PebHmong Discussion Forum

Creative Corner => Online Journal => Topic started by: floaty on September 10, 2013, 07:05:26 PM

Title: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 10, 2013, 07:05:26 PM
Long time ago, In a new town that I was not accustomed to, I helped these two elderly hmong couple whom I did not know; that were kicked out of their house. I saw them walking and crying along a busy road and picked them up. My heart ached for them. I sent them home and almost died that day. But I did what I'm sure most of you would have done. It has been 10 years. I wonder how they are doing. If they have passed on, I'm sure they're much happier than they were before in that rotten family of theirs. If not, I hope they are doing well. I think of them from time to time. It's been such a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 10, 2013, 07:13:11 PM
Long time ago, we were the best of friends. We knew each other for so long. Talked beneath the sky and laughed with the moon. Played with the sun and dreamed like the stars. In my heart, I heard it skip a few times before but we were just friends and so we laughed like we always did. How did I not know you cared and loved me? Why didn't you have the courage to tell me? We grew up. You went your way and I went mines. I read stories of you and you hear news of me. But we're just friends so we'll just laugh at it and smile. Because all it really was, was a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 11, 2013, 10:00:37 PM
Long time ago, our eyes met. It was as if we knew each other. Through your aged eyes you smiled and you slightly nodded. I sat there, with food stuck in my mouth and tears streaming down my face. You stood up, your body moved towards me. But Uncle sat you back down to drink. You were from MN, I heard. Your face was as white as the snow and you were as tall as the sky. You had a name I did not know. But I'm glad you came for my grandpa's funeral. You resemble someone from here, this forum of masked identity. Although we didn't talk and our meet was brief, I would love to see you again. If only just for a moment, I would love to hear, all the aged adventures you would share; of a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 12, 2013, 03:15:18 AM
Long time ago, I had everything. Little did I know, you can lose it in just a second. Life happened. I lost. A long time ago. (
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: supadupac on September 12, 2013, 08:07:50 AM
 this trhead, makes me sad :( but keep sharing :)
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 12, 2013, 12:48:04 PM
this trhead, makes me sad :( but keep sharing :)

Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 12, 2013, 12:58:51 PM
Long time ago, we were so poor. Licking small pieces of sugar cane with rice in water was the best meal we had. Dad worked two jobs and mom went to school. Sometimes ginger with salt was in the menu. Brother, sister and I would huddle around the floor and eat. The best feeling in the world with family. Fast forward 25 plus years, we are all over the world trying to grow money on tree. I miss this moment most, of a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 12, 2013, 01:15:43 PM
Long time ago, since I didn't have money to buy you anything, I made you paper cut out dolls with paper cut-out clothes. We were so young, but I was your oldest sister and wanted you to be happy. Do you remember after we fought, I made paper dolls for myself and colored it so nice? You sat across from me, watching me do so, waiting and wanting to play with it. But in anger, I played it right in front of you, teasing you. You sat there teary eyed with fingernail marks on your arm. Sorry I pinched you. I gave you the cut-out dolls and told you, I will draw more clothes for her. You smiled so wide and even forgot that your arm was hurting. You told me I was the best. I got everything nice and passed it down to you. Sorry for that too. We're all grown now, with life far apart from each other. Scars settled and wrinkles creeping in, although we never think alike - You still tell me, I'm the best sister ever. You are too. Thank you from a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 12, 2013, 10:42:12 PM
Long time ago, when we were just little kids, we would grab cardboard boxes and hike all the way up to the top of a canyon. You told me that Magic Mountain was just a short fall below. With my dress tucked into my pants, I climbed up with you brothers. I laid the cardboard down just like how I see you do it. I sat on it and with a big push, caught air going down the canyon. My flip flop flying above. I hear you screaming down and right pass me. Your voice echoing excitement. This was surely Magic Mountain. I ended up with many cuts, but all worth it. Now I can't even do as much, like I did, a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 19, 2013, 04:04:24 AM
Long time ago, I carried you on my back, my dear little sister. I see pictures of you and my tears gently fall. You were the cutest little girl ever, with dimples right underneath your eyes. It twinkled you know. Aww. I was just a grade school kid too, but I took care of you like you were mines. Every time you cried, I would run to the fridge and get you milk. You would lay on my back, holding my shirt, while I was doing homework, until you fell asleep. Sweet child. Remember that time when we ran out of milk, I didn't have money, so I added water so that you can have enough? Sorry. I didn't know you would have a stomach ache. But you did well and grew up beautifully. I hear sad news. 
You have stomach issues now and I think of a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 19, 2013, 04:23:39 AM
Long time ago, I used to sleep undisturbed. Thoughts didn't run a hundred mph in my head. Age has settled in. I didn't need music then, to sleep, but here I am... (
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on September 25, 2013, 06:44:17 AM
Random: Sharing a song that moves me. (
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on October 06, 2013, 03:10:48 AM
Long time ago, In the midst of the dark in an isolated road, you sped away and left me
trailing behind in my old gsxr. I could see your neon sticker on your helmet flickering. Strange, how I didn't see
that before. I admit I wasn't too fond of riding in the dark. It always scared me because I couldn't see so well at night. But tonight, I was alone. Your tail light disappeared over the mountain and anxiety set in.
This road was a road known to many as a dead stop. I didn't want to see anything out of the ordinary.

