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Hobbies & Interests => Computer & Technology => Topic started by: zena on April 28, 2014, 03:00:45 PM

Title: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 28, 2014, 03:00:45 PM
If you had to choose between the two, what would you do?
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: enomena on April 28, 2014, 03:04:18 PM
Wait. You're only a few months away from wwdc.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: minorcharacter on April 28, 2014, 03:06:16 PM
Just wait for the 6.  It's only about a month and a week away.  Not too long of a wait.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Sifu on April 28, 2014, 03:14:15 PM
Wait.  It is a well known thing for all the competition to release or lower prices of their products.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 29, 2014, 11:26:43 AM
Wait. You're only a few months away from wwdc.

Just wait for the 6.  It's only about a month and a week away.  Not too long of a wait.

Wait.  It is a well known thing for all the competition to release or lower prices of their products.

I C.

A part of me doesn't care for the latest and greatest, yet I hear so much about this new iPhone 6 being the greatest thing in the world, and that if I don't wait for it, my world will completely corrupt.

I'm so confused.  :-\
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Sifu on April 29, 2014, 12:16:47 PM
The latest and greatest for the tech sector has a lifespan of 2-3 months.  No reason to always be chasing the rabbit's tail.  You'll never have the best for ling.  Purchase what works for you and besides it drives competition which is good for consumers.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 29, 2014, 01:37:27 PM
I am the last person to care about having the greatest anything (I am quite old-fashioned, if you know me).  Yet, I feel like there's this push that I should wait for the iPhone 6.  What exactly am I waiting for?  What is so great about this new phone that I should wait?

On the other hand, if I get the current phone, and then realize that the iPhone 6 was the better deal, I'm going to feel lousy and wish I had waited.

Argh...choices .  Really, this shouldn't even be a thought.  A phone is just a phone.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 29, 2014, 01:43:34 PM
The latest and greatest for the tech sector has a lifespan of 2-3 months.  No reason to always be chasing the rabbit's tail.  You'll never have the best for ling.  Purchase what works for you and besides it drives competition which is good for consumers.

The bolded...I could live with a flip phone that could take 8 mpxl or higher photos and connect to Instagram and have texting.  I don't need all the other fancy stuff.  Is there such a phone?
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Sifu on April 29, 2014, 01:58:11 PM
I've always been a proponent of buying what suits you best.  I started out with Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, Apple and back to Nokia.  I have certain brand loyalties but understand that those loyalties don't matter if they don't help me much.  I would like the newest stuff but with smartphones nowadays its a lost cause due to the industry churning out new tech every 6 months. 
Not that I'm trying to promote my purchase (but I'm going to) but I got my Nokia 1020 for the camera.  I wanted a decent point and shoot first and foremost and there's really no smartphone that can do what this camera can do.  If the new 6 is any good I may get that (and still have this great phone).
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 29, 2014, 02:12:49 PM
Same here.  I've never purchased the latest and greatest.

Recently though, I've grown to respect Steve Jobs more than anything (I've always respected him, mind you, just more now).  I am a loyal person to people (and products) who are good to me or who've shown that they stand up for what they believe in.  Thus, I want to switch to an iPhone.  I currently have a Samsung Galaxy S2 that works great...but I'm feeling like I want to follow Steve Jobs creation.  He pioneered the way for all other phones and I'm beyond proud of that.

Of course, I don't plan to keep switching phones.  I just want to pick an iPhone and stay with it.  But, if the iPhone 6 will have more than 8 mpxl for its camera, I think I might have wait for it.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on April 29, 2014, 03:07:30 PM
Wait for the 6. I skipped the 5S to get a HTC One since I already have the iPhone 5. Waiting on the 6.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: enomena on April 29, 2014, 03:13:42 PM
I'm waiting for the new Androids coming this winter with the 64 bit arm processor with qhd screen that's a 2k screen. :)

I'm also tempted by the rumor of the new Samsung Prime with the Snapdragon 805 and aluminum/metal chasis too.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on April 29, 2014, 09:09:13 PM
Wait for the 6. I skipped the 5S to get a HTC One since I already have the iPhone 5. Waiting on the 6.

Yeah...I'm leaning toward waiting...but like I said earlier, I'm soooo old-schooled, old-fashioned, that I can have a simple phone and be long as it can take good photos and connect to Instagram AND be Apple.  ;D

I'm waiting for the new Androids coming this winter with the 64 bit arm processor with qhd screen that's a 2k screen. :)

I'm also tempted by the rumor of the new Samsung Prime with the Snapdragon 805 and aluminum/metal chasis too.

