PebHmong Discussion Forum

General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dok_Champa on November 13, 2019, 09:41:58 AM

Title: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Dok_Champa on November 13, 2019, 09:41:58 AM (

Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Mr_Mechanic on November 13, 2019, 10:42:27 AM
Nah, we (at least I am) got better things to do. 
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Visualmon on November 13, 2019, 01:52:25 PM
Hilary Clinton fawked up her election and now Trump fawk up his presidential terms. So much MAGA  :2funny:
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Dok_Champa on November 13, 2019, 03:54:50 PM
I'm thinking if a Democrat President did all those things Trump had done the Republicans wouldn't be saying/reacting the way they did now. 

Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: theking on November 13, 2019, 05:15:16 PM
Nope, waste of time...
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Visualmon on November 13, 2019, 06:59:21 PM
I'm thinking if a Democrat President did all those things Trump had done the Republicans wouldn't be saying/reacting the way they did now.

Oh really? I haven't forgotten how Obama got a lot of hates from the Republicans when he took office. They don't want him to be their POTUS. 😂
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: hmgROCK on November 13, 2019, 10:32:05 PM
True story

GOP impreach bill clinton for a blow job
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Dok_Champa on November 14, 2019, 08:21:31 AM
Ok so the Republican argument is:  Trump did not with held aid & Pres. Zelensky did not investigate the Bidens so no crime committed.  Everything else is just "heresay"..  and heresay w/out substance is "nothing." 

Do you agree w/ this assessment?
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Believe_N_Me on November 15, 2019, 04:33:41 AM
ROFL! I guess losers never learn. You minority Lefties on PH still eating this up that the Democraps are serving you, eh?  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Still haven't learned after Russia Collusion, tax bombshell, etc. etc. The Democraps have s.hit. Ukranian Scandal is just another made-up bulls.hit to keep dumb, gullible minorities loyal.

Y'all still hating Republicans because the Democraps tell you to do so.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

Trump didn't do anything that other presidents haven't done. Your key witness whistleblowers in Ukranian scandal are a joke. Did any of you even watch the impeachment or are you just waiting for Rachel Madcow and Don Leper to tell you how to think?

Y'all still sore about Bill Clinton impeachment? So you people who back up #Metoo don't think Clinton did anything wrong with his power as POTUS? Wow, so believe women but not Monica Lewinsky, eh?

It's pretty damn funny how one of you even have the audacity to mention "if a Democrat president did what Trump..."

Damn, are you for reals? Demo Presidents have done way worse things but you so f.cking brain dead. You think your Democrap media is going to report that

What can any of you mofos tell us that OBAMA did for the country? What the fck has Hilary done?


And all these accusations against Trump. Where is YOUR F.CKING EVIDENCE?

None of y'all can even be specific.

The reason why PH has gone downhill is because of the dumb Lefties on here who can't even put together any insightful thoughts but to virtue signal when it's obvious the majority of them are racist, self-serving a-ssholes who couldn't give two cents worth of s.hit about black people, or actually suffering Hmong people, etc.

Half of y'all don't even have anything to do with Hmong people in the real world. You're just looking out for your own hide since moving out to white suburbs and working with predominantly white people. YOUR FAKE OUTRAGE IS CANCELLED.
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Believe_N_Me on November 15, 2019, 04:39:12 AM
Funny how you Hmong people suddenly have beef with Donald Trump after his presidential win. Before then you couldn't give a s.hit but somehow he is the most evil person on earth at the present moment.

Damn, get a f.cking brain and stop allowing white leftists to tell you what you should care about.

You're pathetic and it's simply disgusting to watch.

No wonder the Hmong do not have their own country. They can't even think for themselves and will believe anything on mainstream tv or whatever crap comes out of Hollywood.
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Reporter on November 15, 2019, 10:07:17 AM
Each party seeks to undermine the other's main candidate near election time. This is what's happening here.

But if Trump does not win, he'll be the first U.S. President to be removed by impeachment. All other past tried Presidents, including Bill Clinton, survived this process.

Experts say it's unlikely a President will be removed easily through this process. All the federal leaders know this. With the Republicans leading the Senate, Trump's impeachment attempt could stop there.

But the hope is clear: the impeachment is aimed at reducing votes for the candidate; perhaps voters will then switch their votes to the other party's leading candidate.
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: theking on November 15, 2019, 03:52:51 PM
ROFL! I guess losers never learn.

