
Author Topic: Right Action vs Judgement  (Read 4635 times)

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Right Action vs Judgement
« on: October 04, 2018, 06:31:01 PM »
We live in a society where a mob of people sit and wait for when someone screws up and they pile on that you ducked up royally and should be punished heavily for ducking up.  Although I agree with holding someone accountable for their actions I believe that RIGHT ACTIONS of individuals are worth far more than JUDGING OTHER'S WRONG ACTION.  We live in a society that leans on judging the wrong action and lean less on doing the right action, and this has to change.

What are right actions?  Right actions are doing the right thing based on sound reasoning, moral and ethics.  Right actions are teaching people how to act correctly within society.  Right actions are empowering people to do the right things.

What are not right actions (wrong action)?  Wrong actions are judging.  Why is this judging with no right action a wrong action?  A society only improves when more right actions are done and there are less wrong actions.  Talking about right actions are not action.  Teaching right action is the right action.  How else can you educate, nurture proper right actionable behavior in society?  We can talk about the right action for eternity and if no one practices the right action and only talk about right action, what's the value in society?  Nothing.  More importantly, it is especially important to discern those who talk about right action and then don't do right action.  These people are HYPOCRITES!  Take for example the people of HOLLYWOOD.  Hollywood celebrity will give lip service about woman's right only to take profit from selling women sexuality to men!  MEDIA will talk about crimes against the common man but don't mind profiting from violent media, and movies that promote and propel violent behavior in society.  Unless our society shifts away from judging the wrong action and talking about the right action in a society where we continually conduct more right actions than wrong actions, our society will never shift.  We will continue to decline in innovation, in freedom, in expression, in prosperity, and pretty much all categories.

Edmund Burke said, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Such is the society we live in today; far too many wrong action people are in control and far too many right action people do not have the courage to speak up.

« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 11:45:56 PM by w1s3m0n »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2018, 04:49:10 AM »
Which is exactly why Conservatives, Libertarians and any person who still has dignity and sanity should step up and take action against the Democratic Party leaders who are set out to destroy this country.

Even after a FAIR HEARING, the Dems and their legions of morally bankrupt followers are still out to get Brett Kavanaugh.

They made allegations against him and the people has heard both sides of the story. There is not enough to convict Kavanaugh nor to prevent him from sitting in the supreme court. The Dems are blood thirsty and out to destroy any nominee - Chuck Schumer admitted to this.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #2 on: October 06, 2018, 12:04:54 PM »
Which is exactly why Conservatives, Libertarians and any person who still has dignity and sanity should step up and take action against the Democratic Party leaders who are set out to destroy this country.

Even after a FAIR HEARING, the Dems and their legions of morally bankrupt followers are still out to get Brett Kavanaugh.

They made allegations against him and the people has heard both sides of the story. There is not enough to convict Kavanaugh nor to prevent him from sitting in the supreme court. The Dems are blood thirsty and out to destroy any nominee - Chuck Schumer admitted to this.


I've been listening to leaders speak, and far too often their language reminds of the work of Makaveli and Sun Tzu or some variation of it.  Even today the modeling systems for creating transformation such as Kotter's 8 steps change model is very militaristic in its fundamental methodology for change.

Kotter 8 Steps for Change
1. Create a sense of urgency
2. Create a guiding coalition
3. Create a vision for change
4. Communicate the vision
5. Remove obstacles
6. Create short-term wins
7. Consolidate improvements
8. Anchor the changes

As a student of change and transformation, I've been thinking, how much lost in principles must I sacrifice to achieve my aim?  Should I burn everything in my way to obtain my version of reality?  If so, isn't this just another form of control versus improvement?  Take Kotter's step 1...create a sense of urgency.  The very 1st steps states manipulate the mass to your cause.  Manipulating the mass are done in two modes: 1) Say the world is ending if we don't change, or 2) Say the other people are EVIL.  Notice the language in both sides of the fences make the same arguments?  This is the case because everyone is using Kotter's model to enact change without understanding how change occurs.  Other model that exist are Kuhn's Paradigm Shift model or Everett Rogers Diffusion of Innovation.  Why not use other models who use a slower model but the shift happens without disrupting society?  The reason for this is people want achievement at any cost...  People want fame at the cost of others.  The entire system created upon the individual without respect for the whole is breaking.  We need BALANCE.  Balance is the key.  We don't need propaganda machines.

