
Author Topic: A Hmong Folk Story  (Read 6306 times)

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A Hmong Folk Story
« on: August 11, 2010, 11:14:18 AM »
Sorry I am not good at writing I'm just translating everything into English.  Not sure if anyone heard of this one before but here it goes:

Once upon a time, there was a small village in the mountains.  A son from a family who resided there had brought home his wife to his mother.  His father had passed away, so his only family was his mom.  They lived their life together with his mom beautifully in the small village.

Due to poor illness, the mother had asked the daughter in law for help with chores.  Too often to the point where the daughter in law got so sick of her mother in law.  She started complaining to her husband daily. 

Then one day, the daughter in law's uncle from afar sent words to her and her husband that they're going to kill a cow and having a feast for their son.  They had invited her and the husband to go join the feast.  It would take 1 day of walking to get to her uncle's village. 

The son had prepared a few things in the house for his mother so that she wouldn't have a hard time doing things, when they leave.  The mother was so sick, she did not have any apetite to eat at all.  When she heard that her son and daughter in law's uncle was going to kill a cow to do a feast for their son, she had asked the daughter in law to bring back some cooked intestine.  It was the only thing she was craving for and wanted to eat.

The following morning, the son and daughter in law had left.  When they arrived at the uncle's home, they had enjoy the feast so much.  The daughter in law was so happy with all the food they were getting to eat because living with her husband and his mother, she just knew that should would never be able to afford a cow.   Since they are so poor, she decided to take this chance to stuff as much food in her mouth. 

The next day, the woke up early to head home.  Before they came home, the daughter's aunt had packed food for them on their way home.  She packed a chicken and some rice.  The son had already stepped outside, whenthe daugther in law remembered that her mother in law had wanted some cow intestine.  She asked for them and her aunt packed some cow intestine that was left over for them.

While they were on their way home, it was already in the afternoon when they finally stopped to eat.  They sat down and rest for a bit to eat.  The son had asked his wife to break a chicken leg and some rice.  And so she did that.  Then while she was going to break apart the other leg for her, she saw the cow intestine.  She decided that, she'll have some of it and save some for her mother in law.

She took some out to eat, but it wasn't enough to fulfill her.  The son told her that even if it wasn't fulfilling just be thankful that she had some already and to leave the rest for his mom.  But she was not satisfy with his comment and kept thinking that she deserves to eat it because she's been doing so much work for his mom everytime his mom request of her.  She turned her back to him and secretly took some more out and more out to eat..until she realized that there was no more cow intestine left.

After they ate, they got back on the road and walked home.  On their way home...the daughter in law kept thinking that her husband is going to yell at her when he finds out that she had ate all the cow intestine and didn't leave his ill mother any.  It was getting darker and darker...the sun was setting down.  On the road, the daughter in law saw some caterpillars.  She decided...she'll pick each caterpillar that she see and wrap it in leaves for her mother in law...after all they are small and short like sliced cooked cow intestine, and so that was what she did.

When they reached home, it was dark already.  The mother was still up.  She had the fire burning for light.  The son asked the mother why she hasn't slept yet since it was late.  She told him it's because she was really hungry waiting for the cow intestine and was not able to sleep.  The son had the wife take out the cow intestine to his mom so she can eat. 

While the mother in law was unwrapping the cow intestine, she did not realize that it was just a bunch of caterpillars.  She held them in her hands and started chewing when her son was preparing some things.  The daugher in law had already went to bed.  Before her son went to bed, he came to talk to his ill mother to see how her illness was doing.  The whole time talking...he kept looking at the food his mother was eating.  He then realize that it was not cow intestines.  He took it from his mom and threw it at the floor, then told his mom that she was eating caterpillars. 

His mother was so sad that her own daughter in law would give her caterpillars to eat.  This whole time she thought she was eating cooked cow intestines.  She started to tear.  Her son told her that if she wants to eat cow intestines, tomorrow early in the morning, he will go see if he can find anyone who has some cow intestine and he'll buy then cook it for her.  She told him that it's okay, but that she will never forgive her daughter in law for what she had done to her.  She kept saying that over and over while she was crying in her bed.

The next morning, when the son woke up, he found his mother had died.  The next two days, he had run so much errands trying to prepare the funeral for his mother.  During the funeral, the daughter in law did not help out as much.  She decided that since all the relatives are here, they will do the job while she sits and mourns over her dead mother in law.

On the last day of the funeral, all the men went to bring down her mother in law so they can carry her over to her burial area.  All the men tried and tried but they were not able to carry her mother in law down.  No matter what they did, they were not able to carry her down at all.  Then some of the relatives started gossiping that while the mother in law was still alive, the daughter in law had fed her caterpillars.. .so she should be the one carrying her dead mother in law.  Everyone started saying that over and over that she needs to carry her mother in law. 

