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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #45 on: August 14, 2017, 12:17:18 AM »
Morning Fog,

The crimson solar rays tilted over the sky bottom like your beige wooden platform ladder slanting down from the tin ceiling.

Our adventurous day ended as the heavenly vapors thickened between the sun and this planet. Darkness was indeed at eyes.

The forecasters didn't quite foresee the truth, but they gained our confidence, and we relied on them: he and she, too, stated yesterday --even with graphs--that sunshine would be in store today; pericardia palpitated with elation, we stormed out to the southern most part of Minnesota and yet only a thunderstorm we got near day's end.

But Steaming Bell, Ta E and I were under cover, Morning Fog, as our Earthly shadow darkened from the distance. No, not under the long, raw verdant banana leaves like those on your streams and gulleys. His maroon 2016 Toyota Tundra was not only cozy but repelling any droplets from anywhere. It kept us warm and dry--more dry than a lost soul in the Sahara desert.

We browsed all day one cornfield after another. An arable cattle ranch where cows and oxen and calves alike would roam free and graze green grass and not just brown hays on this side, that side, and all hillsides--that Steaming Bell has wanted.

But the torrent of rainy chill coerced us into the pick-up and, eventually, home empty-handed.

No fear for us, of course.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 06:03:59 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)


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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #46 on: August 14, 2017, 03:57:45 AM »
Steaming Bell feared for you more, he said.

That's because nights bring both the boisterous, irksome cicadas along with a tormenting pining for two things: today's waned daybreak and tomorrow's never cropping up. Much like Steaming Bell longs for you and you yearning for him.

When is dawn? How long will the night be? Those few more minutes of today's daylight shouldn't go away.

But who halts time and who keeps the sun from falling off the mountain rims, right?

Morning Fog, you rush inside that lifted-floor barrack, slam that door, and fasten that latch. Never face that darkness with all those unseen blinking eyes of whatever and those tail-lights of the fireflies.

Yes, we fear for you.

« Last Edit: August 14, 2017, 04:10:23 AM by Reporter »

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #47 on: August 19, 2017, 03:22:20 AM »
Morning Fog,

The bully is unable to control his ego and keeps on seeking victims--perhaps opponents is a better word.

People who have never had any grudge with him have become his targets.

But battles have not been easy for him.

Steaming Bell says news is here that another master met more than the bully's match: that master broke one of the bully's lower left rib last year. But earlier this year the bully has recovered from the incident, retrained some more--especially in trying very hard to block that lower rib blow--and called up that master for a second  match.

But within seconds into the match, that master broke one of his lower right ribs, too.

Whatever treatments he may have gone through, Ta E has not been able to find out.

And the bully is already feeling itchy about more fights, Ta E says.

Steaming Bell took us to an arena. A few fighters were doing the Thai rooster style with their necks on one another's necks, pushing back and forth and side to side just like  any two Thai roosters do when they are exhausted during the fight.


« Last Edit: August 19, 2017, 03:27:58 AM by Reporter »

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #48 on: August 22, 2017, 08:52:23 AM »
Dear Morning Fog,

Steaming Bell says we should start looking for plane tickets now for Thailand.

Yesterday he and I went to another arena of martial artists. There were guys practicing high and low kicks and they were swinging fists and throwing one another in all directions.

I was just sitting at the corner of the room, but I got all sweaty and thirsty just watching them. So, I kept reaching for my Evian bottled waters one bottle after another.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 03:10:29 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #49 on: August 22, 2017, 06:22:39 PM »
Morning Fog,

All these times I didn't know Steaming Bell's weakness until just now. He's not only the strong man I had thought him to be. At least he has professed him to be a bull in most appearances. When in danger and competitions, he fights like a water buffalo against a bullying, hungry lion. But deep inside, he's as soft as cotton, too.

Steaming Bell said he has two reasons for not writing to you directly: 1. he doesn't quite know what to say himself, and 2. he can't withhold his vibrating heart when he thinks about your desperate situation--yours and his combined--since the two of you are so distant with you in another side of the world and unknown safety.

