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Messages - Dok_Champa

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 158
Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: April 24, 2024, 02:14:04 PM »
Making a List, Checking It Twice

The Calderas are calling.... and this year I'm listening.  Can't wait.  A few short months away but I need to start packing! Calderas...Cap ri, Amalfi, I'm coming soon!  Can't wait to meet you and stand on your shores.  :blob10: :blob5: :blob5: :hello2: :hello2:

Hung_Low, what do you think of SAPA?  Did you go to Ha Giang?

Biden, he's a little soft and Trump, he's extreme and lack moral conscience...

but it's a coin tossed, I'm thinking.  50/50.

Food Forum / So I tried Cavier
« on: March 13, 2024, 11:04:03 PM »
and it wasn't that great!  They taste and look like those tapioca pearl.  I bet if you put tapioca pearl and called them cavier people wouldn't know.

General Relationship / Re: Be careful of...
« on: March 13, 2024, 10:58:42 PM »
Good luck to folks that are looking and may love comes your way.  Relationship these days seem like a headache. 

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: March 13, 2024, 10:50:11 PM »
A Vacation from a Vacation

Lobsters, plenty of them, sunshine, ocean breeze that smells like the sea, bridges over the ocean, a mile long, and the one road leading to the very tip of the US and beyond are miles and miles of ocean. What a different world and coming home is wonderful.

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:58:22 AM »
So I am in my fifties, got married, raised a family, got my own career, raised my children, and now at this point in my life, it's just me and him again. This next chapter of my life, I want to travel the world.  He's not into travelling as much as I am.

In my dream/fantasy, I'd want us to wake up to the sunrise and sunset of Santorini, Norway, South America, Africa, Bali, Maldives, where ever together.. But that's not to be. I've come to accept that.

However, the world is so big fills with amazing places waiting for me to explore.  My journey has only begun....

Note to self: To many beautiful travels...

Marriage & Family Life / Re: What Would You Do?
« on: March 08, 2024, 11:32:55 AM »
This is a personal choice for folks. Some people will stay through thick or thin, better or worse (marriage vows) while others will bail out. 
What would I do?  I'm not married to Derek Chauvin so can't say.  But let's say it's my husband, thru thick or thin because I'm all he's got.

Travel & Vacation Forum / Re: Amalfi or Santorini
« on: February 27, 2024, 01:22:19 PM »
Italy & Greece is calling this year.  I hope to be zipping a glass of ice beverage on the caldera cliff overlooking the ocean by the year's end.....

Marriage & Family Life / Re: Tomorrow is Valentine's Day
« on: February 15, 2024, 01:08:44 PM »
Gentle reminder works!

Marriage & Family Life / Tomorrow is Valentine's Day
« on: February 13, 2024, 02:01:40 PM »
Don't forget.  Hmm, a friendly reminder. 

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: February 01, 2024, 03:08:54 PM »

Life keeps going until it's gone, a lyrics from "Then You Looked at Me."  It's still one of my favorite songs from Celine Dion.  I am enjoying life, the simple things in life and doing traveling... trying to go to as many far off places as I can.  The world is beautiful and there's so many places i've yet to see.  I'm looking forward to visiting them.

Now at my age, I learn to be my own complete person and having a man is a luxury.  I will not bind myself to a man who does not see my worth or value in his life. Sorry hon, I do love you but that's the truth.

I'm resilience and my faith in God is the foundation of me.  Life is beautiful...

Marriage & Family Life / Re: What I learned from divorced people.
« on: December 19, 2023, 01:05:20 PM »
One door closes another door opens and it's not the end of the world.  Self love is an essential ingredient to finding love again.

Also, people using the new found freedom to live recklessly will end up most often in disappointment s. 

Those mos ab marriages are temporary.

Some can be long lasting too.  I've seen it w/ my own eyes..  Anyway, temporary or long, everyone got what they wanted at the end:  Mos ab cross over to a new land and the old folks went into the temporary land of blissfulness before departing into the land of nothing more.  Listening to those Hmong Neej Neeg, those Mos ab ultimate dream is landing a Hmong Mekas beau, young or old, they don't care.  Yeah Hmong Mekas is the ultimate prize for one and hmong nplog is for the other ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

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