She cried and would not do it.  But everyone started hating on her and pushed her over to the mother in law.  She got down and grabbed the mother in law onto her back.  She was able to carry her mother in law. 

On the way to the burial area, there was a place that was already dug up and ready to place the dead.  The daughter in law tried to lift her grandmother off her but she was not able to.  She tried and tried but could not get the mother in law off her at all.  The men started saying they need to get a knife to cut the mother in law off her.  So they did that.  However, anywhere they tried to cut, they were cutting the daughter in law's flesh.  No matter where they cut the mother in law, it was the daugther in law's flesh. 

The daughter in law couldn't take it anymore, she cried.  Her mother in law's flesh had became her own.  She tripped herself over and fell into the hole.  She had fainted and fell asleep.  Everyone kept thinking that she had died when she fell down.  So they told her husband not to cry and to let go.  There was nothing that can be done.  They buried his wife and mother together.

When the daughter in law finally awaken...she felt small critters crawling over her.  She could smell the raw slimey rotten aroma surrounding her.  She tried to move but couldn't.  Everything was was hard to breath.  She started calling out her husband's name.  The husband was mourning over his mother and wife when he heard his name called.  It was his wife's voice calling him.  He suddenly stopped what he was doing and ran over to the grave.  It really was his wife calling him from below.

He got scared.  He wasn't sure if it was his wife anymore.  Then he finally said to her to let go of him.  She is already dead.  It was because she gave his mom caterpillars to eat.  It was so mean of her and disrespectful of her to be treating a sick person in such ways especially since it was his mom too.  He told her that he does not want a wife who is dead and someone who will feed anyone caterpillars.  He no longer wanted her.  He got up and left home all the while hearing his wife calling out his name. 

The wife no longer able to go back up and follow her husband...buri ed undergound with his mother on her back...soon died.

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #1 on: August 11, 2010, 03:05:00 PM »
Btw, have you heard of this one...yes or no?  Any other version?

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Offline MsLily20

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #2 on: August 19, 2010, 10:05:27 PM »
never heard of it but wow the DIL is SO mean.. Well She deserve it...

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #3 on: August 19, 2010, 10:21:36 PM »
Great story.  I think I've heard this story somewhere before.  Thank you for sharing.  :)

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2010, 01:46:47 PM »
Interesting story.  Why would everyone assume that she was dead just because she fell in and fell asleep and leave her there? 

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 06:10:13 PM »
my mother told us a version of this story only in the one she told us, they had a pig. One day the son and nyab went to the garden while the mother stayed home. A tiger came and ate the half of the pig. she found the other half and thought how they did not have anything to eat and since the tiger only ate half of it, she took it home to prepare a meal for them to eat.

When the son and nyab came home. The nyab was very angry and yelled at the mother that its because she was craving the meat and killed the meat. She should not lie that a tiger came to eat it. Why would a tiger only eat half of the pig when everyone knows they will eat the whole thing.

So that night the mother cried herself to sleep. That night the father in law who had died came to her in her dream. He told her that he was the tiger that came to eat the pig. He loved his family and only eat half of it even though he knows his hunger would not be satisfied because he loved his family and wanted to share it with them. The mother begs the father to take her with him but he said that he was not able to take her because he have to go to jail in dab teb for the crime of killing their pig and he will be there for 9 months. Once he gets out he will come back for her. Nine months is equal to 9 days saum no.

Afther 9 days, the mother got very sick and died. Before she died, she told her son that because he is her son he needs to carry the head part of the nees or stretcher thing that they carry the dead to the grave in and the daughter in must carry the feet part. If they do not do that she will got leave.  When the time comes, son and the other men tried to carry the nees but they were not able to. They lifted her but she got stuck on the ceiling. No matter what they did, the body would not move. The daughter in law had to get get her down and carry her all the way to the grave site. Once they got there, they were not able to remove the nees from the nyab's shoulders. Eventually she falls into the grave so they burried her with the mother in law.

Every day, the nyabs family and her husband would come and mourn for her and talk to her. The nyab told them that she is in the grave with the mother in law and father in law. On the thirteenth day she told them, they will not be able to talk to her anymore. That is when the door to dab teb would open and she would be dead. She will be going with her in laws to dab teb to become their slave. So on that day the nyab's parents and husband went to the grave and called and called for her but she no longer answered them for she had died.

My mother also told us a second one to which has to do with the daughter in law cutting her skirt and blaming the mother in law. She the mother in law died the nyab became pregnant but after 9 months, she was not able to give birth. She became bedridden and could no long eat or sleep. The son went to the villagers to request them to come thuam tus nyab so she would give birth. The villagers came but she was still not able to give birth. Finally one the elder said that the nyab probably falsely accused the mother in law for cutting her skirt she needs to own up to it. They nyab finally apoligized and request for forgiveness for blaming the mother in law.

After she apolizised, she give birth to the skirt that she cut! It just came and came and came for a long time out of her and when it stopped, she died.

