
Author Topic: You know how crazy and stupid this lunatic is when even Trump had enough  (Read 164 times)

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Even Trump has had enough of Marjorie Taylor Greene’s latest stunt

The Capitol Hill chroniclers at Punchbowl News made a proclamation Monday morning: “The winner of this Congress? Joe Biden.” It’s a remarkable statement, considering Democrats only hold the majority in the Senate. But the “burn it down caucus” in the House GOP has achieved the impossible. They have torched their own congressional majority, leaving themselves a one-seat governing majority in the House of Representative s.

How? Republicans are running for the exits at an alarming clip. Rep. Ken Buck of Colorado left in late March; now Rep. Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin is leaving early. “This place just keeps going downhill, and I don’t need to spend my time here,” Buck said, per The Washington Post. But it’s not the place that’s going downhill; it’s that the Republicans are at all-out war with each other. On Saturday, that war hit a fever pitch, when embattled Speaker Mike Johnson was finally able to pass the $94 billion foreign aid package.

The very next day, the cover of the Rupert Murdoch-owned New York Post — Donald Trump’s onetime favorite tabloid — read, “NYET, MOSCOW MARJORIE,” and was emblazoned with a picture of Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., in a furry gray ushanka. And Monday, the Post published a column from Piers Morgan, the longtime Murdoch editor, calling Greene “Vladimir Putin’s chief ‘useful idiot.’”

“Marjorie Taylor Greene’s position on Ukraine was clearly a bridge too far for Piers Morgan and the New York Post,” said Howard Polskin, who runs conservative media tracker TheRighting. “I was surprised — pleasantly so — that she was dubbed ‘Moscow Marjorie’ in the headline. Hopefully, that moniker will be an indelible stain on her reputation.”

The Post wasn’t alone. Last week, Fox News’ website (which is also owned by Murdoch) published an opinion piece titled “Marjorie Taylor Greene is an idiot. She is trying to wreck the GOP.” The editorial page of The Wall Street Journal (also owned by Murdoch) blasted “Rep. Mayhem Taylor Greene.” And far-right outlet Newsmax — not owned by Murdoch — ran a piece asking, “Who Put Marjorie Taylor Greene In Charge?”

The right-wing media industrial complex is sending a message to Greene loud and clear: Stop campaigning to oust Johnson. These outlets have no interest in repeating the disarray after Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., triggered the end of then-Rep. Kevin McCarthy’s speakership last fall. Johnson succeeded McCarthy, in large part thanks to Trump’s backing, but only after an embarrassing 22 days without a speaker.

But Greene seems not to be heeding the message. She went on Steve Bannon’s podcast Monday to repeat her demand for a new speaker. And she wasn’t the only member of Congress being obstreperous. Rep. Thomas Massie, who has backed Greene’s move against Johnson, attacked the speaker and Rep. Andy Barr, Massie’s fellow Kentucky Republican, on social media. In South Carolina, Illinois, Texas and Virginia, Republicans are campaigning against other GOP incumbents in primaries. This is not how members of the same caucus are supposed to behave, especially during a campaign year when Republicans are desperately trying to keep the House and win the presidency.

Late Monday, after Greene told Bannon she would continue her quixotic quest, Trump himself — the grand duke of “burn it down” politics — shot the whole idea down. “We have a majority of one, OK?” he told conservative radio host John Fredericks. “It’s not like [Johnson] can go and do whatever he wants to do. I think he’s a very good person. … I think he’s trying very hard.”

Whether or not Trump’s intervention makes a difference, the pile of House Republicans’ failures rises higher by the week. Their attempt to impeach Biden fell apart when their star witness was arrested. Their other impeachment effort, of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, ended with a whimper. And their attempted “Appliance Week” — a series of lame messaging bills about gas stoves and other household items — had to be humiliatingly scrapped. Republicans allowed Trump to pick their speaker, but it turns out he’s about as good at picking speakers as he is at being president. And the beneficiaries are Joe Biden and the Democrats.

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Republican lawmaker doesn’t mince his words about Marjorie Taylor Greene: ‘She is a total waste of time’

Republican Senator Thom Tillis called one of his House colleagues a "waste of time”, a bad leader, and a threat to the future of the GOP, according to a recent report.

CNN’s Erin Burnett played an audio recording of the senator trashing Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene during her show on Tuesday.

“I think she’s uninformed, she is a total waste of time,” Mr Tillis says on the recording. “She is a horrible leader. She is dragging our brand down. She – not the Democrats – [is] the biggest risk to us getting back to a majority.”

Ms Greene has frustrated some members of her party by crusading against Mike Johnson, the current speaker of the House. Mr Johnson was installed after Congressman Matt Gaetz led a successful, though extremely unpopular campaign to remove Kevin McCarthy, then-speaker of the House.

Mr Gaetz reportedly moved to have Mr McCarthy replaced because the former speaker agreed with Democrats to pass a vote that would keep the government operating.

Traditional Republicans were furious with the Maga-world revolt, and the House became an embarrassing symbol of division and chaos as the GOP scrambled for weeks to find a suitable replacement for Mr McCarthy.

Seemingly following in her congressional colleague's footsteps, Ms Greene has become furious with Mr Johnson for weaponising government shutdowns and for not stonewalling foreign aid bills meant in part to further fund Ukraine's defence in the war with Russia.

She wrote on the day of the vote that “Speaker Johnson proved today that the only border he cares about is Ukraine’s”.

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Marjorie Taylor Greene breaks MAGA stupidity barrier as Democrats vow to save Mike Johnson

Well, they said it couldn’t be done. Americans who’ve maintained their sanity saw no way, in this age of performative political extremism, that a Donald-Trump-loving lawmaker could ever go too far. They said the MAGA stupidity barrier could never be broken.

Then along came Georgia Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Witless), whose crusade to oust GOP House Speaker Mike Johnson – for the high crime of governing – has somehow brought Democrats and Republicans together, united against her unique form of legislative ludicrousness.

On Wednesday, speaking to reporters who probably wanted to be elsewhere, Greene confirmed that next week she will trigger her motion to boot House Speaker Mike Johnson.

“Mike Johnson is not capable of that job. He has proven it over and over again,” Greene said. “Now we have (Democratic House Minority Leader) Hakeem Jeffries coming out over and over again, embracing Mike Johnson with a warm hug and a big, wet sloppy kiss.”

Democrats, of all people, say they'll save the House speaker from Greene
Greene’s dime-store bipartisan erotic fan-fiction aside, her motion is destined to fail, much like the lawmaker’s political career. Democrats have said they will vote to save Johnson’s speakership, and Greene has only a couple equally loony GOP lawmakers on her side in this fight.

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On Tuesday, House Democratic leadership released a statement saying Greene’s motion to vacate “will not succeed,” adding: “From the very beginning of this Congress, House Democrats have put people over politics and found bipartisan common ground with traditional Republicans in order to deliver real results. At the same time, House Democrats have aggressively pushed back against MAGA extremism. We will continue to do just that.”

To his credit, Johnson has remained resolute in the face of Greene’s attacks: “I have to do my job. We have to do what we believe to be the right thing. What the country needs right now is a functioning Congress. … I have to do what I believe is right every day and let the chips fall where they may.”

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There are crazies on both sides... But I have to say that the Dem has the more crazies. I don't need to name them... y'all know your kind better.

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- Maxi pad not greatest thing on earth but next to it.

