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Messages - theking

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Yep, like humans as cars get older with more mileage, more and more things fall apart due to wear and tear...and the interval of fixing is more frequent too.

such as SF, NYC, Boston, Chicago, MN, WI, etc...

And what's really disturbing about it is some of them actually act like they are proud of what they're doing.

For me, porn is degrading especially for the women.

Some women do really like it and are proud of what they have. Again, goes back to that personal preference factor. And it doesn't have to be porn or a paid service. Everyday people do it including the rich like celebrities... as long as it's not forced, I don't have an issue with it...

Why do women or men resort to selling their bodies for $$$. Why can't they just go and work at 9-5 jobs like everyone else.

Preference, needs, etc....In realilty, many sell their bodies for $$$ including those in 9-5 jobs...i.e., promotion, money, status, etc.

No...perhaps when I'm in my teens.

In this case, those guys did wrong. In general, as long as no one is forced to trade sex for money, I'm ok with it. Prostitution is the "oldest profession" and will be around for a long time to come legal or not so it makes more sense legalizing it and regulate it and in return, less health and well being issues and more public resouces.

As a gun owner, there is no reason why I would ever have a loaded gun in my house.
guns are loaded when I'm in the field and at the shooting range, before I leave the field and shooting range I check to make sure its all unloaded and ready to be transported according to the laws.
I'm not even sure how you would clean a loaded gun.

Sadly, many likes to keep their "loaded" guns by their side in the house i.e., under the bed so if needed, they can get to it faster...

This method is ok if you live alone and don't expect any visitor. However, if you have a "3 year old" kid in the house, the chance of shit happening is very high with a very accessible loaded gun.

I've owned guns and have nothing against it but people, use some common sense here...

This is all over the NAGTROC forum.  Many opinions there.  The lesson here is do it on the track.  Not worth ruining your life.

Agree. And if you just have to do it on the streets, do what these guys did, trailer your heavily modified cars to a place where if shits happen, it only effects the consensual parties involved, NOT innocent by standers. In this case, these guys raced on a lonely highway in Mexico:

Good. Fair punishment imo is: Blind fold the idiot and have a car ram into him...

LOS ANGELES — A street racer and car tuner whose fame stretched from online videos to a cable TV show  has been charged with two counts of murder after a crash stemming from an illcit Los Angeles race.

Israel "Izzy" Valenzuela, 38, also was charged Thursday with engaging in a street race that caused a concussion. Another alleged promoter of the race, 21-year-old Henry Gevorgyan was charged with the same counts on Tuesday. Both men remain jailed on bail of more than $2 million apiece.

Two men were killed and a third was seriously injured during a Feb. 26 race in Chatsworth, Calif., when a souped-up Mustang went out of control and slammed into a crowd on the sidewalk while racing a Nissan GT-R.

Automotive Discussion / Re: Toyota's i-road: a 3-wheel small car.
« on: March 05, 2015, 10:08:24 PM »

I dont know why you keep trying to argue your point...

Actually you are because you can't accept the fact that "practicality" is subjective and it's not the same for everyone. Why do you think millions of people in Manhattan, S.F., Boston, or Chicago don't own a car but would rather use taxi and public transportation?

Because other options such as the subway is more practical to them...

HOw about this... you carry your t.v. on your motorcycle and I'll carry mine in my car....

Sure, I have a 20" TV that can easily be lug on my bike. In fact my bike had no problem lugging more than that when I rode from CA to MN to NY....

If you want to have a practicality "race" we can do it, obviously you don't have icar, but you do have a motorcycle which is about the same thing.

Sure, bring it...

You're a guy and you've posted pictures of you and your wife... do you have kids?  A little baby?  Tell me, how practical is your motorcycle taking your wife and kid around?  Vs a regular car, or in my case since you brung it up, my teggie?  I guess I'll just wait for your phone call to ask to borrow my teggie to take you and your wife and your kid around if they need to be dropped of somewhere...

Don't have a kid so your scenario doesn't apply.

That's like me asking, how practical is your Teggie vs. an 8-seater van or SUV when you have to take a family of 8 in one vehicle?

But obviously you dont want to do that... I guess you can just ride your motorcycle or iCar... you in one, buy another one so your wife can drive one and then if they have baby iCar's you can buy one and have a total of 3 and yall's can play follow the leader.    I guess that's practical to you.

My girl and I both have a bike so it's totally practical to us. In fact when we rode cross country, that's exactly what we did because to us, riding separately is more practical on that trip. How about you when you need to carry a family of 8?  You would need two Teggie to follow each other, no?

Obviously my integra can't carry a fridge, but ifyou're asking me that you're implying that your motorcycle/icar can carry a fridge?

Just trying to show you that your Teggie is not practical in your argument (bigger = more practical).

That's ridiculous to say something.  Think about it.  If you wanted to say something like that about my integra not being able to carry a fridge, you better be darn sure your motorcycle/iCar can haul around a fridge before you say something like that. 

Again, just trying to show you that like the i3, your Teggie is not practical in all cases either...

