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Topics - Hung_Low

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Television / Naked and Afraid...
« on: March 05, 2017, 07:57:28 PM »
Why are the contestants on most of these reality shows usually eat snakes? Can't they find anything else to eat?

Hmong News / Is she Hmong?
« on: January 25, 2017, 07:51:49 PM »
 A female teacher in Texas is accused of having sexual relation with a minor...

Her name is Thao "Sandy" Daon

Jokes & Riddles / Sorry I'm straight...
« on: January 06, 2017, 10:01:47 PM »
Two guy who just met each other at a party started talking and having a good time.

One guy all of a sudden lean in and kissed the other guy on the lips.

Guy says, "I'm sorry but I'm straight."

Other guy replied, "So was noodle before it got wet."

Jokes & Riddles / Yuam kev rua Taco Bell...
« on: January 04, 2017, 07:08:03 PM »
My brother and I went out to get some fast food.
I went thru the drive-thru at Taco Bell.
My bro had his face on his phone so as I stop to order, he told the drive-thru cashier he wanted a Big Mac.

The cashier told him that they don't have Big Mac, he looked up and realized we were at Taco Bell...

I swear, this is what my brother did. He gave me a smirk and says, "Yuam kev rau Taco Bell". I almost die laughing...

Reason why I laughed so hard

"Yo Quiero Taco Bell" in Spanish means "I want Taco Bell"... sounds just like "yuam kev rua Taco Bell".

Jokes & Riddles / Random jokes...
« on: January 02, 2017, 09:34:15 PM »
1. How does Hillary sleep?

First she lies on one side and then on the other

2. What do you get when you crossed a bad politician with a crooked lawyer?

Chelsea Clinton

Debate Central / Why are Liberals so afraid?
« on: December 31, 2016, 01:53:00 AM »
When you present facts to them, they just delete the post.  :2funny:

We have liberal czar running this forum.


At the University of Kansas, students, staff and visitors now get to choose “gender inclusive” buttons to wear to promote a “welcoming environment.” The buttons read “He/Him/His,” “She/Her/Hers” and “They/Them/Theirs.” It’s part of a “You Belong Here” campaign. I guess these people never grew out of elementary school. Next, they'll be handing out coloring books and crayons for times or difficulties like tests, lectures that they don't share the same view, etc.

Drexel University, meanwhile, finally decided free speech is worth supporting — but only in the case where a professor, George Ciccariello-Maher, wished for a “white Genocide” to kick off Christmas in a series of tweets. They still banned any speech, view, or lectures that are consider negatives to BLM, minorities, etc.

University of Maryland became another “sanctuary campus.” But in trying to be politically uber-correct, the university president delivered the news partly in Spanish. These idiots somehow forgot that there are other nationals attending the school also not just Mexicans.

Yep... the stupidity will continue. I hope, I never get to work with one of these "PC" liberals... I just don't have the "safe space", coloring books, fluffy animals, etc to hand out to them when a project deadline is approaching fast.

Hmong News / Hmong idiot got caught with underage prostitute...
« on: December 30, 2016, 07:14:46 PM »

Uber driver called cops on suspicion that young girl was sex slave and women with her were her pimps.
Cops caught the pimps and the john that were supposed to have sex with the young girl, Disney Vang (a Hmong dude).

Jokes & Riddles / The birth of a candy bar...
« on: December 19, 2016, 10:01:56 PM »
Heard this a long long time ago...

One "Pay-Day," "Mr. Peanut" wanted a "Bit-O-Honey," so he took "Mary Jane" behind the "Power House" on the corner of "Clark" and "Fifth Avenue".

He began to feel her "Mounds" and that was pure "Almond Joy" for him and it made her "Tootsie Roll."

He let out some "Snickers" as his "Butterfinger" went up her "Juicy Fruit" and caused a "Milky Way". She screamed and grabbed his "Peter Paul" and "Zagnuts".

"Mary Jane" said, "You are better than the 'Three Musketeers'". Soon she was a bit "Chunky" and nine months later she had a "Baby Ruth".

But research finding says otherwise...

The Top 3 States that are the worst for black people are from traditional Democrat states.

1. Wisconsin
2. Minnesota
3. Illinois

4. Ohio
5. Michigan
6. Connecticut
7. Pennsylvania
8. Virginia
9. Kansas
10. Alabama

Actually 7 of the top 10 are from traditional Democrat control.

Also noticed that majority of these are "northern" states. Remember the old saying that the South was racist... I've lived in the North and South, and I can attest that the North is more racist than the South.

Who should pay for their tuition? Should the tax payers, in the form of gov't funding and financial aid, pay for these illegals' education?

