
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610141 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2625 on: July 30, 2011, 01:17:32 AM »
This girl told me when she was little back in thialand refugee camp, she and her friends were playing hide and seek right after night fall.  She was hiding and saw these two boys dressed in nice clothing with very light skin came from around the house she was hiding and started speaking to her.  She didn't think much about them other than noticing their nice clothes and their light white skin.  After they spoke to her, one of the boy asked if she wanted to go with them but she said no she's playing hide and seek with her friends.

A day later, a very sick young girl died, who lives in one of the houses she and her friend's were playing hide and seek at and where she saw the two boys.  She later found out that sick girl were taken away by some ghost spirits according to the family and the shaman who tried to save her.

Did you hear this from the Hmong conference Radio line on the phone.  Haha i heard this on the phone radio.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2626 on: July 30, 2011, 01:40:55 AM »
Ok, this the story about garden at my unlce house. The back yard is about 20 acre and my unlce them do lots of farming. Well back to the story, my grandma was in back yard putting he boxs of bean into her truck by her self at 9 at night. My grandma was doing her thing, when she hear two kids running and laughing like they where playing. My grandma look around and saw two kid run in to the corn field. My grandma was not scare but brush it off and say it was my cuz and them playing hide and seek. When my grandma came back to my unlce house, she ask if any of my cuz them where playing in the corn field, all my cuz say they didn't. My grandma was wondering who it was that she saw, that night she when to she and my grandma dream that my grandpa came and talk to her(my grandpa just pass away not too long) my grandpa told my grandma that he was procltectimg her when these two Mex ghost, where looking for victim and that he was trying to tell her to go home but she didn't hear him. My grandma say she was never scare, but miss my grandpa alot. But I say the oppsite, but this story give me the creep and I don't like to go out in the garden at night anywhere.  :-\

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2627 on: July 30, 2011, 03:34:07 AM »
A story I heard from OGs during my recent camping trip.

Back in Laos there was this mother and her only son. One day the mom died so the whole village came and helped the son bury her. Since he was the only son, he was crying like hell at her coffin 24/7. When he was crying with his head down, the people in the background noticed that his mom's hand came out of the coffin and was patting her son's head. He probably didn't even noticed it since people were patting his head and comforting him the whole day anyways. So one of guys in the back screamed, "Hey everyone look, the dead have woken and is patting his head!!!" :2funny: The dead mom was embarrassed that she got yelled at, so her hand just froze while still grabbing onto her son's hair. Then the son was screaming like hell trying to pull her hand off and everyone was trying to help lol. They eventually got him free and he stopped crying since. They buried her as soon as possible. Pretty sad yet funny at the same time

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2628 on: July 30, 2011, 03:47:15 AM »
My cousin goes hunting at north Fork a lot. this one morning he was was hiking for squirrel on a trail, which will eventually criss cross with another trial. Upon approaching the other trial, he heard two people mumbling. It sounded like two people were jogging on the other trail but he couldn't make out what language they were speaking and it was very low, only to the point where you can hear but can't make out the words. When he got the the crossing, he expected to see two joggers but there was no one and the mumbling stopped. So he was trying to calm himself by saying that maybe it's just the sound of the creek or the sound of birds. So he continued along the trial and after about 20 feet or so, he heard the mumbling continued further up the other trial. As if some invisible force was walking with him....that's how he ended the story

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2629 on: July 30, 2011, 05:28:12 AM »
Haunted houses:

House #1 (in St. Paul, "frog town"), I was only a toddler then, there was the five of us, my parents, an older sister and a baby sister. One night my father was out as always working late. In the dead of night everyone was asleep. My family slept together in one bedroom -- my bed is adjacent to the other beds which were up against one another where the rest of my family members slept. My older sister woke up and saw a huge mysterious ape-like shadow peering over me. it frightened her, and she felt going back to sleep was all she could muster out of the situation, as she explained, she felt more at ease as she fell back to sleep. She later told my parents, and they never told me until I was in gradeschool. I never knew what happened. Didn’t know what it was... never asked, but to myself, I've always thought it was a guardian/ancestor (my paternal grandparents passed away when my father was only a teen and my biological brother whom was the oldest of the children died when he was  only an infant).