#2 says build your army for asymmetrical or symmetrical warfare.  #5 says assassinate all who opposes.  #6 says use guerrilla warfare if necessary.  #7 says consolidate power and finally anchor power into the institution.

This is why the politics of today does not work.  It's based upon military-style war games and these are ZERO-SUM games.  REALITY and how evolutionary biology have demonstrated is collaboration is superior...slo w and study is stable and permanent.  This is why all the countries who are radical for change never go anywhere because the institutions are always flipping around, and being taken advantage by other. 

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #3 on: October 13, 2018, 12:33:34 AM »
Both camps may be using similar tactics but only one side has the opportunity and means.

Remaining neutral about it in today's political climate is not really the time nor is it responsible.

The way I look at it is that one can still be a Libtard under Conservativism . But one cannot be a conservative under Libtardism.

This holds true when it comes to caplistism vs. socialism. Under capitalism, both can exist. But only socialism can exist under socialism.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #4 on: October 17, 2018, 07:22:30 PM »
Both camps may be using similar tactics but only one side has the opportunity and means.

Remaining neutral about it in today's political climate is not really the time nor is it responsible.

The way I look at it is that one can still be a Libtard under Conservativism . But one cannot be a conservative under Libtardism.

This holds true when it comes to caplistism vs. socialism. Under capitalism, both can exist. But only socialism can exist under socialism.

War is not the solution.  Peace is the solution.  Until we stop using the war-like languages, we will never solve the problem.  Live by the sword, die by the sword.  Your sword can be your pen or your mouth too.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2018, 09:20:07 PM »

You cannot prevent a war when there are soldiers shooting down your door.

Libtards want a civil war, which is exactly why they have not only encouraged violent acts but they are paying people to commit those acts. If you've ever been around Leftist they use this kind of language. I've heard black leftist leaders literally call for a race war.

It's too late to try diplomacy.

Imagine if the abolitionists insisted on being diplomatic. Slavery would've never ended!

At some point you will have to stand your ground and fight those who are beating down your walls.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2018, 09:21:15 PM »
Btw, the Democrats want a civil war. It sets up the perfect condition for them to suggest that they have the solutions. They use identity politics to divide the country and then when hell breaks loose, they're going to say that racism was the root cause.

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Offline w1s3m0n

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #7 on: October 19, 2018, 04:39:43 PM »

You cannot prevent a war when there are soldiers shooting down your door.

Libtards want a civil war, which is exactly why they have not only encouraged violent acts but they are paying people to commit those acts. If you've ever been around Leftist they use this kind of language. I've heard black leftist leaders literally call for a race war.

It's too late to try diplomacy.

Imagine if the abolitionists insisted on being diplomatic. Slavery would've never ended!

At some point you will have to stand your ground and fight those who are beating down your walls.

We cannot go that way.  Even Hilary is saying the same thing...

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #8 on: October 25, 2018, 03:50:51 AM »

You just proved my point.

Top Democratic leaders are calling for a civil war, like literally, but you're not woke to take them seriously. Thus, that will only force them to be more outrageous and violent than they already are.

When the south was being hostile and calling out for war, even Lincoln had to eventually respond with war.

POTUS will have to take a stronger stance and start holding Democratic leaders responsible for the violence they've been inciting across the country. They need to shut down all Leftist terrorist cells.


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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Right Action vs Judgement
« Reply #9 on: October 26, 2018, 04:42:47 AM »
Here's some advice:

You can't take the high road when you're in a knife fight. You'll die.

For decades the Democratic Party has been bringing knives to the playground and the principled Conservative Republicans have been taking the high road to their own detriment. This is why the Donald is so hilariously entertaining. He will fight back.

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