
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1609939 times)

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3735 on: March 04, 2013, 07:49:25 PM »
Wat a sad story. Sorry to heard wat you went thought. Hope you are feeling a lot better, I know that losing a close family is hard. It's even harder when they are closest to you too.

Alrite I just remembered this one. It was bury way back into my mind..Back to the old
Mt.Airy stories. I have a few to tell.
1st. remember wen I mentioned about those 2 bedroom apptments. Well back wen I just started to hang out with the guys and we would go sleep with the dude at his place. Atfer being at his place for a while I kinda got use to them. Well oneday we were about to fall alseep.. they were telling me about how hunted his place was... Then all a sudden I started hearing the piano playing... Remenber they have no such piano in the house that I knew of... It was playing the baseball opening songs... I asked if anybody heard it... None of them heard it excpet me...

It started soft then it got louder and louder.. Holy crap.. I thought I was losing my mine... Cuz no one heard it... only I was the one...  And then I grabed my  buddy's arm and then I blacked out til the next day...

2nd one... Tis was my buddy's place. A diffrent place, he told me that when they first moved into the app. their basement had a drawing of this cult star... you know those crazy cult ppl and their star thingy... Anyways they didn't like the drawing being there so they paint it up.. A couple of days later his older brother had an encounter in the basement.. He sleeps in the basement to began with. He was a collage dude so he does a lot of his studys too. One day as he was doing his work all a sudden this blanket came flying and wrap its self around his neck and he was fighting wat ever it was... trying to choke him... He fought and fought but he couldn't break free. Then he started praying to god and all a sudden it let go and he ran upstairs. The next day they call the pastor in to bless the place... IDK wat happen later..

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3736 on: March 18, 2013, 12:29:22 PM »
"Dreams of breaking teeth or cutting hair means nothing, I dream it all the time and nothing happens. I have this protruding teeth out front so im always having nightmares of it finally breaking and get it out of the way, nothing supernatural. When my brother first had his dream of gettig hiw hair cut, he was worried sick and told my mom abiut it. I told him thqt i get those dreams all the time and nothing happens, finally calmed him down"

Yea but it really different though, for me it always happens, like soemthing bad, i guess it just me

Actually I means a lot when you dream about your teeth falling off. I dreamed about 3 times that my teeth fell out and after the third time my uncle died because he was close in the family. Usually when I dream about my teeth falling out, early in the morning I'd wake up and go use the restroom and spit into the toilet saying "pee! tsis xav pom tsis xav nog, muaj koj tshoo muaj lawv zaj qho." and after that everything goes better. I guess when you get older you tend to pick up more on OG's lectures and words of wisdom.  ;D :2funny:

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"Noj zaub yuav rau roj, ua neeg nyob yuav tsum ua siab loj"

pang vang

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3737 on: March 20, 2013, 11:47:00 AM »
so me and my fiance are planning to get marry after my high school this year but then my sister just got marryed like a week ago, can i still get marry bt just not do the wedding after a year or would it still  be bad omen ? help please

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Offline saki saki

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3738 on: March 20, 2013, 03:01:33 PM »
^^^ wrong spot to ask that ?. go and post it on the marry form..
Ppl can help answer ur ? . LoL :) does tat answer ur ? lol

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pang vang

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3739 on: March 21, 2013, 08:50:12 AM »
LMAO! funny i forgot this is the ghost site part ! lol anywais i work at the daycare and i hear that there are strange things that happened there. There was my co-worker who always opens the daycare at 6:00 a.m int he morning and she would go into each room ( we have only 4 classrooms) to fill up the bleach bottles and do other things. so here goes the scary part, as she was in the Early preschool room, she heard kids crying and laughing the the toddler room, then it stoped then she heard it in the next room across from the room she was at!!!

so i guess she didnt care because she said it was just happy voices! it kept being like that a couple of times when she would open up the daycare, but as you know mekas people dont care since they dont believe in ghost yenno! That got me freaked out!

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pang vang

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3740 on: March 21, 2013, 08:53:18 AM »
Ok so as you know above i work at a daycare. Well one time i was done closing the baby room and  my two other co-workers were on the other side of the room and i was by the baby room. after i was done cleaning, i close the light and left the door open and i wen to the fridge and grab my water and walk right pass the baby room and swear on my life i saw a little kid or boy walk right into the bathroom! i got so scared i pause there for a couple of seconds then i backed up and looked, but saw nothing! i dont know if i really did saw it or if i was just thinking too much! that scared the crap out of me! Never want to experience that ever again!

