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Topics - Hung_Low

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As bad as it is for the WNBA... A white B-Baller is getting hated. Nothing was done to that thug... and she was cheered for doing it by her teammates.

Guess these few black players can't stand another race being better than them in B-Ball.

quietly granting amnesty to millions of illegals?

It's happening right under our noses... Since 2020, there have been 3.5million new US citizens having rights to vote. And millions more illegals being quietly relocated to area of the US. These illegals do not have rights to vote (not on fed. election but Democrat cities/States have granted them rights to vote in local elections)but their presence in cities, county, states allow for more representative s (remember the big fight over asking if a person is a citizen or not when the census was going around?) - more electoral votes. eg. if there is an increase in say one of the Dem control state - they get more electoral votes. And the POTUS is chosen by electoral votes - not individual votes.

Biden administration has admitted more than 1 million migrants into U.S. under parole policy Congress is considering restricting

Now, don't go on a meltdown accusing me of hating immigrants, blah, blah, blah... I don't hate immigrants. As we all know, we're all immigrants. But there is a difference between an immigrant and an illegal. An immigrant is someone who does the right thing and does all the paper work and was granted permission to enter a country. An illegal is someone who sneak into a country, illegally, by breaking laws of that country.

The Reality Behind Biden’s Plan to Legalize 11 Million Immigrants


Noticed the group name?

I suggest It seek medical help... not advice from the butt-plug community. It is not having a period... It's having internal bleeding.

Pro-Hamas stop gay parade on its track...

"Stop calling them Palestinian, they are not Palestinian... we are Arabs, we are Arabs of Judea and Samaria and Israel and Jewish have called themselves of their state..." - Son of Hamas founder.

is done with them...

A California state senator fighting to throw sick pedophiles into prison for longer has blasted progressive members of her own party for trying to water down the new law, declaring: “I’m done with us.”

Democratic Sen. Susan Eggman, who reps part of San Joaquin County just outside San Francisco, gave the fiery speech on the senate floor last Thursday when lawmakers were weighing legislation that’d make it a felony to purchase or solicit a minor for commercial sex in the Golden State.

“I’d like to say as a progressive, proud member of this body for the last twelve years, I’m done. I’m done with us protecting people who would buy and abuse our children. I’m done,” Eggman, 63, said.

“I don’t want to send more black and brown men to prison. I don’t want more people in prison, but I don’t want people buying girls. I don’t want people buying little girls anymore. I’m tired of saying it’s okay and that we have to protect the men who do it.”

Well, she should realized that the Lefties/Demmies want to protect pedos (MAPs), I mean, they have one sitting in the White House - at least that's what his daughter and son claimed him to be.

I did not know that these majors existed in college... must be a WOKE college.

Quick rundown of some new NYU grads from the NYU Gallatin School of Individualized Study, where students can create their own major... average cost to study at this university is ~ $90,000 for 2yrs master degree study.

Jacob - environmental science and sustainable business
Lex - the performance of self
Gabrielle - creative Direction production and narrative through the Arts um performance and written word
Karina Gus - journalism and Latin American studies with an emphasis in human rights Collective memory and political violence
Stephanie Lee - sociology of environmental communication
Reed - music business and gender studies
Dominique - care politics with a minor in disability studies
Elliot Wright - art as a social mechanism
Georgia - dramatic writing and Theatrical adaptation
Noah Loya Cono - equilibrium or negotiated Paradox
Sophie Lopez - clearing and decolonizing theater practice
Maya - journalism post-Colonial studies and psychoanalysis
El Lise - philosophy of science and theater
Mina - the Criminal Mind which is surrounded on criminology and applied psychology
Juliana - international business and fashion through sustainable development

Hopefully, they'll find the job of their dreams because there are tons of jobs demanding people with these majors, skills and knowledge - NOT!!!

I think a person majoring in "Underwater Basket Weaving" will have an easier time to land a job compare to these grads with a Master Degree.

As you'll realized, these are going to be the people that we all have to forgive their school loans by paying for them... when they can't find any job.

General Discussion / The US gov't is doing a great job... with EV.
« on: May 29, 2024, 10:13:59 AM »
During an interview with CBS, Pete Butt-i-get, was ask a few questions regarding EV...

Pete claimed that people are buying EV more and more every year and the Inflation Reduction Act is helping to bring the price down (price is not coming down - the gov't is spending hudreds of $millions to subsidize the purchase of EVs through the Inflation Reduction Act. This act was a blinder to fool the Leftie/Demmie sheep).

He goes on to claimed that the EV revolution will happened whether we want it or not and we need to get in on the  forefront - and during Trump's admin, they had allowed China to get a head start. But with Brandon and his admin the EV revolution will be made in America. He claimed that Trump is happy with American trapped with dirty and expensive fuels and we will never get to the middle of this century using old technology - we need to embrace EV for the future... Uh... the EV revolution was never happening, it only started to happened because the gov't put up these insane mandates for auto manufacturers.

