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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #30 on: September 04, 2019, 11:52:21 AM »
how is it free trade when i'm buying more stuff from you and you barely buy anything from me ($500 billion vs $200 billion).  we've made china richer in less than 10 years...exampl es: shenzhen, what used to be a run down "ghetto city", a modernized tech megacity with tall skyscrapers, mega malls, new constructions and infrastructure s...beijing is no exception...ho ng kong is ranked among the highest billionaires per capita.  don't forget china's massive expansion into sea ports and railways.  all of this is possible due to the dollar bill.  imagine how much i would get back if i taxed you 25% on your $500 billion...that's going to even out our playing field.

china does not believe in free nor fair trade, all they care about is producing mass quantity of products that are cheap (not to mention poor quality).  they will steal your trade secrets, patents and ideas, just for doing business with them. 

the fact that you support china shows more about your stance on america.

ZDN, no one is forcing any one else to buy their manufactured goods. It's Supply and Demand. Our domestic DEMAND for more affordable or "cheaper" goods which is met through China's SUPPLY chain to us. The US or China could simply seek other trade partners. Do you know why we don't or can't? Because many of our domestic companies are tied to China's cheaper manufacturing. IF companies are as committed as you imply, simply ship production back to the domestic work force. Ask yourself why that isn't being explored as the BETTER option especially since you insist on pro nationalistic views.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #31 on: September 04, 2019, 01:56:28 PM »
how is it free trade when i'm buying more stuff from you and you barely buy anything from me ($500 billion vs $200 billion). we've made china richer in less than 10 years...exampl es: shenzhen, what used to be a run down "ghetto city", a modernized tech megacity with tall skyscrapers, mega malls, new constructions and infrastructure s...beijing is no exception...ho ng kong is ranked among the highest billionaires per capita.  don't forget china's massive expansion into sea ports and railways.  all of this is possible due to the dollar bill.  imagine how much i would get back if i taxed you 25% on your $500 billion...that's going to even out our playing field.

china does not believe in free nor fair trade, all they care about is producing mass quantity of products that are cheap (not to mention poor quality).  they will steal your trade secrets, patents and ideas, just for doing business with them. 

the fact that you support china shows more about your stance on america.
;D ;D  Dude, you do realize that anyone who's taken an economics class will read those lines and laugh, right?  I don't know how Fox News is able to convince you that Free trade means what you think it means, but they obviously have.  No wonder, studies found that people who watch Fox news knows less than people who don't watch news at all.

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Offline theking

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #32 on: September 04, 2019, 05:12:33 PM »
how is it free trade when i'm buying more stuff from you and you barely buy anything from me ($500 billion vs $200 billion).  we've made china richer in less than 10 years...exampl es: shenzhen, what used to be a run down "ghetto city", a modernized tech megacity with tall skyscrapers, mega malls, new constructions and infrastructure s...beijing is no exception...ho ng kong is ranked among the highest billionaires per capita.  don't forget china's massive expansion into sea ports and railways.  all of this is possible due to the dollar bill.  imagine how much i would get back if i taxed you 25% on your $500 billion...that's going to even out our playing field.

china does not believe in free nor fair trade, all they care about is producing mass quantity of products that are cheap (not to mention poor quality).  they will steal your trade secrets, patents and ideas, just for doing business with them. 

the fact that you support china shows more about your stance on america.

if you are a business man
and you want to sell your stuff to china
but don't want to pay 25% tax to china
than you have to built your factory in china so you avoid the import tax

tesla gigafactory 3
gotta know how to play the game

;D ;D  Dude, you do realize that anyone who's taken an economics class will read those lines and laugh, right?  I don't know how Fox News is able to convince you that Free trade means what you think it means, but they obviously have.  No wonder, studies found that people who watch Fox news knows less than people who don't watch news at all.

