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Messages - Boost

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Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: May 10, 2009, 06:59:41 PM »
hahaha movie reviews.  I'm surprised you even take the time to type them out.  hahaha...   :D  coo coo

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: May 05, 2009, 09:22:47 AM »
Love fishlegs.. ummmm  sassy

damm! 46 pages of this? the last page gave me chills already.  forget the rest!

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: May 04, 2009, 07:07:22 PM »
hahha you took the words right out of my mouth.  muaahahha  BS FLAG!
& its not chue its Chao Xiong that does all the articles.  hahahaha

genuinely- that story sounds like that one thai movie "the shutter"...


Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 29, 2009, 11:09:36 AM »
BS flag!  Thats like Candyman or Bloody Mary.  Maybe they all homies behind that mirror.  hahaha... 

so back in the days when hmongs were laotian slaves, there was this slave who was punished for having sex with the plantation owner's daughter. they caught him and dragged him to an open field and poured honey all over him and then unleashed bees on him. while he was being stung to death, he vowed to get vengence. anyone who said his name three times in the dark infront of a mirror would see him and get killed. all you'd have to say was kahnee man. oh and not only did they pour honey on him, they also chopped off one of his arms and replaced it with a hook. apparently, they felt that with no hand he couldn't feel up anymore lao women. so he died a terrible death. centuries past and he became just some sort of an urban hmong myth. but some kids tried it and called him and they all died mysterious violent deaths. one day a lao woman reporter was investigating these mysterious death and called him herself. he came to her but she looked like his old lover. so he took her away and the kahnee man was never seen again.

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 26, 2009, 10:27:35 AM »
Now we talkin about ghosts humping & sh|t?  hahaha...  & yall niggas gotta stop with the 2pac u f*&kin it up homie.

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 24, 2009, 02:12:18 PM »
^ it excites me too I have boner.

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 23, 2009, 03:13:58 PM »
^ I go by there all the time & lillydale too.  We use to go at night & just walk down lillydale.  Around midnight to 2 3am in the morning.  Good fishing.  hahaha...  I've never experienced anything there, but I'm not looking forward to. 

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 20, 2009, 01:59:41 PM »
20 years ago. My uncle (my dad's first cousin) and his wife gave a birth to a son. He had cleft. My uncle loved him so him and his wife hated him because had cleft. So his wife abused him for the next few years. My uncle would always get in agruement with her about why she abuse their son. So when their son passed away of being abuse. We had funeral for him and my other uncle (my dad's brother) and his wife felt so sad because decease boy's mom don't love him anymore. So my uncle (dad's brother) had a dream about him. He was looking for real parents that love him so much. He found the real parents and my uncle cried a lot cuz his dad love him and his mom don't so my uncle and aunt accept him a son. So like a years later my aunt gave a birth a son and he had cleft. My uncle and aunt loves him so much and never abuse him. My other uncle (dad's cousin) and his wife had like 6 or 7 girls after the boy's death. They finally had one and never abused the boy again.

Is this a ghost story?

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 15, 2009, 03:26:04 PM »
Haven't been here for the longest time... anywase...

A couple years ago, maybe in the early 2000s, there was a family who ate mushrooms in Laos and the entire family died except for the mother and daughter. 

Anybody heard about this?

It was my aunt's family - I'll be up to post the story later when I have time.

Dude thats not even a ghost story.  LOL  true story.. hahaha

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 15, 2009, 03:25:21 PM »
and then u burned ur house down cuz u didn't turn off the stove. the end.

hahaha true story too  hahaha

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 15, 2009, 03:24:54 PM »
this is not even a ghost story dude

hahaha true story.  hahaha...

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: April 06, 2009, 01:03:21 PM »
Happened last night, K so last night I had a dream "I think."  I was sleeping kind of facing up & felt a presence holding me.  Not on top of me but next to me holding me.  I can feel the warmth & like a hug from the side.  So I moved & put my arm on that side & felt nothing, I also woke up at this point.  So I went back to sleep.  I was sleeping the same way again, but my head was kind of turned towards the  wall.  I can physically feel someone holding me again.  This time I'm fully alert but still drowsy.  I felt her leg between my legs like shes holding me from the side.  I felt her NAILS push on my face scratching my face while trying to turn me to my side so she can hold me from behind.  As soon as she did that I clamped my legs down on hers & grabbed her arm with my left arm.  I immediately felt her fading away I punched towards the wall, but missed.  I fell back on my bed & I can SEE her putting her clothes on & then run & jump on my PC table, jump over me to the side by the window & ran off my bed & disappeared.  The entity was shadowy & I can see the light from the street light outside reflecting off her.  She wasn't trying to hurt me but get comfy.  I just wanted to catch her.  lol...

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: March 19, 2009, 12:04:03 PM »
6 yrs ago before my uncle was killed by his wife; my cousins and i had a great time out at dejavu in mpls. we got home a little after 1 in the morning. we all went to bed right away. i had a real bad upset stomach. i woke up around 5ish or 6 in the the early morning before anyone did to use the bathroom.

i was sitting on the toilet lettin' it out, suddenly, i heard a knock on the door. i didnt say anything. i could care less. i was concentrating on lettin' it out. it was just one simple knock! dam, i thought to myself, just one knock, if someone was to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, he or she wouldve knocked several times or called out who was using the bathroom. i didnt think of anything more. i finished and walked out of the bathroom and went straight to bed.

when morning finally came, my uncle and aunt were up, and there were a crowd of people. they had a "ua neeg" scheduled for that day. we didnt know who the ceremony was for, or why they were doing. we had spring break that week and my cousin planned to spend the week with his family. we left before the ceremony ended.

two nights later, my dad got a call from an uncle from that my uncle was stabbed, and stabbed by his wife. he died early the following morning.

my mommy's the only person ive shared my bathroom incident with until now..

Story made no sense... & the rope one too.. or is it robe?

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: March 15, 2009, 10:39:08 AM »
It was her aunt not her SIL. 

That's mean, you SIL didn't even invited you guys in? >:(

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: March 12, 2009, 03:47:49 PM »
Lure like how?  Lure is intended for trapping,.

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