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Messages - lost_forever

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The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: finding someone in your 30s
« on: January 30, 2018, 12:24:08 PM »
So, I've been single for a while now. I'm in my mid 30s and am pretty successful where I am in life at the moment. One thing I noticed is that is really hard to find a decent Hmong girl in their mid 20s to early 30s's who is successful, attractive, and is not taken. I don't mind if they are divorced, but I just can't handle if they have kids as I'm not ready to be a dad yet.  I have met plenty of girls who are younger and those who are older, but not many in between. I think that as an older guy, we can always married a younger Hmong girl. What about Hmong women? What age do you think it's too late to find a nice decent Hmong man? Would you ever consider marrying someone way younger than you are? Or at that point, would you just consider marrying someone who is not Hmong?

Welcome to your new life.
If you’re successful, your competition for women dwindles are you get older. The problem is that we become more picky. Ask yourself what are you chasing, what traits are you looking for? Good that you don’t have kids yet, don’t take your freedom for granted.

Would I consider marrying someone younger, or of different race? Definitely if there is a connection and attraction level. My rule of thumb. 10 years up and 5 years down. Good luck!

Food Forum / Re: How do you make kapiak noodles and questions.
« on: January 04, 2018, 12:02:21 AM »
I use one bag of rice flour and one bag of tapioca flour, with two cups of hot water. Pour a little at a time to mix, when the dough is soft, it’s good.

The noddles will break into smaller pieces once it’s boiled. Avoid stirring too much.

It’s normal. Put some wet towel over it so it won’t dry up.

Online Journal / Re: Life's Milestones
« on: December 27, 2017, 12:00:18 PM »
I love this song, "Lwm Tiam" from Lis Toj.  I don't believe there's a lwm tiam but nice lyrics.

One of my favorite songs! I don’t believe in lwm tiam too. If you want to be with someone do it now when you have the chance. I also love Lilly “txhob tos lwm tiam”.

I was in Thailand in April 2016 and it was humid from Chiang Rai (northern Thailand) all the way to Phuket (southern Thailand).  If you go, I would recommend during the summer when fruits are in season or else towards the end of the year when there is less humidity.  I just came back from Thailand last week and weather was in the low 80s with not much humidity.

Wow Renaissance. You seem like a regular there. You just gave me an idea. I should go in all four different seasons to experience the weather and fruits there.

Do share your story when you get a chance! I’m happy for you that you found love on PH.

Beauty & Fashion / Hmong skin care products
« on: November 16, 2017, 09:11:34 PM »
Have anyone tried the Hmong skincare products by zoo hlub, gaoshoua, and others? Does it really work? They always advertise their products on live fb, want to try it but kinda skeptical about it.

Hot is fine but I can’t stand the humidity. Definitely going to wear bikini and light clothing. I don’t mind getting wet.

Is songkran festival just parts of the area?

Im surprised tickets are pretty cheap in spring. Then again I’m not going for that long.

Going on a mini trip to Thailand in April next year. If you have been there before, what do you recommend packing?

Suggestion on hotel and places to eat?

Marriage & Family Life / Re: How do you encourage your spouse?
« on: August 18, 2017, 08:29:48 AM »
I think she feels defeated and depressed. Her default coping mechanism is avoidance. Sometimes change is difficult and she needs to break out of that habit. Remind her that even is she takes a menial less paying job, it's not a reflection of who she really is. The real question is does she really need encouragement or does she need help finding a passion. Time for some drastic measures. Good luck!

Health & Fitness / Re: Any tips to eating more?
« on: May 30, 2017, 12:11:38 PM »
What works for me might not work for you but I've been eating every 2 hours. I would eat small snacks like salted almond nuts, beef jerky, salad. My biggest meal is lunch and dinner. I don't really care about counting calories because my body have a very high metabolism. Also eating before bed is recommended, not too much but enough to fill your hunger.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: Top 5 Reasons
« on: May 30, 2017, 11:51:14 AM »
Some of my reasons..

1. Have to be stable in life. Financially and personal. No drama with ex, baby momma, family..
2. Have to be in shape
3. Have to have a place of their own
4. Have no health issues
5. Have to be responsible/ reliable

Work Avenue / Negotiating salary
« on: October 20, 2016, 01:24:20 PM »
What are your experiences for negotiating salary for a position that you're qualified for and have experience? Employers start to balk and most of the time reject the price range you offer.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Divorce is so scary
« on: August 15, 2016, 09:45:05 PM »
I don't know how to pull through. What do you do to ease all the pain and the memories? Reality hits so hard but not a thing I can do to change it if he doesn't want to change. How do you continue to live on with your life? Please advise. Thanks.

General Education / Re: How to do well for Online classes?
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:48:34 PM »
When I took online classes, I was required to post something at three different times per week.  The instructor monitored log-on time.  If your status shows logged on but idle, you would get docked for it.  You have to actually respond to the instructor's content and to your peers responses as well.  That along with reading and homework and weekly quizes take up a lot of time.  Some people think it's easier online but I found it harder.

Omg..I did not like online too. I took four classes with one lab and it was terrible. I was so exhausted and had no time to even eat, sleep, clean or enjoy anything. We were required to log on three times a week but it was more than that. Each classes had weekly discussions, quizzes, and homework. For the accounting class, we were required to meet online with the instructor, do survey, and if we missed those, it took a toll on our grade. For summer semester, I'm taking only one and its still taking up a lot of time.

General Education / Re: How to do well for Online classes?
« on: July 17, 2016, 08:35:41 PM »
I dislike online courses! I do a lot worse online verse in class. I like questions answered in real time not hours later.

And WOW@ the 5 classes with labs! Hope you did well. I did 6, maybe even a 7th class because it was my first year/semester. I guess I was excited LOL, and I struggled. I ate and slept school that semester. NEVER again, 4 classes a semester is good.

I agree GS. At first, I was excited and happy that I was going back to school, little did I know that it was so much work. Though it was more convenient, it was also more expensive. Some classes were easy to do but I didn't do so well in others. I'm taking one summer online class and its a struggle.

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