I know right like the HYPOCRITE "losers" that continue to crawl back after crying "I will stop reading what you write"..."never learn".. ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: lilly on November 15, 2019, 05:53:52 PM
Funny how you Hmong people suddenly have beef with Donald Trump after his presidential win. Before then you couldn't give a s.hit but somehow he is the most evil person on earth at the present moment.

Damn, get a f.cking brain and stop allowing white leftists to tell you what you should care about.

You're pathetic and it's simply disgusting to watch.

No wonder the Hmong do not have their own country. They can't even think for themselves and will believe anything on mainstream tv or whatever crap comes out of Hollywood.

Believe_N_Me, your contempt for your own people is astounding.  :o

You're telling people who don't support Trump to "get a f.cking brain and stop allowing white leftists to tell you what you should care about."  Have you told yourself to "stop allowing white rightists to tell you what you should care about" also?

It sounds like you still support Trump after all the "disgusting" things that he's done.  I think that's what's "pathetic sad to watch."

How do you justify all these crazy Trump actions:
- Dividing America
- Separating babies/kids from their parents at the US-Mexico border and putting kids in cages like animals
- Inciting violence against his opponents
- Speaking incoherently and not having the intellectual and mental capacity befitting the President
- Behaving like a child and throwing tantrums on twitter, behavior that is very unbecoming of the President of the United States of America
- Implementing tax cuts that favored the wealthy--no trickle down economics felt or seen
- Adding more to the national debt
- Tearing and damaging alliances that the US had/has with other nations
- Pulling troops out of Syria, betraying and abandoning the Kurds who fought ISIS for us
- Abusing his office for personal gain
- Asking foreign entities to help him win the Presidency, e.g. Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 elections to help him get re-elected
- Obstruction of justice
- Breaking campaign finance laws by paying off women for their silences
- Violating the Constitution’s emoluments clauses and displaying countless conflicts of interests (For example, we can't take any gifts from vendors at my company but Trump as the President of the United States wanted to hold the G7 summit at his Miami resort)
- So, so much more crappy things he's done and said, too many to count

You don't need any white leftists or white rightists to tell you about the things above, Trump himself showed the above to America on his own.
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: DuMa on November 16, 2019, 02:10:39 PM

Believe_N_Me, your contempt for your own people is astounding.  :o

You're telling people who don't support Trump to "get a f.cking brain and stop allowing white leftists to tell you what you should care about."  Have you told yourself to "stop allowing white rightists to tell you what you should care about" also?

It sounds like you still support Trump after all the "disgusting" things that he's done.  I think that's what's "pathetic sad to watch."

How do you justify all these crazy Trump actions:
- Dividing America
- Separating babies/kids from their parents at the US-Mexico border and putting kids in cages like animals
- Inciting violence against his opponents
- Speaking incoherently and not having the intellectual and mental capacity befitting the President
- Behaving like a child and throwing tantrums on twitter, behavior that is very unbecoming of the President of the United States of America
- Implementing tax cuts that favored the wealthy--no trickle down economics felt or seen
- Adding more to the national debt
- Tearing and damaging alliances that the US had/has with other nations
- Pulling troops out of Syria, betraying and abandoning the Kurds who fought ISIS for us
- Abusing his office for personal gain
- Asking foreign entities to help him win the Presidency, e.g. Trump pressured Ukraine to interfere in the 2020 elections to help him get re-elected
- Obstruction of justice
- Breaking campaign finance laws by paying off women for their silences
- Violating the Constitution’s emoluments clauses and displaying countless conflicts of interests (For example, we can't take any gifts from vendors at my company but Trump as the President of the United States wanted to hold the G7 summit at his Miami resort)
- So, so much more crappy things he's done and said, too many to count

You don't need any white leftists or white rightists to tell you about the things above, Trump himself showed the above to America on his own.

Women battles,

As much as I like to look at lesbo poon, I think this is the best we got here on ph

I just want to say something here.  What have trump done for you, as a minority, LATELY

If you think you are with the majority because you eat, sleep and breathe redneck, you are out of your fawking mind. 

But he's our president and he won so gotta take things for what it is and deal with dude.  Even democrats in office have to work along side with him. 

Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Dok_Champa on November 19, 2019, 11:36:09 AM
Hearing resume today.  Listen for about 10 mins and stopped because a headache was coming... 
Title: Re: Anyone listening to the LIVE impeachement hearing
Post by: Dok_Champa on November 20, 2019, 09:02:52 AM
Ambassador Sondland is testifying now and he really let loose!