PebHmong Discussion Forum

General Category => Debate Central => Topic started by: Hung_Low on April 12, 2016, 10:51:36 PM

Title: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Hung_Low on April 12, 2016, 10:51:36 PM (

How about taking the responsibiliti es for your kids' education by being an active participants in their school, education, life, etc.
The school is not rigged against blacks, latinos, asian, etc.
All my cousins and relatives went to these same school and yet they were able to go on to college. I grew up with Hmong people that went to majority blacks school and majority of these Hmong people are all college grads. The only ones that aren't are in gangs...

Actually, I think blacks, Latinos, Asian student have special treatment because they get to go to special classes that allows teachers more time to teach them.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: nightrider on April 12, 2016, 11:21:00 PM
I'm placing fault squarely on parents. Too many parents doesn't discipline their kids or put them in a habit where they would participate in academic activities at home. Most parents just thinks that it's the schools responsibility to educate their kids and it's no theirs. Besides that, they may never attend teacher student conferences to assess their child's performance. Either they're just stuck at work or have no time and these folks usually made up of poor people. Whom doesn't have a good education themselves and with low paying wages and benefits. Such constraints can have a impact on how much involvement they have with their childrens' education.

Special ed, only if you're ELL otherwise there's no such thing. And by the way, with the education funding cuts and school limitations by district rules implementation students will be limited to a few select schools, won't be able to attend outside of the district all in the effort to save money. Schools in the midwest here will be no different than schools in Cali. if you're behind, you're lost to society... That's just how the education down in Cali. 
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: duckwingduck on April 13, 2016, 06:54:12 AM
No but quality of education in the ghetto will be inferior to education in a rich neighborhood.  So, if you are unable to go to a rich neighbor school and stay in the ghetto, the odds are against you.  Also, the ghetto environment is makes it difficult to focus on school.  I had friends who grew up in the ghetto and their experience are shocking bad compare to mine.  I went to a small city high school.  I also had friends who work with school in the ghetto.  The environment is just bad that teachers no longer care about teaching.  Other students are so bad that it makes it hard for good students to do well.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: YAX on April 13, 2016, 10:52:38 AM
Parent's attitudes have alot to do with it.  Some parents just don't care about their children so they don't do their part to help the kids succeed.  Parents should learn to control their kids and be an authority figure to help the kid understand discipline and to be respectful.

On the other hand schools can't expect parents to be teachers.  Children should learn schoolwork at school, not at home.  Don't be giving kids a bunch of homework and expect parents to work with them on finishing it.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Hung_Low on April 13, 2016, 05:48:52 PM
No but quality of education in the ghetto will be inferior to education in a rich neighborhood.  So, if you are unable to go to a rich neighbor school and stay in the ghetto, the odds are against you.  Also, the ghetto environment is makes it difficult to focus on school.  I had friends who grew up in the ghetto and their experience are shocking bad compare to mine.  I went to a small city high school.  I also had friends who work with school in the ghetto.  The environment is just bad that teachers no longer care about teaching.  Other students are so bad that it makes it hard for good students to do well.

Yes, I agree with you but somehow... these people seem to think that their school is rigged against them. I know a few Hmong friends of mine that went to a ghetto school (heart of big city ghetto) and yet they're all college grad, even one of them is a Cardiologist.

And there's the problem... it's not because of the school that are rigged against blacks or latinos... it's the fact that these students have respect and good behavior. They got that from their parents. When the parents don't teach the kids to behave or how important education is, they will fail.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: nightrider on April 13, 2016, 09:35:57 PM
Speaking of good behaviors, we're now seeing more and more violence against teachers so why the hell do teachers need to care about teaching? I just think schools need to be more tougher, academically and zero tolerance in violence against teachers. Just this year a lone, there had been 3/4 incidents relating to student violence against teachers here in the twin cities. It's just unacceptable. These boards of education presidents need to protect teachers not just students.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: dogmai on April 14, 2016, 09:53:43 AM
Speaking of good behaviors, we're now seeing more and more violence against teachers so why the hell do teachers need to care about teaching? I just think schools need to be more tougher, academically and zero tolerance in violence against teachers. Just this year a lone, there had been 3/4 incidents relating to student violence against teachers here in the twin cities. It's just unacceptable. These boards of education presidents need to protect teachers not just students.

