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Messages - TsovTom

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Food Forum / Re: Amish Chicken
« on: April 13, 2022, 12:52:25 PM »
Yes Mekong is an option if I want fresh chicken and their chickens are all over Asian grocery stores for $14.99 a chicken.

I heard there's Amish near the Wausau, Black River Fall, and now you said Eau Claire... and that's where people get their fresh chicken.  I ask for an address and no one can give one to me.  Someone took them and they just follow the route:  go here, turn here, pass here, and there is the house  ;D ;D ;D

I don't know  where "here, there, pass here" is at  ;D ;D ;D ;D

Don't Amish have address??  NO??

I'm willing to travel 2-3 hours away for fresh chickens.
just a thought but the amount of gas and time, not to mention the work (cleaning/gutting) would be better off buying the $15 chicken, UNLESS you're like me and want the fresh blood!

Food Forum / Re: Amish Chicken
« on: April 13, 2022, 12:44:33 PM »
right now is a good time to kill cow
the cow are done/about to give birth

my farm guy is selling his cow for $300
i'm going go butcher it later this month

 ;D ;D ;D
I'm going to hold you to your word...tell your guy to reserve us a couple of cows!
let me know when it's done!

First time ever, a foreign country has satirical depiction of a sitting US President and his admin.
america has just become the laughing stock of the world.

i supposed biden is going to put sanctions on saudi arabia...oh wait, he can't!  because we need their oil (as soon as they pick up biden's call).

$4+/galon here
eat sooo much gas
Plus you don’t even haul and tow stuff

Get at least 30mpg car
why stop there? get yourself a moped and try driving in the snow!

had Biden flexed his muscle and threatened Putin to take him out in the school yard...there wouldn't have been an invasion of Ukraine. 

the real problem here is, since no one deterred Russia from invading Ukraine it will ultimately lead to the disassembly of Ukrainian government and it's sovereignty or  lead to a WW3...which nuclear weapon is at the play button!

in summary:  he’s saying that Republicans, who are supposed to be tough guys, are afraid of Russia and want to avoid a war because their tails are between their legs at the moment.
in the wise words of trump..."putin is smart only because we have a dumb president and a weak administration"...something like that.  I find this to be true.  we had world peace when trump was in office.  If anyone is paying attention, the European nation had been reliant on Biden to act but unfortunately, biden is no leader, he's a y acting after the fact, following what other nations are's disappointing, the most powerful nation governed by a coward.

If Russia is able to overthrow Ukraine...Chin a will raid Taiwan.   


USA and RUSSIA likes to fight weak countries only
too chicken to take on other superpower countries

they just mind their own shyt and grow their wealth
china is taking notes...they're about to invade Taiwan (like Russia invading Ukraine).

$70 for a gram of MSG?  that's better than hmgrock's investment strategies!

General Discussion / Re: Send in the Goof Troops!!!
« on: February 23, 2022, 12:24:52 PM »

If you say so
Save me some cow butcher
Don’t come haunt us later in life

 ;D ;D ;D

Its 72 virgin muslim ALLAH shyt

what do you think we should do?
Give iran another $140 billion in cash, let Nkorea continue it's rocket test until it reaches the US, let china continue eating our lunch and let russia become the USSR2?

General Discussion / Re: New mask designs to be considered..
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:39:30 AM »
while some of you (democrats) are going out to buy those mask...some red states are removing the mask mandates.
yeap, better go get them before they run out! 
the rock would say, "its fashionable!"

General Discussion / Re: They blame the dog...
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:32:16 AM »
:2funny: :2funny:

 O0 O0

I don't like Biden either and I voted for him.  ;D
that is why a lot of people are regretting their choices... :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: Republican leader Trump calls Putin a genius.
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:26:23 AM »
Yup. He said it. Tucker is also on Russian’s side. Eventhough they all claim to hate communism. They’re on the side of Russians.

If putin was not a genius, he wouldn't be a sitting D!CKTATOR of russia, one of the richest and most powerful men in the world.  putin waltzing into Ukraine and Biden is sh!tting in his pants while kamala harris is t..stut...stst utter...ssstst uttering..stut tering in eruope. 

General Discussion / Re: Send in the Goof Troops!!!
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:17:58 AM »
time for you to go back to your HMONG CHAOFA way
guerrilla war

do you want 1 or 2 cow at your funeral??
forget the cows, just give me, what is it 69 virgins or something? 

General Discussion / Re: Send in the Goof Troops!!!
« on: February 23, 2022, 11:12:44 AM »
I was going to go and defend Ukraine but the Biden Administration is a bunch of PIMs and they don't want to fight. ::)
Ukraine has some great resources that are beneficial to America and it's allies, NUMBER 1 at the top are the Ukrainian women (some of the most beautiful women in the world).
I will be doing my part to save them...applied for several Ukrainian Brides to order!  :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Re: Lefties/Demmies can't see their hypocrisy...
« on: February 23, 2022, 10:54:52 AM »
We all know that the Lefties/Demmies just love to spread their propaganda about Trump and GOP loving Russia, etc. etc. etc.

They even went as far as creating a fake Dossier to pin Trump and Russia together and tried to impeach him on the premise of it. Now, we're seeing that Hillary and the Dems politicians are all behind this scheme. She and her campaign actually hired people to spy on a sitting President.

legend says...althoug h Trump has been out of office, they are still trying to impeach him.   :idiot2: :2funny: :2funny:

it's unfortunate... the durham report came out at this time, I'm sure it has political reasonings...T rump would have won his 2nd term had it came out during the elections.  as much damaging as this report's over shadowed by the invasion in Ukraine. 

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