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Messages - lost_forever

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Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: March 10, 2009, 12:12:54 PM »
I was about 15 to 16 years old.  My brothers wanted to go fishing at this park that had a river and two big ponds.  So, it was a sunny friday, I drove my two brothers, and two cousins to the fishing park.  We were fishing and having fun throwing rocks in the water.  My youngest brother and I were together near the pond, while  my other brother and cousins were at the river.  We can't see each other because of the tall grass , and trees.  They were about 150  feet away. 

It was getting late so I told my younger brother to get the others.  He didn't go because it was too far.  So, I called out their names "  A, B, and C ..lets go home, its getting late"  I said that two times but they did not hear me.  We stayed for another two minutes and waited.  Since we did not hear them or see them coming, my brother and I decide to go to the car first.  Just when we walked passed the little bush on the right side.......... ...........we both heard two little boys say " I'm here...I'm here." ( heard them in hmong language ) The bush was small and could see through, so I looked from 10 ft away and there was noone there.  My brother and I ran as fast as we could to the car and wait for the others..

Hmong Stories / Re: Hmong ghost stories
« on: March 02, 2009, 10:17:53 AM »
It was April of 2002 when my uncle's daughter comitted suicide.  She was 14 years old.  She and I were pretty close , we always went everywhere together.  After a couple days that she was passed away, I kept having dreams about her.  In my dreams, we were still talking at family gatherings and it seems normal.  Then one of the people in my dream would say to her that "aren't u dead?" . She seemed confused and lost, like she wasn't really dead.  I woke up with a chill.  I still dream about her once in a while, sometimes I feel like she doesn't really want to leave this world yet. 

College Life / Re: What college/university/technical school did you attend?
« on: December 16, 2008, 03:42:24 PM »
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
Hennipen Technical College in MN

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