When you are out picking mushrooms or washing your clothes on the stones of those streams, he feels that the jungles can be so intimidating with their silhouettes of impenetrable grandeur that he just cringes every time.

That sounds just like a time before Ban Vinai that we were on the way to Laos' side of the Mekong. Through jungles and rivers of the unknown just north of
Vientiane, it's like that wasn't enough but a bee hive had to be bumped into with angry bees swarming all over the Mekong's edge.  We had to hide under some puddles until they had dispersed into the thick humid afternoon draft.

Each day as the sunsets, Morning Fog, Steaming Bells yearns to know what you are doing, fears for your safety; he wants to know if you have gone up those wooden stairs to your section of the barrack, if your latch is locked.

« Last Edit: August 22, 2017, 09:22:17 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #50 on: August 23, 2017, 09:04:58 AM »
Reading this, takes me back home.  O0

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I take refuge in the Buddha.
I take refuge in the dharma.
I take refuge in the sangha.


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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #51 on: August 23, 2017, 01:32:47 PM »
 O0 O0

Reading this, takes me back home.  O0

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #52 on: September 05, 2017, 05:03:51 PM »
Dear Morning Fog,

The more I think about the bully, the more confused I get. I'm stuck between admiring and detesting him, because he is both dedicated and vicious. There does not seem to be any good in him. But he keeps pushing his evil agenda.

The guy has trained hard after each loss. And now he's back on his stalking path again. 

But I'll let Steaming Bell handle that.

Ta E and I have other concerns. He said there was a huge flood in a southern state that overflowed many buildings, even skyscrapers. So, the gods had a meeting and decided to send down lightning bolts to poke into the Earth. Yes, to drain the water down. But the thunders halted because a local utilities company said they had to call before they could dig anywhere.


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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #53 on: September 27, 2017, 01:59:06 PM »
Dear Morning Fog,

Sorry for not having written to you for so long.

Things have been tight and I have been bombarded with so much training with Steaming Bell that we had forgotten to update you every step of the way.

He has put me on a weekly training schedule everyday of the week. He thinks I need to shape up or at least lose some weight.

According to the obesity scale, I am 5 lbs overweight. Steaming Bell thinks that's not healthy. So, he has made every effort to monitor not just my diet but my workout routines.

Ta E, of course, believes the 5-lb. gain has resulted from two spiritual beings or ghosts that have entered my body. They are gourmets and have "eaten everything you have eaten and that makes you hungry because they eat a lot," Ta E says.

So, in order for me to lose the 5 lbs, Steaming Bell and Ta E have decided to do two things: 1. monitor my exercise and diet and 2. exorcise the two demons out of my body.

They must be paid to leave.

"How much money do you want?" said a shaman who helped Ta E exorcise them.

"One thousand two hundred dollars," they demanded via the  shaman.

"Okay. Even one thousand two hundred dollars each, can be met," he promised the ghosts.

So, we issued some joss papers for that purpose.

"We want to make sure they are real money; real American dollars," said the two ghosts.

"Sure. Pack your stuff and leave his body and come inspect the money," the shaman said.

Sure enough, they left my body lighter and seemed happy to be sent away to where the ear can't hear and the eyes can't see.

I've lost the 5 pounds immediately. Here's proof:

The five pounds of fat that just left my body with the two ghosts.

"They eat too much and that is what makes you so insatiable," explained the shaman.

I don't have that much of an appetite anymore. And I have started looking like...well, like Steaming Bell now.

« Last Edit: September 27, 2017, 02:08:07 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #54 on: October 01, 2017, 12:37:20 PM »
Morning Fog,

Steaming Bell says he wants to take care of the bully before coming to you.

But I told him he should consider coming to you first before taking care of the bully.

He has his confidence. But this bully isn't one to mess with easily. After all those years of bullying in fights against some of the community's best fighters, I'd think that he has gotten a lot of tricks in his hat. Okay, he might not have hat. Last I saw his pictures, he didn't have a hat one. Nor was his wife holding one for him. But he's gotta know what he tries to do, except that he probably doesn't know that each opponent will surprise him with something new every time.

That's how it has been for me in tennis. I can't expect to win every time I play against an opponent.Even the ones I've won over before still would surprise me with new shots that I couldn't return.