Same house... everyone was sleeping, I woke up to some ruckus in the kitchen; I thought my father had just come home from work. I went and checked, the noise was coming from the garbage can. I went and looked; it was the biggest rat I've ever seen in my life -- the size of a cat!!! It was stuck in the empty garbage can (I had just taken out the trash earlier when my father went to work, since it was one of my chores). I didn't do anything to it… left it there. I thought it won't be able to get out, so I'll just let my father handle it when he gets back, and I went back to bed. Next day, I went and looked; the garbage can was as it was, but no rat. I asked my dad, if he saw it, he told me there was nothing. Didn’t know what happened to it. No one else knew anything about it either.

House #2 (on Uni Ave. in St. Paul, "frog town"), I'm in gradeschool by this time. There were always a lot of cats roaming nearby. The cats never posed much a nuisance to me, but for my sisters. Those cats would jump off from the rooftops (off two stories) and run away when they see me. Anyway, this place was really old. Families of Japanese, Chinese, Laotians, and Indians (not the Native Indians) used to live there before us. My oldest sister saw a samurai shadow of whatever was behind her raising a sword when she was doing dishes once – she cried running off to where the rest of us were. My younger sister had seen shadows flying outside by the family bedroom window. My mom had experienced a long hairy arm coming from under the bed to touch her when she was sick -- I was slapped on the butt once playing by that bed and I accused my dad who was resting nearby, but he said he never did such a thing. If I can recall correctly, my dad would catch these small little hairless birds/chicks that looked like chocobos (when I think of it now), as the one you see in Japanese stories, hiding in corners or by mice holes. I've once witnessed the family bedroom door, which was tightly shut, opened in front of me when I was playing next to it -- I ran to my mom and sisters, and she told me not to go play there and just to stay by them to watch TV, so I did. Back to those cats, a black cat would always jump up to the window sill, my sisters wanted to take it in, my dad was saying no, but decided, sure, let my sisters have their way for awhile. My dad only allowed it for a couple days, to his suspicion, when the cat was brought in, it was never hungry and it always ran away from us, and it would go into hiding and stay there, sometimes it would not be found for hours anywhere in the place except the family bedroom -- under the bed. He ordered my oldest sister to catch it and throw it back out (to teach her a lesson) so she tried for it, it scratched her; eventually they got it to leave. After that, my dad's money would turn out missing, he'd just won a lottery ticket one day, and that went missing. I was blamed for it, and he started hating me. My parents would get into arguments. They would curse and hit us for no reason sometimes. It makes me think nowadays, they were possessed? I have also been seeing flashes of black and or white patches across my field of vision, peculiarly in isolated and or quiet areas, which I can still make out from time to time – spirits? Ghosts? Djinns?  Also, I’ve been told and figured out on my own that my family and I have been traumatized, which explained some causality linked to this point of time in our lives.
Same house, before all those incidences from above, which all happened in the order described, there were these other Hmong kids who were new to the U.S. they would ask me to go and play with them. Boy I tell ya, these kids were around my age at the time, but they were sure undisciplined and dirty little kids. Anyway, I would just go along with them, since I knew the neighborhood area more than they did. So I would go with them 'cause they wanted me to be their "guide". We ended up in the backyard of a board-up house. There was a big crabapple tree; we'd go climb it and pick crabapples. Eventually, the kids would complain about feeling pains out of nowhere, they would step on broken glass when there weren't much broken glass, they would have all sorts of problems, but I never had any problems as I was always safe in and out of that place, except for one incident when a branch I was on broke and I saved myself from falling from high above by extending my arms up to grab hold onto a bigger branch above me. Could it be that bigger brother was looking out for me? Later, their parents finally stopped them from going, and I also never went back. Little did I know, my parents found out from their parents and told me that place used to be our old place (house #1).

The little green creature:

I was a toddler; my parents took me out with them to a relatives place to help out a little as they were moving out. I was with a couple of their kids playing tag and stuff. I got tired of playing with them. I got tired of helping move some small items, too. So I whipped out my toy horse and started playing on the front porch where the window sill is. to my bewilderment, a strange swamp-green, ~3ft tall creature popped up and squared directly at me from the inside of the house, I jumped, lost balance, and fell flat on my butt. A little dazed and confused, I got up as quick as I fell down, looked, and it was gone. I grabbed my toy and ran off. I think my parents already knew about the whole thing about their house ‘cause I didn't have to tell them. They already knew what happened when I came running to them from that window, and I can assure everyone else on this forum, it is not in any way a poj ntxoog. To this day, the daze effect still lingers in phases.

