
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610165 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1455 on: February 04, 2010, 12:56:59 PM »
^ anji88 alot of good story but not scary yet enough...7 was kinda creepy...

so yesterday as i putting my one month old daughter in her crib i noticed her stuffed doggy was turned towards the wall of her crib..the other day i had put the stuffed doggy in her crib because i heard that ghosts or w.e. are supposebly scared of dogs so if you have a stuffed animal it will likely not bother you..when i placed the toy dog in her crib, i position it to whereas it is overlooking my daughter but when we got home from school and i was laying her down i noticed the dog was position facing the i asked my husband if he touched the toy dog and why would he turned it to the wall..he gives me this look like "are u f-ing with me/trying to scare me?" look..then he walks over to the crib and said " i didnt touch the thing" so i was like "dude, u dont remember if u touch the toy? i put it so it can protect baby and why would u turn it to the wall?" he was like " nope, didnt touch it, i swear." so i was like "stop trying to be stupid, just telll me if u turned it." but he swears he didnt, so i just dropped it and positioned the toy dog back to where it was suppose to be..creepy since we live on our own just me, the hubb and baby.

u r a bossymum HAHAHA...

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1456 on: February 04, 2010, 01:12:29 PM »
LOl yeah, I just want to post.. i did warn that it wasn't scary =D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1457 on: February 04, 2010, 01:25:20 PM »
since i was reading some of the stories and many talked about their deceased grandparents.. it reminded me of my deceased granddad

my bro told me that before our granddad passed away, he would tell my bro to go grab the fly swatter and hit the ghosts around my bro would be jumping from couch to couch swatting at the air, he thought it was kind of weird for granddad to be telling him to swatt at invisible things but he did it anyways to make granddad feel better. I remember the night that led my granddad to be hospitalized and from there led him to his death. I was sleeping over(we live next door to them and i use to love to sleep with granny&granddad) and i remember granddad waking up in the middle of the night to go pee and granny telling him to becareful  since it's dark because he might trip and fall..(note:my granddad had artheritis and his feet were badly swollen and all casted up)..right when my granny said that my granddad slipped and fell..i ran to go turn on the light and he was laying on the ground with urine all over, as i kidd i was scared but smart enough to run out the door to go tell my parents(next door) to call 911.He later got hospitalized but died there. It was said that all his ex wives came for him,he had many wives since they would die one after the other, my granny(my dad's stepmom) was the only one who survived.So the invisible things that my granddad had my bro swatting at was his dead wives.

another one..
My uncle came down to cali to visit us and he went to go hang with his friends.
as they were in the car getting ready to take off somewhere he sees my granddad(his dad) in
the back seat.he got freaked so he told his buddy that his dead dad is in the back
his friend didnt see anything and decided to drop my uncle back at our place.
i think he was on drugs or something coz my uncle does coke and meth.but who knows if
it was the drugs that was kicking in or was it really granddad trying to tell him something

another incident with the same uncle
we get this call from my other uncle saying that my uncle is going insane
he gets on the phone with my dad and starts crying hysterically
he said there is a tiger in his house and the tiger is trying to eat him
but he sees granddad(his dead dad) and granddad told him to find 3 pebbles that can save him
he said he found two but he cant find the last one..
he says the tiger is still there and he's scare
my dad thinks it's his drugs and told him that the pebbles will keep him safe so dont be scare
but i think it's just his drugs that's makeing him go loco

