
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1606639 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1800 on: April 26, 2010, 03:41:45 PM »
maxwell09  your story gives me the creeps! i would have been sooo scared at that moment, a ghost reinactment of their deaths.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1801 on: April 26, 2010, 04:16:22 PM »
since i cannot think of another storie, ima just summarized another one i read off the net by Rachel Doobie.

She was sleeping on the couch when she heard a noise, as if someone was drowning in her basement. she walked down the basement only to find nothing. The next night she heard it again, this time much clearer. It sounded like a child was drowning, calling out "help me please." She kept hearing this over the next week, she called a medium and the medium said there is definately a spirtiual presence in her home. She then, went to the library to see if she can find anything about drownings in her home or town. THe librian told her all she that she needed to hear. The family that had lived in her home, had all been shot and murdered. there was a little boy that was found hiding in the closet, the killer found him and drown him in a pool then hid his body in the basement. this all happened just a few yrs. before she moved in.  SHe moved out the next week, but the sound of the drowning boy still haunts her in her dreams.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1802 on: April 26, 2010, 04:38:08 PM »
told by L. Mather & Cousin Tim

Okay everybody, prepare to be scared. This is a GREAT story. It might sound lame at first, but stick with it, I won't let you down. By the way, it's actually is true. My cousin Tim told me about this one. Here goes -- we call it "Thrill Seekers."

Tim saw one of his old high school friends for the first time since 12th grade. They talked about what was going on in their lives. It turns out Tim's friend had been investigating "haunted houses" in nearby towns. He would assemble a group of guys and visit old houses that had spooky histories.

Tim would ask around if anything ever happened, and a friend told about a few houses with particularly gruesome histories. One house was owned by a mad man who lived with his twin daughters. The legend says he murdered them one night in some kind of bizarre ceremony. This particular house was out in the woods, isolated and creepy to say the least.

Tim's friend decided to go there and check it out. The place was creepy, but nothing the guys hadn't seen before. The guys broke a basement window and climbed into the old house. It was filthy, ugly and eerie, just what the guys got off on!

They soon found a small room and set up their stuff. The room was empty except for a huge mirror on the wall and an old arm chair. As was their usual practice, they started playing around with the Ouija board and were startled when they actually got a response. Assuming some one of the guys was just trying to freak everybody out, Tim's friend started taunting the "spirit" of the board.

"What's your name?"


"Are you really the devil?"


"Do you have unlimited power?"


"Are you going to hurt us?"


Tim's friend loved it, this was fabulous -- exactly the kind of thing he hoped to conjure up, that is, if it was real.

"OK, if you're so powerful, and you're the devil, do something!"

The answer came through very slowly, "Open the back door and you'll see what I've done."

This was better than fabulous! Tim's friend laughed as he walked through the house to the back door. Even though he knew better, he almost believed that there would be something there, waiting for him in the dark. Maybe a ghost, or a gruesome monster.

The door was small but heavy and hard to open. It probably hadn't been opened in decades. Tim's friend jerked the door open and stared out into the night. He didn't see anything. He closed the door and walked back to the small room -- as he was sitting down he realized how fast his heart was beating. He glanced over at the Ouija board and then at his friends.

"Very funny guys, great one." He said, a tad disappointed.

But his face turned pale when he noticed the pointer on the board moving on it's own. No one was near the board but were frozen in horror as the spirit spelled out it's final message:

"Thank You! You just let me in."