The river orbs:

There is a river (not giving name or location) where quite a number of Hmong people like to fish. This river has been rumored to have claimed lives and unexplained supernatural events. Back in my middle and highschool years, I would go fishing there a lot with family, friends, and relatives. One night, my uncle, my dad and I went fishing very late at night. My dad went to go check on a spot and will be back double time. I was with my uncle. From across the river, we heard splashing. I looked to see if it were big fishes, with only the lit up sky as a light source, there were big splashes, but that wasn't all, there was an ape-like creature on the shoreline in a crouching position. It looked as if it was making the slashes or catching fishes. I asked my uncle if there was actually something over there, he ignored it and said it was nothing. The thing was, after that, my dad came back, and my uncle pulled my dad with him off to the side, about a good whisper distance away, and they had a good brotherly talk for a few minutes. I was watching them, and saw them looking out to the place I saw the thing -- I had no doubt in my mind they were talking about the same thing I was. We didn't fish the night 'cause my dad said, "The fishes are probably not going to bite tonight."

One of my younger brothers went with my dad to the same river to fish one time, and he claimed to have seen a huge slimy and scaly serpent-like fish making huge ripples on the surface of the river. He said he'd seen humps surfacing out in the middle of the river where the currents are. On any usual day, the currents create little breaks on the surface which forms little wave patterns; however, it was an unusual day that the water was completely calm, until he saw what he saw. It was the same day, they caught a lot of good, clean fishes, plus, they also caught and a big river eel!!! My brother is rather the “sensitive” type when it comes to having claim seeing these types of creatures (because he had another similar incident years later when swimming with his buddies) of what we’re told as “Zaj”. My mother’s sides have had many encounters of Zaj, rare land snake rituals, and poj ntxoog (goblins), and my father’s sides have had many encounters with jungle creatures such as the Hmong versions of the trolls and the primordial (ape-like creatures), which makes sense because my mother’s side specialized in farming near big bodies of water and my dad’s side specialized in hunting deep in the jungles.

Same river, years later, a bunch of hmong buddies and I were making our way to the river through a wooded area on a small trail. it was late at night, thought we'd try our luck, we got half way to where we had an open view of the river below, there was a blinking green orb light and a blinking red orb light floating above the river as if one was chasing the other. The rest of the buddies were busy lousing around. Only ones that saw the orb-like lights were a younger Hmong lad and me. Strange how we both spotted it at almost the same time and both turned to look at eachother right after. We went down to the river anyway, fished for a little bit, caught nothing, built a small fire only to put it out right after, then we all left. It was days later when we were talking about that night again. We couldn't tell what it was.

The talking bathroom vent:

I was really young then, and I remember my parents would take me to go visit a small family of close relatives all the time. They didn’t have any young children my age, as I recall the older kids would be out most of the time. I would play by myself while the adults conversed. Then, comes time for me to go pee, so I went to go use the toilet by myself and I heard a robotic voice talking through the vent as if it was talking to me, the vent was on the side wall next to the toilet – I heard it loud and clear. I hadn’t started to pee yet and when I heard it, I ran out crying to my mother. I told her what I heard. And, everytime when we went over there, and when I needed to go use the bathroom, I would need my mother to be there with me. I’ve grown out of it and got over not long after when my mother told me not to be afraid and left me alone in the bathroom with the door closed… I didn’t hear it and finished by boyhood thing.

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And that was that. Since all those incidences and since growing up, I've never encountered anything phenomenally heart-stopping except for the good sensational relief of a few good sneezes. I've been told I was baptized in a catholic church and my parents has converted back to shamanism when I was in gradeschool, so nothing much of the paranormal. Currently, my father has also picked up on Buddhist teachings after many years of shamanism and my mother had taken a full practicum shamanic rituals. However, I can use a full recovery or healing-time back to the natural/normal state of being, and I've been thinking of seeking for some enlightenment; however it may be of fit, either from a Buddhist priest or from a Shaman in due course. I am grateful, thus far, to have done my own info. seeking on these matters in order to come to some understanding… some explanations. I don’t feel I need Christianity nor Catholicism nor to be a follower in western religion because I believe I have found the necessary sound-and-reasoning in correspondence to beliefs and practices of whom I am a descendant of.

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Hmong vampires.?!
« Reply #2630 on: July 30, 2011, 12:33:30 PM »
Warning: If you or anyone you know is reading this please be advised that this is not for the faint of heart or for the weak stomach. If you or anyone you know are easily offended by this topic or if you or anyone you know are easily provoked or prone to emotional & mental infliction by this topic. Stop now. Otherwise each individual or group present at the same time and location shall read at his/her/their own risk and are of the legal age (18+).