My husband might be interested in that.  The new iPhone will also have a 64 bit processor and a few other stuff that I really don't care for.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Missterious on May 03, 2014, 06:11:30 AM
Is it going to really look like this? It kinda looks like an HTC one. Lol. But I like! So tempting! (
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on May 03, 2014, 06:18:08 AM
No one knows until they announce it next month.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 09, 2014, 07:40:46 PM
I'm having problems with my current phone.  Makes me want to switch now instead of wait.  >:(

Was at my first grader's Mother's Day Tea Party and asked another mom to take a photo of daughter and I and my phone was acting up.  She had an iPhone and had no problems at all.  It was embarrassing.  :-[
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Sifu on May 09, 2014, 11:30:30 PM
Just wait.  They are announcing a 4.7in and probably a 5.5+in iPhone very soon.  The competitors will slash their prices and release theirs as well. 

Due to your importance of camera I would seriously consider the Nokia 1020.  Its not a dslr but its pretty close.  If it could take lenses it would be an awesome starter.  What other smart phone do you know shoots in RAW?
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 10, 2014, 11:22:35 AM
Sifu, I actually want the smallest screen iPhone.  My husband said the same thing about the price slash too...but when I think about it, will I always be waiting until new releases to get the prices lashed for the previous versions?  I'm not a follower of trend.

The Nokia sounds so tempting.  It looks nice and I like that it takes awesome photos.  I wish it was an iPhone though.  As far as technology goes, I'm leaning toward anything Apple makes because as mentioned, I have a lot of respect for the guy who created it.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 11, 2014, 09:44:42 AM
I've used iPhone4, S4, iPhone 5, etc...  I'm loving my iPhone again.  The iPhone is a superior package in my opinion.  They spent more time perfecting their craft than Samsung.  If I had a working Phone I would wait for the new iPhone 6 for sure.

Why I switched back to Apple even thought I <3 <3 <3 the big screen on S4.
Take Siri vs. Galaxy.  I <3 Siri and Galaxy is quirky when asking questions.  Sometimes Galaxy do not understand what I am saying and it's plan English.  I constantly have to focus on enunciation with Galaxy.  Whereas Siri's algorithm is more robust at the human language and determining what I am saying.  My rationale why this is the case is due to Siri AI Architecture (programmer) spent 5 years at Stanford AI laboratory investigating the technology, start his own company, spent another year or two before it was sold to Apple.  Galaxy is a me-too product and need more time perfecting.

Apple UI is smoother compared to Samsung.  This is due to Apple choosing to stick with tried and true IPS LCD whereas Samsung went with the OLED.  It is said OLED is not as accurate but more vibrant.  So when you screen left to right, you'll notice that Apple is smoother and more accurate when scrolling. 

Apple is a better finished design.  Kind of straight forward if you ask me.

Battery heats up too much during the summer when using GSP.

I REALLY miss my big screen on the S4 and if Apple can come up with that screen then more power to Apple.  Currently using iPhone 5s after 6 months of S4.  Just too many small things that is annoying.  Did I say I REALLY miss the big screen from Samsung S4?  I really do...especiall y in GPS mode...Oh and S4 has Google Map built in.

I'm with T-Mobile and they just do a lot of jacked up thing with the Phone to prevent me from locating my phone as well unless I paid T-Mobile to track it.  So this is also another reason why I switched.  S4 bends over for T-Mobile whereas Apple won't.

I'm confused.  You switched to iPhone.  You love the iPhone but you switched to Galaxy S4 because they bend over backwards for T-Mobile?  Which phone do you really have?

If you live in a big metro area buy one off craigslist.  My brother got his iPhone 5s for under $400.  They guy didn't like the small screen so switched back.

I don't live in the city, if that's what you mean.  I'm out in the boonies.  But, I'm sure I cans till locate a refurbished.  Craigslist scares me.  Husband won't have it though.  He prefers me to have a store bought one and he'd rather pay the monthly for that.  We'd be paying about $27 extra per month if I switch to the iPhone.

I actually like the small screen and I don't use google maps often.  I like how the iPhone fits in my hand and when I go running, it'll fit nicely on my arm and not be too bulky.  But, those are just smaller things that aren't that important.  The iPhone also has lots more apps.  I get annoyed when I read something about a cool app and learn it's only for iPhone.  I'll go looking for a similar app for Android and it's not the same thing...and they don't have anything similar to it.  Anyway, these are just some things that also drive me toward an iPhone but they are not priority.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on May 14, 2014, 05:07:10 PM
I'm with T-Mobile and they just do a lot of jacked up thing with the Phone to prevent me from locating my phone as well unless I paid T-Mobile to track it.  So this is also another reason why I switched.  S4 bends over for T-Mobile whereas Apple won't.