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 06:57:39 PM »
I'd never heard of this story before. But wow. The daughter deserves it. No one shouldn't treat a sick person like that.

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #7 on: September 17, 2010, 11:36:36 AM »
my mother told us a version of this story only in the one she told us, they had a pig. One day the son and nyab went to the garden while the mother stayed home. A tiger came and ate the half of the pig. she found the other half and thought how they did not have anything to eat and since the tiger only ate half of it, she took it home to prepare a meal for them to eat.

When the son and nyab came home. The nyab was very angry and yelled at the mother that its because she was craving the meat and killed the meat. She should not lie that a tiger came to eat it. Why would a tiger only eat half of the pig when everyone knows they will eat the whole thing.

So that night the mother cried herself to sleep. That night the father in law who had died came to her in her dream. He told her that he was the tiger that came to eat the pig. He loved his family and only eat half of it even though he knows his hunger would not be satisfied because he loved his family and wanted to share it with them. The mother begs the father to take her with him but he said that he was not able to take her because he have to go to jail in dab teb for the crime of killing their pig and he will be there for 9 months. Once he gets out he will come back for her. Nine months is equal to 9 days saum no.

Afther 9 days, the mother got very sick and died. Before she died, she told her son that because he is her son he needs to carry the head part of the nees or stretcher thing that they carry the dead to the grave in and the daughter in must carry the feet part. If they do not do that she will got leave.  When the time comes, son and the other men tried to carry the nees but they were not able to. They lifted her but she got stuck on the ceiling. No matter what they did, the body would not move. The daughter in law had to get get her down and carry her all the way to the grave site. Once they got there, they were not able to remove the nees from the nyab's shoulders. Eventually she falls into the grave so they burried her with the mother in law.

Every day, the nyabs family and her husband would come and mourn for her and talk to her. The nyab told them that she is in the grave with the mother in law and father in law. On the thirteenth day she told them, they will not be able to talk to her anymore. That is when the door to dab teb would open and she would be dead. She will be going with her in laws to dab teb to become their slave. So on that day the nyab's parents and husband went to the grave and called and called for her but she no longer answered them for she had died.

My mother also told us a second one to which has to do with the daughter in law cutting her skirt and blaming the mother in law. She the mother in law died the nyab became pregnant but after 9 months, she was not able to give birth. She became bedridden and could no long eat or sleep. The son went to the villagers to request them to come thuam tus nyab so she would give birth. The villagers came but she was still not able to give birth. Finally one the elder said that the nyab probably falsely accused the mother in law for cutting her skirt she needs to own up to it. They nyab finally apoligized and request for forgiveness for blaming the mother in law.

After she apolizised, she give birth to the skirt that she cut! It just came and came and came for a long time out of her and when it stopped, she died.

wow, crazy stories!!
very interesting, as they say karma is a "B1tch"

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #8 on: December 16, 2010, 03:05:59 AM »
A long time ago, Adam and Eve lived in the Garden of Eden.  They were naked and had lots of fun playing endlessly.  As they grew up, Eve, began to mature.  She noticed physical changes in her body and all.  She began to notice the animals around her procreating.  It was such a sight that see would spy on the birds and bees doing their thing.  Adam was a little slow and would still be playing like usual.

One day Eve decided to asked the winged serpent what they were doing in the tree.  The winged serpent told Eve all about being a male and female.  It was then that the winged serpent had given Eve the knowledge of how to escape death and live on forever.  So Eve decided to have Adam lay with her, so then they two would escape death and live on forever.  Adam was a little slow and it took three nights before Adam would seed Eve. 

Time had passed and one day that God walked through the Garden of Eden and called out to his children.  Both Adam and Eve were ashamed of what they had done and hid themselves among the fauna.  God eventually coaxed his children to come out and saw that Eve was pregnant.  Furious, he inquired how they gained knowledge of such acts.  Adam said it was not his fault that Eve tricked him.  Eve said that it was not her fualt that the winged serpent told her. about escaping death and creating life to live on forever.  God went to the tree that the winged serpent was in and questioned the winged serpent.  The winged serpent said that Eve asked her about the birds and the bees and she decided to tell Eve how to use their male and female genitals to conceive new life.  God was still unhappy about it, so he took the winged serpent's wings and legs and forced the serpent to crawl on it's belly.  For it is the belly that from which new life would be created. 

The serpent was to be given a dual identity.  Although the serpent will be recognized as the symbol of fertility, it was also to be dispised by man.  God was disgusted that his own children, brother and sister would do such deeds, he droved them out of the Garden of Eden.   So they would have no country to their name, and they would live the life among the wild and cruel world.  They would be the first Mongs. that version of the story goes...

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The real villain is looking at you.  The last hero was just not true.  If everything works out in the end.  It's because all things make amends.

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Re: A Hmong Folk Story
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2010, 03:13:46 AM »
Too much to read.  I prefer audio and have lots of them. 

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