There’s story about the” hmong vampires” supposedly in MN. On this hmong/asian forum, there were some users that were making jokes. One particular user (call him D) on the site thought it would be a thrill to pull a stunt, so he told a buddy he made a fake account and went on there and said it was him who is one of the hmong vampires. A couple ppl replied, “Sure. Whatever.” and others called him a troll. D continued on with his stunt and said inappropriate things. A few nights later, there was a hmong funeral, which D had heard about from a friend. D said he was actually curious to find out, so he went to bed and had made plans to go on a “mission” single-handedly. He’d made a call to his buddy (X) to borrow his camcorder. X answered and told D that he’d check for it and he’ll call him back in a few. Few minutes later D got the call and asked, “X, how come you are not on your phone?” X replied, “Oh, my brother wanted to use the phone to call his buddy. Why?” then D said, “nvm, I wuz jus’ wonder’n.” then X asked D when he wanted the camcorder. D told X he wanted it that same night and he’d go pick it up. But X cut him off and told him to wait, because there’s a party going on that night and he was stopping by D’s to pick him up anyway. So, he’ll bring it over then. D asked him what time, and X told him eleven and to get ready by then. Must have been close to 11pm that D heard X knocking on the door -- the knocking X usually makes. D opened the door, “X, why you gotta trench and hood on and all dressed in black?” he asked.  X looked up and it wasn’t X at all. It was one weird looking pale, freaky vampire dude. D was scared to bits and pieces and stuttered out, “WTF!” then a group of vampires appeared. The vampire pretending to be X said, “We are your friends. Your buddies. Your brothers. Remember you said you are one of us. My friend, we called you and told you there’s a funeral. We have prepared for you to join us.” D was not so tough anymore and must have been kidnapped then. On the day of the funeral, X (the real X) was recording some parts of the funeral and had brought the tape back for reviewing and editing. He saw D in a flash. He was like, “D was there, too? That mofo didn’t tell me. Man, and I was trying to get a hold of him too.” So he called D but D’s phone was shut off. He went online, emails, im, facebook, and even the forum and didn’t find anything recent of D. so X contacted D by all means. Still no reply. A few days later he went to go post on the “hmong vampire” section and to his surprise, there’s D in his fake account posting about how he is a vampire and still making inappropriate comments. It was also within that hour that X finally was able to contact D and D had replied back with messages about his incident. D’s family is still looking for him and police had begun investigation, according to the evidence provided to the authorities by X.

Disclaimer: The story and its entirety are highly fictional. Readers are advised to treat this material in a safe and respectable manner and are not encouraged to alter its original content and distribute it by any means, nor use this material in any unlawful manner where restricted by law. The purpose of this content is written for the sole purpose of entertainment intended for this section of the forum site at Failure to abide by disclaimer may result in unwanted litigation pursuant by law. I population1 (personal info. Undisclosed), the user and original poster of this material will not be held responsible for any sort of emotional, mental, or physical damages onto others as warned, nor shall I be held accountable in any way should there be any accounts. Nor shall I be subject to pursuit and reversal laws (e.g. holder-in-due-course) by authorities. I understand and know my rights to seek protection under the constitutional law.

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more to come   ;D

« Last Edit: July 31, 2011, 03:37:37 AM by population1 »

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2631 on: July 30, 2011, 03:15:05 PM »
Warning: If you or anyone you know is reading this please be advised that this is not for the faint of heart or for the weak stomach. If you or anyone you know are easily offended by this topic or if you or anyone you know are easily provoked or prone to emotional & mental infliction by this topic. Stop now. Otherwise each individual or group present at the same time and location shall read at his/her/their own risk and are of the legal age (18+).