Huh? I'm with T-Mobile and don't have that issue.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on May 14, 2014, 05:13:36 PM
Sifu, I actually want the smallest screen iPhone.  My husband said the same thing about the price slash too...but when I think about it, will I always be waiting until new releases to get the prices lashed for the previous versions?  I'm not a follower of trend.

The Nokia sounds so tempting.  It looks nice and I like that it takes awesome photos.  I wish it was an iPhone though.  As far as technology goes, I'm leaning toward anything Apple makes because as mentioned, I have a lot of respect for the guy who created it.

Then u should go for the iPhone 5S if u want the 4" screen. iPhone 6 gonna have a bigger screen. Not a fan of big phones myself but I think 4.7" is the limit for me. After a few months with my HTC One it's been ok. I always had a iPhone as my main phone and a Android as my multimedia device but since I broke my iPhone 5 screen I had to use my One as a daily driver.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on May 14, 2014, 05:17:53 PM
I'm confused.  You switched to iPhone.  You love the iPhone but you switched to Galaxy S4 because they bend over backwards for T-Mobile?  Which phone do you really have?

I don't live in the city, if that's what you mean.  I'm out in the boonies.  But, I'm sure I cans till locate a refurbished.  Craigslist scares me.  Husband won't have it though.  He prefers me to have a store bought one and he'd rather pay the monthly for that.  We'd be paying about $27 extra per month if I switch to the iPhone.

I actually like the small screen and I don't use google maps often.  I like how the iPhone fits in my hand and when I go running, it'll fit nicely on my arm and not be too bulky.  But, those are just smaller things that aren't that important.  The iPhone also has lots more apps.  I get annoyed when I read something about a cool app and learn it's only for iPhone.  I'll go looking for a similar app for Android and it's not the same thing...and they don't have anything similar to it.  Anyway, these are just some things that also drive me toward an iPhone but they are not priority.

A reason why I like having both is their different ecosystems. And yes a lot of apps are iOS only as some apps are Android only. Sounds like your sold on the iPhone. What phone service are u with?
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Missterious on May 15, 2014, 07:10:32 PM
I also really like iphone for their free visual voicemail. I just can't let go of that feature anymore. No more calling your voicemail to hear messages; just click on the voicemail tab and click to listen to whatever message you want. I know many phones have this feature but it doesn't come for free. It's only some dollars more to add on, but with iphone, it's free. Love it.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on May 15, 2014, 09:17:26 PM
Visual is available on Android too. It's just better implemented on the iPhone. On Android I have to download T-Mobile's app to see visual voicemail while on iOS it's in the phone app.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 19, 2014, 01:05:00 PM
I went ahead and got the iPhone 5s last week.  Why did I wait so long?  I LOVE everything about it.

Okay, the reason why I waited was 'cause T-Mobile didn't sell iPhones for a long time + it was too expensive.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 19, 2014, 01:17:30 PM
There are a few things that I'm really liking:

1. I have access to all my iTunes music without having to download it onto my phone.

2. I have camera access without having to log onto my phone.  Same with the iTunes, except I do have to log in first but once the phone locks, I can still access the music.

3. Love the technology on the photos and video recording.  They have image stabilization.  I can totally see the difference in the videos I recorded with my old android and the 5s.

4. I can zoom while recording.  Couldn't do that with the old android.

5. The fingerprint access is so cool!

6. I chose Suri to have a male's voice.  ;D
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 19, 2014, 01:20:09 PM
What I don't like so far is Google Maps for the iPhone.  I loved it on the android because it was accurate and easy.  On the iPhone, it doesn't recognize some locations or its location mapping is different from what I'm familiar/comfortable with.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: thePoster on May 20, 2014, 01:06:54 PM
I am the last person to care about having the greatest anything (I am quite old-fashioned, if you know me).  Yet, I feel like there's this push that I should wait for the iPhone 6.  What exactly am I waiting for?  What is so great about this new phone that I should wait?

On the other hand, if I get the current phone, and then realize that the iPhone 6 was the better deal, I'm going to feel lousy and wish I had waited.

Argh...choices .  Really, this shouldn't even be a thought.  A phone is just a phone.

You are waiting becuase when you spend that money you would like to think you're spending it on something new and not spending all that money on an "old" piece of equipment, that is why you are waiting..
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 20, 2014, 07:00:15 PM
You are waiting becuase when you spend that money you would like to think you're spending it on something new and not spending all that money on an "old" piece of equipment, that is why you are waiting..


So you made the upgrade? I've been tempting to upgrade to the 5 versions on numerous occasions but I was hoping Apple would come up with something better. Sounds like the 6 might be a go for me, although, this waiting game is making me antsy.

Yep! Upgraded.  So, by something better, did you mean a bigger screen?  Even though I'm not waiting for the 6, I'm antsy too!  I want to know what's going to be so great about that new phone...LOL!  I don't want it though...I love the small screen of the 5s and how the phone fits perfectly in my hand.