I want Steaming Bell to at least see you when he's in good conditions and still the good-looking guy he is.

Well, he determines his fate. And he is confident about things. So, am I. But I just think a battle before coming to you might worry you.

Anyway, I have my own battle against some very troublesome spirits lately.

Ta E and the shaman just told me that a ghost had followed me from a funeral of a client of mine and that she--the ghost--has wanted to corner me into the woods so that I would stay with her for a very long time--like forever.

"You are dead," the shaman told the ghost this morning. "You cannot unite with him. You must leave him or I will burn you with the incense and U.S. dollars we're sending you with."

"You remember a bird you found alive on the road one time?" the shaman asked me.

Indeed, I do. I was out hunting one time some  years ago and came upon a struggling bird on the road as I was driving towards the woods. Afraid that it might be run over by other cars, I stopped my car and moved the bird to a log on the side of the road. Then I drove away.

Turned out, I got lost in the woods and didn't find my way back to my car until nightfall. I drove back to that spot and shone my beams to the log. I got out of my car and walked over to see if the bird might still be there.

True enough. It was still sitting on the log breathing. So, I picked it up  and brushed its head with love.

Suddenly, the bird jumped off my palm and flew away into the air.

"That is a not a struggling bird," the shaman said. "That's the demon girl."

Another $1,200.00 real American dollars made of joss papers was paid to make this ghost leave me alone. "There are many desperate, lonely ghosts out there," he said.

The shaman said we cannot stop hot ghost chicks from courting me.

But Ta E said there is one way: not to be too nice to every little creature I find on the road like that.

I told them that one time I was camping and two birds flew onto my cabin window and died.

"I cooked them up for dinner," I said.

"If you do that, then they will be gone forever," the shaman said.

I'm not going to rescue any more downed birds or snakes.

Steaming Bell says we should come to Thailand during non-celebration seasons. He has told me to look into some tickets for early spring next year.

« Last Edit: October 01, 2017, 12:40:43 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #55 on: October 02, 2017, 11:06:20 AM »
Dear Morning Fog,

At yesterday's battle against the demons, I got shot by an arrow.

It got stuck on my right shoulder, piercing from the back. The arrow went through only half way, and so it's hanging there.

The pain has been excruciating with constant throbbing and swelling pressures from inside, even though there's no blood dripping.

I had to slowly cut off the arrow tip and then push it back out the flesh. But it doesn't go all the way out.

Suddenly, the demon's hot daughter came by and said that, "since my mother's arrow is now damaged and broken into pieces, I will attempt to take it back."

I didn't stop her at all.

I not only damaged the demon's arrow; I also killed her and smashed her into rubbles in a fire pit of burning flames.

The only two injuries I got out of this fight were: 1. the stuck arrow, and 2. a tiny blister on my right pointing finger.

My shaman says it's good I burnt the demon, because that was the only way to get rid of her permanently.

The daughter could be next if she does not remove the arrow.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 03:04:51 PM by Reporter »

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #56 on: October 09, 2017, 03:20:38 PM »
Dear Morning Fog,

The demon's daughter has not removed the arrow. But I've found a way with shaman doughnut rings. I've used a ring to slowly wipe it off. The arrow has broken into pieces and much of its dusts remain. That's what's causing the unending pain.  The ring is like a wet tower wiping away dirty from a surface.

I feel better now. But one should never trust demons. They need to be extinguished. Making agreements with them isn't ever going to be enough.That's because once they've gotten a thing from you in the negotiation, they just find ways to get more. They may promise to leave; they may agree to end whatever they've caused someone. And conditions may be set with them. But they will always turn around and continue to possess or hurt someone. So, I don't ever trust them.

Last night the demon's daughter brought several other demons to fight against me and two other shamans.

One shaman was a woman and the other a man.

The demons daughter commanded her six demons to surround us. She then swung her hair into a tornado that also surrounded us.

My shaman man took out some joss papers and began to shake them very hard. He swept the ground and the sky with the same force as a scale 5 ocean hurricane.

My shaman woman used her four doughnut rings--two in each hand--and tossed them into the sky like shooting bullets up.

