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Messages - Hung_Low

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Dear Dr. PebHmong / Re: Confession of an adulteress
« on: January 17, 2016, 10:41:55 PM »
Oh and as for the cousin the Bible Lot's wife gets turned into a pillar of salt. To continue his bloodline your God instructed his daughters to get him drunk and duck him so they could have more of his babies. See, God is cool with incest but not adultery.  O0

The best idiotic writing I've ever heard. Showed us you know nothing about the Bible.

My Vang girl, I loved her...I'm proud of her...I was going to marry her. We were so broken and no one cared about us. She did things that touched my heart, no other person has ever done for me. I didn't just duck her then ditch her, I loved her with all my heart no matter what. I lost a lot and risked it all for her. I never set out for it to be with her that way, we started as friends and confided in each other. Our friendship grew into love unexpectedly and I followed my heart. Can you say you have that kind of commitment in your life?
What a "redneck" excuse to doing your own clan/sister... I bet you'd make the same excuse too if you were doing your mom.

Jokes & Riddles / random funniest jokes...
« on: January 17, 2016, 07:36:04 PM »
1) Tough guy: I can't believe your still a Virgin! HAHAHAHA
    Other Guy: I was a Virgin until last night
    Tough guy: As if!
    Other guy: Yeah man just ask your sister
    Tough Guy: I don't have a sister???
    Other Guy: You will in about 9 months

2) A husband and wife are trying to set up a new password for their computer. The husband puts, "Mypenis," and the wife falls on the   ground laughing because on the screen it says, "Error. Not long enough."

3) Boy: I'll pay you 10 bucks to climb up the flagpole.
    Girl: ok.(climbs the flagpole)
    Girl: Mommy Mommy a boy paid me 10 bucks to climb the flagpole.
    Mom: He just wanted to see your underwear!

                                          ...Next Day...

    (Same boy): I'll pay you 20 BUCKS to climb the flagpole!
    Girl: OK thanks! (climbs the flagpole)
    Girl: Mommy Mommy today the boy paid me 20 BUCKS for climbing the flagpole, but today I tricked him this time I wasn't wearing underwear.
    Mom: ...

4) A woman gets on a bus with her baby.
    The bus driver says: 'Ugh, that's the ugliest baby I've ever seen!'
    The woman walks to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming.
    She says to a man next to her: 'The driver just insulted me!'
    The man says: 'You go up there and tell him off. Go on, I'll hold your monkey for you.'

5) Police arrested two kids yesterday, one was drinking battery acid, the other was eating fireworks. They charged one - and let the other one off.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Marriage within same clan
« on: January 15, 2016, 11:30:39 PM »
Regardless of anything else.... Hmong people do not believe in marrying same last names and I'm not going to start. It's embarrassing and shameful to say the least. There are enough Hmong last names that you don't need to be acting like a redneck. What's next, looking for dates at family reunions?

Totally agree... Hmong will be the next Redneck in America. Just because American do it don't mean we have to do it. Offsprings of sister and brother shouldn't be marry either.

Jokes & Riddles / Yo mama...
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:40:39 PM »
Yo mama is so fat... it takes a year for her to turn to her side.

Yo mama so old that her first student was Adam and Eve.

Yo mama so stupid that when she had to leave a voicemail she walked all the way to my house and screamed in my mailbox.

Yo mama so ugly when she play Mortal Kombat, Scorpion said, "STAY OVER THERE!!"

Television / Did not know Jewel is related to...
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:31:01 PM »
I didn't know that Jewel is the daughter of Atz from the "Alaska: the Last Frontier" reality show...

Television / Re: Why can't all girls be cute like supergirl?
« on: January 13, 2016, 10:24:23 PM »

Jokes & Riddles / Re: tRouBle... more sexist jokes.
« on: January 13, 2016, 05:14:40 PM »
Hung_Low and Trouble are driving along when they see a wounded skunk on the side of the road. They stop, Hung_Low gets out, picks it up, and brings it into the car.

Hung_Low:  Look, it's shivering, it must be cold. What should I do?
Trouble:  Put it between your legs.
Hung_Low:  What about the smell?
Trouble:  Hold its nose.

But I have to question that smell between a man's leg. It's not like a dead fish... but a dead worm  8)

What's the difference between a woman and a coffin?
- You come in one and go in the other

Boy ask, "Dad, is it true that in some Africa countries, man don't know their wife until they married her?"
Dad replied, " That happens in every countries, son."

In the beginning, God created the earth and rested. He then created man and rested. Then he created women and ever since then, neither man nor God has rested.

