life. 

Here is my deduction to why I think they were able to die and reborn again in that garden.  God says, if you eat from that forbidden tree, you will die.  The serpent told eve, no way jose, if you eat from it, you will not die.  Now if someone tells you something you do not know, wouldn't you question them?  I mean die or death, what is it?  The bible did not show us that adam or eve be asking god or the serpent to what death is and that is my deduction that they know what death is because they have lived, died and reborn in the physical form again and again in the garden, before the fall.   Ta da..  Makes a good story eh?   :2funny:


« Last Edit: August 22, 2019, 03:01:00 AM by DuMa »

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #7 on: August 21, 2019, 12:16:40 AM »
Disobedient and we lost immortality.

Are you sure you read the Book of Genesis correctly? I'm not sure I remember that the parts where our ancestors have lost immortality and disobey God. I remember God did made Adam first from the ground then duplicate his flesh into Eve. Earth was a dead thing (all organic things pass away). God did forewarn Adam and Eve not to eat the tree of knowledge which is known as "tree of mutiny". Knowing too much means being too darn stubborn. This was Satan's plan all along to use that opportunity to lure Adam and Eve and have them betray the father and serve him instead (the fallen angels and beautiful mortal women came afterward so it's Satan's perfect plan). The result became too obvious that God kicked Adam and Eve out because they chose Satan, not God. Remember the new testament, Jesus said you cannot serve both masters, you love the one and hate the other. Eve's and Adam's mind was not in sync with God, but Satan. Did Adam and Eve live long? Nope! Why? They're not in sync with God (he gives life), not because of Garden of Eden.


Matthew 22:23-32
23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #8 on: August 21, 2019, 03:18:23 AM »
Are you sure you read the Book of Genesis correctly? I'm not sure I remember that the parts where our ancestors have lost immortality and disobey God. I remember God did made Adam first from the ground then duplicate his flesh into Eve. Earth was a dead thing (all organic things pass away). God did forewarn Adam and Eve not to eat the tree of knowledge which is known as "tree of mutiny". Knowing too much means being too darn stubborn. This was Satan's plan all along to use that opportunity to lure Adam and Eve and have them betray the father and serve him instead (the fallen angels and beautiful mortal women came afterward so it's Satan's perfect plan). The result became too obvious that God kicked Adam and Eve out because they chose Satan, not God. Remember the new testament, Jesus said you cannot serve both masters, you love the one and hate the other. Eve's and Adam's mind was not in sync with God, but Satan. Did Adam and Eve live long? Nope! Why? They're not in sync with God (he gives life), not because of Garden of Eden.


Matthew 22:23-32
23 The same day came to him the Sadducees, which say that there is no resurrection, and asked him,
24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.
25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:
26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.
27 And last of all the woman died also.
28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.
29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.
30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.
31 But as touching the resurrection of the dead, have ye not read that which was spoken unto you by God, saying,
32 I am the God of Abraham, and the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob? God is not the God of the dead, but of the living.

I'm not sure if any of us have read genesis correctly.  Even I   :2funny:

The notion of immortality by adam and eve is just a suggestion that they were made to live and not to die.  God made adam in his own image.  He even said it in genesis that the man is now like one of us however, adam, to become a true god will have to eat from the tree of life.  He was instructed by god to eat every tree in the garden except for the tree of knowledge for that, he will surely die.  It is only after they have disobeyed god and ate from the tree of knowledge that their physical body have changed.  It is also said that the wages of sin is death and after eaten from the tree of knowledge, death comes into the world.  His first son cain was the first murderer. 

After he have sinned, to have him to also eat from the tree of life would be a disaster.  You are talking about a god who have sinned and the story ends there.  So therefore, to prevent this, god kicked them both out of the garden. 

Adam did lived a long life.  He sure did died but he was 930 when he died.  Genesis 5:5 Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died.

What is interesting to me is the total number of offsprings by adam and eve.  God did told them to go forth and multiply so at least they were to obey god that way however, in the chronology of Jesus Christ, we only see the linage coming from only 2 figures (considering that abel was murdered so his line ends there).  You can see the linage here by scrolling down. Plus linage is from the males only.

If cain was the first murderer, all those that came after him were all wicked and corrupted.  The line coming from seth, which is supposed to be a replacement for abel is the line of righteous which gave birth to Noah as in Noah's ark.  The flood of noah's ark killed off all the linage from the cain's line so noah then is considered as the forefather of humanity. 