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1803 on: April 26, 2010, 06:51:30 PM »
bossymum -that was a scary one.. playing the ouija board game is creepy.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1804 on: April 26, 2010, 07:22:27 PM »
this happen to me and my brother the other day at night
we were having a boring day at the gym playing volleyball so my younger brother and his two friends came up to me and asked me if i can take them to go to the gas station to go buy some snacks and rent a DVD and just kick it at our house. I agreed and we went and got our DVD and junk food. We arrived home, my brother and his friends quickly bolt upstairs to sit and kickback. While i went to the kitchen to go cook. After about 2-3 hours i hear a knock on my bedroom door "hey maxwell09, can you send my friends home now?" my brother pleaded, I nod and told him that ill be right out in 5 minutes. Before i knew it we all got into my car my brother took shotgun while his friends in the back passenger seat. They only lived like about 15 minutes away past the high school, beside our cousins village. I made a right turn onto this road which i normally take as a short cut towards my cousins house. Tonight for some reason seemed very eerie, the road narrowed, the trees in the forest taller and seemingly darker than i normally know but then i noticed a truck in front of us and I shrugged it. My brother and his friends were blabbering away about how cool, funny, and stupid the movie was when all of a sudden my eyes always on the road the entire time saw a medium body figure pitch black shadow quickly crossed our road path and into the woods. I widen my eyes and thought WTF!? was that and did my brother and his friends also witness what I just saw? Some reason they didnt because they were still chatting away in their own world. I freaked but kept myself quiet so they wont make a fuss. Still driving, keeping my cool together, prayed a little bit that I'd only imagined that event, we were getting closer to my cousins house. Right after I calmed a little and the rascals quit blabbering my brother and I saw the truck in front of us screech its tires, skid violently and swerved past the yellow line and into the bushes of woods. It literally flipped up side down but only tip to its right side. We heard a loud car crash with shattered glass window. "O-Shit!", my brother said. What The F****? Call The Police!"one friend in the back yelped."We Gotta Help Them!", the other friend in the back screamed. I didn't say anything and was in shock for a moment before realizing that I had pulled over on our side of the curb just ahead. My brother and I was still in the car but his friends were out before us and already looking inside calling out if the driver and passengers were okay. I scold and convince my brother to stay in the car but right after I got out of my car as I was about to run up to them and see what was happening, my brothers friends were running back towards the car shouting "go.. go.. Go! Get Back IN The Car now!!!" F*** that the moment i saw them running back I was scared shitless opening the car door and slamming it! My brother and his friends got inside in a split second as I stomped on my gas paddle and off we went to one of the friends house. We got there and then one of the friend insisted that we slept over for the night. I happily went inside dragging my brother without a doubt. Before we got to bed I called my parents and told them that me and brother were going to have to sleep over for the night. After a moment we the friends finally broke out and said that they didnt see nor hear anyone inside the truck...     
this happen to me and my brother the other day at night
we were having a boring day at the gym playing volleyball so my younger brother and his two friends came up to me and asked me if i can take them to go to the gas station to go buy some snacks and rent a DVD and just kick it at our house. I agreed and we went and got our DVD and junk food. We arrived home, my brother and his friends quickly bolt upstairs to sit and kickback. While i went to the kitchen to go cook. After about 2-3 hours i hear a knock on my bedroom door "hey maxwell09, can you send my friends home now?" my brother pleaded, I nod and told him that ill be right out in 5 minutes. Before i knew it we all got into my car my brother took shotgun while his friends in the back passenger seat. They only lived like about 15 minutes away past the high school, beside our cousins village. I made a right turn onto this road which i normally take as a short cut towards my cousins house. Tonight for some reason seemed very eerie, the road narrowed, the trees in the forest taller and seemingly darker than i normally know but then i noticed a truck in front of us and I shrugged it. My brother and his friends were blabbering away about how cool, funny, and stupid the movie was when all of a sudden my eyes always on the road the entire time saw a medium body figure pitch black shadow quickly crossed our road path and into the woods. I widen my eyes and thought WTF!? was that and did my brother and his friends also witness what I just saw? Some reason they didnt because they were still chatting away in their own world. I freaked but kept myself quiet so they wont make a fuss. Still driving, keeping my cool together, prayed a little bit that I'd only imagined that event, we were getting closer to my cousins house. Right after I calmed a little and the rascals quit blabbering my brother and I saw the truck in front of us screech its tires, skid violently and swerved past the yellow line and into the bushes of woods. It literally flipped up side down but only tip to its right side. We heard a loud car crash with shattered glass window. "O-Shit!", my brother said. What The F****? Call The Police!"one friend in the back yelped."We Gotta Help Them!", the other friend in the back screamed. I didn't say anything and was in shock for a moment before realizing that I had pulled over on our side of the curb just ahead. My brother and I was still in the car but his friends were out before us and already looking inside calling out if the driver and passengers were okay. I scold and convince my brother to stay in the car but right after I got out of my car as I was about to run up to them and see what was happening, my brothers friends were running back towards the car shouting "go.. go.. Go! Get Back IN The Car now!!!" F*** that the moment i saw them running back I was scared shitless opening the car door and slamming it! My brother and his friends got inside in a split second as I stomped on my gas paddle and off we went to one of the friends house. We got there and then one of the friend insisted that we slept over for the night. I happily went inside dragging my brother without a doubt. Before we got to bed I called my parents and told them that me and brother were going to have to sleep over for the night. After a moment we the friends finally broke out and said that they didnt see nor hear anyone inside the truck...     

thanks for wasting my time max. lol.

you guys probably could go to jail for fleeing the scene of an accident. the friends could've been liars. lucky for you.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1805 on: April 27, 2010, 06:58:07 AM »
thanks for wasting my time max. lol.

you guys probably could go to jail for fleeing the scene of an accident. the friends could've been liars. lucky for you.

