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Messages - hmgROCK

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General Discussion / Anybody need help with their tax?
« on: February 02, 2017, 07:22:20 PM »
I don't claim to be an expert, but I know a few stuff
Below is a picture of a family relatives tax, that i help earlier today
we try to get the MAX refund
gotta reach into uncle sam pocket and get every penny
you know what i mean

you can file at turbo tax for free

don't sign up for their $29.99 offer and it will be free

all these crazy ISIS muslim folks
bombing each other
causing soo much trouble in the world
and saying they're doing it in the name of GOD

Yeah, right buddy
i know GOD don't want that

Debate Central / Re: Public education
« on: January 16, 2017, 10:02:19 PM »
Do you want to deal with stupid people?


Than put them in school

Debate Central / Re: Health insurance is more expensive than housing cost
« on: January 09, 2017, 07:20:27 PM »
You've been drinking too much Dem kool-aid... Did people just drop and die in the street before Obamacare? Could a sick person without insurance get medical attention? I know they can. I know a person that didn't have medical insurance but the hospital took him in, did the surgery and he was better. Uncle SAM just paid for it with medicaid...

Yeah dude
Try going insuranceless
If you have diabetes

And you need your insulin shot

You going be 6ft under as we talk

I'm no Obama's fan but I must give credits to where credit is due.  Obama did more for many of us than Bush had ever done.

Obama fixed a lot of the vulture's loopholes.
Obama gave me a chance to be enrolled for the affordable care act.
Obama saved the auto industry.
Obama made more friends around the world than bush ever did.
Etc etc..

This looney Trump will be interesting for sure.  We'll see..., get your popcorn ready!

 I ain't a fan a war
That Bush guy got us into
Not one but two wars
Iraq and Afghanistan

Started all these ISIS stuff

Debate Central / Re: Health insurance is more expensive than housing cost
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:19:50 PM »
How's Obamacare working for you? You know your increases, my increases, and others are to support Obamacare, right? Let's not even get into the Exchanges themselves... high deductibles and premium if you are not dirt poor and even if you are, the deductibles will kill you.


I'm ready for trumpcare

Where I just die in the street

Debate Central / Re: Health insurance is more expensive than housing cost
« on: January 09, 2017, 06:17:58 PM »
Don't forget the family coverage
That can be even more expensive too

Reason why

Everyone wants to get paid like kings and queens

No wonder they didn't win the election.  All their money was used to buy back the economy!  :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

obama buy the jobs back by doing something call the stimulus packages / and others

that's why the national debt is soo high today


You said he bought.  Who did he buy the economy from?

gotta buy those job back
kinda like how trump is already starting to buy jobs back
by using a form of exchange known as corporate welfare tax

• $19.9 trillion: “The staggering mountain of debt Obama will leave behind on January 20, 2017.” Source: Treasury Department..

He bought The economy back? Who did he buy it back from?

enuff said
number don't lie
hate all you want
we were better with OBAMA than BUSH

Faith & Beliefs / Re: hmgRock and atheists, this is for YOU
« on: January 02, 2017, 10:02:56 AM »

True. He's just an uneducated fool trying to incite stuff that he doesn't know anything about.

the truth is

if that pastor who talk about that rapture came to you
and tell you to donate all your money and stuff to the church b/c the rapture is tommorrow

you, yourself won't even believe him

Faith & Beliefs / Re: hmgRock and atheists, this is for YOU
« on: January 02, 2017, 10:01:53 AM »
So remind me not to vote for Donald Trump if and when I am seeking the messiah.

Dude, you could at least watch the video. Too scurred?

Rather live in your bubble and make up arguments of the right? That's what you liberals do best. You NEVER listen because you already have in your mind what others think and say. And that's why you lost. You didn't see that one coming because your ARROGANCE was in the way.

 :2funny: :2funny: :2funny:

yeah i watch that BS video
bunches of BS talking

i don't know why you people eat that stuff up like cakes

i am a wicked man
i do drug, drink, sex, pork, etc...
and yet here i am
better yet, ISIS is still here


two wars
housing crisis
people losing their houses left and right and living in their cars

as much as the right side wanna blame

i think obama did a pretty good job

he bought the economy back
there lots of job
unemployment is down

i know our right wing PHer are hella mad
he done good thing

Debate Central / Re: trump has 3 wifes, how is that a christian value?
« on: December 30, 2016, 08:39:09 AM »
its funny to me
how these christian folks think the right sided is for their religion

when the man has 3 wifes!!!!
its one thing to say this and that
but to do it with action, tsk tsk


both side ain't for your religion
instead of chosing your beliefs
maybe you should chose something else

Faith & Beliefs / remember that RAPTURE a few years ago? so fake and fraud
« on: December 29, 2016, 07:48:52 AM »
i can't believe alot of you crazy christian folks believe in that stuff
many sold and donated their stuff to the church
and when it never came
you are left poor and broken


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