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Messages - theking

Pages: 1 ... 1814 1815 [1816] 1817 1818 ... 1837

If we analyze her life, her parents failed her.  Her husband failed her.  Tradition failed her.  She probably suffered many unhealed wounds. 

Her age, innocence, free will, and happiness were all taken without her consent.

In a traditional Hmong wedding especially back in the days and in the old countries, a girl (bride) really has no say in the matter. There were several opium overdosed instances when I lived in Laos and Thailand as that was the only way out for those poor girls...sad but true.

And she probably asked her parents or side for help but knowing how many elders operate once the money and bride changed hands, they just push her back into the abusive environment that she's been by using the typical, "go back, be patient, and work things out with your husband.." line. Probably explains why she had to stay in the "garage".

According to the article, her parents didn't find out what happened to her until after midnight?    ???   I'm sorry but if I had an underage daughter, I would know where she is that late of the bed or at home.  All parties are at fault here, but to different extents.  No one is blameless in this incident.    ::)

Is it possible that they were searching for her during the time they've considered she's missing and didn't know "until after midnight"?  ???

Automotive Discussion / Re: Attack of the hatches.
« on: April 02, 2015, 09:34:59 AM »
I'm wondering if the American public is willing to shill out over $30k for them though.

I'm not, waste of money imo but to each his own. Maybe when I was a kid and have the money for it...

Stories like these tend to make the hmong people looked bad.  So unfair

Yep, agree. Hopefully with more and more Hmong are progressing in the right direction, that label will diminish...

Like most of other race and/or ethnic groups, most Hmong are good but still a good number doing things the primitive ways...there are bad apples in every group.

guilty and he's fawked!!

"Kiong previously pleaded guilty to first-degree criminal sexual conduct in May 2009 for an incident involving a 13-year-old girl."

Sadly, some primitive cavemen and women too will never learn so I agree with the poster that said, "lock him up and throw away the keys"...

...regardless if it's bride-nap, pedophilia, stututory rape, domestic abuse, animal cruelty, forced alcohol poisoned of minor, etc....

This is America, and I'm sure glad it is!!! Otherwise, this girl would've been forced to marry him as I've seen on several occasions in Laos and Thailand when I lived there and no punishment given to the caveman and other cavemen that helped him with his crime.  Again, this is America...alth ough not perfect due to cavemen like behaviors occurring from time to time, at least the cavemen will received some form of punishments for their primitive acts unlike in other countries such as Laos, and when I say "cavemen", I mean all groups of Americans that exhibit those primitive behaviors not just Hmong-American. Sadly, some primitive cavemen and women too will never learn so I agree with the poster that said, "lock him up and throw away the keys"...

If that minor girl was my daughter and was taken by force by this caveman, he would have to deal with a beat down or a bullet in the head...Those type of primitive forced marriage practices gotta go regardless of location or country.

Automotive Discussion / Re: Audi A4 quattro....
« on: March 23, 2015, 12:18:53 PM »

and that thing was accelerating fast...

even I was a bit scared...

I didn't want to look at the speedo becuase I didn't want him to think I was scared...

Sounds like high school where a teenage boy is pretending to have no fear in front of his peers, funniest thing I read in a while  ;D.

Seems like your excitement level is pretty low but that's OK, everyone is different...

Automotive Discussion / Re: Convertible 300zx
« on: March 19, 2015, 08:31:21 PM »

Maybe I need a vert for the summer too?

Not a 300z, but a vert none the less.

You complained about "topless" and now you want to go topless too?  ??? ;)

Automotive Discussion / Re: Flying car, anyone?
« on: March 18, 2015, 09:29:33 AM »
Will this cause a surge in people wanting to learn how to piloting a plane/car?

Depends on the cost and area as there are a few that already have flying car....

Yep, like humans as cars get older with more mileage, more and more things fall apart due to wear and tear...and the interval of fixing is more frequent too.

such as SF, NYC, Boston, Chicago, MN, WI, etc...

And what's really disturbing about it is some of them actually act like they are proud of what they're doing.

For me, porn is degrading especially for the women.

Some women do really like it and are proud of what they have. Again, goes back to that personal preference factor. And it doesn't have to be porn or a paid service. Everyday people do it including the rich like celebrities... as long as it's not forced, I don't have an issue with it...

Why do women or men resort to selling their bodies for $$$. Why can't they just go and work at 9-5 jobs like everyone else.

Preference, needs, etc....In realilty, many sell their bodies for $$$ including those in 9-5 jobs...i.e., promotion, money, status, etc.

No...perhaps when I'm in my teens.

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