
Author Topic: From a atheist viewpoint  (Read 5199 times)

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Re: From a atheist viewpoint
« Reply #15 on: February 16, 2016, 11:07:21 AM »
It's called the God of the Gap.

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Offline Dok_Champa

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Re: From a atheist viewpoint
« Reply #16 on: February 17, 2016, 09:54:34 AM »
Hypothetically speaking- even if God stands in front of you right now and say, "son, I am God" you'd still  have doubt, call that person "crazy" and even if that person perform a miracle in front of you, you'll be amazed but you wouldn't accept him to be God.

Jesus-God the son, came to earth, walked and lived among men.  Told them who he is and performed miracles.  Many people didn't believe and called him discipline of Satan, etc..

If he came today, it'll be the same because FAITH is not based on "see first believe later" but it is-

"The substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." -Hebrew 11:1

Believer or non-believer - everyone - know that God exist- for Hmong, it's tswv ntuj (God of the Sky), Yawm Saub etc.. For Muslim -Allah (??)  because God put this knowledge into the heart of every man:

"...[W]hat may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities--His eternal power and divine nature--have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made so that men are without excuse" (Rom. 1:19-20)

"The fool says in his heart, `There is no God'" (Psalm 14:1)

"For every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything." (Heb. 4:4)

SOOOOOOOO God will not magically appear in the physical form to EVERY ONE and give you the PROOF you seek BEFORE you either believe or disbelieve. 

When your parents guide you, do you expect them to show you the outcome before you accept their teaching(s)?  If that's the case, can you imagine what they have to go through each and every time they teach you/guide you...

God is wise - he explain himself in his autobiography we call THE BIBLE - that book is addressed to each of us individually - and when we read, it's like reading an interview  of our questions like "so God who are u?"  Why am I here?  Why did you created me?  Why am I suffering?  Are you real?  How do I know you're real? etc...things like that  :D :D :D

w/o God coming down to talk in the physical with each and every living soul from the beginning of time to the end of time -

I hope this answers your question.

« Last Edit: February 17, 2016, 10:23:46 AM by Dok_Champa »

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Re: From a atheist viewpoint
« Reply #17 on: February 17, 2016, 04:54:05 PM »
This is the truth behind the ultimate truth.  It is ok if you do not have a god now.  They say that god works in mysterious ways and let me share you a story to how he works his mystery. 

99% of your Christians, your ancestors once in a upon a time did not have a god.  It was ok for them not having a god in their lifetime but somewhere down the line, the God moved into the hearts of their ancestors/future offspring and you are now a god loving person.

If you do not have a god now, better believe it that your kids in the next generations will.  I call this a hit and miss theory of mine.  The A generation was a miss, the b and c's were also a miss.  Once you get to the x,y,z, they will have it. 

Yes atheist, be afraid, be very afraid.   :2funny:

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: From a atheist viewpoint
« Reply #18 on: February 22, 2016, 10:55:54 PM »
If God and you talk everynight. The holy spirit

I would record that with a camera maybe a tablet and fax it to CNN asap

You can end ISIS and tell them God don't like killing.

I just don't understand why no one has come forth.
It soo easy. Common sense.
My phone even has a camera which takes 1080 picture

They did. The New Testament records and the existence of Jesus appeared to the hundreds of witnesses recorded in the gospels has been put forth as a challenge.

They do not need phones or cameras. They have everything they need which is word of mouth. Scholars generally think Oral Traditions can be preserved for several centuries unmolested.

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Offline Gracified23

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Re: From a atheist viewpoint
« Reply #19 on: February 22, 2016, 11:00:48 PM »
That is why I still talk to God because of the evidence I came to know in the bible.  I can't simply prove God or Jesus using my camera because Jesus isn't here now. He has risen from the dead and now sit at the right hand of the Father. Common sense right?

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