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Messages - TsovTom

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General Discussion / Re: This woman is horny?
« on: February 23, 2022, 10:41:03 AM »
Who's getting a surprise boner reading this?  c'mon, admit it.  Wish yalls had a chance when you were  teens, right?
I wonder how she got caught?  who ratted her out, the kids who got some or the kids that got none?!

yes, wish i had a teacher like this and/or the other hot teachers whom f@cked their students...I would have had straight "B"oners!

good for governor desantis!  eliminating critical race theory and eliminating hates on whites due to historical pasts.
the current should not be held accountable for their forefathers' action (primarily during the slavery era and even to the jim crow days).
one should also note, this bill is not only for whites but for all race. 

I'm a $multi-millionaire man in Laos!  ten horses and cows can't even carry all my money in kip!

...believe in FACTS and they're always making up shyt they don't know about conservatives.

This is why I don't bother to have civil debates with PH libs for the sheer fact that they don't understand my position to begin with. They just yap without knowing the real views of the other person. They make up shyt and proclaim that this is what their opponents believe in. They're liars, in other words. They argue red herrings and straw men.

Again, the only resolution to debating with a liberal are two straight bullets into their empty head and in their empty chest.
you don't need facts, you just need common sense to win over these liberals.  show them facts and they might just shoot themselves.

when fox news' rating is higher than all of the other news outlets combined, they're obviously spreading the troof!  :D ;D

General Discussion / Re: So... who's lying here?
« on: January 14, 2022, 11:20:11 AM »
What other variants might be forthcoming?

too many racist on the right side
i'm not going vote against myself
when they shout go back to your own country

you must be retarded

at least with the democrat
majority of them are kind and helpful

 ;D ;D ;D
LOL...democrats are only kind to get your vote and stay in in point your president joe biden...he's been in politics for over 40 something years and you dumbocratic people don't have anything to prove that your life has gotten better (all the while joe has been enriching himself and his family). 

when did you buy your house?  was it during obama years or trump?  people don't realize how good they got it until joe biden came and f@cked it all up! 

"build back better" my "pob tw"....all they're (democrats) doing is digging a bigger hole, making americans (you and me) harder to get themselves out.  one does not need to be account to figure out how much in debt you're gonna be and how much taxes and interests will rise to cover all the costs.  common sense would have told you so!

let's go hmgrock!  stop leeching off the conservatives who would fight for your right to bear arms (I see you showing off your guns).  stop hating on trump when your 401k increased by 30-40% and your stock market was at all time high under his administration .

General Discussion / Re: Such HYPOCRITES...
« on: January 12, 2022, 09:23:17 AM »
I think, to be that angry over something that someone does that has absolutely no effect on you only means you're an angry person looking for someone to blame for your anger.

So what if AOC went to Florida, how is that bad for HL or Tucker or all the Republicans who are so angry that she went?  Also, weren't they the ones saying people shouldn't have to wear masks if they don't want to?  Whatever happened to that argument?
she should have stayed in her cold city, now she's got covid!  ;D

yeah dude
i get call racial name all the times

chinaman, chink, gook, vietcong, north korea spy
go back to your country

i'm not going vote for these racist people
it's like me voting against myself

that is what  conservative value is to me
just bunch of racist ahole

you should move to milwaukee or don't have to worry about being called names.

You don't have to jab anything up.  Your choice your body and how you wanna die right? 

I'm jabbed up and I'm living a life by going outside.  If I catch it, I'll recover because the science said I have good odds having less severe cases.  Now if you are unvaccinated, stay indoor and die indoor.  If you go out, the boogie man gonna get you and good luck surviving.  You can survive without getting the jab and built up that immunity but russian roulette is what you are playing.  Good luck trying to dodge it for the rest of your life.

if you're vaccinate and immune, why should you be afraid to drink with the person next to you, who hasn't (been vaccinated).  How would you feel if he forces you to drink?

Is nazi and white supremacy part of it?
I see them conservative shouting JEW SHOULD NOT REPLACE US

 ;D ;D

I’m afraid you will get your hmong butt beat up
being conservative is a value, it's not about a being racist.
but since you want to go that live among the whites and most are conservatives, Wisconsin is known to be one of the most racist state against hmong people but yet your a$$ is not getting beat up. 


you like my little rumor/conspiracy??

the vaccine makes your penis small

go ahead... spread it to your QANON friends and weirdo
i want to be FAMOUS
   :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
I don't like to spread rumors but if you like, I can tell people you are a "pim"!   :D ;D

being conservative does not mean one hates black people.  most hate blacks due to personal interactions.
being conservative is having the common sense to know what is best for you...such as working to earn your own money, instead of relying on government assistance.
being conservative means understanding the laws that best benefit you instead of having someone interpret it for you...buying your own groceries and TVs instead of stealing them.
being conservatives is believing in the constitution that provides you with those rights instead of giving them up without a fight...hence freedom of speech and right to bear arms.

fact of the matter is, most hmong people believe in conservative values (even brother Yax) but mistaken it as being a liberal.

i strongly disagree with theking and beef are the ones you kill fresh!   change my mind!

You won’t be convicted for murder according to somebody but i tell you, it’s strict as hell to conform to Cali’s gun regulations. Don’t have to believe me but you need background check for ammo here.  ;D ;D
States like California and Illinois (Chicago) with the most strict gun laws seems to have the most violent crimes involving guns.  why is that?  it's due to poor leadership (governors down to mayors) and soft on crime DA's.  they seem to think the gun is the problem and not the person...they rather convict the gun and set the perp free!

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