Trying to catch up, I leaned in hard, hitting the apex, rolling the throttle as I came out of the blinding corner.
I could feel the cool air through my thin jacket and bugs hitting my helmet with a splat splat. Then all of a sudden, my tires wobbled underneath me and I flew. Puff of smoke, dust and dirt. Then all quiet.

I laid there, scared - shocked , thinking no one will ever find me now. How I hated you so much for leaving me behind. How I wish I would have never started this venture long time ago.
I slowly got up, jeans ripped, helmet scratched, no broken bones. Minor scratch on bike. God is Good.

There you stood "Hey, you alright?" you asked. I screamed all sort at you.
"Calm down, You took off right after you got gas at the 76. I tried catching up to you. But you were gone. I was
wondering what you were following, thought maybe you were just leading and then this happened." You said. I huffed,
"You were in front of me". You shook your head no and assured me no one was ahead of me.

We rode back together, not another word exchanged. Focused. 5 miles down the mountain, there were ambulance, sheriffs and a tow truck there. Another motorcyclist. This time - deceased. The accident occurred 3 hours earlier.
It was a motorcyclist with the same neon sticker on the helmet flickering. But I was just following him, not less than an hour before.
Strange how things are. This was the last time on this road of a long time ago.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on October 06, 2013, 03:27:55 AM
Long time ago, I did my duties as your older sibling and babysat you. It was barely just 15 minutes after mom had left for work. Dad would be home in an hour and grandma was a little late. You sat there in your stroller and cried. I checked you to see if you were wet, or if you were hungry, but you weren't. I got you milk, but you threw it on the floor. I didn't know what to do. I was only 10. You were so small. A baby. So I did the stupidest thing ever. It was such a hot day, maybe you would like some ice. I broke it into little pieces as much as I could and fed you. You stopped crying. I gave you more. This was certainly the answer I thought. When I ran out, you cried. So I ran and crushed more ice. I pushed one into your mouth. Then turned away. Minutes later, you turned blue. Choking. The siblings all quiet down. Everyone scared. I panic. What to do? What to do? I am dead meat! I grabbed you from the stroller and leaned you forward, forced my finger into your mouth and swept your throat. Nothing. Your body became limp. I trembled in fear and hit you in the back, there a piece of ice fell out. The other sibling grabbed you and hugged you as your face color changed to red and you cried your head off. I was so scared. I still regret I did that to you. I didn't mean to. I am glad you are alive and well. Whew! Thank GOD. I sure did get a good whooping. But from that day on long time ago, I never fed a baby or toddler, ice.  :-X
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: zena on October 06, 2013, 10:19:01 AM
The bike story, that's some luck there.

The baby story, same. 