LOVE IT!!!  ;D ;D ;D

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2019, 05:54:34 AM »
can you count up to $530 billion?  yes, that is how much US is importing goods from China.  when we import this much goods, it makes our (american) products looks like crap and expensive...wh en actually "made in china" products are the real cheap things (poor quality).  with no tariffs imposed, it will make america more dependent on china products, hence the chinaman has been, is and will be making billions with little to no taxation.  we are china's biggest consumer, when we impose tariffs, it will hurt their economy more than ours, that is why you see china wanting to get back to talks and seek a resolution.

TDS people do not see that Trump is in it for the long haul. They obviously do not mind being China's little biatch. They are people who don't mind getting crumbs as long as those crumbs are steady. Some of us no longer want crumbs. We will be patient until we get a fair deal. If China is so great, explain Hong Kong protests, right? Even Hong Kong citizens know China needs to be put in its place.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #34 on: September 05, 2019, 05:55:40 AM »
;D ;D  Dude, you do realize that anyone who's taken an economics class will read those lines and laugh, right?  I don't know how Fox News is able to convince you that Free trade means what you think it means, but they obviously have.  No wonder, studies found that people who watch Fox news knows less than people who don't watch news at all.

That would explain you. You have shown us time and time again that you follow Fox News more than any of us.  :2funny:

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #35 on: September 05, 2019, 06:03:24 AM »
china is putting tariffs on our agricultural and farming because that is one their biggest imports (reason being is that our food products from crops to meat are FDA/USDA approved. due to our strict guidelines, they know they're getting good quality food).  china is merely playing tit for tat, they know if we ban food exports to china, they will be eating their own poisonous foods (abundant of swine flu, high concentration of chemically induced vegetables, polluted waters and etc).

and you're exactly right, china has bigger economy and more goods to export (thanks to america)...however, if we're not buying, they will be the one who's hurting.  we import about $550 billion of china's goods, while they're importing $180 billion from the US...that is about $370 billion in deficit.  if we shift our demands to vietnam, mexico, india and other countries (similar in cheap labors and cost effective products), plus creating our own companies, due to demands...chin a is going to be in a world of hurt, and you know...they are not going to let other countries take our business away.

china NEEDS us to buy their products!

You're talking to a wall with these people. They've basically said that they would prefer buying cheap and unsafe parts from China to keep their businesses running. This is why Made in America have no value if and when they are buying crap parts from China to place in their products. I'm in agreement with you. We could easily go to other parts of the world.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #36 on: September 05, 2019, 06:07:14 AM »
Sure, China wants and needs to be able to sell their junks to US consumers. But it's really the US that needs China more than China needs the US. We want in on their markets as well, knowing full well that China will become the worlds biggest consumer in the near future. All I can say is I rather buy a $3-4 windshield wiper made in China than a windshield wiper made here that sells for $50 a pair.

Apparently, goods aren't going up high enough. Should push for more tariffs. O0

Why do you think China can sell that windshield wiper for only $3-5?

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #37 on: September 05, 2019, 06:09:06 AM »
the purpose of putting tariffs on china is to make their "junk" equal amount to a domestic product?  their $3-$4 dollar wiper costing as much as a $50 domestic wiper.  china knows this, americans will be buying american products because of quality and of loyalty.  they can't afford anymore tariffs or their billions of junk will be going back to china.

china is a scandalous country, one can't operate a business without disclosing their trade secrets...they've invested in US companies and stole patents and internal trade secrets.  that is how they operate. why do you think there are so many fake products (electronics, iphones, shoes, clothing, brand name items and etc) in china? 

China does not care to be the biggest consumer...the y want total domination (power) in economics, politics, money, and market.  they understand, when you control what people need, making your money more valuable than gold and when you're a life time can rule the world.  China has this in plan for years...and trump is the only guy to put a stop in their tracks.

A place I worked for used to talk about this a lot.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #38 on: September 05, 2019, 06:11:06 AM »
basically, make our consumers pay more if they buy stuff made in China.   How does that help us again?

Oh Wait.. It makes it harder for Trump's base to buy them MAGA hats because the prices will go up.  ;D

No, dummy. If a product made in China is going to cost the same as a product made in USA, then might as well buy the product in the USA because it will be better quality.

