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Messages - thePoster

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General Discussion / Re: If you married a twin would you
« on: August 07, 2019, 05:26:25 PM »
You know what?  I think I would do it, especially if they were wering the same clothes.

General Discussion / If you married a twin would you
« on: August 06, 2019, 10:38:55 PM »
"Accidently" hug him or here as if you were hugging your real spouse?

Or "accidently" surprise kiss them?

By2   ...yes I would.

Becuase you are not making money from mastercard and visa.

I dont think everyone is into bitcoin so they can use that cryto to pay for things.

Some are just trading it like regular currency/stocks to make money by converting it back to dollars. 

That is the one downside of BitCoin.

I would just say use one of the other popular cryto that has a faster transaction time.

Just apply the same concept.

Go look at bitcoin, lets just say you had 10000 dollars laying around and you bought btc a week ago.  In july 31st it was about 9500.  Today it is 12000 as I am typing.  No need to wait for the big pay day, just sell and net that 2500 bucks.  Thats easy quick money.

Thats pretty good for just looking at the computer screen.

Today I am up 22 bucks, ill wait to see if it starts dropping before I transfer it over.

Bitcoin is actually good to make quick easy money.

Due to its volitility you can make quick daily cash.

Ive made a whopping 10 dollars a day and just move it over my dollar account.

But i am only investing 250 bucks.

But it reallt is easy to make alot of money, if you watch it daily you will see it goes up and down around 1000 weekly.

So yes it is an easy way to make money.  Give it a shot folks.

I think I may just eventually be a day trader with regular stocks.

Who wants to work forever right?!?

General Discussion / Re: The moment yalls been waiting for...
« on: August 04, 2019, 10:28:58 PM »
Well the one that was half tawainese I dont know what the other half is, maybe thai. 

No I am not engaged.

Ladies there is still a chance.

I should have asked those two girls if they wanted to hang out this coming weekend.  Oh well, at first they seemed like they wouldnt mind talking but then they was just into thier phones so I guess I got curbed.  Sometimes I notice different culture asian girls if they are shy they will just try to not talk and stop talking to you.

Oh wells, they were cute in thier own ways but my gf is cuter.

General Discussion / The moment yalls been waiting for...
« on: August 04, 2019, 06:52:50 AM »
I got curbed by two ok looking girls.

Oh well you win some you lose some.

One was tawainese and the other half tawainese.

Looks department is about a 6.5 possibly 7 with no make up. 

Body wise  8, they are skinnybut not because they work out.

The full tawainese girl looked like she came out of an anime comic book.  Cute in her fashion way.

Oh well!  Better turn a stone then leave it unturned I always say.

I am kind of beside myself and dont know what to really think.

It was a but surprising. 

Is this like how a girl engages a guy?

Guys do it with a ring and girls does it with a joint account and slam a bunch of money down. 


Chime in folks!!

And put 10k in it.

I guess its getting serious.

General Discussion / These girls facial expressions look cute
« on: July 25, 2019, 09:31:27 AM »
So my gf also looks just as cute if not cuter

General Discussion / Extreme Engagement
« on: July 19, 2019, 05:12:09 PM »
Netflix show.

You know I would love to spend a year travelling/camping/roughing it with my girlfriend experiencing new things and hardships to see if we really would work out.

The more women I meet, the more I find what I like and don't like.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: Don’t be yourself
« on: July 16, 2019, 07:33:12 AM »
Well the way I get girls is I usually just hit them over the head with a club and drag them by the hair.

The Single & Dating Scenes / Re: I Love Hmong Boys
« on: July 16, 2019, 07:29:04 AM »
I love my hmong girls too but unfortunately I might notend up with one.  I will be a bit sad becuase Id love to marry a hmong girl for me and my mom!!

But unfortunately the good ones are already taken or just doesnt have what Id like!!

Them younger ones probably aint gonna like me.

Them older ones, I probably arent atrracted to them physically.

The dating pool as we get older is soooo small.

So id love to marry a hmong gal but I will probably endup with a non hmong gal who is cute and hot and can support me.  Blame nkaujsee for making me marry non hmong!  I told her to hook me up but she too darn selfish and greedy with her hot cousins.

General Discussion / Play stupid games
« on: July 16, 2019, 07:18:48 AM »
Win stupid prizes

Just a story I came upon.

From that height, well what didbyou expect

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