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Messages - lexicon

Pages: 1 ... 79 80 [81] 82 83 ... 125
Pro Sports Discussion / Re: Week 3 predictions
« on: September 18, 2019, 11:48:55 AM »
Home teams go 3-0.

Pro Sports Discussion / Re: Eli Manning
« on: September 18, 2019, 09:06:56 AM »
Dude won two super bowls and beat Brady twice and destroy their 18-0 run. How many did Rodgers won? lol ;D

"Dom Caper's never gave him a D" (hehe)
"McCarthy doesn't know how to call plays"
"Rodgers never had a good receiver"
"Rodgers never had a decent O-Line"
"Rodgers never this..."
"Rodgers that..."

Get the picture PL? Rodgers = Favre, but a wussy. Brady gave us the Tuck Rule and Rodgers gave us Flag Football.

General Discussion / Re: Let's See HOW Old You are
« on: September 18, 2019, 08:52:45 AM »
Cassette tapes.
Cherry 7-UP.
$0.39 hamburgers at McDonalds.

Those were the days.

Marriage & Family Life / Re: The time factor when it comes to marriage.....
« on: September 13, 2019, 11:08:24 AM »
yall cali folks
likes to put up 6 ft tall wooden fences
all over the place

us midwest folks is more chill
we love thy neighbor

I'm in the Midwest and I love the 6ft privacy fences. It's less about being neighborly and more about having some sense of privacy. We have them on one side of the yard and they're great. The other side with the 3ft fence has become an issue with the constant barking from the neighbors annoying little rat-like dogs that come running out whenever we leave the house. So, yeah, I love the 6ft fences.

Marriage & Family Life / Re: The time factor when it comes to marriage.....
« on: September 13, 2019, 10:16:43 AM »
There shouldn't be a right or wrong.

You ultimately live Life the way you want to or the way it works for you. Some people want the house, 2 kids and the white picket fences. Some are fine just working and being among friends.

Don't let others impose their beliefs, lifestyle, blah, blah, blah...Enjoy YOUR Life and leave it at that.

It’s all about money, trying to make fans subscribe to NFL Network. I don’t care for it. I streamed the Raiders game from time to time. If games are not televise I don’t watch it.

Reddit stream, my people.

Anyone know how/why the Fox NFL guys called the game?

Vegas, bros.

You didn't take that bet did you DuMa?


But birds of a feather flock together.

The Right's gonna right and the Left's gonna left.

But seriously, how can you even advocate what just took place? Remember when the candidates served their constituents and not the other way around? I mean, who pays their salary, right?

oh noes.  If he goes full nude, I don't think white girls will wanna hook up with him no more. lol  J/K.  I might know the dude, will have to find out if he's who I think he is. haha.

I don't think he's into girls, per se...

Pro Sports Discussion / Re: Who should I start?
« on: September 11, 2019, 01:29:24 PM »
After week 1 it might be a toss up.

I'd go Wentz based on Defense alone though. Gl!

General Discussion / Re: 9/11 anniversary. It's still in my mind.
« on: September 11, 2019, 11:36:35 AM »
I was at home watching on an old 18" CRT TV. Everyone on TV was shocked and no one could speak at times. We watched. It felt like the entire World came to a complete stop.

A few of those are mine. I spent a few dollars trying to drop them onto the railing on my last visit there.

But from my personal experience, the homeless prefer cans and glass bottles anyway.

Let's go back to when World Leaders were ugly(-ier) and it was about doing things and knowing things and less about knowing the right people and doing them.

General Discussion / Re: Can you be evil and successful?
« on: September 09, 2019, 04:27:22 PM »
By all means, do what you want to do, and be who you want to be. We're only limited by our imagination.

But, understand all actions, choices and decisions lead to consequences, wanted or unwanted.

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