PebHmong Discussion Forum

General Category => Hmong Culture & History => Topic started by: TheAfterLife on April 13, 2016, 08:45:43 PM

Title: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: TheAfterLife on April 13, 2016, 08:45:43 PM
I start to see that Hmong people are as bigoted as the Chinese folks in China. Have Hmong people allow gay marriage in their culture? I heard stories that they will be hated is because they don't want a women. Is it really allowed in the Hmong marriage culture? I wonder what the parents will react to that?
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: duckwingduck on April 16, 2016, 03:32:58 PM
Hmong marriage practice has no room for gay marriage.  But of course, you can do it if you can find the people who do not mind.

I have yet to see a hmong gay killed by another Hmong for being gay.  Hmong religion doesn't teach us what to hate.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Hung_Low on April 24, 2016, 10:07:37 PM
Hmong people are too racist! They are like the rednecks of Asia. Why? WHY! WHHYYY! Interracial? REALLY? That's no American or Chu Kingdom like. Hmong Chu would married anybody he/she wishes. I would blame the influence of Chinese culture by having their bigotry around us. Some, I might accept.

Come on bro... all people are racists. If you say you're not... you're fooling yourself.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: lexicon on April 25, 2016, 09:48:06 AM
It takes all kind. We shouldn't generalize. The truth probably is somewhere in the middle of; those who've accepted change and those who stand steadfast refusing to change.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Giggles_Shyly on April 25, 2016, 10:58:51 AM
Majority of Hmong folks don't accept of LGBT because it's profoundly based on phobia stereotypes, usually consist of negative information brought forth by LGBT haters. I have seen this many times over. Acceptance is only accepted when it effect one's self, until then it will be ignored or irrelevant. Key point is Majority in numbers will always win the minority. Thus is why many people choose to be in the closet. Some even marry and have children, yet their secret is buried.

Fear not of what is unknown, go forth, ask questions, understand the content, then decide. Judge fairly and not on a bias stand point.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Giggles_Shyly on April 25, 2016, 01:48:54 PM
True, just more noticeable in the Asian community.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Giggles_Shyly on April 25, 2016, 02:38:14 PM
Diversity is a blessing, we mix and blend in, like a good bowl of pho.

We would be robots if government control every entity we possessed even our free will. Now that is scary and would be boring!
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Giggles_Shyly on April 28, 2016, 03:03:25 PM
From what I have seen, new generation Hmong youngsters will be more accepting verse the older generation. Soon enough, it will be accepted all around since the older elders are aging and dying off.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 02, 2016, 09:06:47 PM
yeah, tell that to the next generation. They still won't do it. TWAST ME! If China won't allow gay marriage, then the NEXT generation will do the same. Again, nothing changes for the Hmong community. It takes a miracle for it to work...

Since the Chinese were able to move away from the bride price and same last name can't marry primitive beliefs, it's just a matter of time for the other stuff to come around...At the end, what's right will almost always beat what's wrong...
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 03, 2016, 08:12:22 PM
Chinese people, I understand. Laotian people, I understand. White people, black people, and mexicans, WHAT DID THEY DO TO US?

They have also disrespected me but like Hmong and other groups, not all of them are like that...Just the ones with primitive caveman mentalities... And I've always fought back or for my American rights though whether it be elementary, middle, high school, at the work place or in the community in general..
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 01:08:51 AM
Before we talk about changing beliefs on marriage.  There are other things we need to work on first lol.
The first thing is judgment and criticisms of interracial dating.  If we can't accept interracial hetero relationships, same sex relationships are out of reach.
It's true to say we've come far where most people are accepting of interracial relationships.  But a good chunk of times this is not the case.  especially during first introductions.
It always starts with bashing someone based on their ethnicity.  And only after time will it lead to being accepted.

But we're talking about Hmong people.  Where the mentality is "we take it to our grave and beyond." 
People hold grudges forever.

Sorry anonymouse but you are wrong.

Homosexuality is not the same thing as a person's race. Equating them to be the same struggle is offensive.

I'm actually pretty disappointed that you have fallen for this delusion.

Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 01:14:44 AM
Don't equate what a society may deem as inappropriate inclinations with anybody's race.

