
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610010 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #885 on: October 06, 2009, 12:48:24 AM »
Alrighty, i got another story(i have a whole storage room), lol

One night, i was driving home. Just so you know, i lived in Oklahoma, so im surrounded by woods all the way home, and there was almsot no houses. This was also at 2 or 3 in the morning. Anyways, i was on the road back, when i saw a little girl, dressed in white sitting by the side of the road, holding a drum to her chest. At first i slowed down, but as i got closer, the smell of rotting filled my nose, scaring the hell out of me. And i drove off. For about a few miles, i kept looking back to see if she was following me, and was grateful when she wasnt behind me. I returned to looking foward and saw her sitting on the side of the road again, a little further down the road. This time i was really freaked. So i blasted the music and just prayed. For another 10-20 miles, i saw her again and again. Then suddenly, this warm relief flowed over me as another approaches from the opposite lane. After that i never saw the little girl again...or do i?

god damm, that is freaky........ .Man you should turn that into a movie. Im interested, keep you storage room coming

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #886 on: October 06, 2009, 11:28:36 AM »
^ lol, living in Oklahoma and Arkansas, where indians perform weird rituals, i see a lot of weird crap like this.

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Sapphire Moon

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #887 on: October 06, 2009, 11:51:16 AM »
Yes, Laos Ghost Stories tend to be scarier. Perhaps so many of us (from the younger generation) don't have experiences living in Laos and may tend to have more imaginations when thinking about it. Whatever it is, I do think Laos Ghost Stories are the best.  Take this one for of my uncle, who was a pimp in his day decided to go out to one of the neighboring village to sneak a peak at the village hotties through the bamboo walls.  He took off with one of his cousin, but he didn't show up when it was time to go.  His cousin thought that he "struck gold" so left without him.  When it was past midnight, my uncle made his way back home.  The moon was up so there was enough light for him to see the trail.  As he was walking to an intersection of the trail, he looked ahead and saw a Hmong girl standing by the intersection.  She looked beautiful and was actually smiling at him.  He called out to her and was very excited and surprised to meet someone--especially a woman alone, so late at night.  She didn't answer him at all but just smiled and pointed her finger to the village that he just walked back from.  Suddenly, fear started to grip him and he started to wonder if this lady is a ghost or a witch.  He looked at her again and then started to scream when he smelled the rotten stench that was coming from her.  He ran and scream all the way past a couple villages (waking everyone up) before he arrived back at his.  Our grandpa came out and ask my uncle what the hell is wrong with him?  He told the story to my grandfather and the rest of the family members on what he encountered.  Another of my uncle became really pale and said that the intersection was where they buried a girl that committed suicide (overdose on opium) when she couldn't marry the guy she loved.  Everybody said that my "Pimp" uncle never went out late at night again and he decided it was time to settle down.

 ;D ;D ;D  This story reminds me of a story my (former) mother in law told us once......Hhhh uummmmm....I wonder...LOL

This took place back in Laos.  My father in law used to love going out at night to hang out with the ladies in a neighboring village even though he was married to my mother in law.  They only had 1 child at the time so she was still very young and she had long flowing hair….very beautiful.  One night after my father in law left, she asked a younger sister in law to watch her baby.  She decided she was going to follow him and see where he goes or who he talks to.  She didn’t want him to see her either so she stayed her distance.  It was late so all that she was wearing was a white gown that she normally wears to sleep.  The only light in sight was the moon when she came upon what seems like a path going into the village where my father in law was in.  While she was standing there, she needed to go to the bathroom badly so she decided to step off the path and do what she needed to do (#2).  When she was done, she stepped back onto the path and looked towards the village to see if she can see my father in law.  Suddenly a man from the distant saw her.  He was walking towards the village.  As he got closer to her, he kept looking at her.  Some of her long hair was covering her face.  It was dark and all they could see of each other were their eyes and teeth.  He asked her “Leej muam….what are you doing here at night?”  She didn’t respond.  She was already upset that her husband was somewhere nearby talking to another lady, so when he asked her that, it only irritated her, but he kept looking at her, trying to get a better view of her face, then he asked again “leej muam, it’s so late, why are you standing here by yourself”.  He must’ve smelled her feces that were just off the path from her “business” earlier. Lol  He kept looking around her as if he smelled something.  Becoming even more irritated she wanted to get rid of him so raised her arms and growled at him.  As soon as she did that, he took off wailing in fright….”poj dab os, poj dab os” was as if his body wanted to run faster than his legs could carry him, stumbling on every other step.  When he reached the village, she heard a loud commotion coming from the village people. They seem like they were working up a troop and gearing up to find this so call “dab”.  She worried that my father in law may find out and then she would be in trouble for following him.  She ran home as fast as she can.  Just an hour after she got home, my father in law came home and said that a man in a village where he was at saw a poj dab. My mother in law just kept it to herself, knowing that if anyone found out she’ll have to hu plig for the poor guy. Lol