The host then ask Pete about charging stations, since it falls under this watch, why they have only completed 7-8 charging station when tax payers have invested $7.5billions since 2021? 7 or 8 stations in 3 years? I know a company will go out of business with that kind of result but the gov't has no accountability - they can waste as much as they can without worrying about anything.

Pete: The President's goal is to have 500,000 by the end of this decade... It's not as simple as taking a small device and plunking it down in the ground. There are a lot of things going on but we are working with the 50 states, each one getting formula dollars for this work... Again, 500,000 by 2030. This fool expect us to believe that the gov't will have 500,000 charging station by the end of the 2030? He's got 6 years left... he need to get his @ss going and put up almost 84,000 stations per year.

Hmmm... it took them 3 years and all they got is 7-8 stations with initial investment of $7.5billions but Pete claimed they will have 500,000 by 2030?  How much will it cost - tens of $trillions? :idiot2: :idiot2:

What these EV pushers do not tell the sheep is that EV is not as clean as they claimed - batteries for EVs are made from materials that are mined using children, the poor and the disadvantage working in poor, dirty and unhealthy conditions. Not only that but the electric power needed are majority generated by fossil fuel (coal, gas, etc etc). Wind and solar will never have the capacity to fulfill the consumption need...

Anyone that vandalized it will face jail time...

Police vow to find violator who did donuts on Pride crosswalk in Florida - American News
Hmmm, I wish they would put the same effort and tenacity against criminals but here in America, it pays to be a criminal. Heck, if the cops man-handled you and you happened to die from it, you become a Saint. They'll make a statue for you and worship you every year...

You can deface, burn and stomp the US flags and it's fine but better not even dare to do any bad thing to anything with Pride on it... these people will melt and the cops will come after you.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

with the same thought as this lady... to protest.  She didn't care about Palestine until the massacre of Oct. 7th.

Don't care until Oct 7th and then they can't keep their "Closet Nazi" feeling in check anymore... starts running out to protest for the poor innocent Palestinian(Hamas). As the son of a Hamas founder put it... "Stop calling them Palestinians, they are not Palestinians. We are Arabs, we are the Arabs of Judea and Samaria and Israel and the Jewish people have called themselves Palestinian..."

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Two Democratic imbecile Reps...
« on: May 28, 2024, 08:19:03 AM »
Two of the greatest mind of the Dem's party put out tweet during the Memorial Day weekend and got backlashed for not knowing what the "Memorial Day" really is about...

Ilhan Omar: On Memorial Day, we honored the heroic men and women who served our country. We owe them more than our gratitude - they have more than earned access to quality mental health services, job opportunities, housing assistance, and the benefits they were promised.

Cori Bush: This Memorial Day and every day, we honor our veterans in St. Louis. We must invest in universal health care, affordable housing, comprehensive mental health services, and educational & economic opportunities for our veterans as we work to build a world free of war and violence. I wish Cori would work on the crimes and violence in her district, her cities of St. Louis instead of trying to save the world from war and violence.

Hmmm... I don't think dead veterans will get any of those benefits. I also wonder, were they sitting next to each other when they tweet this out or did they get the memos to tweet this out from the collectives.

General Discussion / The Nuts of California...
« on: May 24, 2024, 08:26:20 AM »
Once again, CA is rearing it's head to further implement their banned on plastic bag usage...

it all started in 2014 when CA majority Dems "wanting to be woke or seen as pioneer in the fight against pollution/environment damage) came up with a law to ban plastic bags from stores. It didn't became law until 2016... and it has some loopholes created in the law - allowing store to sell thicker plastic bags to consumers for 10 cent/bag. Will... that didn't work out as they planned since the disposal of plastic bags have grown 46% from 2016-2022.

Now, they are trying to close these loopholes and outright banned plastic bag usage...

Hmmm... does these fools realized that majority of their packaged consumer goods are in plastic? Do they planned on just dumping truck loads of meat into wooded bins and have consumers pick from there? Veggies/fruits/etc etc... why even have a store - people can just go to a farm to pick up their fruits and veggie or to butcher for their meats.

This is the same logic that climate activists want to banned all fossil fuel... yet, their house and things they owned are made majority from fossil fuel.
Same with these Vegan nutjob wanting to banned all meat byproducts without even realizing that their 'organic' veggies/fruits are grown with animal by-products.

General Discussion / And they keep claiming they are not...
« on: May 22, 2024, 03:56:15 PM »
closet Nazis... but just care so much about the Palestinian people.

This sure proved that they only care about the poor Palestinians and are not closet Nazi or hate Jews.

