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General Category => Debate Central => Topic started by: GhostRider on July 30, 2016, 07:08:16 AM

Title: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: GhostRider on July 30, 2016, 07:08:16 AM
So if individually, it's already over...all the women will vote for Hillary. First, they don't like him. Second, she a woman, their chance of making history. The men are divided so it's already over, like it or not.

please reference the fine print below
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: YAX on July 30, 2016, 08:19:38 AM
You'd be amazed at how women think, some don't like her just because she's up there instead of them.
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: Hung_Low on July 30, 2016, 11:48:33 AM
So if individually, it's already over...all the women will vote for Hillary. First, they don't like him. Second, she a woman, their chance of making history. The men are divided so it's already over, like it or not.

please reference the fine print below

She has done for women as much as Trump has... Just because she parade a president of an abortion clinic and a person that aborted her baby don't mean all women will instantly vote for her.

Just to vote her because it's a history in the making is a pretty pathetic reason. Vote for the candidate that share more of your belief...
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on July 30, 2016, 01:29:59 PM
You'd be amazed at how women think, some don't like her just because she's up there instead of them.

trump is like a lot of hmong men, self entitled and sexist. plenty of women will not be voting for him.  :2funny:
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 01, 2016, 07:33:32 PM
trump is like a lot of hmong men, self entitled and sexist. plenty of women will not be voting for him.  :2funny:

I take it you must be a woman whom don't know men well to make comparison of Hmong men to Trump. Trump is unlikable due to his bombast and volatile mouth of his. Some people have problem with Hilary because of her ultra negative campaign against Obama, not only that but her fuk up tenure which had caused great instability in the mideast region. These two candidates are the worst of choices in this presidential election process. As much as I dislike trump, I'll give him credit that both systems are rigged, only people within the party that has high favorability/friends can win the nomination and ultimately compete. Hilary is crooked, even in my own state, I'm sure those that sided with her will be vote it out of office soon. It's really comes down to numbers, we know majority of women supports Hilary, some may want to push more for women's rights and equality or just simply to make women history. Regardless, it's like the poster said, it has already been decided. Hilary is expected to win. The Elephant may suddenly go MAD and trample
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on August 02, 2016, 10:25:44 AM
I take it you must be a woman whom don't know men well to make comparison of Hmong men to Trump.

Don't be offended by the truth but work on your flaws if you want to change for the better O0
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 02, 2016, 06:04:12 PM
Change isn't for the better but for those whom are too naive and shortsighted, regards to ones personality. People that change for the better only comes to realize what they'd loss . It's just like people switching religions, thinking that their religion is inferior, they changed their religion only to realized how dumb they were.

As for political, change can go either way, domestically, Hilary should be able to manage that but foreign policies on the other hand, she does not have what it takes. She lacks understanding of the geopolitical problems in the world and we all saw what comes out of this continuation of exporting democracy to others in the world by taking up sides and overthrowing strong man Gadaffi and Saddam. She had voted in support of these operations. What we end up with is a mess, lawlessness, and a far more dangerous world. Poor judgement, viciously shameless, and crooked, people knows way too much about her... She's unfit for the job.
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on August 02, 2016, 06:12:05 PM
Change isn't for the better

duh. that's why you keep the good and throw out the bad. this applies to everything.  that's why the GOP is losing. O0
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 02, 2016, 06:32:51 PM
The Democrats did the same thing back the in the 60s. History repeats itself. I can say the same that if Hilary is elected, it's the death of the Democratic
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on August 02, 2016, 06:35:17 PM
The Democrats did the same thing back the in the 60s. History repeats itself. I can say the same that if Hilary is elected, it's the death of the Democratic

you can say and believe whatever you want, that is your freedom here in America, but it doesn't make anything true without the facts.  :idiot2: :2funny:
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 02, 2016, 07:03:38 PM
I have no freedom. I'm a caged bird. No matter how hard one works, one can never free oneself from the shackles of A person's life will always be dictated by others. One can never be a true free slave.

I wouldn't say so, you look at the Barney camp, it's very significant. If all communist sympathizers decides to not vote for Hilary. Do you think she can win? Worst, turn Republican or Independent for that matter, the Democratic party would essentially be destroyed.
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on August 02, 2016, 07:17:08 PM
you can say and believe whatever you want, that is your freedom here in America

I have no freedom. I'm a caged bird.

 :idiot2: you just said what you wanted freely.  :2funny:
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 03, 2016, 06:34:07 PM
You are also a caged bird. People that don't see themselves as one are too blind to see the truth. You must not have to go to work huh? :P
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: can on August 03, 2016, 06:42:18 PM
You are also a caged bird.

I'm not. don't be offended because people don't believe what you believe.  :idiot2: :2funny:
Title: Re: The people of America, your new president of the United State is..
Post by: nightrider on August 03, 2016, 06:51:38 PM
People, including yourself can deny all you want. Reality can sink in very slow and extremely