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Messages - Hung_Low

Pages: 1 ... 268 269 [270] 271 272 ... 275
A man was walking down by the beach and saw cave on the side of the hill.
He walked into the cave and saw something shiny. He picked it up and rubbed it.
A genie popped out and grant him 3 wishes...
His first wish, to have a beautiful and sexy girl... poof there she was, a perfect 10.
His next wish, to be handsome and a body chiseled like a model... poof, he was handsome with a body like a body builder.
His final wish... to have a pen1s that can touch the ground... poof, both his legs are gone.

Jokes & Riddles / What do you call it when...
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:15:58 PM »
What do you call it when you make a Lasagne pizza.

You call it a Pizz-on-ya

Jokes & Riddles / Re: Three Wishes...
« on: March 19, 2016, 10:12:35 PM »

Health & Fitness / Re: How many minutes should you workout?
« on: March 18, 2016, 05:56:56 PM »
2-3 hours

That's waaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaay to Lonnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnnnnnnnnn nnnnnnng.

You're not benefiting yourself by working out that long.

Work Avenue / Re: Any robotic and plc programmers here?
« on: March 16, 2016, 11:26:08 PM »
Either you take this idea and run off with it or me and my business partner is going to take this and expand on it.  We already have the flip island market and my flip buddy is a mechanical engineer who will be doing all the platform.  We will expand it bigger by going with the agricultural industry since they gets bad raining typhoon over there and what not so the harvesting job must be done by robotics to get the job done sooner and faster.   

He is 3rd generations of mechanical engineers and both of his daughters are in college and studying the same field.  This family is nuts I tell you.   :2funny:

You need an Electrical Engineer with Software Engineering minor. A Mechanical Engineer can only do so much without programming the damn thing, it won't work.

Do we, Hmong and Mien, speak the same language? If not, then NO...

Money & Investment / Re: Remember you are just one car crash away
« on: March 16, 2016, 10:26:51 PM »
And what happens if that car crash never comes and you end up living up to your 90s?

What would your solution be when there is hardly any social security for you to fall back on?

Why worry when you got Obamacare and the Dems to give you free money to vote for them...

Work Avenue / Re: Any robotic and plc programmers here?
« on: March 11, 2016, 08:25:21 PM »
Just looking to network and see how you like your career. I'm currently a student who's taking a technician program and electrical/robotic/plc's were a part of it.

I pm you about this...

Travel & Vacation Forum / Re: Hello from ND and Sturgis
« on: March 10, 2016, 09:00:37 PM »
You didn't visit the Full Throttle Saloon nor got pictures of all them half-naked biker chicks in Sturgis?

Some places might not be as glamorous as in pictures or videos but I believed this place is pretty nice just like the video because it's in the wild surrounded by mountains.  I've traveled oversea before and some of the places I've seen in pictures are just as beautiful in person.  Besides, it's not just for the beautiful places, it's also for the different experience of being in another place and environment.

You're too negative.  I think you're those type who doesn't really care for outdoor adventures, sceneries, etc.  If you go traveling it's for other more specific reasons.

Besides I just like the place in the video, I don't literally meant to go out there.  I agreed with you, Thailand or Laos jungle expedition is not the safest most comfortable idea.  But these folks are not scared, they want adventure they don't think about what might possibley happened to them.  However, I'm sure it's pretty safe if you go in a large group with tourist guides, otherwise they wouldn't keep going to these places.

I'm not being negative... just cautious. And I love nature, I would rather go see nature than spend any time at a hmong NY, Soccer tourney, etc.

If you do go... just be in a small group. Large group tends to draw attention too. And never stray unto unbeaten path.

Anyone know an estimation cost or process. In which all these Oldmen are able to get their bride from stated country? Specially those who has no jobs.. and are on SSI.very suprise they're still able to bypass the system and do it.

Any thoughts? Feel free to comment :)

I would think it cost more to marry oversea...
Cost break down:
flight there $2000( you going to see her)
Wedding there $5000 (if her family have dowry same as US - I know a few that charge according to dowry there, about $300)
paper to bring her here $3000 (visa, application, etc)
flight to pick her up $4000 (two tickets; one way cost almost as much as roundtrip)

Once she's here...
More paper work $2000 - temp green card, conversion from temp to permanent GC, etc plus time spent to do all the papers.

So, you're looking between $15-20G plus continual support of her family... you know they will continue to ask for dough.

Why not just marry a good old American Hmong girl here?

Jokes & Riddles / Three Wishes...
« on: March 09, 2016, 08:21:13 PM »
A man finds a genie lamp. He rubs the lamp and a genie comes out and says "I may grant you 3 wishes, but your wife gets double." The man wishes for a new car. The genie gives him a new car and the man's wife 2 new cars. The man then wishes for a new house. The genie gives him a new house and the man's wife 2 new houses. The man then says, "For my final wish, I wish to be beaten to half-death."

I know what you're talking about, but this is a real nature places.  The video shows the whole surrounds, nothing about it is exagerated, so what's there not to believed about it?

Tell me what in the video is not real and they're just using video camera tricks to make the place look nicer that it really is?

I'm sure it's beautiful... but look where it's located at? I wouldn't feel safe going there... just do a little research on in-fighting in Thailand's southern provinces. Majority is Muslim down there and there have been lots of fighting/bombing/killings.

Check out Phi Phi Island travel brochure, pictures, video, etc... I've been there and it's not like what they promote. It's just average like any other Island and beach.

My parents have had these policies for a long time.  The problem is the premium is high and the benefits is little.  The question is if they cancel the policies, will they be able to get the cash value out?  Or are they trapped?

You can borrow the cash value... if you don't pay back, whatever you take out will be deducted from the benefit when your folks pass this world.

My parents' insurance are only about $25G for each of them... And I expect their funeral to be no more than $10G... beside, we'll get donation from relatives and guests that will cover all the funeral expense.

Television / Re: Ash vs Evil Dead
« on: March 03, 2016, 10:25:39 PM »
I hope Ash vs Evil Dead is as scary and hilarious as Hamster_Hero vs Redemption...  :2funny: :2funny:

If it is, I'm definitely watching it...  O0

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