Too deep and meaningful and there is more but I'm not here to force anything down anybody's throat.  Just sharing on an academic level.   O0

« Last Edit: August 21, 2019, 03:20:45 AM by DuMa »

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #9 on: August 21, 2019, 07:31:26 PM »
I'm not sure if any of us have read genesis correctly.  Even I   :2funny:

The notion of immortality by adam and eve is just a suggestion that they were made to live and not to die.  God made adam in his own image.  He even said it in genesis that the man is now like one of us however, adam, to become a true god will have to eat from the tree of life.  He was instructed by god to eat every tree in the garden except for the tree of knowledge for that, he will surely die.  It is only after they have disobeyed god and ate from the tree of knowledge that their physical body have changed.  It is also said that the wages of sin is death and after eaten from the tree of knowledge, death comes into the world.  His first son cain was the first murderer. 

After he have sinned, to have him to also eat from the tree of life would be a disaster.  You are talking about a god who have sinned and the story ends there.  So therefore, to prevent this, god kicked them both out of the garden. 

Adam did lived a long life.  He sure did died but he was 930 when he died.  Genesis 5:5 Thus all the days that Adam lived were 930 years, and he died.

What is interesting to me is the total number of offsprings by adam and eve.  God did told them to go forth and multiply so at least they were to obey god that way however, in the chronology of Jesus Christ, we only see the linage coming from only 2 figures (considering that abel was murdered so his line ends there).  You can see the linage here by scrolling down. Plus linage is from the males only.

If cain was the first murderer, all those that came after him were all wicked and corrupted.  The line coming from seth, which is supposed to be a replacement for abel is the line of righteous which gave birth to Noah as in Noah's ark.  The flood of noah's ark killed off all the linage from the cain's line so noah then is considered as the forefather of humanity. 

Too deep and meaningful and there is more but I'm not here to force anything down anybody's throat.  Just sharing on an academic level.   O0

Who's we? You mean "you" aka full fledge Christian, haven't read Genesis correctly. LOL Seem like you're no different than Jehovah Witness. Your theories are much similar to theirs. JW always use theories to back up their own conclusions of what the bible teach since they haven't met Jesus or Satan in real life yet they kept on sinning and sinning 24/7.

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #10 on: August 22, 2019, 02:54:28 AM »
Who's we? You mean "you" aka full fledge Christian, haven't read Genesis correctly. LOL Seem like you're no different than Jehovah Witness. Your theories are much similar to theirs. JW always use theories to back up their own conclusions of what the bible teach since they haven't met Jesus or Satan in real life yet they kept on sinning and sinning 24/7.

You will get offended if I just use "you" instead of "we"  and here, let me break it down for you to see.  I will quote what you say and I will correct what you say. 

I remember God did made Adam first from the ground then duplicate his flesh into Eve.

The ground is dirt.  You are wrong.  Adam was made from dust.  Genesis 2:7  Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  Learn the different between dust and dirt here   :2funny:

and a big absolutely no, eve is not a duplicate of adam.  She was made from his rib.  Rib is a bone, not flesh.  Genesis 2:22  Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Earth was a dead thing (all organic things pass away)

So tell us again, did the tree of knowledge and the tree of life die?  When did those trees die? 

The result became too obvious that God kicked Adam and Eve out because they chose Satan, not God

You are definitely off here.  It is not a story of choosing sides.  They were banished for disobeying god and to prevent them from eating from the tree of life.  They were not banished because they chose Satan as you said.    Genesis 3:22-23 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

Now ask yourself again, have you read genesis correctly or do you want me to run it by you again?   :2funny:

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #11 on: August 22, 2019, 06:20:48 PM »
You will get offended if I just use "you" instead of "we"  and here, let me break it down for you to see.  I will quote what you say and I will correct what you say. 

The ground is dirt.  You are wrong.  Adam was made from dust.  Genesis 2:7  Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  Learn the different between dust and dirt here   :2funny:

and a big absolutely no, eve is not a duplicate of adam.  She was made from his rib.  Rib is a bone, not flesh.  Genesis 2:22  Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

So tell us again, did the tree of knowledge and the tree of life die?  When did those trees die? 

