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General Discussion / Re: The US gov't is doing a great job... with EV.
« Last post by hmgROCK on May 29, 2024, 10:58:18 AM »
7-8 stations????

i don’t know about that
that sound kinda of fake
you get these number from bias alt right media???

 ;D :D ;D

tesla has 25,000+ station
and government fund them too

General Discussion / The US gov't is doing a great job... with EV.
« Last post by Hung_Low on May 29, 2024, 10:13:59 AM »
During an interview with CBS, Pete Butt-i-get, was ask a few questions regarding EV...

Pete claimed that people are buying EV more and more every year and the Inflation Reduction Act is helping to bring the price down (price is not coming down - the gov't is spending hudreds of $millions to subsidize the purchase of EVs through the Inflation Reduction Act. This act was a blinder to fool the Leftie/Demmie sheep).

He goes on to claimed that the EV revolution will happened whether we want it or not and we need to get in on the  forefront - and during Trump's admin, they had allowed China to get a head start. But with Brandon and his admin the EV revolution will be made in America. He claimed that Trump is happy with American trapped with dirty and expensive fuels and we will never get to the middle of this century using old technology - we need to embrace EV for the future... Uh... the EV revolution was never happening, it only started to happened because the gov't put up these insane mandates for auto manufacturers.

The host then ask Pete about charging stations, since it falls under this watch, why they have only completed 7-8 charging station when tax payers have invested $7.5billions since 2021? 7 or 8 stations in 3 years? I know a company will go out of business with that kind of result but the gov't has no accountability - they can waste as much as they can without worrying about anything.

Pete: The President's goal is to have 500,000 by the end of this decade... It's not as simple as taking a small device and plunking it down in the ground. There are a lot of things going on but we are working with the 50 states, each one getting formula dollars for this work... Again, 500,000 by 2030. This fool expect us to believe that the gov't will have 500,000 charging station by the end of the 2030? He's got 6 years left... he need to get his @ss going and put up almost 84,000 stations per year.

Hmmm... it took them 3 years and all they got is 7-8 stations with initial investment of $7.5billions but Pete claimed they will have 500,000 by 2030?  How much will it cost - tens of $trillions? :idiot2: :idiot2:

What these EV pushers do not tell the sheep is that EV is not as clean as they claimed - batteries for EVs are made from materials that are mined using children, the poor and the disadvantage working in poor, dirty and unhealthy conditions. Not only that but the electric power needed are majority generated by fossil fuel (coal, gas, etc etc). Wind and solar will never have the capacity to fulfill the consumption need...
It would help if you know how to park your vehicle between the marks correctly... I've never had issue parking btw two full size pickups with my SUV.

you can park good but other might not
big truck just takes up too much space

 ;D ;D
General Discussion / Pride flag mural painted in the streets are protected...
« Last post by Hung_Low on May 29, 2024, 09:15:30 AM »
Anyone that vandalized it will face jail time...

Police vow to find violator who did donuts on Pride crosswalk in Florida - American News
Hmmm, I wish they would put the same effort and tenacity against criminals but here in America, it pays to be a criminal. Heck, if the cops man-handled you and you happened to die from it, you become a Saint. They'll make a statue for you and worship you every year...

You can deface, burn and stomp the US flags and it's fine but better not even dare to do any bad thing to anything with Pride on it... these people will melt and the cops will come after you.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:
big ass truck too


why are there soo many freaking TRUCK and BIG ASS SUV everywhere
i can’t even get out of the car cuz my car door will hit their side

we know you don’t even go off road
and haven’t use the truck bed in years

 :D :D  :D :D


It would help if you know how to park your vehicle between the marks correctly... I've never had issue parking btw two full size pickups with my SUV.
Online Journal / Re: The Not so private Diary of JonniJacco
« Last post by JonniJacko on May 29, 2024, 07:18:44 AM »
some of the most cliche sayings has stood the test of times and remain the most powerful....

You reap what you sow.....(this saying is eternal, don't care what no one says...)

Its not how much you love someone, but how much you love yourself ( I knew this from an early age, but, back to the first saying, you reap what you sow...and I fukeup too many times and forgot how to love myself...the only thing that save me was, though I forget to, I never stop to, deep within, I knew it was my savior) haha

well yeah folks...when you accept these two God given knowledge, and really live by them, you will escape Hell (earth) with minimal damage...

There cannot be heat without cold, strength and wisdom without suffering, success without failure, life without death, or joy without sadness. Thus, if they both go together, we must learn to appreciate both for one cannot exist without the other.
Shout Outs & Dedications / Re: The unread letter(s)
« Last post by Deliciously Happy on May 29, 2024, 07:13:57 AM »

This is from a long time ago, but I invited myself to your place and you respectfully decline because you had sensitive information which I had no business knowing. I am ashamed for inviting myself over in such away. I am grateful that you were kind enough to be willing to meet me for a drink, which I never took up the offer because I was too busy feeling offended that you decline my embarrassing request. Anyhow, thank you for your willingness to meet me for a drink and for declining my self invitation. In my clear thoughts, I would have done the same as well, so thank you for both. I will learn from this and be more considerate of my requests and well as others request of my time as well.
General Discussion / Re: Two Democratic imbecile Reps...
« Last post by Visualmon on May 28, 2024, 11:45:31 PM »
I'll wait for theking to bring in hmgLIAR's infamous quote about his favorite POTUS Trump.  :2funny: :2funny:
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