Unfortunately he probably can...Sad the GOP need Canadians to run for their party.

GOPers, remember to vote for Trump. A vote for Trump is a vote for Americans, not Canadians.

So you're going to lump yourself with those idiots? Read the Constitution.. .
You only have to be born a "natural citizen", not born in the U.S.A. Since, Obama's mother is a white US citizen, he was a natural born citizen, therefore he could run for President.

Mc Cain was born in the Panama Canal Zone. Heck, your parents don't have to be citizen at all... you just have to born in the U.S. and you're automatically a "natural born" citizen.

Beside, right now... Trump looks better then Hillbilly or Socialist Sanders.

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Are Hmong people Scandinavians?
« on: January 12, 2016, 07:12:44 PM »
I thought he was going to point out because of the hair color some of the Hmong have from blonde.....

Let's not forget blue eyes too...

Hmong Culture & History / Re: Hmong Green VS. Hmong White
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:53:48 PM »
What color is this hmong here? 

Sorry guys, she only likes "OTHERS" but I'm not hmong so I'm still a part of the "other" group   :2funny:

We don't care who she do it with... She no special.

But to the point...
The difference can be dialect and different words for the same thing.
ex. green = nam (mom)
      white = niam (mom)

      green = choj (blanket) - choj is also for bridge; bridge covers road
      white = pam (blanket) - pam is also for funeral (pam tuag); cover dead people

The similarities are more than the differences.

Jokes & Riddles / Re: tRouBle... more sexist jokes.
« on: January 11, 2016, 09:28:18 PM »
What are the 3 faster form of communication?

1. Internet
2. Telephone
3. Tell a woman. With some women, this may be true.  ;D  :P

A man and a woman are driving along when they see a wounded skunk on the side of the road. They stop, the woman gets out, picks it up, and brings it into the car.
She says, "Look, its shivering, it must be cold. What should I do?"
He says, "Put it between your legs."
She says, "What about the smell?"
He says, "Hold its nose."

I've already posted this one and my version was better.  ;D   :D

- Let me be more clear on the first joke... Hmong women  ;D

- Let me hear your version...

Jokes & Riddles / Atheist bashing jokes...
« on: January 09, 2016, 11:00:21 AM »
Atheism is a non-prophet organisation.

What is the worst thing about being an Atheist?
- No one to scream to during orgasm

1,000 atheists rioted in America this week because a blank sheet of paper was on Charlie Hebdo's desk.

Jokes & Riddles / What's the difference....
« on: January 08, 2016, 08:54:10 PM »
Question: What's the difference between a car with lawyers inside it and a porcupine?

Ans: one has pricks on the outside, the other have pricks on the inside.

Jokes & Riddles / Re: Who can solve this?
« on: January 08, 2016, 08:51:39 PM »
If you saw a tablet that you really like that is on sale for $97 but don't have the money to buy it, you can borrowed the money from Josh and Mary to pay for it. Suppose you take $50 from Josh and $50 from Mary. That's $100 total. You pay the tablet and the cashier give your $3 change back. You decide to keep a dollar for yourself and repay Josh a dollar and Mary a dollar. You now owe Josh and Mary forty-nine buck each. Forty-nine x two = ninety-eight dollars plus the dollar you keep. So that's ninety-nine buck. Where is the other dollar?

This is a riddle with word play.... Let's first rephrase Gracified23 post.. You borrowed $50 from Josh and Mary and paid for the Tablet that's $97. You paid the tablet but got $3 back... you gave $1 each back to Josh and Mary. You kept $1 for yourself.

This is how you account for the money: Since you gave $2 back to Josh and Mary, you actually only borrow $98 from them.

This is what you owe... you owe Josh and Mary $49 each, that equal $98. Since the tablet cost $97 which you paid for but you kept $1. The Tablet plus what you have equal $98,  which is what you owe both Josh and Mary. No money is lost and no extra $1 to talk about.

Jokes & Riddles / Re: tRouBle... more sexist jokes.
« on: January 08, 2016, 07:56:40 PM »
What are the 3 faster form of communication?

1. Internet
2. Telephone
3. Tell a woman

What should you give a woman that has everything?
- A man to show her how to work it

First guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."

A man and a woman are driving along when they see a wounded skunk on the side of the road. They stop, the woman gets out, picks it up, and brings it into the car.
She says, "Look, its shivering, it must be cold. What should I do?"
He says, "Put it between your legs."
She says, "What about the smell?"
He says, "Hold its nose."

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