A gay person can be black, white, Asian, Latinos, etc. But not all blacks, whites, Asians, or Latinos are gay.

The thing that bothers me the most is how they have swindled you all with their delusions so that now many of you can't make the distinctions.

Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 07:06:27 PM
I've known gay people and transgenders all my life. This subject isn't new to me. I didn't just start to get into the conversation like most of you. This is old news for me. I have no vendetta against them. I'm simply calling out their bulls.hit and the insidious tactics they use that apparently seem to work on feeble-minded millennials among others such as yourself.

To me they are like that friend, which everybody has, that at first starts out with a legit issue. Then even after the issue is resolved they are seeking vengeance.

The LGBTQ movement is basically JUST THAT. Vengeance and to pervert society.

Blacks and latinos are the same to me. Again, not a new conversation for me as I have been knee-deep in these communities for practically eons.


You can't tell me ONE good reason why society NEEDS to promote or involve themselves in same-sex marriage.

If two gays want to marry, why do they need a pastor, the courts, a ceremony, or any third party to make their union legit? That's why GAYS ARE THE ONES WITH THE PRIVILEGE - THEY AREN'T BURDENED WITH THE EXPECTATIONS. Their relationships don't produce dire consequences for society.

If I had a gay child who wanted to make a commitment to his/her partner, there is nothing in that union that raises concerns for me as a parent. I don't have to worry about a son knocking up a girl or a daughter getting knocked up. I don't have to worry about a grandkid with a fractured family. I don't have to worry about picking up the pieces should that union dissolve. That kind of union DOESN'T NEED LEGAL PROTECTION nor does it need SACRED VOWS to form a commitment. They don't NEED witnesses or family present to bless their union because their relationship impacts nobody.

What part of that don't you understand about marriage?

Straight people don't have a ceremony just because it's fun. There is an actual rhyme and reason to it. Their unions DO IMPACT people other than themselves. A man and woman relationship is a different dynamic that does require legal contracts, witnesses, and third party involvement.

Look at it this way. Do you need permission or some sort of understanding to eat food from your own fridge? No. How about from another person's fridge? Yes.

Gay people are basically eating out at their own home. They are dealing with someone of the same gender. Straight people are eating out. They are dealing with someone from a different tribe.

Furthermore, the very word "marriage" comes from "matrimony". The word "matrimony" is inherently implying "male and female". It is a term that was also used in animal husbandry. Animal husbandry is the breeding of animals and taking care of them. Hence the word "husband".

Since when do gays breed? Thus, their unions simply can't be called a "marriage" because it involves no consummation. They don't actually have "sexual intercourse". They perform acts on genitals to incite orgasm and pleasure but that is not the same thing as male-female sexual intercourse.

The problem is that you people seem to think that marriage should be the pinnacle of relationships for ALL people. That simply isn't true. It is only the pinnacle for heterosexual couples.

Gay Rights are nothing more than to legally force others to participate in their lifestyle. It is the new Jim Crow laws where owners will face legal issues if they don't segregate blacks from whites in their establishments .


It is written in our hearts by UNIVERSAL LAW but being distorted by the regressive left.

Gays feel "abnormal" NOT because society tells them that they are. They simply only have to look around and know that they are not normal.

For example, if you are the only Asian kid in a white school, do white people have to explicitly tell you that you look different? It doesn't take bullying for you to know that you look different. Even if all those white people were friendly to you, you will always feel like you're the odd man out. This is why GAYS feel "abnormal". It is their own conscious that tells them something is out of place. The difference with you being the only Asian kid vs. a gay person is that you don't feel bad about being Asian. There is nothing wrong or abnormal about being Asian, white, black, Latino, etc. Being Asian is not an anomaly in nature. It doesn't go against the will of nature.

Thus, the agenda of LGBTQ activists is to distort society to resemble them. If everybody is gay or at least exhibiting gay patterns of behavior then they don't have to feel badly about themselves. Marriage is the key because it gives them access to children. Whomever is having children is raising the next generation and instilling social norms.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 04, 2016, 07:09:49 PM
A proud gay person is a person who fully accepts their homosexuality and takes advantages of all the privileges that come with it. Not someone who is mimicking heterosexual expectations while at the same time trying to change them.

Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 05, 2016, 07:53:34 PM
Making claims that a group's entire marriage custom is bigoted is a BOLD accusation.

Did some of you expect that you could say such things without receiving backlash and harsh criticism? It is even more vile that after some people made their trollish comments, they deleted the rebuttals.  ::)

I doubt many of you even know the custom or fully understand the Hmong view on marriage, it's purpose, and how it's a pillar in our society and value system.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: FetishDream on May 05, 2016, 08:11:40 PM
I saw a homo and how she behaves around her mother.  She would say from time to time "hey ma, look at this" 

It shows me the love between a mother and her daughter, even if she's homo.  This is a beautiful sight and I can not say the same from some of our "normal" people who be hating on our parents. 

It makes me wish I can have a homo child.  If I do, I already know how to cater to my homo child.  All full of <3

but don't get me wrong though.  Me and my homo kids will prove to the world that love exist and this is what you guys are missing out.  When a homo and their parents have a good relationship, I'm all for that.  I'm not yet so sure about a homo who falls in love with another homo and hates their parents.  With that, my kids will not get my blessings if they want out of my relationship just so they can find the homo love that they are looking for.  They can't even follow the obey thy father and mother rule so how can they even go beyond this? 

end rant  :2funny:
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on May 05, 2016, 11:34:46 PM (

This link features the actual video of Brown.
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 06, 2016, 02:31:51 PM
But in the end, gay marriage in our culture is illegal.

Says who?

I bet if two gay Hmong got married, they won't get jail time or fined...
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: FetishDream on May 06, 2016, 04:24:36 PM
I am not so sure if it is possible to love your homo child but are against homo in general.  You loved them as your child first.  The homo part is just their sins to bear. 

Lesbian homo are ok.  I mean the biggest thing that gets to enter the vaginal canal that is all natural is your big toe unless you do fisting.  Blessing your child to sleep with her lesbian gay lover in the next room is ok.  I do have a problem with guy homo.  I can not allow my homo gay guy child to sleep with his man in the next room because a natural pisser up in the booty hole errr error 404 forbidden.  Get me outta here.   :2funny:
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 06, 2016, 09:24:08 PM
Go talk to the elders and I promised you, they will deny it.

You mean this guys??

Hmong 18 Council Modifies Traditional Guidelines To Include Gay Marriage

ST. PAUL, MN – Last week’s vote to legalize gay marriage was a historic moment in America, a decision that has sent some people into extreme lows while sending others into extremely flamboyant highs. The result has been controversiall y divisive among the American people, and in particular, among Hmong people. Just yesterday, the Hmong 18 Council gathered to discuss the ramifications of this new law, especially how to continue traditional marriage ceremonies now that gay marriage is part of the picture.
One large question looms in mind: What about the bride price, and how will that be affected? Theo Lor, a member of H18C, says, “Obviously, we can’t call it the bride price anymore if it’s two gay guys getting married. So we decided on a new phrase: Groom Price.”


( (
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 09, 2016, 01:24:49 PM
Uuuuh, that is in MN. It doesn't apply to ALL Hmong people. I promise you, that is only one state in our community. I still find Hmong people to be a bigot and since that is only one state, have the others heard it in California, Oregon, and North Dakota?

It doesn't matter. In fact given the number of Hmong in mn, that's even better...can't "promise" they will deny it anymore..

As far as other states go, I'm sure some are ok, others not like the general population...
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: theking on May 10, 2016, 02:52:45 PM
What are the parent's reaction when they saw their son is gay? I wonder how would the elders react...

Depends, like the general population, some are against it, some are for it so just depends...

Hey, are Hmong still practicing the 'you-can't-marry-same-surname?'

Some "still" do but some have progress and moved forward from it like the Chinese and Koreans did decades ago...
Title: Re: Hmong Bigotry in Gay Marriage...
Post by: nightrider on July 06, 2016, 11:22:33 PM
Whatever the 18 Councils says. No one is going to f'en follow their "groom" price. We're not a money market economy like how white Americans run on selling marriage licenses. Hmong people just don't give a rats arse when it comes to gays/lesbians getting married. Majority(likely 90%) will likely never support such things. It goes against procreation and family unity/extensions. You wanna go extinct; fine, it's your choice...