PebHmong Discussion Forum

Life & Living => Faith & Beliefs => Topic started by: Believe_N_Me on April 04, 2017, 02:22:13 AM

Title: Just Because Leftists Don't Believe in Armageddon, Doesn't Mean ISIS...
Post by: Believe_N_Me on April 04, 2017, 02:22:13 AM
...hasn't been waging a Holy War on Christians and the rest of the infidels in the world in order to usher in their Qu'ranic messiah.

The ongoing terrorist attacks are not motivated by Islamists who are angered by failed western foreign policies. These are people who believe the time has come to rid the planet of unholy and sinful western mainstream culture (much of which is heavily liberalism). It's important to understand that this is very real to ISIS. Accepting this will help identify our enemies and allies. Unfortunately, people on the LEFT are completely oblivious and make the grave mistake of inviting our enemies into our homes. Because those on the Left are typically anti-theists and shun the Bible, they think this is just another fight over resources as opposed to ideology. They won't know how to fight this war.