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Topics - Hung_Low

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Jokes & Riddles / Gender Jokes...
« on: December 12, 2023, 12:14:07 PM »
So I was on a date with a lady last night...

During dinner, our conversation turns to her saying she's FLUID...

I said, "I'm hard, let's go!!!"

She got up and walked off...

I thought she meant she was 'wet down there'.

General Discussion / Skin color does matter...
« on: December 12, 2023, 10:12:31 AM »
Claudine Gay, President at Harvard, is staying put even with backlash for her to step down after the disastrous hearing and she survived an inquiry into plagiarism accusation on her PhD dissertation - stating she had already apologized and she just forgot to list the source of the material she used. The Harvard Corporation stated that they do not bend over to politic or outside pressure - looks to me they did, when they refused to condemn the calling for genocide of Jews, for fear of being called Jews loving and anti-Palestine.

Elizabeth McGill, President of UPenn, who was also on the disastrous hearing and refusing to condemn threats of genocide of Jews.

The difference here... Gay is  a black female - the 1st black female President at Harvard. McGill is a white female President at UPenn...

Harvard is not going to remove their first Diversity/Equity President after they already faced racism lawsuit from Asian students. If they had, they will be labeled a white  supremacy elite school.

Pro Sports Discussion / MyHomie criticized a correct call...
« on: December 11, 2023, 10:26:21 AM »
Myhomie was pretty mad and wanted to go after the ref on the sideline - had to be held back.

During the post game interview... he's blaming the ref for losing the game. Come on dude... it was the right call, your receiver (19) was lined up in the neutral zone. Yeah, it was a great play made by Kelce... however, that does not mean it nullify the penalty.

Reid also blame the refs for not warning him... However, the ref threw the flag before Kelce even made the catch and before Myhomie threw the ball. You can clearly see the flag coming out ahead of the play.

General Discussion / Gang of Islamist men targeted white people...
« on: December 08, 2023, 03:06:07 PM »
and attacked a dance festival in a small village in France... a 16yrs old was killed and 17 others were wounded.

However, the media is quick to blame 'Far Right' for claiming that this was an anti-white crime... and suggests that the incident was just a brawl out of control at a party.

Hmmm... maybe because just before the attack, some of the men were shouting "We are here to stab White people" - To me, that's as anti-white as can be.

This come after a teacher was killed by her former Muslim Chechen student...

General Discussion / Another truth about Gaza from another arab Muslim...
« on: December 08, 2023, 02:29:19 PM »

People didn't care about all the murdered Palestinians then... but they all somehow cared about Palestinians.

The difference... then it was Palestinians murdering Palestinians and now, it's Israel retaliating against the atrocity carried out by Hamas on Israel. Now that the Jews are trying to protect themselves from future terrorist act, the Lefties/Demmies can't have it.

Anime | Manga / Kingdom of Ruin...
« on: December 07, 2023, 01:45:52 PM »
Thought it was good until the main protagonist got majority of the witches killed...

General Discussion / This is only comedy... but it truly...
« on: December 07, 2023, 01:44:44 PM »
Explained how the Lefties/Demmies/Pro-@ssies are...

This is exactly how they think and get their info from... Ask them for any evidence and they'll just run away.

General Discussion / She perfectly summed up...
« on: December 07, 2023, 01:17:06 PM »
What people around the world are thinking and doing when it comes to the Israel/Hamas war... It is a shamed that people don't want to know the facts/truth.

By the way, she's a Arab Muslim living in Israel...

General Discussion / I don't blame him...
« on: December 06, 2023, 01:42:16 PM »
50yrs old man identified as teenage girl competed with girls around 13yrs old in swimming...

Get this... this dude is a professor of psychology at York University in Toronto.

I blame the wokies that created these kind of crazies...

General Discussion / You know the 'hate' for the Jews is there...
« on: December 06, 2023, 01:32:08 PM »
Where Ivy League refused to condemned calling for genocide of Jews as hate speech, harassment , bullying or threat of violence...

MIT, Harvard and UPenn presidents refused to condemn students that are calling for genocide of Jews/Israelis...
Their excuses - If it was directed at an individual and not just public speaking, it depends on the context, action needed - not just words, etc etc

But it's consider harassment, hate speech, threat of violence when a person is misgendered. Would these same president have an issue if someone call for the genocide of all trans? GQBLTFN++++?

General Discussion / Major, judge and jury...
« on: December 06, 2023, 01:12:38 PM »
All happen to be one person - The mayor of Fenton, LA (not LA California) is the judge and jury of that little city. 90% of that city's budget came from traffic violation from its residence and people driving through the town.

The village brought in over $1millions in fines and majority of these fines are used to pay the mayor, police chief and office clerk...

After a investigative report - they hired a new judge.

And it's not just this little town only. Other small towns in LA are doing the same...

General Discussion / Climate Change Czar farted...
« on: December 06, 2023, 09:15:11 AM »
John Kerry, the Climate Change Czar, farted during a speech... The lady next to him knew what's up since she subtly cover her nose with her finger.

The guy is flying around in jets and letting out gas...  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Evidence of Hamas' horror against Israel...
« on: December 06, 2023, 08:59:17 AM »
More and more evidence are coming out about Hamas (Palesitinian) atrocities against civilians and especially girls/women...

General Discussion / All you PHers who love Pumpkin Spice...
« on: December 04, 2023, 12:36:55 PM »
and frequent StarBucks... You're all racist pig and Colonizer sympathizers.. .

According to WOKE Wash Post: Since they are the 'expert' in racism.

It's only a matter of time before breathing is racism...

Waking up early is racism
Why Waking Up Early Is Rooted in White Supremacy - Medium

Eating 3 square meal is racism
Why You Should Stop Eating Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner
Dogmatic adherence to mealtimes is anti-science, racist, and might actually be making you sick.
- MotherJones

Being on time is racism...
Clemson Diversity Training: Expecting People to Arrive on Time Is Culturally Insensitive - National Review

Eating healthy food is racism
How Racism Shapes Our Perception Of Healthy Food - ScienceFriday

Etc etc etc

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