There’s story about the” hmong vampires” supposedly in MN. On this hmong/asian forum, there were some users that were making jokes. One particular user (call him D) on the site thought it would be a thrill to pull a stunt, so he told a buddy he made a fake account and went on there and said it was him who is one of the hmong vampires. A couple ppl replied, “Sure. Whatever.” and others called him a troll. D continued on with his stunt and said inappropriate things. A few nights later, there was a hmong funeral, which D had heard about from a friend. D said he was actually curious to find out, so he went to bed and had made plans to go on a “mission” single-handedly. He’d made a call to his buddy (X) to borrow his camcorder. X answered and told D that he’d check for it and he’ll call him back in a few. Few minutes later D got the call and asked, “X, how come you are not on your phone?” X replied, “Oh, my brother wanted to use the phone to call his buddy. Why?” then D said, “nvm, I wuz jus’ wonder’n.” then X asked D when he wanted the camcorder. D told X he wanted it that same night and he’d go pick it up. But X cut him off and told him to wait, because there’s a party going on that night and he was stopping by D’s to pick him up anyway. So, he’ll bring it over then. D asked him what time, and X told him eleven and to get ready by then. Must have been close to 11pm that D heard X knocking on the door -- the knocking X usually makes. D opened the door, “X, why you gotta trench and hood on and all dressed in black?” he asked.  X looked up and it wasn’t X at all. It was one weird looking pale, freaky vampire dude. D was scared to bits and pieces and stuttered out, “WTF!” then a group of vampires appeared. The vampire pretending to be X said, “We are your friends. Your buddies. Your brothers. Remember you said you are one of us. My friend, we called you and told you there’s a funeral. We have prepared for you to join us.” D was not so tough anymore and must have been kidnapped then. On the day of the funeral, X (the real X) was recording some parts of the funeral and had brought the tape back for reviewing and editing. He saw D in a flash. He was like, “D was there, too? That mofo didn’t tell me. Man, and I was trying to get a hold of him too.” So he called D but D’s phone was shut off. He went online, emails, im, facebook, and even the forum and didn’t find anything recent of D. so X contacted D by all means. Still no reply. A few days later he went to go post on the “hmong vampire” section and to his surprise, there’s D in his fake account posting about how he is a vampire and still making inappropriate comments. It was also within that hour that X finally was able to contact D and D had replied back with messages about his incident. D’s family is still looking for him and police had begun investigation, according to the evidence provided to the authorities by X.

Disclaimer: The story and its entirety are highly fictional. Readers are advised to treat this material in a safe and respectable manner and are not encouraged to alter its original content and distribute it by any means, nor use this material in any unlawful manner where restricted by law. The purpose of this content is written for the sole purpose of entertainment intended for this section of the forum site at Failure to abide by disclaimer may result in unwanted litigation pursuant by law. I population1 (personal info. Undisclosed), the user and original poster of this material will not be held responsible for any sort of emotional, mental, or physical damages onto others as warned, nor shall I be held accountable in any way should there be any accounts. Nor shall I be subject to pursuit and reversal laws (e.g. holder-in-due-course) by authorities. I understand and know my rights to seek protection under the constitutional law.

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more to come   ;D
WTF, you write and talk as thou, how should I say it.. Too many laws.... rights.ect. but great story..
BTW, you've encounter a lot of strange event.  How ever keep it coming.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2632 on: July 30, 2011, 03:22:18 PM »
A story I heard from OGs during my recent camping trip.

Back in Laos there was this mother and her only son. One day the mom died so the whole village came and helped the son bury her. Since he was the only son, he was crying like hell at her coffin 24/7. When he was crying with his head down, the people in the background noticed that his mom's hand came out of the coffin and was patting her son's head. He probably didn't even noticed it since people were patting his head and comforting him the whole day anyways. So one of guys in the back screamed, "Hey everyone look, the dead have woken and is patting his head!!!" :2funny: The dead mom was embarrassed that she got yelled at, so her hand just froze while still grabbing onto her son's hair. Then the son was screaming like hell trying to pull her hand off and everyone was trying to help lol. They eventually got him free and he stopped crying since. They buried her as soon as possible. Pretty sad yet funny at the same time
Man, that's why when I go to other people's funeral. People I don't have any relationships to, I dare not go look at the dead. I stay far away. Somehow the dead scary me. If it's not related to me......BTW If I saw that happening I'll just walk away, like if you see stuff. Best not to yell out loud about it..Cause you'll freak out the others.. LOL

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2633 on: July 30, 2011, 05:31:13 PM »
WTF, you write and talk as thou, how should I say it.. Too many laws.... rights.ect. but great story..
BTW, you've encounter a lot of strange event.  How ever keep it coming.