Damn you are dumb. But go ahead, get the cheaper quality for the same price as the better quality. You dumb like that.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #39 on: September 05, 2019, 06:14:50 AM »
I don't think ZDN and hmRock understands trade very well. :2funny:

For 30yrs, America hasn't been very competitive. Most USA companies outsource jobs and products over to China and elsewhere to save cost and earn maximum profits for their company by selling their products right back at us. This has become the norm in all US companies. You want to do business, you adhere to the Countries rules. It's the same thing here in the US. Now you're saying that China isn't playing fair and America is? From what I can make from you two is that you don't  care about what the US stands for. You don't give a rats arse about free trade. Now that's what Trump camps believe,"I don't give a f'k..." This thinking only serves to undermine US influence and position in the world.

And about tariffs, why do you care so much about it, if we have to pay 15% more it's fine. I'm not buying anything anyways because America can't produce shit any ways. As for the Chinese, their citizen will have to pay 25% more for US goods, it actually works better for them than us. Ultimately, the loser will be the US. Because our industries here are so f'ked up can't be geared up  fast enough to produce goods anymore.

No, it is YOU who do not understand.

If a Chinese product sold to US consumers is going to cost the same as a US product, then might as well buy the US product. When that happens, Americans are essentially growing their own companies. They are giving back to themselves. You keep talking about our companies being fcked up but that's because they can't compete with China's low prices!

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #40 on: September 05, 2019, 06:21:57 AM »
Let's look at it in the long run since you folks are so concerned about making sure your junk stays cheap.

Obviously we all want low prices. However, is it wiser to keep paying low prices while making another country rich and powerful while yours is declining? Sooner or later, you won't even be able to afford their low prices when you out of a job because you worked yourself out of one.

Or bear the prices, while at the same time reinvesting in yourself, until that other country stops cheating and bullshitting?

If China products cost the same as US products and China realizes consumers prefer US when prices are the same, they will be pressured to make changes. At least stop putting poison in toys!

With Hong Kong protesting, China cannot afford to upset their factory workers on the mainland.

I say we pressure China harder while they are in the midst of the Hong Kong ordeal.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #41 on: September 05, 2019, 06:27:26 AM »
ZDN, no one is forcing any one else to buy their manufactured goods. It's Supply and Demand. Our domestic DEMAND for more affordable or "cheaper" goods which is met through China's SUPPLY chain to us. The US or China could simply seek other trade partners. Do you know why we don't or can't? Because many of our domestic companies are tied to China's cheaper manufacturing. IF companies are as committed as you imply, simply ship production back to the domestic work force. Ask yourself why that isn't being explored as the BETTER option especially since you insist on pro nationalistic views.

Hmmm...I don't know....maybe it's because we have a political party whose mission seems to be to destroy American businesses with taxation and regulation to fund their social engineering projects, otherwise known as entitlements!

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #42 on: September 05, 2019, 06:32:06 AM »
That would work in theory, IF, domestic production cost wasn't so much higher.

Companies are less likely to produce goods domestically at a higher cost and eat the loss when sold on the market. Consumers will bear that cost in the end. Until business owners are willing, this isn't the answer.

If you think welfare was bad, just you wait...

Because again, we have a political party that wants companies to pay their employees a living wage.

Those who are fighting for 15/min wage ought to think what China pays is a human rights violation.

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Offline YAX

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #43 on: September 05, 2019, 09:53:04 AM »
No, dummy. If a product made in China is going to cost the same as a product made in USA, then might as well buy the product in the USA because it will be better quality.

Damn you are dumb. But go ahead, get the cheaper quality for the same price as the better quality. You dumb like that.
right, and artificially inflating the cost of a product so that it is as expensive as your rich friend's product so that people will buy your friend's product is great for your friend, but not good for everyone else in the US who have to pay more for a product. 

You're one of those who have to pay the higher price for the product because your president's friends own the companies he's trying to help and you're too stupid to realize it, but it's been proven that dumb people think the way you do so you're not alone.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Trade war with China..
« Reply #44 on: September 05, 2019, 09:55:11 AM »
Understanding the China Trade War for Dummies:

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