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Messages - YAX

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General Discussion / Re: Fox News got tired of Bill Gates and Fauci.
« on: April 13, 2023, 05:13:46 PM »
No worries bro.. yax thinks half the nation have gone crazy to think Trump is a good person. Especially those who claimed to be god fearing Christians. They’re like: Trump is sent from God and Pray for God to help Trump, etc etc. whenever I bring up that Trump has broken all the commandments, especially the 7th commandment. They’re like: so what?  As if they no longer believe in God.

This Florida bill will allow Doctors to refuse services to the LGBTQ+ community and to minorities.  But nope. They still think it’s not a racist thing to do to discriminate against minorities.


General Discussion / Re: Fox News got tired of Bill Gates and Fauci.
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:57:04 PM »
Well.. a reasonable person sees Fox News saying Shute like “Soros is the reason Biden got elected and Soros is the reason…” and they ignore it, knowing it’s not news but then Conservatives see the same thing and gets scared out of their wits and want Soros in jail, even though that is the first time they’ve even heard of that name.  They don’t even know his first name and they want him in jail because Fox News characters say he should be in jail.   Also, when a Fox News anchor says someone should be in jail , that’s not news. That’s an opinion. Conservatives don’t understand the difference and that’s why they’re glued to Conservative media.

General Discussion / Re: HMONG VAMPIRE AT THE FUNERAL…… kekeke
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:38:58 PM »
Well those Hmong vampires must’ve all died from the poison that were injected into the corpses to preserve them so they don’t stink up the funeral home.  :D

General Discussion / Re: Elon ate this reporter alive...
« on: April 12, 2023, 10:36:08 PM »
Free speech is free speech but don’t mistaken it for news. That’s what Conservatives are doing whenever they watch Fox News. Even after the courts have ruled that Tucker was just entertainment and not news and yet conservatives still think it’s news. The judge even said any reasonable person would know it’s not news but then Conservatives are not reasonable so they still think it’s news. Even Elon just said in the video: “ person’s misinformation is another’s information”. 😂

Nah. I think they got the idea from Red Bull after it became a popular drink around the world.

General Discussion / Re: HMONG VAMPIRE AT THE FUNERAL…… kekeke
« on: April 12, 2023, 12:20:13 PM »
Back in the 2000s
There was a rumor going around about these HMONG VAMPIRES
they would go around hmong funeral
And sucking up the dead’s blood

People would go eat lunch/dinner
And no one to watch their dead one

When they come back… their dead love one blood has been suck dry

 ;D ;D ;D
no one believes in vampires, rock; however some conservatives do believe that Democrats are all lizard people out to eat children. Others are led to believe that Soros is in charge of the country and working behind the scenes through liberals. Funny thing is, no one’s even heard of this Soros guy till this year but they’re pushing it. Soon every republican who watches Fox News will think they’re so smart that they figured out who the man behind the curtains is.

General Discussion / Re: Fox News got tired of Bill Gates and Fauci.
« on: April 11, 2023, 11:12:10 PM »
That’s what Republicans call a gag order.

General Discussion / Re: Murderer gets 2 years in prison
« on: April 11, 2023, 10:21:36 PM »
This all George Soros’ fault. Just go do your research on your Fox News screen and they will spoon feed this into your head so you can feel smarter and hate more.

General Discussion / Fox News got tired of Bill Gates and Fauci.
« on: April 11, 2023, 08:04:05 AM »
Looks like their viewers are getting tired of spewing the same old info. So now they have to make up a new villain to stir up their viewers’ need for hate. Can you guess who this new villain is?  No one’s ever heard of him till this year. Now all of the sudden, Fox is talking about him like he’s the greatest threat to their viewers. They’re starting to spoon feed opinions and alternative facts to anger their viewers and keep their attention. These people can’t pay attention to anything unless it angers them. Then all of the sudden they’re completely focused. They also love a good conspiracy theory. Fox News will spoon feed them bits and pieces and make them think they’re figuring something out and they will feel so proud of themselves that they’ll keep watching. Fox News is saying liberals are all drones being controlled by this one guy. Yeah, can you guess who it is?



General Discussion / How can you tell if you’re on the wrong side?
« on: April 09, 2023, 01:36:47 AM »
Look at who you’re supposed, that’s how. Talk about sleepy joe all you want, the fact remains that Trump cheated on his wife with a porn star knowing that it was a sin. Yet, you still support him. You still think he can make the right judgement call, knowing he made the wrong call that was so easy to see.

Then he lied about it too. Claiming it never happened all while paying hush money to this porn star. Now he says so what? It’s not against the law to bang a porn star. Yet you fail to remember that he was married at the time and didn’t make the right call.  Yet you still follow him, thinking that God is on his side and in your side. Guess what? God abandoned you a long time ago. You signed up with the Antichrist.

General Discussion / Re: Independent delivery jobs:doordash, Uber,etc.
« on: April 08, 2023, 11:24:14 PM »
Medicare is for seniors. But for younger people, Medicaid! :2funny:

I think that was a contraction of medical aid or something.
yeah. That.

General Discussion / Re: Independent delivery jobs:doordash, Uber,etc.
« on: April 08, 2023, 10:12:40 AM »
Medicare, bro.

General Discussion / Independent delivery jobs:doordash, Uber,etc.
« on: April 07, 2023, 11:07:33 PM »
Normal full time jobs are 9-5, some are really 8-5 and 5 days per week.  You’re stuck on a schedule and are required to show up or you can be fired. This is very intrusive to your lives.

Now enters Doordash, Uber, Grubhub and similar delivery jobs. People sign up to work.  You can choose your own time, your own schedule.  You are not paid by the hour but paid per delivery. You get to take on the delivery you want and decline the ones you don’t want to waste your time on. If the customer pays more (via tip) they get priority.   If you don’t feel like working, you simply stop your app and go take care of your personal affairs. If you feel like working, simply start your app and sign on to work. You can even be on vacation somewhere and work from there if you want.

Who wouldn’t want that kind of freedom?  If only these jobs paid more, they’d be ideal.

General Discussion / Re: YAX totally triggered by Trump. LOL!
« on: April 07, 2023, 10:56:40 PM »
The judge said Tucker was entertainment only yet Crazies think he’s news. I’m just entertaining too and they think I’m news as well. Some people are so confused.

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