
Author Topic: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...  (Read 902 times)

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« on: January 29, 2024, 02:32:36 AM »
They were never serious about all the things they told you that they wanted.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 03:53:13 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #1 on: January 29, 2024, 02:36:39 AM »
Again, my frustration isn't limited to people/relationships. I've been through this before with organizations that claimed they wanted change, progress, a fresh start, yadda yadda yadda. They get you all excited and motivated, but then when you start taking action to make things happen, they stall, delay, oppose, in some cases even sabotage, and go back to their old ways. AND WORSE, they keep around the person who created and continues to create the mess. This means that even though they're unhappy, they know what to expect and so they prefer familiarity.

I'm going to move on and go live the best life that I can for myself. And in the next decade or so, these people/places/organizations and what not can stay exactly where they are or devolve to an even worst state.

So far, I haven't heard that any of these people/places/organizations elevated to a better position. In fact, the majority of them have done worse than when I knew them or was a part of them. I must remove myself from these sinking ships.  :)

« Last Edit: January 31, 2024, 09:53:18 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #2 on: January 29, 2024, 04:24:15 AM »
You can't want it to happen more than they do.

« Last Edit: January 29, 2024, 05:48:08 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2024, 08:17:11 AM »
yeah..Im sure we all been's life lessons the first couple times, anything after that is attract what you project..if that makes any sense..lols

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #4 on: February 11, 2024, 03:27:32 PM »
I'm more disappointed in myself than anything else. Especially when my initial intuition was telling me that this person/company was sketchy BUT I took a leap of faith anyways. Not only did I take a leap of faith, but I was giving my best, my heart was all in it with pure intentions, and I had so much planned (even starting to take action) for a successful outcome. But in the end when I reached out, I was met with excuses, ignored, and even ghosted.

But the silver lining is that now I don't ever have to wonder anymore if I made the right decision. I now know without a shadow of doubt that this person/company is doomed and their dismissive action towards me was God's way of helping me dodge a bullet.

Update: this one place that offended me a few months back - well now they're out of business. And this colleague who ghosted me (also a few months back), well I was recently informed that they're in a world of hurt right now. Nothing to do with me, it's more of legal and family matters and it's serious, too. When you're in the news, it's kind of a big deal. I'm not gloating. I'm merely pointing out that karma will get those who mislead another person who had pure intentions. My life was almost disrupted because I took a leap of faith with this person, only for them to shade me in the end. And it wasn't like I was the one who initiated the deal either. They were the one contacting me everyday to gain my trust. And when I finally thought that they were trustworthy, they came back with a lot of excuses and then finally I stopped hearing from them.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:31:41 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Online hmgROCK

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #5 on: February 11, 2024, 10:42:02 PM »
I'm more disappointed in myself than anything else. Especially when my initial intuition was telling me that this person/company was sketchy BUT I took a leap of faith anyways. Not only did I take a leap of faith, but I was giving my best, my heart was all in it with pure intentions, and I had so much planned (even starting to take action) for a successful outcome. But in the end when I reached out, I was met with excuses, ignored, and even ghosted.

But the silver lining is that now I don't ever have to wonder anymore if I made the right decision. I now know without a shadow of doubt that this person/company is doomed and their dismissive action towards me was God's way of helping me dodge a bullet.

Update: this one place that offended me a few months back - well now they're out of business. And this one person who ghosted me (also a few months back), well I was recently informed that they're in a world of hurt right now. Nothing to do with me, it's more of legal and family matters and it's serious, too. When you're in the news, it's kind of a big deal. I'm not gloating. I'm merely pointing out that karma will get those who mislead another person who had pure intentions. My life was almost disrupted because I took a leap of faith with this person, only for them to shade me in the end. And it wasn't like I was the one who initiated the deal either. They were the one contacting me everyday to gain my trust. And when I finally thought that they were trustworthy, they came back with a lot of excuses and then finally I stopped hearing from them.