The four rings turned into a chain and circled around the wind force that the joss papers were creating.

The two tornado-like forces--the demons' and ours--started to curl up on each other like a pair of dragons  making out.

Our tornado went up in smoke and the demon tornado turned into a rain drill that started to come down at us.

I took my two doughnut rings and set them on top of each other. I breathed life into them. They grew bigger and bigger to be so gigantic that we couldn't see their tops anymore. Then they merged into one that was even bigger.

I let the ring fall onto the demons and the demon daughter and all of them were smashed onto the ground like one does an egg.

The giant ring created a hole as big as two football fields together.

Now my shoulder pain that came from the arrow--all that's gone.

« Last Edit: October 09, 2017, 03:41:49 PM by Reporter »

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #57 on: October 20, 2017, 12:54:53 PM »
Morning Fog,

Steaming Bell and I have secured our tickets to Bangkok. We are not coming during the new year holidays because we just don't like crowds on the plane and elsewhere on land. Everybody has this urge to fly during the holidays. So, Steaming Bell says, since we are coming to see you and that Chiangmai hottie only, that we don't need to join the holiday flyers.

But a story he told me yesterday was very disturbing.

The martial arts world has often compared ...well, compared arts. Stories had surged that Kung Fu (Chinese) could defeat Karate (Japanese) art. But we haven't actually seen such comparisons in real life. Karate can break bones; Kung Fu can, too, but are just more fancy.

What Steaming Bell's grandpa told him, though, was a real life battle between Chinese and Thai arts. A Muay Thai fighter and a Kung Fu master engaged in a diplomatic fight--you know, sportsman-like where you win you go and I win I go but no death.

The epic battle took place right in Vientiene, Laos--that little country of about 5 million diverse dwellers of the homo sapien kind that's surrounded by Thailand, Cambodia, the two Vietnams, China and maybe Burma.

At their very last breaths of the duel, the Muay Thai boxer knocked out the Kung Fu master via a kick to the knock-out spot of the human body. (I'm not pointing at that spot because it's dangerous for you to know and for all of those who see this letter on the way to you.)

So, all of the Kung Fu master's students abandoned him and no longer kept his art.

Even though the actual power lies in the practitioner and not so much in the art, Steaming Bell says some arts do promote more powerful moves than other arts.  So, I asked him to teach me two knock-out moves, too. He said never to use them on friends or in practices. And if I ever use them on the streets against robbers and others of the kind, that I should never tell anyone I learned those from him.

I'm not sure why. But I'm not telling.

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #58 on: October 24, 2017, 05:29:06 PM »
Dear Morning Fog,

Steaming Bell and I had the biggest surprise yesterday when we went to the that Hmong restaurant on the southwestern side of town and someone paid for our meals.

"Sirs, don't worry. That gentleman has already paid for you?" the hot cashier said at the counter when Steaming Bell and I got up to pay.

Sure enough, that gentleman was at the neighboring table that we had  just gotten up from. He and his family were there and so we did have a chat with him earlier during the dinner.

But that wasn't the main surprise I'm telling you about.

The big surprise was that he was the very man who was the boy that Steaming Bell and I beat up once on the soccer field pavilion when we all were still there.

It's been years since that time. So, we did not know one another anymore. We didn't grow old; we just looked different.

But you know how we are: when we meet someone, we politely ask where they came from or live and what their names are and then even going as far as their ancestors. With hot women like you, we rush to finding out your last names, not because we want to track you down later on but because we want to track you down right there.

So, the man shared a story about his life and time in Ban Vinai.  Turned out, he was much older than we and he was much taller. He was about six  years older than we were. Then he went into talking about his martial arts skills. This man already learned some Kung Fu and Karate and a bit of Taekwondo before he met us on the soccer field, according to his details.

Of course, I was a novice. But Steaming Bell was already an advanced little boy then.

The man told us he used to trap and shoot birds with his slingshot and that one time he actually tried shooting two boys who were trying to beat him up.

At that moment, Steaming Bell and I just kind of stared at each other.

I didn't want to say anything. Nor did Steaming Bell, he said later.