don't know what you are getting at with "thou" since it's a terminology with religious sect usage. but thanks... strange events? for any kid that is.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2634 on: July 30, 2011, 06:42:04 PM »
Back in Laos there was a Hmong couple with a loving, caring dog. He was a small but a brave, intelligent dog. They would take the dog out with them everywhere they go. As Laos is as it is back in those mysterious, haunting days. There was danger lurking everywhere. The dog would fight off any strangers – man, beast, ghosts, demons, and whatever intends harm on his owners. One day, the mother and father had their first born child, a son. The dog was delighted to welcome a new member of the family and loved playing with the little boy. The family was poor, but a very loving, warm family. The son also fell ill from malnutrition and weakening of the soul. One day, a very vicious being came by and wanted to feast on human flesh. It approached the sick little boy and his parents’ little home. The dog had caught scent of it, fought it, and was guarding his owners’ family with all his life. It was a very terrifying moment. The parents were helpless as they watched their dog fought off this thing while comforting their son -- they watched their little dog chased this thing into the jungle. And off the little dog went as he went after it, never stopping, chasing it as far away as possible. The owners had prepared food and treatment for the dog, but it never showed up. Next day, it didn’t return. On it went; the little dog showed neither trace nor sign. The owners were struck with grief, for their little dog probably will not return. Years later, the boy was out playing, from the distance where the foot of the jungle was, there was a little dog looking at him with content and loyalty. The boy called for his parents and said he sees a little dog way out in the distance. The parents immediately rushed to where their son was, but the dog has already turned around into the thick jungle and disappeared once again.

They came to America. The boy is now a young man. It was early in winter and he was on his bicycle. On his way home, he saw a pure white little dog come out of nowhere from the snow scene. The dog had no leash. No collar. But, it was really playful with the young man. It ran alongside him and followed him home. When the young man got home, he yelled out to his parents from the doorway, “Mom, Dad, there is a really good dog that followed me home!” The young man wanted to help the dog – he wanted to take the dog into their home. The parents came to where the son was, and when they looked outside, the dog was nowhere in sight. And, they couldn’t make out the footprints as to which direction the dog ran off to. The End.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2635 on: July 30, 2011, 08:23:45 PM »
don't know what you are getting at with "thou" since it's a terminology with religious sect usage. but thanks... strange events? for any kid that is.
No, what I mean was it sounded too good to be true. Sounds like a made up story. And yes I heard about them Hmong vamps.

As a matter of fact this is a true event. It took place at the Hmong funeral on Dale street. I heard something like that. It went something like know when all the people are bending over to pat the dead's head. Some one noticed this one person that was leaning too far into the coffin. And after the person was done he/she step away from the coffin and went to the door. Then the people that was looking after the dead told one of the dudes there. And he went out side to look. The Hmong dude that went outside started to chase the person. And when he caught that person he found a bottle of some fluid....I think it was the stuff that the meeka put inside of the dead to make the body cold.. Anyways I over heard people talking about it when I was at the funeral.. Sounds kinda freaky. I think that was the first time the Hmong people encounter such event. After that, the Hmong funeral had to put a glass case over the dead to stop them Hmong what ever they call themselves.

Besides it's not the blood they are after. It's the fluid that's inside of the dead. That what I think and heard. How ever I could be wrong.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2636 on: July 30, 2011, 08:43:11 PM »
Speaking about funerals...I just remember this one. It went like this. it was my FIL's dad's funeral. And speaking about weird people or stuff like that. Anyways when the people were leaning over to look at the dead, someone placed some kind of thingy in the coffin. The people that was to look over the body didn't see who did it...When the people told the you know...... people that over look the funeral stuff. That there was a strange person reaching in and doing something but they didn't know what that person was doing. So they went and look at every corner of the coffin and found a piece of metal or something like that. Anyways one of the aunt went crazy when she got back home. You know... gotta sleep at the family house. So that night the aunt locked herself in the bathroom and started to bang her head on the wall. The son had to break down the bathroom door to get to his mom. They took her to the hospital, which the doctor said " lack of sleep". There were other crazy stuff that happen too but I forgot most of it. (As I am a second hand teller).
Anyways the relatives said that who ever placed that object in there had put a cruse to hurt the families.
It's not a scary one but I had to write it down before I forget.. LOL

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« Reply #2637 on: July 31, 2011, 03:35:17 AM »
What's the crack to this image? Clearly, there has to be more than just one meaning/joke to this joke.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2638 on: July 31, 2011, 10:44:06 AM »
yo this is the hmong ghost stories thread...ur joke crack picture should be in a new thread....

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #2639 on: July 31, 2011, 12:44:31 PM »
someone's got a serious case, eh? this isn't the first. you can live with it.

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