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3741 on: March 21, 2013, 10:49:48 AM »
OMG!  How creepy !@ pang vang

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3742 on: March 21, 2013, 05:27:52 PM »
Here's a story about my sister....
My sister work at mcdonald and usually closes at night (she lives in sac). Her first time doing the drive thru, she saw a black cat outside the drive thru. It just sat there staring at her. She got freaked out a couple of times but didn't really think much about it. Every time she works on the drive though, she would be sooo afraid to look outside because that same black cat would sit there staring at her. One day a car ran over it which it died but the eyes was staring at her. Thinking that she won't be seeing it again, she went home. From then on, at work and at home, she would see a black cat. It got to one night when she saw the cat siting outside her apartment backyard, which she went out and yell at it to go away. After a few hours, she went and check on it finding it dead outside. She had her husband throw it away from their yard. Again, at work, a black cat would sit outside and stare at her at drive through, and when at home, she would see a black cat outside. Our grandma pass away last year the day after 9/11, and from what she said, she told me that she thinks that grandma was watching over her during the first 3 days after she pass away. Why? Because she don't see that black cat anymore.

I was telling her that that black cat is probably a poj ntxoog. After it die, it kept coming back and poj ntxoog comes at night which that black cat comes every night. I even heard story from my in laws about poj ntxoog that usually takes the form of a black cat, so that pretty much tell me that that black cat was a poj ntxoog.

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3743 on: March 22, 2013, 10:05:49 AM »
thats pretty freaky^^

just the thought of black cats sitting and staring is freaky enough but everywhere you go you see them and then see them dead not too long after, hella freaky

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pang vang

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3744 on: March 25, 2013, 08:38:49 AM »
@ Freso559
haha i know right! it creeps me out ! Never experience that again!

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3745 on: March 26, 2013, 11:07:26 AM »
For those of you who can see and hear ghosts, it gets really creepy sometimes.  The latest experience I had, was the one probably at work. 

The building I work for is old, that much I know.  It has 4 levels, including a basement.  Co-workers have said it used to be a jailhouse.  I work on the first floor, which is where they would let the prisoners roam free and watch them from above.  There's this tiny closet that leads up to a flight of stairs that take you to another level, its almost like being in the airvents looking down except there is enough space to walk and stand up straight. 

The building is haunted and there are lots of stories.  For me though, I sometimes stayed late in the building or go in on weekends by myself to work.  One such weekend, I went in and it was getting to 6:00 pm.  Usually, when the "they" -- meaning the ghosts --- want me to leave, they start showing themselves subtly or start making noises.  I'm sensitive to them, so I usually pack up my stuff and leave.  I know they don't want to harm me, but they don't like the lights and want to be left alone.  It's an understanding between us.  But only for the ones in the dept I work for.  I don't venture out of my dept because I'm not sure what I will run into.  the building is really that creepy.

Well, it was 6:00 at night and it was starting to get dark outside.  I was at the copier collating when I heard loud continuous banging, like someone was opening and closing metal cabinets.  The first thought that ran through my.mind was, "When did someone get here and bypass me that I didn't even notice", so I followed the sound and came up empty.  I couldn't exactly pin point where the sound was coming from either.  I even thought, "Is someone trying to break in?"  But no, the noise is definitely inside with me and the windows are painted shut. 

So the noise continued and since I couldn't pinpoint it, decided to ignore it and get my work done so I could leave.  Well, guess what?  Ignoring it wasn't going to go away.  Instead what happened was it got louder and more distinct to the point where I realized it was right above me.  It wasn't someone opening and closing cabinets, it was someone clearly walking above me in that vent area.  Someone walking heavily on metal, which is what the vent is made of.  Then it started stomping.  It wanted me to go home, bad. 

By the way, did I forget to mention no one used that vent area passage way.  No one goes up there. 

You'd think I would have peed in my pants by now right?  Nope, not me.  I have no idea why, but when these strange things happen to me, atm, I don't scare.  Only afterwards when I reflect back, then I get creeped out and wonder why I'm not scared. 

So what did I do?  I told the thing I wasn't ready to go home yet cause I was still.working on a project.  Did it stop?  Nope.  So I started to get annoy because it was causing too much camotion and the noise was intensifying.  Urgh!   I got mad at it and then prayed.  Prayers always work.  I prayed for it to leave me alone.  And before I finished my prayers, it was like someone came and turned off the TV or radio.  Complete dead silence. 

I didn't leave until 8:00 that night.  That building holds a lot of craziness.  When you go in, remember to shut your eyes and ears to all the strangeness around you.  Don't let it get the best of you and don't let them scare you.  Because they will try. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3746 on: March 26, 2013, 11:17:20 AM »
On other late nights when I stay during the week, and no one else is around except for 2 custodians who are on different levels of the building, when "they" want me to leave, they start showing themselves repeatedly.  They would whish by a few feet away from my desk, back and forth.   I know its my cue to pack up and go home. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3747 on: March 26, 2013, 11:40:00 AM »
Another strange happening took place at my Aunt's place.  Their house was built brand new for them to live in.  They have a young niece who has all her baby teeth, and she's extremely talkative.  She would tell them sometimes there is something in the bathroom, which is on the first floor close by to the kitchen.  Of course the family gets freaked out, but what can they do? 