Thanks for sharing.  I can clearly see the karma in these.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on October 10, 2013, 02:28:08 AM
The bike story, that's some luck there.

The baby story, same. 

Thanks for sharing.  I can clearly see the karma in these.

yw.  :)
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on October 10, 2013, 02:31:40 AM
Long time ago, my blanket was everything to me. It kept me safe, from ghosts, goblins, boogey man, robbers and all things creepy. I wish it was still true...
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on November 20, 2013, 07:18:36 PM
Long time ago, I thought I was right. Everything in place, perfect. I put my all in - 100%. Those years I sweated through to make it solid. Those fight to hold it tight. I worked for it. I know I did. I was confident, comfortable and content. Like a vanished.
Today, I wish I was back in those years, when I was so sure. Now I'm back to square one. Not satisfied. Back to the bottom.  :'( Wish I could turn back the hands of time back to a long time I won't make the same mistake twice.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on January 22, 2014, 04:48:19 AM
Puab thaum ub, kuv tseem nyob nrug mej. kuv tseem ncu nroob mej txuj kev hlub pub rau kuv. Caag le npau suab xwb, peb luj tag mus ua peb lub neej, lus ncu lig txuj mej...kuv nam haab kuv txiv.
Long time ago, when sickness creeped upon my young soul, you were there; to brush it away. You were there, alongside, with the best rice porridge to cure the weakend body. In your soft voice, you would ask "Lady, are you feeling better?". I would nodd, like a child and feel loved. Like a movie, it was all too soon n ended quickly.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: hnubqub on January 22, 2014, 04:13:42 PM
your stories are bittersweet. 
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on January 26, 2014, 10:44:36 PM
There was a time, I knew how it felt to fall and be in love. But it seems like it was so long ago.
My heart would race wildly. My world was yours and everything was beautiful.
The future seemed so bright to me and I couldn't wait for what tomorrow life was absolutely wonderful.

But short lived, it came crashing...slo wly diminishing these fake feelings of happiness.
It was stuffy. It was dull. It drained me until my world became dark. Exhausting.
Waking up, doing the same routine every year - underappreciat ed.
I don't want to continue -miserable
Love, where have you gone?
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on February 09, 2014, 04:19:58 AM
Hey! I remenber you, from a long time ago. Don't be shy and come say hi.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on February 21, 2014, 04:05:37 AM
Hey saturday,
Where have you been? I miss you. Remenber when I would dance under the sun of a calm sunny saturday? Remenber when I would sweat and ache like an old lady cooking and washing dishes, chatting up a storm with the relatives? Remenber when I would hibernate until the dawn of sunday? It's been so long, saturday, since I've enjoyed you. Those days were so long ago.
Now I work and work for free, for ungrateful people, on a saturday. smh.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on March 13, 2014, 03:55:37 AM
Long time ago brother, you thought life was fun and game. You gained so much yet lost your way home. We miss you. Today, I send a song to you. I am taking you home. (
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on March 13, 2014, 04:06:55 AM
Long time ago, do you remember? I don't think you do.
Remember when you were evicted. You and your family.
What did I do? Sure, I took you all in. I never expected anything from you.
I never collected rent or any bills. Instead, I let you live comfortably. fed all of you.
I work so much that you practically had the house.
The house was always a mess, and I bit my tongue and cleaned it for yall.
Two years later, I came home and you and your little family took everything. Wow, was I in for a rude awakening.
But I bit my tongue, because you were family.
I can forgive and so I let it go.
But this year, you spoke. So ill of me. Sure, I shouldn't let it bother me. It shouldn't hurt if it isn't real, right?
Wrong. It hurts because it came from you. It hurts, because it's lies that you made up and made everyone believe.
It hurts because I never wronged you. If I knew the true you then,
Long time ago, I would have never helped you. Long time ago, I would have never welcomed you into my home. I would have never save you.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: minorcharacter on March 13, 2014, 08:36:38 AM
I like your stories, do you mind if we share?
A long time ago we would sit under the stars and reach for them.  As every constellation died the twilight of dawn would break the night sky.  Your eyes would glisten under the sun barely wake as I had watched you all night.  Now all remains are memories of a fleeting youth; a time a place that I cannot return to.  All these years were traded in an instant, and happily ever after never happened.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: minorcharacter on March 13, 2014, 08:40:26 AM
A long time ago we used to fight we used to scream and in the end we'd all forgive each other.  I remember when I fell and cracked my head you were all there to hold my hand.  Remember when mom and dad almost got divorced we all stayed up and cried with mom?  Now we're all separated by hundreds of miles barely seeing each other once a year.  When's the last time we all sat down as a whole family? 
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on March 14, 2014, 01:45:01 AM
I like your stories, do you mind if we share?
A long time ago we would sit under the stars and reach for them.  As every constellation died the twilight of dawn would break the night sky.  Your eyes would glisten under the sun barely wake as I had watched you all night.  Now all remains are memories of a fleeting youth; a time a place that I cannot return to.  All these years were traded in an instant, and happily ever after never happened.