But don't just take my post for this fact... Just check out what MSNBC, yes... a Leftie Media, is saying about Neo-Nazi, White Supremacy, hate groups are allied to the Pro-Palestine protesters.

white supremacist and neo-Nazi groups popping up at pro-Palestinian rallies across America, including most recently in Washington, D.C.; Orlando, Florida; Boston; and Missoula, Montana... Jason Kessler, a lead organizer, wrote that Palestinians have a right to declare that “Jews will not replace us.” Richard Spencer, a neo-Nazi, antisemitic conspiracy theorist and white supremacist, posted that lighting the Roman Arch of Titus in blue and white in solidarity with Israel was “a reversal and subversion of Titus’ achievement” (the arch commemorated the Roman Empire’s defeat of a Jewish rebellion in A.D. 81). Nathan Damigo, founder of the white supremacist organization Identity Europa, posted on Oct. 7: “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free!” The next day, white supremacist Matthew Parrott, a co-founder of the Traditionalist Worker Party, praised Hamas’ attack, stating that “every military act by the Palestinian forces is an act of freedom fighters” and comparing the massacre of families to “breaking out of a concentration camp to attack your guards.”... the National Justice Party, founded by white supremacists involved in Charlottesvill e, responded to the Oct. 7 attacks by marching in front of the White House with signs that said “No White Lives for Israel” and “Zionism=Terrorism,” expressly calling for the “destruction of Israel.” NJP’s website now encourages people to “begin to imagine a world where Israel no longer exists” in an article titled “Four Ways The Destruction of Israel Can Benefit The West.”... Those tactics are straight from the Nazi playbook — literally. The white supremacist website Daily Stormer produced a “style guide” to help white supremacists write effective propaganda. Under the heading “Prime Directive: Always Blame the Jews for Everything,” the guide instructs that “as Hitler says, people will become confused and disheartened if they feel there are multiple enemies. As such, all enemies should be combined into one enemy, which is the Jews.” - MSNBC

I've said it again and again... majority of these people don't care about Palestinians.. . It's their closet Nazi feelings coming out in the open.

protesters... majority of them don't even know what they're protesting about or what they're chanting about  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

"From the river to the sea" What river and what sea? Uh, uh, uh,  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: it's a call to genocide all people (Jews, Christian and Arabs) living in Israel.

Judaism is not a race... it's a religion.

Zionism is not about killing Palestinian or stealing their land (like someone in here keep bringing it up to hide their closet Nazi feeling). I don't need to give the definition here.

intifada... chants by majority of these Pro-hamas protesters... but they don't even know what it truly stands for.

Israel never occupied Gaza or West Bank... actually, they liberated Palestinians from the Eqyptians and Jordanians. They left Gaza and West Bank to Palestinians but the people of Gaza voted for a terrorist group, funded by Iran, to lead them... hence they are where they are now and not the West Bank.

Loved the last part where that queer is for Palestine but when the facts are revealed to him... he ran off. This usually happened to Lefties/Demmies too when facts are presented to them - they usually runs off or claimed no comments and end the interview.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

The US Senate held a moment of prayer for the "Butcher of Tehran", Iran President Raisi while the UN order their flags to fly at half-mast and held a standing moment of silence to mourn his passing...

Raisi, as Deputy Prosecutor General of Tehran, oversaw the execution of thousands of prisoners of war from Iraq.

His tenure included a crackdown on mass protests after 22-year-old Mahsa Amini was killed in 2022 (for not wearing her hijab properly and not adhering to the dress code of women in public), Iranian authorities killed hundreds of people with impunity, subjecting thousands of protesters to mass arrests and at least hundreds to enforced disappearance, and torture and other ill-treatment during and in the aftermath of the nationwide protests of the death of Mahsa Amini.

He was in charge of the enforcement of a strict women’s dress code, Sharia Law and increased enrichment of uranium after the U.S. withdrew from a landmark nuclear deal and increased military tensions with Israel and the West as the regime supported Hezbollah in Lebanon, the Houthi rebels in Yemen, Hamas in Gaza and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

He is frequently referred to as "The butcher of Tehran" by Iranians for his overseeing murders of thousands of Iranians... This is the man the UN and US Senate paid homage to and mourn his death.

This is so much different from the previous response to another crimes-against-humanity person, Pol Pot...

15 yrs old daughter was raped, shot and burned by mother and bf... This happened for months. The girl still survived...

The only way it was found out was because the couple took the child out from New Orleans (fearing the bf will be arrested if authority found out about the abuses) and heading to TX. Authority found out about the abuses when the couple got into a accident in TX and saw the condition of the child.

These two deserved the electric chair... not jail.

Where the h3ll is BLM and the protesting to protect these innocent children. Do their lives not matter? Why are they silent and other MSM silent on this tragedy...

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