sound kinda of shytty…
…to wish death and misery on people
that you once care

even though all my EXs left me
because i was dumb, lazy and immature

i still wish they have a good life
find a good loving husband and have lots of kids and money

 O0 O0 O0  O0 O0

what they be teaching ya guys at church???
definitely not how to be a nice person for sure

 ;D ;D ;D

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God did not created created god

Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #6 on: February 11, 2024, 10:58:53 PM »
sound kinda of shytty…
…to wish death and misery on people
that you once care

even though all my EXs left me
because i was dumb, lazy and immature

i still wish they have a good life
find a good loving husband and have lots of kids and money

 O0 O0 O0  O0 O0

what they be teaching ya guys at church???
definitely not how to be a nice person for sure

 ;D ;D ;D

What are you talking about? Who is wishing death and destruction on people? Also, whoever said this was only about romantic love interest? This is mainly work-related or should I say professional colleagues.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2024, 11:30:21 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Online hmgROCK

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #7 on: February 11, 2024, 11:04:06 PM »
I now know without a shadow of doubt that this person/company is doomed and their dismissive action towards me was God's way of helping me dodge a bullet.

yea wish death and misery on people

i don’t have ill feelings towards any of my EX
i wish them the best

like i say
i was dumb and lazy

 ;D ;D ;D

hopefully they find someone better than me
live a good life
have lots of kids and money
and a big house


 ;D ;D ;D O0 O0

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God did not created created god

Offline JonniJacko

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #8 on: February 12, 2024, 09:49:18 PM »
Sorry to hear BNM...but....K ILL....ALL...E NEMIES and savor the victory! SHOW NO MERCY >:D LOLS

I've been there, more than once actually. Was with a employer for several years. One day they decided to "demote" me because Well, I was the best but I don't kiss ass for shit..and maybe I was great looking too..hahaha So yeah, they added a new task, and of all people, they made me do it. I did it for 1 hour, I said fuke this, clean out my locker, and drove off into the sunset never looking back...lols

the very next job I found. Boy, did I pray hard for it...lols I seriously thought it was some kind of divine intervention. Did I needed that job bad..The boss even have the same name, so now I really thought,no doubt the force is watching over..lols Well, at the time the job pay very generously for its time..20 bucks in the mid 2000's for a entry warehouse job was very generous. I knew the vibe was off the very first day...most unfriendly, most petty POS PUNKASS MOFOS! fuke! It didn't take long before I got into a fight with someone and was let go....lols Two months later I bump into the guy who hire me there..I told him what happened, and he swore he was told a different story..he claimed he was told by the supervisor that I told him, the job wasn't for me and have to maybe it was a divine intervention but for a different reason..lols

I can imagine those fuking places are barely holding on if not out of business..lols if anything those people in particular that did me wrong...probab ly have nightmares of me til this day...lols

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2024, 11:08:08 PM »
People can be like a job/career sometimes. You think you really want it but once you're there, it isn't what you thought it would be.

There was this one person who was typically viewed as a nice person. However, I always felt that something was really off. They must've sensed that, too, because it seemed like they tried even harder to win my trust. After months, I finally let my guard down. Needless to say, that is when they turned out to be everything that I initially suspected. Let's just say that they are a very dishonest person and there is hard evidence out there to prove it.

Some day I'll share it on here. It's public record so not like I'm exposing anyone. Or I can PM you the dets. lol

Anyways, I've been disappointed before but I didn't feel as offended as I did with this person. I literally felt betrayed. Everything was a lie, one after another. Nothing but deceit, manipulation, and so on. Probably because this person had ample opportunities to be truthful but lied. In addition, have you ever told a white lie just to get through but then you never brought it up again because it would start sounding too sketchy? Well this person continued to bring up the same lies and present them as truths.  ::) For example, frequently telling people that you're a nurse but nothing you say or do points to that. If you're a nurse, how come you don't know anything about using a tourniquet, and why are you always out shopping like you don't work? This person's stories and the things they said never made sense. Reminds me of the time I ran into a coworker at an out-of-the-way Pho restaurant. She was sitting really close to a guy and they were touching each other's hands. At that time I didn't know her too well so I thought that she was with her husband. One day, a childhood friend of mine was standing in the lobby of our office. We were talking and he said that he was there to pick up his wife for lunch. Yep, she was his wife and that guy I saw her with was definitely NOT the friend I know. Later on she told me that it was her brother who I saw her with. It wasn't even like I brought it up.  ::)