Ah genuinely....w e can always depend on you to give us the truth!!   O0 O0 O0

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1806 on: April 27, 2010, 08:56:08 AM »
[quote author=genuinely link=topic=64715.msg2646546#msg2646546 date=12723that

you guys probably could go to jail for fleeing the scene of an accident. the friends could've been liars. lucky for you.

genuinely i think you need to read the story do not REGULATE until you do

if we did go to jail what evidence do they claim? and like i said if we went back to the seen of the crime the truck was already gone!
and my brothers friends do not lie

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1807 on: April 27, 2010, 10:47:36 PM »
I had this friend who would always tell me how lonely he was (kho kho siab).  He met this girl online and after a few chat, they exchanged phone numbers. She would always call him with a block number and after several months of talking on the phone, he decided to go see her in person. He told me where she lived, but I can't recall...somew here in the eastcoast, NC or something like that. Anyhow, he flew there, rented a car, and drove to her place. She gave him the direction to her house and while he was on the phone talking with her, he asked her to describe her house, area of the place, etc. As he got closer, he could hear the sounds of train...she told him that she lived by the train track.  When he got there, the place looked really old, deserted, and abandoned. Apparently, the house had been vacant. Feeling eerie and unsured, he turned the car around and drove back.

I'm not sure why he continued to talk to her, but he said that she continued to call him and would not leave him alone. She was not a real person, but a ghost and everytime he meets a new girl, she would haunt him...things would fall off the drawer, table, or shelf, and he always had this cold feeling. Many times he talked about suicide because he felt lonely. He also described how he saw her in his dreams and she tried many times to take him with her, but he always managed to escape.

Haven't spoken or heard from him since I got married, but his stories used to give me chills at night and I used to think to myself...what if she starts haunting me, too, thinking that I'm trying to get with him? He said the reason why he couldn't have gf although he wanted to, was because he was afraid that he would put the gf in danger. 

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1808 on: April 28, 2010, 10:19:09 AM »
@ NtxheeYeesVaj. ...Verrry Creepy...tell us more of his stories :D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1809 on: April 28, 2010, 02:29:56 PM »
a long time ago in a deserted laos village, a guy named Kou was visiting relatives. he spent the night in their wooden house, in a little corner by himself. it was hot and he couldn't go to sleep, he looked at his watch and it was midnight. then he heard some scratching and growling noises. the noises sounded like an animal then it sounded like a human woman voice saying come here. since he couldn't sleep and was feeling kind of horny and bored, he decided to go investigate. he followed the sounds to an old toyota truck. he looked inside and saw no one, then he went back to sleep.

the end.

scary huh?