To some, cops' lives don't matter, so why would teachers' lives matter? Unless if they are black of course.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: lexicon on April 14, 2016, 11:04:36 AM
From my own personal experience, the disparity I've seen comes in the form of school funds from the State/Federal Government. Some schools are better funded than some, regardless of where they are located and or what their current budget situation is.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Solemn Wind on April 14, 2016, 12:26:58 PM
Speaking of good behaviors, we're now seeing more and more violence against teachers so why the hell do teachers need to care about teaching? I just think schools need to be more tougher, academically and zero tolerance in violence against teachers. Just this year a lone, there had been 3/4 incidents relating to student violence against teachers here in the twin cities. It's just unacceptable. These boards of education presidents need to protect teachers not just students.

Teacher abused by students are rarely if ever talked about even though it's the number one reason why teachers quit. When it comes to discipline in American public schools, it's a joke. Students and parents have their way and not just teachers but administrators hands are tied. I would never recommend becoming a teacher to someone that I love.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: nightrider on April 14, 2016, 08:49:56 PM
To some, cops' lives don't matter, so why would teachers' lives matter? Unless if they are black of course.

I don't think you can fairly compare teachers to cops. Cops' lives matter, but when you're too cocky because you got a badge and a gun and lose your professionalis m and escalate the situation further, I think your life can be justified being worthless. Most of these police brutality occurrences are due to "mad dog" behaviors. I'm not saying all cops are bad, just a handful of bad apples, but if you protect them you're just as bad. That's the biggest problem every community here in America has. Cops making a case that their lives matter or are in danger? If you're that scared don't become a cop, besides who told you that you can't have body armor and a partner who's going to watch your every move. It's probably best to just shoot 1st and questions later, I supposed...

Solemn Wind,
I'm sure American public schools and the board of education had experienced plenty of student disciplinary actions to the extreme in the past, where the government had to make restrictions on how far punishments can go. And yes, teachers and admins are powerless to do anything except expulsion which doesn't solve the problem but make another school their problem. I think everyone knows where the source of the cancer but don't have the stomach to get rid of it. If a person love to teach, that's their passion, and you can't really stop them from the things they love to do. But if they can choose the course to teach, should teach advance courses... It's regular courses that are the worst, this is why many teachers lose interest in teaching and just putting up for the sake of a pension plan and a paycheck because they can't go anywhere else.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: dogmai on April 22, 2016, 01:04:39 AM
I don't think you can fairly compare teachers to cops. Cops' lives matter, but when you're too cocky because you got a badge and a gun and lose your professionalis m and escalate the situation further, I think your life can be justified being worthless. Most of these police brutality occurrences are due to "mad dog" behaviors. I'm not saying all cops are bad, just a handful of bad apples, but if you protect them you're just as bad. That's the biggest problem every community here in America has. Cops making a case that their lives matter or are in danger? If you're that scared don't become a cop, besides who told you that you can't have body armor and a partner who's going to watch your every move. It's probably best to just shoot 1st and questions later, I supposed...

Solemn Wind,
I'm sure American public schools and the board of education had experienced plenty of student disciplinary actions to the extreme in the past, where the government had to make restrictions on how far punishments can go. And yes, teachers and admins are powerless to do anything except expulsion which doesn't solve the problem but make another school their problem. I think everyone knows where the source of the cancer but don't have the stomach to get rid of it. If a person love to teach, that's their passion, and you can't really stop them from the things they love to do. But if they can choose the course to teach, should teach advance courses... It's regular courses that are the worst, this is why many teachers lose interest in teaching and just putting up for the sake of a pension plan and a paycheck because they can't go anywhere else.

Cops lives matter just as much as teachers or any other lives. When you start measuring the value of life of one group and compared it to another group, is when problems start. When we value the lives of one group to be greater than the lives of another group, that's when lives don't matter. And even though all lives have equal value, some are at higher risk of dying. This is when we provide different groups with different needs. Example, cops are given guns and teachers not teachers.

On your comment about some shouldn't be cops, by law, cops have a duty to serve and protect the community, but sacrificing their own lives is not a requirement. This is when lawfully qualified to be a cop and morally qualified to be a cop bump heads.   In situations that they truly feel that their lives are in danger, they can use their guns.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Hung_Low on April 22, 2016, 09:28:50 AM
Speaking of good behaviors, we're now seeing more and more violence against teachers so why the hell do teachers need to care about teaching? I just think schools need to be more tougher, academically and zero tolerance in violence against teachers. Just this year a lone, there had been 3/4 incidents relating to student violence against teachers here in the twin cities. It's just unacceptable. These boards of education presidents need to protect teachers not just students.
Parents and students need to be held accountable just as teachers are. If a student misbehave, they should be suspended. If it happens more than a few times, he/she should be expelled. They are in school to learn, not to be baby-set.

Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on April 28, 2016, 03:27:12 AM
Math is a universal language so how can it be rigged against blacks and Latinos?

It boils down to mentality. I've been to several school districts that were as different as night and day. Students from predominantly black and latino school districts simply don't put in as much effort on schoolwork. Unfortunately, their parents help them find all sorts of excuses not to complete assignments. They like to use money as the main source of problem. Even if a teacher had the most fun and exciting project for a classroom, a majority of the kids would find excuses not to complete it. Thus, it is just easier to pass out boring worksheets in class. A lot of them are going to say that they can't get a poster board, or a shoebox, or magazines, etc. Why? Because parents don't see relevance in any of it.

The reality is that it isn't the modern technology in wealthier schools that make education better. Parents have a much higher expectation for their child to perform well. Thus, students (though not all but at least the majority) come prepared to learn. Assignments tend to be project-based rather than out of the textbook or worksheets. Students find it much more rewarding and challenging to complete assignments that have real-life relevance. Try to hand out that kind of assignment to kids from bilingual schools and lower-income districts. Most will come back with a bunch of excuses.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on April 28, 2016, 11:14:33 AM
It is pretty sad. 

I remember going to a mostly Hispanic school and was bullied constantly.  My grades failed and my GPA went down to almost nothing.  I was very devastated and skipped school all the time because I didn't want to be bullied.  I'd cry every night fearing my future.  Considered getting married young just to get away even though I knew it would be wrong.

But, a light clicked when my older sister was transferring out to another school where her best friend was going.  This was my opportunity to fight tooth and nail to get out as well so I begged my sister to take me with her to ask for a transfer too.  They wouldn't allow it. Said I had to wait until I was a senior to transfer.  That would mean two more years of torture and I couldn't do it.  So begged and begged and cried and cried.  I begged my sister to tell them I had to transfer too.

Before I left the school's office that day, I was officially transferred and I never missed a single school day once I got acclimated to the new school and graduated with almost straight A's and honor role and went to college and moved on with life.  The damage in middle and 9th grade was hard to overcome so there was a lot of struggle.  Not only that but being of 2 cultures was difficult as well.  It was a challenging childhood but I wanted to put freedom to use and I had a curiosity for what was "better" out there than what I had, which was really, nothing.

I didn't ask to be treated better or to be given an advantage because I was Asian.  I just wanted something better and I did what I could for what I wanted. 

So I don't think any race should be given advantages.  It's unfair.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on April 28, 2016, 11:38:35 AM
In middle school, in Spanish class, the Hispanics were so lout and rude and the teacher (who was Caucasian and loved the Hispanic/Mexican culture) had to stop teaching to calm the class down but no one would listen to her.  She then attempted to lecture the students on her love of the culture and her passion to teach and make a difference and stuff and she started crying because it meant so much to her, and guess what one student did?  He/she threw a spit wad or something at her and the whole class laughed and laughed and continued being loud and obnoxious.  I was so heartbroken I wanted to do something to make the teacher see that not all her students were like that.  She had left the room after the incident and never returned.

We had subs the next few days or so and then we got a new teacher and this new teacher was mean.  She didn't teach us anything. She only babysat us for the rest of the school year.

There are moments (not very often) that I still think of this kind and sweet Spanish teacher and I wish I had had the opportunity to tell her that she was a great teacher, a great person, and that I missed her and that I am sorry for how those students treated her.  I wish that I had left the room when she did.

No regrets or anything but just remembering how cruel these students were and the life lesson I learned from it.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on April 28, 2016, 11:47:30 AM
So to answer the topic's question, no, it's not rigged.  You can see that they don't do their work, they choose not to listen and learn and now they want privileges for being a different race.