After my mother in law told us this story, I said to her “to this day, I’m sure that guy is probably telling people of his dab encounter back in Laos”  

There are always 2 sides to every story.  ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #888 on: October 06, 2009, 02:08:16 PM »

 ;D ;D ;D  This story reminds me of a story my (former) mother in law told us once......Hhhh uummmmm....I wonder...LOL

This took place back in Laos.  My father in law used to love going out at night to hang out with the ladies in a neighboring village even though he was married to my mother in law.  They only had 1 child at the time so she was still very young and she had long flowing hair….very beautiful.  One night after my father in law left, she asked a younger sister in law to watch her baby.  She decided she was going to follow him and see where he goes or who he talks to.  She didn’t want him to see her either so she stayed her distance.  It was late so all that she was wearing was a white gown that she normally wears to sleep.  The only light in sight was the moon when she came upon what seems like a path going into the village where my father in law was in.  While she was standing there, she needed to go to the bathroom badly so she decided to step off the path and do what she needed to do (#2).  When she was done, she stepped back onto the path and looked towards the village to see if she can see my father in law.  Suddenly a man from the distant saw her.  He was walking towards the village.  As he got closer to her, he kept looking at her.  Some of her long hair was covering her face.  It was dark and all they could see of each other were their eyes and teeth.  He asked her “Leej muam….what are you doing here at night?”  She didn’t respond.  She was already upset that her husband was somewhere nearby talking to another lady, so when he asked her that, it only irritated her, but he kept looking at her, trying to get a better view of her face, then he asked again “leej muam, it’s so late, why are you standing here by yourself”.  He must’ve smelled her feces that were just off the path from her “business” earlier. Lol  He kept looking around her as if he smelled something.  Becoming even more irritated she wanted to get rid of him so raised her arms and growled at him.  As soon as she did that, he took off wailing in fright….”poj dab os, poj dab os” was as if his body wanted to run faster than his legs could carry him, stumbling on every other step.  When he reached the village, she heard a loud commotion coming from the village people. They seem like they were working up a troop and gearing up to find this so call “dab”.  She worried that my father in law may find out and then she would be in trouble for following him.  She ran home as fast as she can.  Just an hour after she got home, my father in law came home and said that a man in a village where he was at saw a poj dab. My mother in law just kept it to herself, knowing that if anyone found out she’ll have to hu plig for the poor guy. Lol

After my mother in law told us this story, I said to her “to this day, I’m sure that guy is probably telling people of his dab encounter back in Laos” 

There are always 2 sides to every story.  ;D

Hahah!  That's pretty funny...I'd probably be scared out of my mind if I was in his shoes, too.  Some weird lady wearing white w/long black hair that covers her face?  OMG, I probably would've just ignored her and kept on walking.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #889 on: October 06, 2009, 02:18:56 PM »

« Last Edit: January 14, 2017, 11:15:25 PM by Shadow »

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Sapphire Moon

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #890 on: October 06, 2009, 02:59:48 PM »
LOL....that could happen.  ;D 

lol, then for all i knoe, my story was happening like this from the little girls point of view...

She was abandoned by her parents before she went to sleep(explaining white gown). They gave her a drum to keep her company. She was crying, and i drove by. She hasn't showered in month(her parents don't want her to waste water). I slow down, she gets happy, then i run off. Not knowing that i accidently drove into a road that goes in circle(This happened when i looked behind me towards her). Therefore i kept seeing the little girl, she got irritated after my fourth time, that she went with another car(the one that passed me on the road), lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #891 on: October 06, 2009, 05:35:33 PM »
This happened back in Laos in the old days - like around my grandparent's generation.  My mom had an uncle who did a blood oath thing with a girlfriend.  Unfortunately they both married someone else.