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1810 on: April 28, 2010, 04:40:15 PM »
I’m new here and I enjoy reading everyone’s post here. I have had a lot of experience encountering with sprits like most of you guys too. Here is one of my story that I will never forget and that changed me over the pass years.
This happened to me when I was 18 and on my way to my first year of college. Anyways, one of my brother in law’s cousin had passed away in his sleep and he had never had any kind of illness of what so ever. He was a very wealthy young man and worked for a big company. He was never married and was believe to be a real nice guy.  I never knew who he was or ever met him. Going to his funeral was the first time I ever heard of him. And his family had made brochures about him to pass out to guests who came to the funeral. I’m not a big fan of funeral every since my dad pass away but that’s a different to tell later.
When my family and I got there, it was kinda weird how they did his funeral. They said since he was a single man during his life time then they were going to do it a bit differently, which they did. When they were supposed to be sending his sprit on his way, instead they were singing for to find a wife. They said for him to find whoever he liked and marry for he didn’t get to marry anyone while he was still alive. I thought it was kinda weird and creepy how they were singing like that to him in Hmong.  Good thing that we only stayed there for 30min to an hour and left back home.
I did everything normal that I would usually do on a Sunday then headed to bed. And during the whole nite I was feeling a bit odd. IDK how to explain it but I just had a feeling like I there was something missing and I didn’t know what it was. Since I didn’t know what was wrong I just shrug it off, read my book then went to sleep.
That nite I had the weirdest dream. I dreamt that I was on my way home from school and was on the city bus. The bus approached my stop and left me off like usually. As I crossed the street and headed towards the hill to get to be back door I see all of these huge TIGERS and LIONS surround my whole house. I stood frozen there and tried to think of how to get pass these sleeping tigers and lions. I kept looking and saw a clear view as to where I can run straight in between them and reach my back door. I took out my keys and got them ready to open the door, then I took off. Just as I reached my door this much much bigger tiger jumps out of nowhere and bit my right hand and scratched my feet. He tries to grab at my injured hand again but my family them saw me and opened the door for me just in time. The tiger looked so mad and angry. It couldn’t come into our home so he roamed back and forth. It was like he was only there waiting for me. Just when I thought it was going away, I saw it running real fast trying to get in through the window and grab me and that’s when I woke up.
As I woke up, I was sweating like crazy and it was during the fall which I remember was really cold that year. I felt gross and was relief that it was only a dream so I got up and went to shower. Then I changed and went downstairs to help my mom, sisters, and sister in law cook. I got done chopping up all the veggies and remember my dream so I told everyone about. And just as I got done telling my mom about my dream she looked a little worry and was gana say something to me but then she turned around and yell out that the oil was burning. Since I was the closest to it I left it off the stove but then all of a sudden the pan handle wasn’t hold the pan up straight and the hot boiling oil spilt all over my right hand and a little bit on my left foot. The two places where I was bitten and scratched in my dream. It was so painful. It was like someone poked me with hot needles a million times over and over.
Everybody stopped what they were doing and rushed to my side to see what had happen. Lets just say the top layer of my skinned was cook!! My hand curled up almost into a fist and I couldn’t move it cuz it would have hurt way to much! My medical was cuz so I couldn’t go there first. Instead my mom went and got me some medical that was really good for burns. The burn on my feet healed within two days and went back to my original skin tone. As for my hand it was healing but then it began to bleed again and again. I couldn’t sleep for awhile because I would constantly have bad dreams over and over. It was like one right after another.  Then I started getting real sick after two weeks and my hand wasn’t getting any better so we finally went to the doctor got it looked at, got the cream for it and it healed within 2 days but it never looked the same so I’m scared for life on my hand there.
Although my hand and feet healed I still wasn’t getting any better. I’ll get headaches in the morning but when the night time came I felt a bit better. I couldn’t go back to school and had to take about 2 months off work and just stayed home. Finally, my mom got so worried she got my aunt who is a shaman to come look at me and do this one thing for me and tied another red string for me. My mom also had one for me on my ankle after she talked to me aunt. I was so sick that I was dozing on and off during the whole thing. All I remember my aunt and mom saying is that he is not human and I am so he needs to go away and find someone like him and not a living person who isn’t willing to go with him and that I must have fought real hard to even still be here this long.
After all that I went through he finally left me alone and I started to gain back my weight and strength. But every now and then I would get really bad dreams about someone that I love. I always pay attention to those because as soon as I get up from it I would get a phone called about that person. And every time something or someone is going to come visit me that isn’t human, I know because I would get that edgy feeling so I either change my position or go sleep somewhere. 

Your story is just creepy and scary...tell more!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1811 on: April 28, 2010, 07:10:42 PM »
I guess I will finally share one after all 100 pages read, not even done yet.

Well, my BIL knew of a friend who lost his 1 year old due to Luekimia. The mom went into a trance for a long time and didn't want to bury the child. She would hold all his toys and carry it around for the longest time. Well, when they finally did his funeral, the morning my BIL and the dad along with some friends went early to set up, and there was rice all over the funeral home. They went to look into the bucket of rice and there was only about 1/4 of the way of rice left, so the guys decided to dump the rice out of the bin, since there was not much left, but 3 of the guys could not lift it, once they got it lifted and poured the rice out, it kept pouring like the bin was still full.

Once the funeral was over, they did a shaman jingle bell and the baby told the mom that he was very happy that his mom had loved him so much. He said he wanted his little orange toy that his mom keeps carrying around because she missed him. He loves her very much but would like that toy, so they had to burn it for him. He also said the reason he had to leave was because he was never meant to be her son. He came in the form of a baby spirit and waiting to be born in their family, but his real parents were his Dad's older brother and wife. But when he came to be born, his supposed to be parents had just gotten separated and divorced before he was born, so he didn't know where to go, so he went into his mom instead. So after he was born, little angels came back to take him to be reborn to his new proper parents, of which has no relations to their family. He also said, he was mad that they withheld his funeral too long, because he needed to be reborn to his new parents. But they wouldn't do his funeral and tso plis. (Pardon my hmong spelling). So he finally said good by and never came back.