And no, it's not as ridiculous as thinking that what's practical for you is practical for everyone across the board..

Again, "practicality" is subjective, and that's my point.

You just make yourself look ... You know exactly how you make yourself look like.

Your argument's ridculous and you know it. 

You just dont want to admit that those car's are impratical.

Nope, just trying to help you understand the fact that "practicality" to one person is not the same to the next...

And nope, those cars can be impractical for some scenarios but very practical for others just like your Teggie.

Again, "ridiculous" is having a narrow mind by thinking that practicality is the same for everyone.

Automotive Discussion / Re: Toyota's i-road: a 3-wheel small car.
« on: March 05, 2015, 02:06:29 PM »
In bold, then you'd be leaving that icar  at home wouldn't you?  You bought that to realize you still just need a regular car, like I said, it's in practical

Yep, just like you'd be leaving your Teggie home if you have to carry a family of 8 in one vehicle as a Teggie is not practical in that situation, correct?

Actually my integra can fit alot of stuff.  You can call it tiny but guess what? It can fit 4 people, fold do the seat an you can fit a 55 inch TV which I have, the it her day I transported a table I bought...etc etc...

Try that with that icar, your gonna be calling someone over to help move a TV or you gym bag

Try moving a big fridge with your Teggie, you gonna be calling someone over to help you move too or rent or borrow a vehicle that can handle it correct?

Like I said it's cool stuff, nut inpractical, and you of all people should know considering you drive a motorcycle.   At the end of the day you still own a regular car because it's practical and that motorcycle stays parked and that car gets more seat time than your motorcycle

Like I said, "practical" is subjective. There's a time when I didn't own a car, just a moto, and it served me just fine. Even with a car and bike, I put the same amount of mileage on each. I use my car in town more because it's more practical but I use my bike more for out of town runs because it's more practical so as you can see "practical" is subjective. Many motorcycle, scooters, bicycle owners in the bay area don't even own a car as a car is not practical for them. And if a time comes where they absolutely need a bigger vehicle to help move stuff, they just rent it or pay movers to do it.

Not surprised as many idiots still like to own guns but not responsible enough to own it...

Automotive Discussion / Re: Toyota's i-road: a 3-wheel small car.
« on: March 04, 2015, 11:24:23 PM »
But two cars is still better than 8 cars.

I don't see how you can see that 8 is better.

I never said, "8 is better". Reread what I wrote.

What are you going to do when your parents need you take them somewhere?  Of you have to hual your t.v. around, etc etc... at the end of the day, or bring that big project into work, or bring your gym bag, you're taking that 4-5 seater car even though you're just toting yourself around... it's going to get as much use as a bicycle.

Grocery getting?  Forget it.

Rent a car, call a taxi, public transportation, use other family members cars, borrow friends cars, etc., many options available.

Again, your point is weak because we know there are situations where your 5 seater example can't handle either...

Etc etc etc... like I said, not very pratical. 

It's quiet practical for some and yes, practical is subjective as it is not the same for everyone across the board.

For example, your 5 seater car example would not be practical for a family of ten as a 2 seater Miata is not practical for a family of 4. However, for those that drive solo or only has one other passenger, it's quiet practical to have a 1 or 2 seater car.

I remember there was a guy who needed help moving.  He asked us over to bring our cars to help him move.  He didn't have much...
And we were all saying to ourselves "don't he have a car?"

Then someone said "yeah, but it's a smart car"..

Then we was all like "oh....."

If smart car's haven't caught on, what makes you think these will?

These will probably be nothing more than...  a toy folks buy to play around with... kinda like how the segway's ended up.

Or something someone buys for their daughter to drive to school becuase it's "cute".

When I and many people I know moved, we rent U-Haul trucks or borrow someone we know that has a vehicle that's made for the job....

Who knows if it will get "caught on" or not but that's not the point, and it's good to have choices. And these cars are very practical to some which why some have bought it. And even though some say a two door car is not practical as a 4 door car or a two seater Lambo or Ferrari is not as practical as a 15 seater van, it's all subjective and that choice is for the individual buyer to make.

And then after one accident where a person is killed, sales won't go anywhere.  You can say it has all this and that safety devices all you want... but...  that vs even a small compact... that person's going to die.

Ok then going by that reasoning, why are you driving a tiny Teggie?

Automotive Discussion / Re: Toyota's i-road: a 3-wheel small car.
« on: March 04, 2015, 09:38:11 PM »
Cool stuff but it's not very pratical.

I think it does have a niche though, maybe like for pizza deliveries in big cities.

But other than that...

WEll what are you going to do if 5 of you want to go do something.  YOu'd have to ride 5 of those or just take a 5 passenger car?

That's not a very good argument because the same thing can be said about the "5" passenger car. What do you do if 8 of you want to do something?

The solution is quiet simple though, use one of the "5" people's car that can seat that many or rent a car that can...

Oh and many commuter cars on the roadways are single occupancy vehicle which is why the government created ride share and car pool programs so these small cars are actually pretty practical in that sense.

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