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Topics - Hung_Low

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Pro Sports Discussion / Florida State got robbed!!!
« on: December 04, 2023, 09:10:00 AM »
Always knew the NCAA was bias and a scam... It's all about money.

FS left out of the playoff being underfeated and two one loss teams made it.

I'm not a FS fan and never was... but you can't just leave them out because their starting QB is out.

All the committee cared about is having a SEC team in the playoff...

General Discussion / For those that support illegals...
« on: December 04, 2023, 08:44:35 AM »
And continued to claimed that illegals are good for the US... Here's a rundown of the cost to US tax payers.

Federal expenditure $66billions/year:
$23billions for medical care
$12billions for welfare
$7billions on education

State expenditure $115billions/year:
$73billions for education
$19billions for medical care
$2billions for medical care
It's estimated that since Brandon/Dem open border policy will cost tax payers $450billions a year for illegal care (housing, food, medical, etc etc).

She claimed that water left in plastic bottle are trapped forever and thus creating a fresh water shortage forever... soon we will lose all water because they are being trapped in plastic bottle...


She's the next Greta...

So, Phers... do your part and make sure you dump all waters from plastic bottle and better yet, burn them so no microscopic water molecule remained on them.

General Discussion / Demmies are anxious...
« on: December 01, 2023, 03:11:48 PM »
that Right wing social media and social influencers are exaggerating economic problems and thus hurting Brandon's BBB and 2024 chances of a 2nd term...

This is after a twitter user posted a McD charging $16+ for a Big Mac... you can also see a Double Quarter Pounder for $18+

It's not fake... It's real but probably only at this one McD restaurant.

General Discussion / This is exactly why the 'gender/pronoun' is as...
« on: December 01, 2023, 02:43:00 PM »
INSANE as it is... these people belong to a mental institution not in society.

She plays the perfect role...

General Discussion / Wokie is seeping to the scientific world...
« on: December 01, 2023, 01:32:19 PM »
First, we see and know that men are physically stronger than women and majority of hunters are men...

But then Wokism happened and we're told that there is no differences in men and women and that men can identified as women and compete against them in sports, etc etc

Now, wokism has seep into the mind of these 'expert' scientists... They claim that pre-historic women are much better hunters than pre-historic men - all base on estrogen and women's metalolism (a lot of watching lion hunt where the female hunt while the male just eat).

According to these 'scientists' estrogen and women's metabolism eliminate wasted energy. "Oestrogen, often dubbed the female hormone, and adiponectin are both present in women at higher levels and provide physical advantages over men" Also, their wide hip makes them able to move, turn, twist and run faster than men. She also claimed that women are naturally better at marathon... Hmmm, I've not seen any woman beat the man's marathon record yet.

"The scientists view their research not as rewriting history, but as trying to correct a history that has already erased the role of women. “I want people to be able to change these ideas of female physical inferiority that have been around for so long,” Dr Ocobock said."

I'm not scientist or an expert but men are superior to women in physical activities... bigger, faster, stronger, etc etc. Anyone that says otherwise has sh1t for brain.

Honestly, if these 'experts' suggested that women are better 'gatherer' I would like believe them, however... better hunters? That's like saying the top female boxer can beat the top male boxer in the same weight class.

Jokes & Riddles / Random Jokes...
« on: December 01, 2023, 10:45:36 AM »
I no longer sees my wife and children... and it's all because of gambling.

'Cause I won the lottery and took off to Hawaii...

General Discussion / Why the Lefties/Demmies/Wokies...
« on: December 01, 2023, 09:50:41 AM »
Use 'phobia' so much?

I think it's because they all think that if they attached whatever their oppositions' view with phobia... they won the debate/argument.  :idiot2: :idiot2:

e.g. If they support trans, they'll just accused anyone that don't share their view Trans'phobia', if they support Islam - opponents are Islam'phobia', etc etc

It's the same as the 'race' card... throw it left and right to make other perceived that you not a racist... But we all know that a person that throws the race card is always, always the most racist.