So now I'm thinking just....hmmm.. that why some babies are late and don't come at the time of their due dates? Because they haven't tso plis yet? lol I dunno

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1812 on: April 29, 2010, 04:03:09 PM »
10 years ago 3 days after my wedding i had gotten into a minor fender bender and the police was called. being that i was a bad girl i had a few warrants out on me. i was in the holding cell for a week until my bond was paid and by then my husband had already left home to cali. i didnt get to say anything to him or see him off so i was very sad.

the court wouldnt allow me to leave so i was stuck in the midwest for about 7 months trying to clean up the mess that i caused.

i was very lonely, angry at myself and cried almost every night.

i remembered one evening a month after being stuck in the midwest i was sitting on the couch alone in the living room talking to my husband on the phone i noticed a very large black shadow moved really fast from the wall beside me to the corner and disappered into it. i didnt think much of it and shrugged it off cause the thought of me missing my husband was more than fear. well we talked far into the morning cause i remember looking at the clock on the wall and it was just a little past 3am. since he worked grave yard it didnt bother him being up that late. we talked alittle more and i glanced up at the clock again and it was close to 4am. i guess i must of fell alseep on him cause that was the last thing i remembered i didnt remember saying my good byes and i love yous to him.

I woke up to my sister calling my name softly, sitting in front of me rocking back and forth side to side sitting in an indian position and had this odd looking wide smile from one ear to the other telling me to get up and sleep with her in her bedroom. my eyes still blurry and my balance kinda off i struggle to get up from the sofa. i felt her hand grab hold of mine to help me stablize my balance. her hand was ice cold. i immediatly let go of her had and as i did she was already at the entrance hallway. weird??!! that was fast. i followed her down the hallway i was two doors away from her as i looked up she was at her door waving her hand motioned to me to come in the room. i walked in and to my suprise she was in bed already snoring with drool down her fat cheeks. i looked at the her digital clock and it was 5 after four. i thought to myself, was i dreaming? or did all this happen? i climbed into bed with her and layed next to her by the wall and kept thinking to myself was it her or something  that we couldnt see that is living in the house. i kept staring at her to see if she'll crake a smile and wake up and say im just playing im not asleep. but she was sound asleep. i asked her in the morning to see if it was her that woke me up from the couch to sleep with her she said no. she was in bed already at 11 and never woke up.

i have a few more to tell

« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 02:42:00 AM by Enelia »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1813 on: April 29, 2010, 06:13:29 PM »
I came upon something really, really strange once. This was  when my cousin was out of state to study for the quarter. Anyway, I have a paper that was due the coming weekend so I spent the whole day reading and researching for information to support my thesis statement. It was around 7 pm or so and I went to lied down on my bed. When I was about to close my eyes, I felt something strange in my presence. I could feel like there was someone there watching me. Suddenly, I couldn't moved. I feel like somebody is holding me down on the bed and was on-top of me. At the corner of my eyes, it seemed like that something was a dark shadow. I could feel him coming to me and lying on top of me. I feel so scared. I wanted to scream and yelled for help because i know that my other cousin is on the other room, but I just couldn't yelled anything out. I couldn't even move no matter how hard I tried. I just got scared and lied there. After a while, it seems like whatever that is, it wasn't there anymore. When I realized that I could moved my arms and legs again, I stood up and looked around my room. There was nothing there. I tried to blush it off as nothing--that I just have sleep sleep paralysis but then even now, I know what I saw and felt. I wasn't even sleeping yet so how can I experienced sleep paralysis. ---- Later I realized when talking to my cousin and other people that this could be a case of "FAT-Lying" (sorry I don't know how to spell the Hmong word for it....this is the best word I can come up with atm) that a lot of Hmong people also experienced too.

Please excuse if it makes no sense to you guys!!!

« Last Edit: May 05, 2010, 02:46:22 AM by I_love_Assistant_OK »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1814 on: April 30, 2010, 03:11:59 AM »
Continued from my last experience.

On a late cool evening during the middle of july I sat outside in the front patio on the stairs crying on the phone to my husband telling him I want to come home cause I miss him. He comforted me and told me he'll buy me a plane ticket as soon as I'm done with my court stuff and he'll come pick me up in person at the airport.  Him telling me that put me at ease knowing that even though I f'ed up he was still willing to be me made me feel better. So since it was getting close to his work time we had said our good byes and I love yous we hung up. I decided to sit out there a little longer to have a smoke and enjoy the cool air. As I sat there enjoying my smoke. I heard heavy breathing to my right side like a man that had bad respitory problems. I thought it was me I held my breath so I can hear better. Before I exhaled I heard it again like it was right in front of me. I got so spooked I got up with the quickness and bolted through the front door to my moms room. I told her what happened. She asked if I was crying outside....I stuttered and said yes why? She told me to never cry outside cause I can attract other lonely sprits like me wondering about outside and they can take my soul from my body. From that day forth I took her advise and never cried out there ever again.

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