You are definitely off here.  It is not a story of choosing sides.  They were banished for disobeying god and to prevent them from eating from the tree of life.  They were not banished because they chose Satan as you said.    Genesis 3:22-23 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

Now ask yourself again, have you read genesis correctly or do you want me to run it by you again?   :2funny:

Get the load of this guy.  :2funny:  Like I said you and them use theology to explain the bible verses other than getting the sources that gifted from the spirits.  All the clarifications you tried to correct my quotes are very generic that are easily for any novice to observe and read. Even a kid can read and quote, but doesn't really understand the meaning behind the verse.

Ok, here's the funniest and contradicted part of the series:

I quoted that Adam made from ground. Right? RIIIGGGHHHT!!! ;)


Duma quoted:

The ground is dirt.  You are wrong.  Adam was made from dust.  Genesis 2:7  Then the LORD God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  Learn the different between dust and dirt here 

Do you see you wrote "from the dust of the ground"? Oh yeahhh... the preposition "OF" run together with the noun "THE GROUND". Ohhhh don't tell me you gonna pretend you didn't noticed. Busted! Am I right all along? Oh shit too funny :2funny:

and a big absolutely no, eve is not a duplicate of adam.  She was made from his rib.  Rib is a bone, not flesh.  Genesis 2:22  Then the LORD God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man.

Again Duma wrote "and a big absolutely no, eve is not a duplicate of adam.  She was made from his rib.  Rib is a bone, not flesh"
The preposition "FROM" run together with the object "HIS RIB" actually hummm.... same thing as one flesh was duplicated from the original flesh. Both flesh and bone made of tiny cells consist of micro DNA. Yes flesh is muscles + tissues while bone is calcium but the bone contains DNA as well. You're telling me a male child born from the mother will not look like his mother even both of their DNA are different. Come on man.  ;D ;D

So tell us again, did the tree of knowledge and the tree of life die?  When did those trees die? 

Did you know the metaphor of the heaven, earth, and hell? I don't think you do  ::) 8)
Heaven = barn
Earth = field
hell = oven

When I said everything on earth will pass away, it means when we die depending the result of our consequence of our actions will determine the direction where we will go to. We ain't gonna last forever on earth. <----- sidenote

Tree of knowledge and tree of life do die. Guess who made them? God ofc duhhh Do you think tree of knowledge and tree of life grow by itself. Oh hell naw Good try, Duma, but your theory lacks backbone.  ;D ;D

You are definitely off here.  It is not a story of choosing sides.  They were banished for disobeying god and to prevent them from eating from the tree of life.  They were not banished because they chose Satan as you said.    Genesis 3:22-23 And the LORD God said, "The man has now become like one of us, knowing good and evil. He must not be allowed to reach out his hand and take also from the tree of life and eat, and live forever. So the LORD God banished him from the Garden of Eden to work the ground from which he had been taken.

Now ask yourself again, have you read genesis correctly or do you want me to run it by you again?   :2funny:

Naw, I ain't off base here. The reasons why quote verses from the bible, (1) is because I use this analogy to explain OP's original post to y'all. (2) The bible itself is not a holy scripture, but plagiarized testimonies that was created by loony Roman scholars. They cherry picked the verses out of the journals that Jesus's disciples wrote. Some parts were made up (fictional) and some parts were real especially using to scare and manipulate sinners and innocents after the fall of Roman empire.

The book is nothing more than a verbatim of short misleading narrative truths. E.g. long/short verses, but no evidences and no illogical reasons to back up. Tell you what, rookie... the spirits (angels) has more answers than the bible tells.   :)

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #12 on: August 22, 2019, 09:00:30 PM »

Get the load of this guy.  :2funny:  Like I said you and them use theology to explain the bible verses other than getting the sources that gifted from the spirits.  All the clarifications you tried to correct my quotes are very generic that are easily for any novice to observe and read. Even a kid can read and quote, but doesn't really understand the meaning behind the verse.

