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Topics - thePoster

Pages: 1 ... 58 59 [60] 61 62
Television / She got a nice upside down smile...
« on: February 17, 2014, 09:03:44 AM »
I think it's cute...

Music Discussion / I like good music....
« on: February 11, 2014, 09:15:22 PM »
Nice cover!

Television / Yay!!!!!!
« on: February 10, 2014, 06:51:12 PM »

And that white hair'ed girl is the most beautiful girl in the world I think, with her sea blue eyes... so beautiful!

Computer & Technology / Iphone 4s vs Samsung Galaxy 4 mini.....
« on: February 09, 2014, 11:50:11 AM »
So a co-worker of mine was like "Yeah, i can just say katie perry and it'll play on my phone then go straight to my t.v."

He said "it'll just search for it and play it"

So I was like "well, i'm pretty sure my iphone can do that too, let me tell siri to find a song"

So I was like "siri, find katie perry on youtube and play it"

Then siri was like "I'm sorrie, what did you want to search for?"

Then I was like "Siri's dumb"

And my co-worker was like "yeah, she's dumb".

Anyways, I thought it was a funnie story!

Television / Son's of Anarchy... not too bad I guess.
« on: January 22, 2014, 12:38:08 AM »
It's pretty allright.

Makes me wonder what are fronts though...

There was this scene where they rode out to vegas to do a patchover... anyways they showed the outside of the club, and it looked pretty reminded of a long time ago when I was younger...

I was rolling with 3 girls and they wanted to go to a karaoke bar, I didn't know any karaoke bars so we just drove around... we saw this place it had "karaoke" light sign, and the oustdie was mundane...just a door.   I was confused if it was the entrance door or not.  I didn't know if it was closed or not.  So we just went into it and I opened the door, and we all went it.

In the inside was dimly lit like a regular bar.  It actually looked nice in there.  The bartender was well dressed.  There was only like 5-6 guys in there.  Most of them older, and a younger guy, probably around late 20's early 30's sitting at the bar. 

They all just looked at us. 

I asked them if they were open, dumb question right?  Yeah I know, anyways the bartender said yes, but that bar is only for members...

So I was like ok, cool...

No big deal, I just thought to myself "good! I didnt really want to stay anyways!  I felt super uncomfortable!"

But the girls I was with were like...  well yalls know how girls are..and they are from cali so they don't really think normal in my opinion, fun girls to hang around with but I don't think they realized the situation here!  They just wanna sing and have fun, don't realize how this place could potententially not be the best spot for a little asian guy with 3 little asian girls.

Anyways, the guy at the bar was like "Oh, it's cool!  I'll sign them in!"

The girls was like all  happy and Yay! Yay!!

Then the guy at the bar looked at the bartender and said "that's fine right?  I sign them in?"

The bartender had this uneasy look on his face and seemed like he was thinking for a second and said "no".

The girls were like "awww".

Then we left...

Wowzers right?!   

Well anyways, watching the show just reminded me of that time from way back when.

Even today, I still think that place was like...shady.. ..probably a hangout for .... for people who hang out with each others privately...

Music Discussion / Lorde Team
« on: January 20, 2014, 08:47:30 PM »
So as my friend and I was cruising coming back, Lorde's Team came on the radio, and he said "this is real hip hop". 

I thought to myself, this isn't hip hop... this doesn't sound anything like hip hop.  Hip hop is rap. 

He said this is rap and it's real hip hop, he went on to explain. 

And he is right.  I'm not going to go into details but it's real hip hop.

Then I was listening to it on youtube and saw an interview with Lorde...and the artist starts talking about real hip hop ... and how she was influenced with it and what not and create it.. and I was like, "wow, I guess my friend's right, it's real hip hop."

If anyone wants to know what real hip hop and real bboy is about and the history of it, they really have to talk to someone who's grown up in that life, from the place it all started...

The truth is, real hip hop and bboy started in NYC.   No if and or buts, despite what yalls heard and may think and believe, NYC is the birth place of hip hop. 

Television / Arrow.....
« on: January 13, 2014, 09:47:31 PM »
The writing could've been better buts it's still a cool show to watch, I just started the season 1

The girls in there are cute!

He always end up killing someone in each episode so far. 

I find myself really watching it more to see what happened to him on the island. 

Also, it makes me wish I was living on an island all by myself.  Think about how stress free that would be!  No bills!

Television / Naked and Afraid
« on: December 24, 2013, 10:30:46 PM »
Geezez! All these so called survival expert...

They are so weak!!!  I could do it and it not be a problem!  The thing is, all those people cry over everything!

If I was on the show, I'd be talking about the past people and making fun of them!

Television / The legend of korra
« on: November 24, 2013, 12:43:39 PM »
Or something like that, another air bender series...

It's actually pretty good in my opinion.   First couple of episodes was kinda cheeses and stereotypical and cliches, well the whole series does have it's fair share of cliches but it's actually pretty good!

Computer & Technology / Rich and poor people, y'all's seen the video?
« on: November 01, 2013, 04:35:12 PM »
With the little girl and the korean kid...

It's touching. 

Go youtube it. 

Music Discussion / KLS music video's...
« on: October 06, 2013, 05:04:39 PM »
Why aren't kids on youtube making any of them? 

I think they would be nice to watch...

Music Discussion / Ok hmong folks, time to step up your game....becuase....
« on: September 07, 2013, 01:11:59 PM »
This guy can actually sing really really good.

Awesome voice, awesome instrument track, awesome vocal arrangement...

Only one critic is that she couldn't really pronounce a few of the hmong words right.

But none the less!  Very nice song!

I aint heard a hmong yet that can sing like this though.

General Education / I don't mind teaching, even kinda like it.... But
« on: August 04, 2013, 07:31:57 AM »
Don't ask me to help out if you are not going to facilitate it properly and not give me proper materials to work with....

Gee whiz!  I hate it when that happens.  Just makes me look dumb.  So I'm going to be teaching 30 folks and having them look into my little laptop with a little box of equipment that looks like it doesn't even have all the stuff I need. 

Last time I help out this guy.


I'm a smart guy but...  I just dont have the drive for school anymore.   There was no degree's I really cared for.  I'm just taking classes just to take classes.  They do have a little nursing program there, I thought about just getting into that for the heck of it.  Get my little nursing degree and just flaunt it around and not really do anything with it.  :S   I did pick some computer animation courses, I'd like to design my own little games in the future.  I've tried doing them myself in the past but I just don't have the computer power or care to get one with the power and don't have the software, only freeware off the net and I didn't really want to buy any software that I was just going to probably use a few times and not use anymore.  :S

Music Discussion / Gotta give nsync thier props...
« on: July 07, 2013, 09:37:41 PM »
With all thier jumping around they still sound pretty good

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