My examples from my childhood is just to show that that's what my experience was with Hispanics.  THere are good Hispanics out there because I've come across them and I think they're great, and as a whole they are good people, but my experiences were horrible.  I didn't ask to be bullied by them or to see them bully a good teacher but those experiences (there are tons more but not gonna share) have made me see them the way I do.  I don't hate them or have anything against but I can see how they are not successful.  They spend too much time fooling around and then expect to be rewarded for it.

btw, the majority of the blacks that I've known, whether ghetto or not were always nice and good.  In high school there was a gang member who sat behind me in Social Studies who was a really nice guy.  He got along with everyone at the school.  One day we heard on the news that he was shot and of course the next day at school he wasn't there and so on.  It was sad.  I've always wondered why he had to be in a gang when he was a good person and he wasn't super smart but he wasn't dumb.  He could have been something if he was still alive.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 03, 2016, 12:55:53 AM
I strongly discourage parents from enrolling their child into a predominantly Black or Latino school district. Your child will get a subpar education because their peers (blacks and Latinos) lack the aptitude and motivation to take education seriously. There might be a few but the staff and administration will inevitably have to shift all their focus onto the majority of students who are failing. Any type of funds streaming into the school will be wasted on bulls.hit programs that focus on retention and family issues at home. That means no money for gifted students and those who actually want to learn.

Do whatever you can to move into white neighborhoods. If that isn't immediately possible then try to get your child into their school district. The money will be used to enrich student life and academics rather than on Carmen and Jose's ESL so they can help Manuel complete homework assignments. OR for the black schools, bulls.hit consultants who are hired to figure out the RIGHT curriculum in which black kids might actually learn the alphabet because for some reason they can't understand what everybody else is using.

Black and Latino school districts need too much unnecessary help. They are one step away from asking Asian kids to do their homework and take the tests. White liberals in public education keep enabling blacks and Latinos so there is no reason why they will ever change.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 12:14:18 AM

It's horrendous in any school district that is predominantly Latino or black. That black kid was like that because he was outnumbered. If he had been at a predominantly black school you would've seen a very different side of him.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on May 09, 2016, 03:05:07 PM
I honestly don't know what is causing them to fail in academics.  It could be environment and/or DNA.  I personally know that I love advancement and new technology and I'll give up culture to move forward.  I think I see culture not something to continue but something to do and learn from and move forward.  For instance, I don't believe that Hmong people need to pick their own rice in the rice fields in Laos.  I think the smart thing to do is work in the city and as a group, save up the money to buy a rice cutting machine and invest in that to do the work of a hundred people picking rice.  Sell the rice to the world and with that money, build roads and get clean water and a hospital in place.  You can still practice the art of the culture but you don't need to remain 3rd world.  I was watching a video my mom was playing at her house yesterday...a cousin had gone to Hmong China and gave a video to my parents.  I was just shocked at how 3rd world they were living.

I guess my conclusion is, people can learn and get out of poverty but something in their upbringing or DNA just isn't thinking that way.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on May 09, 2016, 03:10:38 PM

It's horrendous in any school district that is predominantly Latino or black. That black kid was like that because he was outnumbered. If he had been at a predominantly black school you would've seen a very different side of him.

That would be true.  I think because he was in a gang, he died by a gang. He lived in the ghetto and was bused to the school.  I wasn't bused...I was actually completely out of district so my sister drove us and then I think my parents took me and my younger sister after my oldest sister graduated or something.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 10, 2016, 01:38:55 AM

It comes down to mentality and values. For decades the black community has been destroyed by the Democratic Party through government entitlements. It pays to be a victim in America. This is why the regressive Left is always creating reasons to be victims. If enough people play victim then the government will eventually bend.

When you think of how many policies have been enacted to benefit women, blacks and Latinos, there should be no reason for any of them to feel victimized. If they feel disappointed in life then it's because they make poor decisions, have bad money management, or like THE REST OF US "SOMETIMES SH.IT JUST HAPPENS".

Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: zena on May 10, 2016, 09:08:28 PM

It comes down to mentality and values. For decades the black community has been destroyed by the Democratic Party through government entitlements. It pays to be a victim in America. This is why the regressive Left is always creating reasons to be victims. If enough people play victim then the government will eventually bend.

When you think of how many policies have been enacted to benefit women, blacks and Latinos, there should be no reason for any of them to feel victimized. If they feel disappointed in life then it's because they make poor decisions, have bad money management, or like THE REST OF US "SOMETIMES SH.IT JUST HAPPENS".

I don't believe that it's pure mentality and values.  I believe some of it has to do with genes/DNA because how is it that some people who are brought up in poverty can become successful?  I think maybe there is a gene for victimization, where some have a lot of it, some have some a little bit of it, and some have none.  Those who have none tend to be very successful.  Those who have a lot of it will always blame others for their failures and expect others to provide for them.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 13, 2016, 11:02:13 PM

Since the Civil Rights of the 60s, the breakdown in black families have been deteriorating because of welfare and liberal ideology. When blacks were slaves and segregation was widely accepted, the black family was actually more intact. The same thing can be said about Hmong families. Where do you think we see the most corrupted Hmong communities? Yep, California, Minnesota and Wisconsin where there are large "liberal DEMOCRATIC-supporting" Hmong. The divorce rate in these communities is through the roof. It's not untypical to see men fathering children with more than one woman and women having children by more than 2 men.

