
Author Topic: "Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??  (Read 493 times)

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Offline theking

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"Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??
« on: February 26, 2024, 09:24:01 AM »
'Cheating wife' will not get another chance, man announces in viral post: 'I want to leave her'

More than 4,500 people have reacted so far and some 4,000 have commented on a man's social media post over the weekend in which he announced that he is not going to forgive his "cheating wife" after she went away on a "girls' trip" and wound up with another man.

Indicating his personal turmoil, however, he labeled his post, "Am I wrong for not giving my cheating wife another chance?"

Sharing his story on the Reddit page known as "Am I wrong," the man said he's 39 years old and his wife is 33.

The couple have been together for 14 years, said "HippoOK9111," have been married for 10 years and have a 7-year-old daughter.

He said that recently she "went away on a girls' trip. I was not worried at all. I have never had a reason to distrust her."
The man said she's "never done anything to give me a cause for concern — and it’s not like she was even going abroad."

He added, "She was going to a Butlins half an hour away," referencing a seaside resort chain in the U.K.

He noted that she "went with her sister and a few other girls."

That wasn't the end of it, though.

He wrote, "She called me up this morning, and I didn’t expect anything other than her checking in. She [had] only been away one night of a three-night trip."

However, when the man answered the phone, he said his wife "was crying, and incoherent."

He said, "When I finally calmed her down, she told me she had slept with someone else the night before."

The Reddit poster shared all the details that his wife apparently relayed to him.

The couple apparently "flirted a little, and danced together, and she thought that was as far as it would go. But he supposedly just charmed her into a kiss, which turned to making out, which turned to her asking him to walk her back to her hotel — which turned into them having sex."


He went on in some detail, adding that the man in question "is supposedly 10 years younger than her, and she said she lied and told him she was going through a divorce. She says she doesn’t know what came over her, and she just wanted to ‘see if she still had it’ but got carried away."

"Am I wrong for not even considering forgiving her?"

The husband said, "I want to leave her. She’s begging me not to, offering marriage counseling, never going out again, never drinking again, etc."

He noted, "I’ve always been a ‘one chance’ sort of guy. I just told her to go f--- herself and have been ignoring her … Now her friends and sister are calling me, too."

He continued, "I just want them all to leave me alone."

The husband said that when he told his mother about the drama "she said I should ‘think of my family’ and that my wife seems genuinely remorseful and didn’t try and hide anything, and came clean straight away. That it’s ‘not like she had an affair.’"

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Offline Believe_N_Me

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Re: "Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2024, 10:17:11 AM »
No marriage is perfect but healthy marriages do not include cheating, stealing, lying, breadcrumbing, stonewalling, triangulation, etc.

It just all depends on what type of marriage he wants. If he's looking for longevity then prepare to be miserable as not all long marriages have quality. Very few people who sabotage a relationship get better. They just continue to do other bad things and claim it was a mistake, and if he complains or gets upset he becomes the bad person.


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Offline Cali Guy

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Re: "Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2024, 01:28:05 PM »
At least she laid it out bluntly unlike some other women which ciaj los tsis qhia neej, tuag los tsis qhia dab. The latter applies to some phers.

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Offline theking

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Re: "Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??
« Reply #3 on: February 28, 2024, 02:01:12 PM »
Dear Abby: My wife is cheating on me with someone I know – she brings him to our house

DEAR ABBY: My wife of 26 years is having an affair with another (married) man. We have teenage kids and so does he. She has been having him over and meeting him out for the last four months. The kids have noticed how she takes off in the middle of the day for hours to do a “solo hike.”

Several times, my teenage daughter has called me at work, frantic, saying Mom is not answering either of her phones and was supposed to pick her up at the agreed-upon location.

My wife claims to love us both and wants to continue both relationships. For our family’s sake, it is sad that this has happened. He is the manager of a local business, and I encounter him from time to time. I want to ask him how he thinks this is OK. What should I do? — SHARING HER IN MASSACHUSETTS

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Offline JonniJacko

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Re: "Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater"??
« Reply #4 on: February 28, 2024, 06:47:04 PM »
the world is changing. I know a White guy who has a Big wife and a small wife. LOL

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