I totally love my new phone.  I think I'd say the best thing about it is its fast processor.  It's amazingly fast.  I'm still in awe about it.  Every time I turn it on, it pops right up.  Use my thumb to login and pretty much zoom thru everything...n o waiting.  My Instagram is so damn fast on this iPhone that I was able to do 2 images quickly...yeah ...I'm still so happy about it.  Okay...enough gushing.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Missterious on May 21, 2014, 01:53:26 PM
Omg I had a moment where my life just flashed before my eyes!! My iphone fell into the water. Submerged in water! Had it dried right away and thank the heavens it is still alive today! Whew!
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 21, 2014, 05:47:38 PM
That's the kind of excitement I'm hoping the 6 would provide.  :D

Half of my siblings and their kids are walking around with the 5's and my goal is to out do them. lol. jk. I was hoping the 5's would be a lot different than the 4S I currently use but after feeling them out, between the two, aside from a few tweaks that Apple made, the 5 was just longer and lighter. But I agree, I absolutely love the sleek feel of the iphone in my hands too.

LOL!!  Your sibs might get the 6 too.

Omg I had a moment where my life just flashed before my eyes!! My iphone fell into the water. Submerged in water! Had it dried right away and thank the heavens it is still alive today! Whew!

Good save.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: New kid on the block on May 21, 2014, 07:30:56 PM
If you had to choose between the two, what would you do?

tos lub iphone rau xwb yerrr!
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on May 23, 2014, 12:14:37 PM
I couldn't wait so I got the iPhone 5s.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Ron Burgundy on July 10, 2014, 10:46:51 AM
What I don't like so far is Google Maps for the iPhone.  I loved it on the android because it was accurate and easy.  On the iPhone, it doesn't recognize some locations or its location mapping is different from what I'm familiar/comfortable with.

I have a hypePhone 5, and the map app already on it is not Google maps. It's sucks and has lead me to no where a few times. You'll need to DL google maps if you want to prevent driving to no mans land.  O0
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on July 10, 2014, 11:24:04 AM
IPhone 6 is just around the corner
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: zena on July 21, 2014, 07:19:24 PM
I have a hypePhone 5, and the map app already on it is not Google maps. It's sucks and has lead me to no where a few times. You'll need to DL google maps if you want to prevent driving to no mans land.  O0

Yes.  I was referring to Google Maps for iPhone. 

I didn't get the iphone for directions though.  It still surpasses my previous phone.

IPhone 6 is just around the corner

I'm happy with my iphone...altho ugh, husband might get the 6.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: SummerBerry on July 28, 2014, 12:59:51 PM
I had a blackberry z10 for about 6 months and was able to upgrade to a new phone with ATT next plan so I took advantage of it because my daughter been bugging for a iphone 5 or just apple products are better.  We only have it for 1 month and my daughter got hit by a car and the phone screen crack but still working.  I'm hoping everything go well so they can paid us for the iphone as property damage.

I don't use it but as far as taking picture I really like it.  My blackberry z10 is on contract for 2 yrs but with the upgrade for the iphone 5s.  The blackberry is being used for the kids to play games and wifi.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: Missterious on August 06, 2014, 12:41:20 PM
I had a blackberry z10 for about 6 months and was able to upgrade to a new phone with ATT next plan so I took advantage of it because my daughter been bugging for a iphone 5 or just apple products are better.  We only have it for 1 month and my daughter got hit by a car and the phone screen crack but still working.  I'm hoping everything go well so they can paid us for the iphone as property damage.

I don't use it but as far as taking picture I really like it.  My blackberry z10 is on contract for 2 yrs but with the upgrade for the iphone 5s.  The blackberry is being used for the kids to play games and wifi.

I tried out the Z10 for a week or so. I liked the look of the phone but I hated the os. I exchanged it for the 5s and was much much happier.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: N`Chync on August 06, 2014, 07:53:47 PM
BlackBerry needs to step it up along with Microsoft. I was hoping they do better. Havent used a Blackberry since one of their last stand out, the Bold. Had to use a Windows Phone last winter after I shattered my iPhone 5 screen and was terrible disappointed. Been enjoying my HTC One and Galaxy Note 3 while waiting for the iPhone 6. Going for the 4.7" iPhone 6. Was never a fan of phones as big as the Note and having both the Note 3 and the One a 4.7" screen is big enough. Looks like the iPhone 6 might be better to hold since it won't be as wide as the One. Even the the iPhone 5 wasn't as wide as other 4" phones.
Title: Re: iPhone 5s Now or Wait for the iPhone 6?
Post by: nraughmoobmuas on August 22, 2014, 12:01:56 AM