I wonder how these people would react if you use the same ammo on them... if they support Islam, call them Jesus-phobic... if they support Palestinian, call them Jews-phobic... if they support trans, call them biological-phobic.  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

General Discussion / Brandon just bought 2024...
« on: November 29, 2023, 12:44:10 PM »
He just forgave another 800,000+ students of their student loans...

Isn't it great - just before election year. CNBC says it best...

"The message directly from the president, less than a year ahead of the 2024 presidential election, makes it clear who was responsible for the relief."- CNBC

Even though the SCOTUS struck his student loan forgiveness plan, he quietly sidestep the SC to forgive $127Billions of loans so far.

And who benefits from this - mostly the rich and who pays for it for the loan forgiveness - mostly the average American. There is no such thing as free lunch - someone is paying for it.

Can you guess who benefit the most from Brandon's student loan relief?
CA - $4.4billions
NY - $3.8Billions
PA - $2.2billions

General Discussion / This Leftie Media is so desperate...
« on: November 28, 2023, 12:08:45 PM »
for racism that they would called out a kid with the KS Chief's color as being blacked faced and offending two races (black and native). You can see the racism desperation in their hit piece. I guess when you live, eat and breathe race mongering... all you see is racism. - love that they only show this side of the kid to bashed him as being a racist.

Here's the kid's frontal view

General Discussion / Ireland & French are no better than England...
« on: November 28, 2023, 11:14:38 AM »
A few children and an adult was stabbed outside of a school in Ireland... a suspect is in custody but his race is not being revealed - and I bet it's not a White Irish dude because a white perp with other race victims will be front pages in MSM.

Protest erupt afterward and turned violent but the MSM is blaming 'far right' group for the violent protesting. They still refused to reveal who the victims were nor the perp.

It's interesting that when Pro-Hamas ( I mean Pro-Palestinians), BLM or any Alt-Left  protests turned violent - not a single condemnation from MSM. But as soon as non-Lefties/wokies protests - they are automatically labeled 'far right' hate groups.

This is similar to the stabbing death of a French 'white' teen at a party and when French protested the killing - The MSM are labeling these protesters as "Right Extremists"...

General Discussion / Blacks die for nothing...
« on: November 28, 2023, 10:49:34 AM »
Blacks of the past died fighting segregation... MLK and Rosa Park are rolling in their graves.

Chicago area school offered classes base on race - separating Latino and Blacks away from White students - no Asian is mentioned because they are group with the Whites.

The Lefties/Demmies understand that the word "segregation" bring out images of racism so they morped it into  "safe space" during the early 2020s but now... However, that wasn't enough to remove Blacks and Latinos from other White things, so it morphed again into 'better learning opportunity' for blacks and Latino in the education system. Their reason is that Blacks and Latinos learn better without Whites in the class - meaning, these white Lefties/Demmies don't want their children associated with Blacks and Latinos. Even Leftie/Demmie chosen great leader Brandon, teaming up with Jesse Helm- a pro segregationist, mentioned that he didn't want his children growing up in a 'racial jungle'. So, the war on desegregation continued and the Leftie/Demmie will continue to come up with excuses to segregate Blacks/Latinos from Whites.

This policy is a perfect example of what systematic racism is.

General Discussion / Becareful out there men!!!
« on: November 22, 2023, 11:44:09 AM »
Never let your wife/Fiance/GF see pictures of you having sex (if you still have any) with them when you guys are way way younger.

This might be happening to you if you do...
Wife accused of stabbing husband after finding photos of him having sex with ‘another’ woman — but that woman was herself! - when she was younger.

General Discussion / Another One Bites the Dust...
« on: November 22, 2023, 11:38:29 AM »
Remember this thing... Sam Brinton, Brandon's Nuclear Official, arrested for stealing...

He's from the same planet that these people are from

Well, another one of Brandon official is arrested too... for human trafficking and sexual exploitation of children!!!

Stephen Francis Hovanic, an administrator for the Pentagon’s school system in the Americas region was arrested during a human trafficking sting in Coweta County, Georgia. Hovanic is a senior official in the Department of Defense Education Activity (DODEA) Americas division. This department oversees elementary education of military families.

The, the weird part is... Not a single MSM outlet is reporting on it.

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