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1458 on: February 04, 2010, 01:41:33 PM »
Reading these stories keep reminding me of other stories..
Here’s one that happen to my BIL.(he has a lot of stories since he used to be a bad boy)
So in our town we have this lake that everyone goes fishing at but it’s so call hunted at night. I do know that the patrol officer will close the lake’s gate at 8pm. Well, there’s this little light house midway on the lake’s walkpath leading to the other side of the lake where ppls go swimming instead of fishing..the story goes that once ago there was a mother who lost her child to the water. Everyday she would wait by the lighthouse for her kid to come back until she died. Some have claimed to see her at night, maybe that’s the reason why this lake is closed at 8pm. Well, my BIL and his buddies decided to go to the lake to go kick and drink(note:it was late..very late) (also I asked him why would they chose the hunted lake out of all the other places they could have kicked at and he said they were stupid and the lake was easy to get into,besides they thought they were tough LOL) as they were just chilling on one of the tables overlooking the lake and talking, someone mentioned about the story of the lonely ghost mother who awaits her child at the light house. As the story of the ghost mother was mentioned, they all spot this glowing light on the lighthouse walking path and when they looked more closely it was in the shape of a women floating along the path but she was glowing like an angel, they were all stunned and shocked frozen in their places until one of the guys screamed a girly,bloody scream and took off running into the direction of the parked cars(they rolled up in 3 cars) I guess that must of broken all of the other guy’s frozen trance and next thing u know the rest of the guys dropped their beers and raced towards the car. My BIL said the car he was in, the driver was in such panic that he was shaking and couldn’t stick the keys in the ignition LOL, but he did it and all 3 cars backed up at the same time almost colliding with each other and they all sped away. So he confirmed that the ghost stories of the lonely light house mother is true..there’s more incidents about sighting the ghost mother at the lake but I don’t plan sticking around the lake past 7 pm

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1459 on: February 04, 2010, 01:55:32 PM »
Omg..i was reading one about camping and another story told by my cousin just pop up LOL my cousin told me this one about one of his friends when they went on a hunting trip.
Some guys(they were young) and their mother went hunting, as night falls they decided to find a spot to sleep. They found a place and the mother was sleeping against the tree trunk and the boys were stationed on a fallen tree log. They were facing a small clearing and beyond that clearing was more trees. The boys told their mother that she can go ahead and sleep and they would just stay up a bit on guard. Then they noticed(with the help of the bright moonlight) a person coming out from the other side of the clearing, then the person walked back into the woods but within a short time he would walked back out into the clearing and then back into the woods. They thought it was strange for a hunter to be walking back and forth like that especially at night fall, then it suddenly struck them that the hunter might be lost. So as that person walked back out on the clearings of the field they called out to him (in hmong) “hey! Are you lost?! We are hunters, it’s late if  you want you can come over and sleep with us! “ yet the person continues to ignore their request and went back into the woods. The mother then told the boys to be quiet and just ignore the man and go to sleep. They asked their mother why she didn’t want to help the lost hunter and the mother told them to wait until morning then she will explain. Next morning the curious boys asked their mother to explain why she told them to stop calling out to the man, she then said “ as you guys were busy calling out to the lost hunter, I looked up the tree and saw a man hanging from the branches, his body was swaying back and forth. With the moonlight, his shadow was casted upon the fields’ clearing and that lost hunter you guys saw was his silhouette swaying back and forth.” So, basically they saw the shadow of a dead man..scary huh.?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1460 on: February 04, 2010, 03:00:57 PM »
LOl yeah, I just want to post.. i did warn that it wasn't scary =D

don't listen to TDS and keep posting away. Seems like your family tree has a gift/sense to be encountering so many spirits.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1461 on: February 04, 2010, 03:57:22 PM »
don't listen to TDS and keep posting away. Seems like your family tree has a gift/sense to be encountering so many spirits.

its called "neng da"  parden my hmong-glish

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1462 on: February 05, 2010, 08:42:04 AM »
so yesterday as i putting my one month old daughter in her crib i noticed her stuffed doggy was turned towards the wall of her crib..the other day i had put the stuffed doggy in her crib because i heard that ghosts or w.e. are supposebly scared of dogs so if you have a stuffed animal it will likely not bother you..when i placed the toy dog in her crib, i position it to whereas it is overlooking my daughter but when we got home from school and i was laying her down i noticed the dog was position facing the i asked my husband if he touched the toy dog and why would he turned it to the wall..he gives me this look like "are u f-ing with me/trying to scare me?" look..then he walks over to the crib and said " i didnt touch the thing" so i was like "dude, u dont remember if u touch the toy? i put it so it can protect baby and why would u turn it to the wall?" he was like " nope, didnt touch it, i swear." so i was like "stop trying to be stupid, just telll me if u turned it." but he swears he didnt, so i just dropped it and positioned the toy dog back to where it was suppose to be..creepy since we live on our own just me, the hubb and baby.