When someone tells you that they were only with their brother or sister, but you know the activity sounds off, yep, they're lying.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2024, 11:43:51 AM by Believe_N_Me »

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2024, 11:32:07 PM »
Another true story but this time it's about a job.

A few years back I was working with a company that I really liked. I loved what I did and the company culture was great. The only thing was the horrible wage. It was literally pennies and too embarrassing to disclose. I took the job to get my foot in the door. Anyways, one day while freelancing, the owner of a big organization told me to keep my calendar open because she was interested in creating a position for me. I was super excited. My hard work and patience finally paid off. In fact, right after I accepted the position a few months later, they called to see if I could start earlier. It felt really nice to have a company value me like that. I mean, they were all in and rolling out the red carpet.

So I leave this comfortable job of mine and on the first day, I had big time buyer's remorse. They pulled a bait and switch. They claimed my new responsibiliti es were defined under "other duties" per my contract. I ended up staying 5 years before exiting. There were parts that I really enjoyed, mostly because it helped me grow and craft my skills. But I always knew that it wasn't for me.

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #11 on: February 22, 2024, 07:50:01 PM »
People can be like a job/career sometimes. You think you really want it but once you're there, it isn't what you thought it would be.

There was this one person who was typically viewed as a nice person. However, I always felt that something was really off. They must've sensed that, too, because it seemed like they tried even harder to win my trust. After months, I finally let my guard down. Needless to say, that is when they turned out to be everything that I initially suspected. Let's just say that they are a very dishonest person and there is hard evidence out there to prove it.

Some day I'll share it on here. It's public record so not like I'm exposing anyone. Or I can PM you the dets. lol

Anyways, I've been disappointed before but I didn't feel as offended as I did with this person. I literally felt betrayed. Everything was a lie, one after another. Nothing but deceit, manipulation, and so on. Probably because this person had ample opportunities to be truthful but lied. In addition, have you ever told a white lie just to get through but then you never brought it up again because it would start sounding too sketchy? Well this person continued to bring up the same lies and present them as truths.  ::) For example, frequently telling people that you're a nurse but nothing you say or do points to that. If you're a nurse, how come you don't know anything about using a tourniquet, and why are you always out shopping like you don't work? This person's stories and the things they said never made sense. Reminds me of the time I ran into a coworker at an out-of-the-way Pho restaurant. She was sitting really close to a guy and they were touching each other's hands. At that time I didn't know her too well so I thought that she was with her husband. One day, a childhood friend of mine was standing in the lobby of our office. We were talking and he said that he was there to pick up his wife for lunch. Yep, she was his wife and that guy I saw her with was definitely NOT the friend I know. Later on she told me that it was her brother who I saw her with. It wasn't even like I brought it up.  ::)

When someone tells you that they were only with their brother or sister, but you know the activity sounds off, yep, they're lying.

Whow. what a bad friend you are, I would had put her on the spot right there and then. LOL, yeah, that sucks.

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #12 on: February 22, 2024, 08:01:30 PM »
Whow. what a bad friend you are, I would had put her on the spot right there and then. LOL, yeah, that sucks.

Maybe it's a family thing where she and her brother touch each other's hands while eating Pho at an out-of-the-way Vietnamese restaurant, okay?  ::) :D

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: Have you ever cared about someone, then this happens...
« Reply #13 on: February 23, 2024, 09:03:08 PM »
Maybe it's a family thing where she and her brother touch each other's hands while eating Pho at an out-of-the-way Vietnamese restaurant, okay?  ::) :D

Oh yeah, that's unlikely but not impossible either. haha

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