So one night I slept over at my Aunts place with my sister who came from out of town.  She didn't want to sleep at my rental home because it has its own ghosts there too.  As we were getting ready to sleep, I kid you not, I saw something in the kitchen.  Something small and it was running around in the freakin kitchen. 

My sister and I were sleeping in the balcony which has direct view into the whole kitchen.  She slept on the bed and I slept on the ground. 

When I first saw the thing, which was a blur, I thought my eyes were playing tricks.  "No, not here too." Sure enough it started.  The noise of running footsteps on tile intensified and it was playing.  It ran round and round the stupid island and I thought it was never going to stop.  I couldn't believe it.  Not here, with people around. 

There was a bedroom downstairs as well.  This was shared by a family of 4 and they were awake in their rooms and you could hear them talking.  I could hear the loud footsteps and there was banging on the wall too.  Anyways, there so much noise and it was chaotic. 

I started to creep out when I kept asking my sister, "Don't you hoiear that?  Someone is running in the kitchen.  It's super loud.  Tell me you hear it too.". And she was like,  "I don't hear anything.".

As suddenly as it came, it just stopped. 

My cousin that lived there tried to say it was the chickens.  Her brother had left some chickens downstairs so they were probably flapping their wings.  But then her brother says he already took the chickens out. 

Must have been that little thing the niece sees.  What else could it have been?  Other than me being cuckoo. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3748 on: March 26, 2013, 11:52:44 AM »
I wonder if I could ever run away from "them".  I have finally succeeded.  My apartment is super quite.  It's warm and cozy.  No matter how hard I try to sense them here, nothing.  It's such a strange feeling to know you are utterly alone.  I'm not complaining though.  I love it.  I don't ever remember feeling like this.  I think they have always been around all.the time, from one house to another.  Different ones of course. 

Life is much easier when u can't see or feel them.  Before this apartment, I always thought they were everywhere, but that's not true. 

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Re: Hmong Ghost Stories
« Reply #3749 on: March 26, 2013, 03:38:42 PM »
I never believed in ghost until the day my little brother passed away. Before he passed, I told him I would be taking family leave from work to care for him. The night before he passed, I promised him that after I get off work the following afternoon, I was coming to stay with him, and not go back home to my fiance or work until he gets better. I should have gotten a clue that he was going to pass, when he gave me a good-bye kiss out of the blue. He has never done that before. And I have been giving him little baby kisses since he was first diagnose with cancer. When I got in my car, I look thru his window and thought to myself, what if this is the last time I saw him alive. But thinking nothing of it, I drove back home to Sacramento.   

The weeks leading up to his death, he did not look or smells like himself. Cancer was killing him softly. His organs were slowly shutting down, causing him to turn from yellow, to orange, to milk chocolate.  He couldn't eat; he couldn't drink, and could barely move or talk. He would try to sleep although he couldn't. He would sleep with his eyes open without knowing.

He passed away on a cold Friday morning. I stayed at my parents to help out with the funeral and burial arrangements. After everything was taken care of, my mom told me to go home and get away from things for a day or two. I obligated at first, because I felt like I was going against what I promised him. But my mother says that I shouldn't feel guilty by leaving, because he didn't do what he promised. He left without saying good-bye. I went home on a Wednesday night. Although he was my brother, I was a bit scared of him. I guess I was afraid he might come to visit me. My fiance worked the night shift, so I was in our room alone. I never sleep with the TV and lights on, but that night I did. I swear to god, I closed my eyes for not even a second, and I saw my brother open my bedroom door and walked right up to my bed side. I was scare of him so I acted like I was sleeping. I could see him watching me and hear him talk to me thru his mind. He says he just wanted to come by for a quick visit. Even though I was afraid of him, I didn't want him to leave me so soon. I ask him to stay with my eyes still shut. He said he couldn't because he still has a couple other people he wants to visit & he doesn't have much time. Then he lean in and gave me a kiss and walked out. I woke right up and felt a light kiss on my lips. I felt so stupid afterward for being afraid of my brother. I cried because he came to visit and I couldn't even say what I wanted to say to him.

Sorry for the grammar. Not a scary story, but sure made me a believer from that night forward.

I understand.  You love them but scare of them at the same time.  He would never have hurt you, but its normal to be afraid of the unknown.  I wonder if he still visits you.  I'm sure he does.

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