I hate to say it but I think you jinxed yourself.  Did you have weird activities before you decided to put the dog there. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1463 on: February 05, 2010, 08:45:29 AM »
Omg..i was reading one about camping and another story told by my cousin just pop up LOL my cousin told me this one about one of his friends when they went on a hunting trip.
Some guys(they were young) and their mother went hunting, as night falls they decided to find a spot to sleep. They found a place and the mother was sleeping against the tree trunk and the boys were stationed on a fallen tree log. They were facing a small clearing and beyond that clearing was more trees. The boys told their mother that she can go ahead and sleep and they would just stay up a bit on guard. Then they noticed(with the help of the bright moonlight) a person coming out from the other side of the clearing, then the person walked back into the woods but within a short time he would walked back out into the clearing and then back into the woods. They thought it was strange for a hunter to be walking back and forth like that especially at night fall, then it suddenly struck them that the hunter might be lost. So as that person walked back out on the clearings of the field they called out to him (in hmong) “hey! Are you lost?! We are hunters, it’s late if  you want you can come over and sleep with us! “ yet the person continues to ignore their request and went back into the woods. The mother then told the boys to be quiet and just ignore the man and go to sleep. They asked their mother why she didn’t want to help the lost hunter and the mother told them to wait until morning then she will explain. Next morning the curious boys asked their mother to explain why she told them to stop calling out to the man, she then said “ as you guys were busy calling out to the lost hunter, I looked up the tree and saw a man hanging from the branches, his body was swaying back and forth. With the moonlight, his shadow was casted upon the fields’ clearing and that lost hunter you guys saw was his silhouette swaying back and forth.” So, basically they saw the shadow of a dead man..scary huh.?

Did they report the body to the authories?  

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1464 on: February 05, 2010, 08:53:29 AM »
well after reading many scary and not so scary ghost stories on here...let me share mine with you. this happened last weekend during my husband's grandma's funeral. i picked him up at the funeral on my way back home from stockton around 9 pm and while we were driving home, i realized that something wasn't right so i asked him where david was. (david's our 11 year old boy) and omg...we left the poor kid at the funeral home so we went back to get him. anyhow, we got home and watched a movie that he had picked out on netflix...half way through the movie, we all fell asleep in the room. all of a sudden we heard weird noises coming from outside of the bedroom door,  but didn't think much of it and continued to sleep.(note that we didn't shut the bedroom door all the way and all the lights were off) a couple of minutes later, it happened again and this time it sounded more like if someone just came to the hallway and started walking. finally, my husband got up and grabbed his guns...loaded it and went to the door. he called out to see if it was his mom or younger brother that might've gotten back from the funeral, but no one answered. silly as it sounds...we didn't turn on the lights, the room was pitch black and there he was trying to be brave in front of me and the son although i knew deep down, he was scared! we finally turned on the switch and the three of us walked out in the living room to check if anything inordinate might have happened. he led the way as i was behind him followed by the son, who was even more scared. as we made our way through the hallway, we heard noises coming from the footsteps running back and forth. by was the freaken rats!!

but anyway, something strange did happened...the computer turned on by itself!

1. good parent.
2. you talk about noise, then attic, then computer. this isn't scary. just plain dumb. might as well add "BOO!" at the end.
3. your hub carries TWO guns? LOL

« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 08:57:01 AM by genuinely »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1465 on: February 05, 2010, 10:01:35 AM »
Omg..i was reading one about camping and another story told by my cousin just pop up LOL my cousin told me this one about one of his friends when they went on a hunting trip.
Some guys(they were young) and their mother went hunting, as night falls they decided to find a spot to sleep. They found a place and the mother was sleeping against the tree trunk and the boys were stationed on a fallen tree log. They were facing a small clearing and beyond that clearing was more trees. The boys told their mother that she can go ahead and sleep and they would just stay up a bit on guard. Then they noticed(with the help of the bright moonlight) a person coming out from the other side of the clearing, then the person walked back into the woods but within a short time he would walked back out into the clearing and then back into the woods. They thought it was strange for a hunter to be walking back and forth like that especially at night fall, then it suddenly struck them that the hunter might be lost. So as that person walked back out on the clearings of the field they called out to him (in hmong) “hey! Are you lost?! We are hunters, it’s late if  you want you can come over and sleep with us! “ yet the person continues to ignore their request and went back into the woods. The mother then told the boys to be quiet and just ignore the man and go to sleep. They asked their mother why she didn’t want to help the lost hunter and the mother told them to wait until morning then she will explain. Next morning the curious boys asked their mother to explain why she told them to stop calling out to the man, she then said “ as you guys were busy calling out to the lost hunter, I looked up the tree and saw a man hanging from the branches, his body was swaying back and forth. With the moonlight, his shadow was casted upon the fields’ clearing and that lost hunter you guys saw was his silhouette swaying back and forth.” So, basically they saw the shadow of a dead man..scary huh.?