You're more than welcomed to share your stories. :)

I still believe there is still a happily ever after..

A long time ago we used to fight we used to scream and in the end we'd all forgive each other.  I remember when I fell and cracked my head you were all there to hold my hand.  Remember when mom and dad almost got divorced we all stayed up and cried with mom?  Now we're all separated by hundreds of miles barely seeing each other once a year.  When's the last time we all sat down as a whole family? 

Whoa! Are you a sibling of mines?  ???
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: minorcharacter on March 31, 2014, 03:13:39 PM
A long time ago before I moved out you asked me if I was going to attend college.  If not then you wanted me to just get married and start a family.  It was rather cruel of you to insinuate that I was going to be an academic failure even before I tried.  I dyed my hair, got my ear pierced, started smoking, and started drinking because all my life all I ever wanted was to do something to get your attention. 

Uncle says you talk a lot about me and the rest of my siblings.  How you're proud that we've all made it to or through college and that we're all capable and independent.  He tells me the joy on your face when you talk about how much I make and how I send money home every month.  He tells me he looks forward to all the cars I will buy, the wife I will marry, and the home I will build.

Seems we don't talk much anymore these days.  You were always looking forward to seeing your oldest son get married, but my girlfriend and I broke up a while ago.  All you seem to do is ask about her and if I've called anyone else.  Seems all they do is ask about her as well.  I can't seem to find the words to say and that's why I don't pick up at all.  I don't even know how to explain why I don't pick up and that just adds to another missed call.  I'll be home soon, mom.
Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: Wi_sweetguy on April 02, 2014, 07:09:16 PM
A long time ago before I moved out you asked me if I was going to attend college.  If not then you wanted me to just get married and start a family.  It was rather cruel of you to insinuate that I was going to be an academic failure even before I tried.  I dyed my hair, got my ear pierced, started smoking, and started drinking because all my life all I ever wanted was to do something to get your attention. 

Uncle says you talk a lot about me and the rest of my siblings.  How you're proud that we've all made it to or through college and that we're all capable and independent.  He tells me the joy on your face when you talk about how much I make and how I send money home every month.  He tells me he looks forward to all the cars I will buy, the wife I will marry, and the home I will build.

Seems we don't talk much anymore these days.  You were always looking forward to seeing your oldest son get married, but my girlfriend and I broke up a while ago.  All you seem to do is ask about her and if I've called anyone else.  Seems all they do is ask about her as well.  I can't seem to find the words to say and that's why I don't pick up at all.  I don't even know how to explain why I don't pick up and that just adds to another missed call.  I'll be home soon, mom.

Title: Re: Long Time Ago
Post by: floaty on August 17, 2014, 05:51:15 AM
A long time ago, your sibling and you, crowded my office desk; sharing stories and laughing at personalities. So much entertainment; I looked forward to work everyday.
Then you broke the news, the family was moving. My heart ached. You were a part of my life, a part of work, and my daily medicine. I watched you go, without a wave or a farewell. All along, I have loved you guys. All along, I have loved you most.
With moving, comes changes and adventures and with that, I lost you to life a long time ago.