A couple years later the girlfriend died in childbirth and came back to take Uncle with her cause of the blood oath they both took.  My uncle got really sick for a long time.  My grandma said that she was only a young girl during that time but she helped Uncle's wife took care of Uncle for a while before Uncle passed away.

Grandma said that as night approaches Uncle would open his eyes and kind of look toward the doorway and whispers "los los - nej tuaj lawm los.  los zaum os" and then he'll be saying stuff like "I'm so tire I can't go with you now - wait until I gain more strenght" (Of course he said it Hmong)

Grandma said that during those night Uncle would carry on a conversation with someone or something as though they were sitting right beside his bed.  She said that she hates being in that room at night time with Aunt because it was as though there was something there watching her.  As soon as someone entered that room they'll start getting chills and goosebumps - so rarely anyone was there besides her and Aunt.

Uncle was sick for quite a while and then finally passed away - grandma said that at the time my uncle passed away it was as though someone was strangling him and he kept on gasping for breath and choking up.  When the funeral came around Uncle was already all rotten and the stink was so bad that nobody wanted to go near his corpse. 

After the funeral a long distance aunt - who was a shaman - told Aunt and the family that his dead girlfriend and several other poj ntxoog visited him while he was dying.  They were the ones who he talked to while he was very ill.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #892 on: October 06, 2009, 06:33:30 PM »
Ladie Lor:  I want to know where I can read more about the remains of the girl that was murdered and buried in that backyard.

Here's a story. An ucle and aunt of my husband's bought this really nice house in East St.Paul close by Phalen Park. They have 3 teenage daughters. One day one of the girls were washing dishes there a girl helping her she though it was one of her sisters but than when she turned around it wasn't her sisters but another hmong girl she didn't know the girl she thought maybe it was one her sisters friends. After she was done she went to the living asked her sisters who was the girl in the kitchen but they said they didn't know what she was talking about. The next day the second sister was cooking and there was a girl she was helping her yet she thought it was her sisters but when she turned around it was a hmong girl she didn't know. So she asked the girl where u are from the girl didn't answer her. She asked the girl who are u the girl didn't answer her so she got scared and called her sisters into the kitchen. All three of them stood there staring at the girl. So the girl started crying she told them that she was murdered and that she was buried under the tree in the backyard. The girls got scared. They told the aunt and uncle about it but they didn't believe the girls. So the girl continue to come and help the girls everyday. She'd tell the girls she needed help because she was stuck in the backayrd. They aunt and uncle still didn't listen or believe the girls because they didn't see the girl. One night the uncle heard someone walking around the house so he woke the aunt up and they went to investigate. They didn't see anything when they walked in the the living there was no one but tv was on they'd turn it off it'll go into the kitchen and turn on the water they'd go and turn it off. It'll into the bathroom and flush the toilet. It went on the whole night. The next morning the uncle called his cousin from the STP police department and told what his daughters were telling him. The STP police department came out and dug around the tree sure enough there was a black trash bag with human bones in it. It turned out to be a hmong her girl who has been missing for over 10 yrs. After the bag of bones were removed from the backyard the girls never saw the ghost girl again.

Here's another one my husband's cousin and his wife bought a house in Minneapolis it was a big 5 bedroom house. They only have 3 kids. The strange is that whenever they go some where and come back there would be extra shoes on the shoe rack that didn't belong to them. And another thing when people come and visit they would see white kids running around the house the guess would ask them why do they have white kids running around they'd they don't. This happened for while until one day of the the kids he was 4 years old was taking a bath and almost drowned he was crying telling his parents the someone was holding his head in the water. The cousin yelled at his wife saying it was her fault she didn't watch the kid. They got into a big fight. The next day the wife got mad so she went to county clerk's office and asked for the records of the house come to find out a white man murdered his wife and children in the house. They were scared so they moved out and sued the realtor for not disclosing this information to them when he sold them the house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #893 on: October 07, 2009, 10:38:53 AM »
One night, my sister was sleeping downstair on a brown leather sofa.  Just as she was heavy sleeping, something clapped its hands loudly and licked her.  She awoke and realized that she wasn't at her own house.  Come to find out, my other sister's boxer died and was buried in the flower plot beside the house.  It had choked on a bone and died a few months prior to the freaky experience.