conspirators to murder.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1466 on: February 05, 2010, 11:28:56 AM »

You have great stories, keep em coming!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1467 on: February 05, 2010, 11:49:32 AM »
My MIL was told me this story once: My oldest BIL and his family used to live in this haunted house. One night they went out and so my FIL and MIL went to sleep with their children. For some reason, there's this really cold area near the hallway. That night, my MIL woke up hearing someone walk, she knows it wasn't the kids because all of them slept in the living room teogher. She woke my FIL up and whispered if he can hear someone walking. He said that he hears it, ever since the lights went out... and couldn't even go to sleep. He just didn't want to scare my FIL.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1468 on: February 05, 2010, 11:56:21 AM »
Right after my husband and I married, I worked the schedule from 7pm-3am. I'd get home really late. He'd go to work reallly early in the morning, 5am'ish... That ghost thing "tsog" used to come sit on my every other week. I'd see it coming, it's shadow climbing on top of my bed. I remember clearly once that I saw it on the foot of my bed, a dark shadowy figure, and then it'd come lay next to me, next thing I know, it was on top of me.

One night, I came home late from work. I took a shower and the bathroom doesn't have windows or anything like that, just a small vent to suck air out. I felt a hard enough breeze past me, and that bathroom is small, too... I didn't think of anythign but for some reason, all of my hair was standing up. I went into the bedroom to lay next to my sleeping husband. Then once I turned off the light, I was so scared. I was super scared, it felt as though someone was watching me. I couldn't recall if I heard someone laughing at me or not so I cried hysterically, a really loud. I spooked my hubby out so bad so my MIL woke up and got her little dried corn and started banging the rooms and doors to scare it away. Afterwards, we got in the car and drove around. I remember feeling such a relief after we got out of the house. Weird night. I swear, someone was watching me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1469 on: February 05, 2010, 12:35:19 PM »
don't listen to TDS and keep posting away. Seems like your family tree has a gift/sense to be encountering so many spirits.

LOL its ok.
It's not scary and I hope it gives a break to readers so they would get less scared..

Idk if my family tree has a gift but I hope not.

Here's another one, not scary but it's a baby story.

My cousin married a lady and later she got pregnant.  It was a boy and he later pass away in a couple of days. she gave it a try again since she was destine to have a baby.  This time it was a girl and she pass away in a month or so.  for the girl we were able to held her funeral in milwaukee. They dressed her up in hmong clothes and she look so pretty.. Yes she did. she look just like a baby doll with the pale stiff skin.  Well, my cousin's baby sister, she was around 1 or 2 years old that time was sitting by Chloe (the baby).  She loooove chloe.  So as she sat there she keeps touch chloe's face and go "Chloe, wake up so we can go play, wake up.." or "mom, chloe looks like a baby doll, I want to dress up like her and go play with her now"..  So she keeps shoving her and then the baby's face turn purple from her touching it.  like on the spot it turn red then purple. (I guess the skin got bruised up)

Have any of you guys touch a dead body?
I ran my fingers down the baby's face and it was ice cold and frozen.  Imagine a rose petal that's been frozen over night.  that's how it feels like. 

Anyways after the baby's death, she came into one of my aunts dream and said "aunt, I'm hungry can you feed me?"
my aunt respond to her "I don't have anything for you, go ask your mother."
She describe the baby to be walking naked and was holding her guts and liver in her hands. 
(chloe turn out fine at birth but later was just stop breathing in her sleep.. Her brother that pass away born with a birth defect.  His ingestion was coming out his body at birth) 
Chloe just left her dream and disappear.  she came to one of my other aunt and my aunt gave her food. More of my aunts had dreams about her but I only stick around for that one.  So idk about the other stories.

They did the shaman thingy on my cousin's wife and they said that in her after life she was like a gangster and she killed a lot of people.  So that's why she couldn't have any babies.. But a year ago she gave birth to another girl and they did the ceremony so she can turn out fine and she did.  though she's been getting sick lately but it can be explain. 

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