I think it's fine if a college/university want to be a "sanctuary" campus for illegals. However, when they do that, all federal funding and financial aid should be cut off.

It's pathetic that an "illegal" can get in-state tuition while an American citizen has to pay out-of-state tuition if he/she does not live in the same state or that some colleges and universities set up funding for these 'illegals' but the poor minorities that are legal can't get them.

Debate Central / I usually don't like snakes but this one looks cool...
« on: November 13, 2016, 03:46:18 PM »
Isn't this one of the better looking snake?

Debate Central / Two cops killed in Iowa... Should BLM be blame?
« on: November 03, 2016, 06:01:36 PM »

According to some Phers in here, yes... BLM is to blame because they incite hate for cops.

- Peter Lee, executive director of Covered California. Lee has made well over $1 million running California’s Obamacare exchange. He received massive raises in the past two years, going from a salary of $262,644 in 2014 to $420,000 beginning this July. On top of that nearly $160,000 raise, Lee received two other whopping bonuses of $52,258 in 2014 and $65,000 in 2015—winning more in one lump sum than many families make in an entire year. Lee's enrolled in CA's state employee insurance. He won't enroll in the Obamacare exchanges.

-Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) Acting Administrator Andy Slavitt literally cashed in to the tune of over $4.8 million in stock options on joining the Obama administration, more than enough to forego any employer subsidy for his health coverage. He refused to answer question why he's not in the Obamacare exchanges.

-Health and Human Services Secretary Sylvia Burwell (net worth: $4.6 million) have plenty of financial resources to forego an employer subsidy and purchase exchange coverage. Even at a total premium of $15,000 for his family, one year’s insurance costs would total less than 0.3 percent of the stock gains from Obamacare. He too refused to answer why he's not on the exchanges.

-Urban Institute published a paper claiming that exchange coverage was actually cheaper than the average employer plan. One of the study’s authors, John Holahan, received a total of $313,932 in compensation in 2014—$267,051 in salary, and $46,881 in other compensation and benefits. Does Holahan therefore believe that giving up his subsidized benefits and relying “only” upon his $267,051 salary presents too great a sacrifice for him to bear financially? If he and his colleagues truly believe exchange plans are more efficient than employer coverage—as opposed to just coming up with a talking point to rebut Obamacare’s massive premium increases—then shouldn’t they enroll themselves? Nope, neither the authors of the report nor their employees are enrolled in the exchanges.

-Larry Levitt, a senior vice president at the Kaiser Family Foundation. Last week Levitt tweeted that exchange premium increases don’t apply to many people—a talking point that Drew Altman, Kaiser’s CEO, has also made in blog posts. Care to guess how much these scholars claiming exchange premium increases are overrated make themselves? According to Kaiser’s IRS filing, Levitt received $333,048 in salary and $48,563 in benefits in 2014. His boss, Altman, pulled down a whopping $642,927 in salary, $149,509 in retirement plan contributions, and a $13,545 expense account—nearly $806,000 in total compensation. Another irony is that neither one of them are on the exchange.

-Massachusetts Institute of Technology professor Jonathan “Stupidity of the American Voter” Gruber. Last week, Gruber said Obamacare “was working as designed” and that people who lost their coverage thanks to the law “never had real insurance to begin with.” Unfortunately, MIT’s tax filings don’t include his salary. However, given that Gruber’s infamous undisclosed contract with the Obama administration totaled nearly $400,000, and that he literally made millions from other contracts, it’s fair to say Gruber could afford to purchase his own health insurance outside his employer—if he wanted to. So ask whether he would give up his employer coverage to purchase the “real insurance” Obamacare provides. Wouldn’t you know, he too refused to answer.

Again, those the promote it and created it don't want it. Ask any Democrat politician if they got coverage from Obamacare... you might be surprised that very few is, majority are getting it from private insurance.

Debate Central / IBD/TIPP poll shows Trump leading...
« on: October 23, 2016, 11:47:57 PM »

Many polls show very different things, with some showing Hillary Clinton ahead and others Donald Trump. They can't all be right. How can you tell which polls to trust?

Fortunately, there are data for this. And they clearly show that the IBD/TIPP Tracking Poll, over the past three election cycles, has been the most accurate poll out there.

Over the long term, tally shows that for the 2004, 2008 and 2012 elections IBD/TIPP's average prediction for the final presidential vote margin was the most accurate, with a difference of a mere 0.9% between our predictions and the final outcomes for all three years. IBD/TIPP accurately predicts Bush, Obama winning their race even though major polls shows John Kerry and Mitt Romney leading.

Does this mean Trump will win? No... No matter what the polls says(left leaning/right leaning), it all comes down to the VOTES. So... get out there and vote. I'll be voting but not for who you think...

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