"Wow! You did scare them, didn't you?" Steaming Bell asked. "I guess I would just run away fast if someone came at me with a slingshot."

"Yes. They were so scared, they ran around the building and hid behind the farthest wall before hopping over a stream to the hillside," he said. "They didn't dare to come face me ever again."

We've held no grudge against him and we're glad he's still alive. Many of our friends and relatives have passed away, mostly from old age and a new diet in this country.

But we are glad this man is still kicking--not Taekwondo still but breathing.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 10:12:55 PM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

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Re: Dear Morning Fog
« Reply #59 on: November 21, 2017, 06:28:48 AM »
Dear Morning Fog,

Our flights are scheduled for March 2018, some times in the middle of the month. Somehow we got seats together.  He'll be just the seat to my left on this 8-trowed-seat carrier that would storm through the clouds over the oceans to other lands.

I'll keep the exact date confidential. We want to surprise you. But I just wanted to tell you the month and year ahead, just so you can expect something around that time.

We haven't chosen to come during the holidays because those are everyone else's holidays.

Thai Airline no longer services its planes to Seattle or Chicago like it used to some decades ago. We came on its planes shortly after we departed Ban Vinai back in the 80s. I still have a keychain that one of the flight attendants gave me. But just a few years ago, they've decided not to run it anymore. I mean, not to fly it, too.

So, we'll be coming on Korean Airline and then connect to China Air in Hong Kong to get to Bangkok.

A brief stop in Tokyo will get us to see some of the world's hottest young flight attendants like those on  the Korean and China airlines, too. These countries--those Asian countries, yeah, all of them--are known to be choosy in their air customer services. So, their plane companies have taken the time to interview and re-interview every flight attendant to make sure no little mole on someone's face would disappoint any flying passenger. Each position normally has 40,000 applicants anyway. So, there are plenty to choose from.

But, of course, you should know it by now: the male flight crews enjoy their air times in the pits and also land otel times... with such hotties. So, why wouldn't a manager choose carefully, right?

But they don't outdo you, Morning Fog. You remain the most admirable woman to Steaming Bell. He won't change his tickets back to America or won't stay in China or Bangkok after seeing those flight attendants.

From Bangkok, we'll take the bus or maybe even pay a taxi driver to take us to  you. That after a nice meal full of fresh dunginess crabs dipped in spicy Thai sauces, okay?  Anyway, buses come there if there are 20 or so people on them. We are only two--well, three--since I will be bringing that Chiang Mai chick with us. But then if that chick and I decide not to come with Steaming Bell to Ban Vinai, he'll be alone.

It's not worth it to rent or even buy a whole bus just for one person to travel around the country with just one carry-on bag, too.

But I'll let Steaming Bell decide on ground rides when we get to Bangkok.

I want to get out of Bangkok as quickly as possible though. I don't mind the traffic. Our Manahattan, New York; Philadelphai, Pennsylvania, and Los Angeles, California are no difference: jams everywhere, and vehicles competing for lanes in the fastest, most dangerous ways possible. Bangkok's bikers will sneak in and out right in front and to the side of our car. But I'm not driving and am not worried about traffic.

Reason I need to get out quickly is--well, you've almost guessed it--I miss that Chiang Mai chick so much, I can't wait to meet her. Yeah, I have yet to meet her but I already miss her like I've  never missed anyone else before. I hope her picture is real.

Steaming Bell says the same about you, too. He can't wait to come to you.

The local girl he has been dating will be dropped for sure. Turned out, she does like the bully and a few other guys. So, now the bully is going around taking care of those other guys, killing one just last week after a little hand-to-hand combat. No feet at all, according to the news Steaming Bell passed back to me from another guy who heard it from still another who claimed to have seen the fight.

The bully continues to look for fights. That's why Steaming Bell does not rest in worrying and also in practicing.

The bully is becoming rather full of himself: "anyone that knows how to fight, I want to test; even those who don't know how to fight but just want to fight, I want to test," he said to someone we know.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2017, 06:32:03 AM by Reporter »

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The snooping eye sees everything."--Ono No Komachi, Japanese Poetess (emphasis)