Ok, here's the funniest and contradicted part of the series:

I quoted that Adam made from ground. Right? RIIIGGGHHHT!!! ;)


Duma quoted:

Do you see you wrote "from the dust of the ground"? Oh yeahhh... the preposition "OF" run together with the noun "THE GROUND". Ohhhh don't tell me you gonna pretend you didn't noticed. Busted! Am I right all along? Oh shit too funny :2funny:

Again Duma wrote "and a big absolutely no, eve is not a duplicate of adam.  She was made from his rib.  Rib is a bone, not flesh"
The preposition "FROM" run together with the object "HIS RIB" actually hummm.... same thing as one flesh was duplicated from the original flesh. Both flesh and bone made of tiny cells consist of micro DNA. Yes flesh is muscles + tissues while bone is calcium but the bone contains DNA as well. You're telling me a male child born from the mother will not look like his mother even both of their DNA are different. Come on man.  ;D ;D

Did you know the metaphor of the heaven, earth, and hell? I don't think you do  ::) 8)
Heaven = barn
Earth = field
hell = oven

When I said everything on earth will pass away, it means when we die depending the result of our consequence of our actions will determine the direction where we will go to. We ain't gonna last forever on earth. <----- sidenote

Tree of knowledge and tree of life do die. Guess who made them? God ofc duhhh Do you think tree of knowledge and tree of life grow by itself. Oh hell naw Good try, Duma, but your theory lacks backbone.  ;D ;D

Naw, I ain't off base here. The reasons why quote verses from the bible, (1) is because I use this analogy to explain OP's original post to y'all. (2) The bible itself is not a holy scripture, but plagiarized testimonies that was created by loony Roman scholars. They cherry picked the verses out of the journals that Jesus's disciples wrote. Some parts were made up (fictional) and some parts were real especially using to scare and manipulate sinners and innocents after the fall of Roman empire.

The book is nothing more than a verbatim of short misleading narrative truths. E.g. long/short verses, but no evidences and no illogical reasons to back up. Tell you what, rookie... the spirits (angels) has more answers than the bible tells.   :)

First off, you can't preach if you can't get your chit right.

Now tell us again, is your dirt from the moon is the same dirt we have here on Earth?

The ground has a lot of other chit in it so which chit made your Adam?

A duplication is a mirror image of the original.  Show us where in the Bible does it talk about Eve as being an Adam from this duplication that you say?  Oh right, Eve breaths the same air as Adam so that's what makes her a duplicate? 

Now show us in the Bible where it tells the story of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge can age, die or decay?

I uses scripture to back up the Bible story.  How about you?  If you don't know, just ask a believer.  If we don't know then just say we instead of you don't know.   :2funny:

The other chit from you about heaven and hell, I no care.  Irrelevant to what we were trying to discuss here. 

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #13 on: September 20, 2019, 02:11:02 AM »
Now show us in the Bible where it tells the story of the tree of life and the tree of knowledge can age, die or decay?

Now tell me the whole story from each verses. No other real information tell about them afterward. Like I said they're verbatim.  The book is a like a robot retelling same old lines from A to B then A to B in endless loop.  :2funny:

I uses scripture to back up the Bible story.  How about you?  If you don't know, just ask a believer.  If we don't know then just say we instead of you don't know.   :2funny:

You haven't explain anything good. All you did just quote and repeat what the bible verse say. 
I did ask Jehovah Witness and the Mormons. Do you know what they do? Yeah they react the same way as you do, got pissed and offended every time I mentioned "Jesus says this part, Jesus says that part" nada nada.  :2funny:

The other chit from you about heaven and hell, I no care.  Irrelevant to what we were trying to discuss here.

Why you contradicting yourself again and again?  :2funny:
Didn't Jesus mentioned this parable about kingdom of heaven is like .... blah blah in the book of Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John. Oh it's relevant alright.  ;D ;D

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Re: The Wedding of God and the covenant
« Reply #14 on: September 23, 2019, 07:23:43 PM »
Now tell me the whole story from each verses. No other real information tell about them afterward. Like I said they're verbatim.  The book is a like a robot retelling same old lines from A to B then A to B in endless loop.

if there is no real information then why you making it up?   :2funny:

You haven't explain anything good. All you did just quote and repeat what the bible verse say.
I did ask Jehovah Witness and the Mormons. Do you know what they do? Yeah they react the same way as you do, got pissed and offended every time I mentioned "Jesus says this part, Jesus says that part" nada nada.

You asked the wrong goonies.  I don't speak on behalf of anybody else.  Maybe you should stop speak on behalf of other people?   :2funny

Why you contradicting yourself again and again?  :2funny:
Didn't Jesus mentioned this parable about kingdom of heaven is like .... blah blah in the book of Luke, Mark, Matthew, and John. Oh it's relevant alright.

What jesus mentioned is not what we are talking about here.  Stick with the program or better ask someone else

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