When a dog shakes its head, the ears flaps and makes loud noises like hand clapping.  There are spirits surrounding us at all times...even spiritual pets.  lolz. 


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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #894 on: October 08, 2009, 11:05:54 AM »
I heard about those kind of story before, story about people in Laos being sick on their death bed and while being there they'll be talking to invincible or imaginary people. And out of nowhere they be chewing on snail and crab "crunch crunch", and that was suppose to be those hairy creature feeding them.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #895 on: October 08, 2009, 12:27:42 PM »
dang, if i was dying and i saw something hariy and small, i would freak out, lol, that kinda sounds perverted, but u all know wat i mean.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #896 on: October 08, 2009, 03:39:20 PM »
And out of nowhere they be chewing on snail and crab "crunch crunch"

That part is freaky as fukc.....still chewing even though they dont have the energy to open their eyes lol

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #897 on: October 08, 2009, 09:26:15 PM »
I forgot what the refugee camp in Thailand was call but my mom told us that there were eventually so many people that they had to move into the areas where the people used to bury their deceased one.

Some of the houses were built right on top of graves - even though they have gone through and plowed the area first.  My mom said that when they plowed the area all sort of dead bodies appeared on the surface.

One family moved into a building that was built on top of a grave - though they didn't know it at this time.

During the night the husband would have dreams of this lady with long black hair standing near the bed.  They would always hear crying as though someone was in a lot of pain.  They investigated the sound but couldn't find the source of it.  What was weird was that when they wake up in the morning there were these long strands of black hair in their bed and all over their body.  It was always in this same bed that these weird things happen in.

One day their two small children were playing hide and seek and one  of the kid crawled under the bed.  Afterwards the kid came out and was crying and screaming about this lady he saw under the bed - in his hands were some long dark hair. 

The husband dug up the area under the bed and they found that their bed was built right on top of this lady's grave.  The dead lady had long dark hair - like the ones they kept on finding in their bed.

Soon after that they moved out of that place.  Words get around the camp and they found out that this guy buried his wife in that same area a few years back - his wife had long beautiful black hair.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #898 on: October 09, 2009, 02:05:02 AM »
oh that was in vee-ny refugee camp

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #899 on: October 10, 2009, 01:03:11 PM »
heres my story....dont know if its ghost related or coincidence, but here it goes.......... ....

this happend about 4-5 yrs ago, but anyways....... of my older uncles just recently came here from laos, and was living with us, and slept in the guest room.  it was cool and all than a couple of months later he gotten really sick, he had bad kidneys, and need dialysis(however u spell it) .........but unfortunately hes gotten really ill and had to stay at the hospitol for treatment..... .............. .Here goes the freaky part.......... our dining room, we have a big glass liquor cabinet in the corner...i store all my liqours and wine in there, and on the bottom was the bottom tier liqour stuff like brandy, capt. morgan, tequila, smirnoff vodka, etc.....a couple of months goes by, and one day,  i had some guests over so i went over to the cabinet and popped a bottle of J. walker, as i glanced down, i had  noticed that on the bottom level, there was a completely empty bottle of yukon jack, seems like someone pushed in the upper half of the bottle, and it  is inside of the bottom half!!! i was thinking to myself that this is glass, how can it perfectly do that without shattering all over the place?????   and the other freaky thing is that there is no sign or trace where the liqour went??  Whoever had dranked yukon jack before, knows that it has a sweet, cinammon taste to it and it is sticky!!!  Still as i investigated i couldnt see no sign or trace of the liqour pouring out or anything of that  sort!!!!

Days past, and then one day my pops called and said that my uncle passed away!!?!?!!!  i was like wtf?!?! 
so in conclusion, i've figured that he came back to my house to say goodbye and had 1 last drink and also to leave a sign that he was leaving to a better place!! 

btw, that was his favorite liqour, thats why i'd bought it for him, but hed gotten sick and couldnt have none, so i saved it and just left it on the bottom.......

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