I could go on and on about these Hmong communities.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: james on May 14, 2016, 08:08:28 PM
If education is defined as learning materials and/or (subject matter) and NOT other things e.g., social interactions, then this topic is being perpetuated to fuel racism AND is irrelevant. If you want to obtain knowledge on a subject AND If you live in the US AND you have at minimal a 8th grade level education, (and probably even if you were locked up in prison) you will most likely have equal access to FREE EDUCATION 24/7 with/without a teacher. Pick up a damn book and read it.
Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 18, 2016, 01:25:17 AM
If education is defined as learning materials and/or (subject matter) and NOT other things e.g., social interactions, then this topic is being perpetuated to fuel racism AND is irrelevant. If you want to obtain knowledge on a subject AND If you live in the US AND you have at minimal a 8th grade level education, (and probably even if you were locked up in prison) you will most likely have equal access to FREE EDUCATION 24/7 with/without a teacher. Pick up a damn book and read it.

For many Asians the school place is an environment for learning subject matters that will help them excel in the work place. For Latinos and Blacks, school is an environment to vent social issues and a home away from home. Many black children do not come from adequate homes. They rely on school staff to parent them. This is why underperformin g schools, which tend to be black and Latino, typically use state and federal funds to run programs that really don't have much to do with actual learning.

Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: SummerBerry on May 26, 2016, 01:40:50 PM
The education system is not rigged.  It just that the Dub and Mev are lazy and don't want to do anything.  I don't feel sorry for them because we are all given the same opportunity.  There is no excuses for thinking one school in a better location is better than another.  What matter to me is that if you're willing to take learning seriously then you would do what it take to have good grades, asked teacher question, get help, etc.  When your teacher address concerns to your parent then make sure your parent do something and not just said you're dumb let get you nyiaj ssi. 

Dub and Mev find school as a way to vent their home problem but at the same time the law required them to be in school otherwise if not don't know how many kids would stay home.

Mev boys when they are 12-15 yo they have been in juenvile hall or a jail cell before seeing a college dorm.  Just today reading in the newspaper a 15 yo got shot by a homeowner for robbing around 10:30am on a school day.  Good thing the homeowner was home but that little Mev pulled out his gun and they exchanged fire but he was the one that got hit on his arm and ran out and dropped every items he tried to steal and went to the hospital.  Even a client of my husband told him that her 14 yo son don't want to go to school or do anything but would have a backpack full of spray can and 9/10pm go graffiti feeding.  If you as a parent don't admit that something is wrong with your kids then you will keep blaming it that everything is unfair and rigged. 

Mev girls many of them disappeared in middle school because they are pregnant.  Continuation school just about everywhere is flooded with Mev students.  If not for those Mev students I don't think continuation school would even exist beside those student who are fall behind in school.  By the time they are 20 yo they have 2-3 kids. 

For Dub I'm not aware of them when it come to education because we don't have a large population here.  For those that I know come from decent family in my neighborhood and already retired.  If not basketball or football then there is nothing for Dub boy either. 

When it come to Asians....... we take learning seriously and it don't matter if the school is in the ghetto south side.  It is nice to see Asian kids always getting award but they do deserved it. 

Title: Re: Is the educational system really rigged against blacks and latinos?
Post by: nightrider on June 02, 2016, 11:17:01 PM
You folks are starting to sound Of course, can't blame anyone for that it's just what the statistics point to, another words generalization ...

#1 parental support guidance

#2 household income, poor family will always have less time to do especially on time and material support.

I think if everyone looks into these two things, it would make sense why so many kids are failing. Everything seems to point to the parents & students. Poor neighborhoods or poorer schools will continue to be over stressed and over burdened with the current plans in place. Rich neighborhoods or rich school will continue to perform better than the poor urban city schools where the student population are likely to be 80% and above for white, mid to upper middle class.

Someone mention about moving to the rich folk neighborhood so their kids can attend a well funded school. -So the question is, how can a family move to a rich neighborhood if they are poor in the first place? As with the current plan, poor kids are stuck with poorly funded schools... It just can't be helped.