
Author Topic: Hmong Ghost Stories  (Read 1610282 times)

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #990 on: October 30, 2009, 01:18:05 PM »
you guys are giving goosebumps but keep it coming.  My grandfather (my mom's dad) also see strange things around him when he was sick.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #991 on: October 30, 2009, 01:20:26 PM »
I think when people are gonna reach their due date, their mind gets ready for the transition to the other side, so they are more sensitive to those things we can't see.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #992 on: October 30, 2009, 01:20:39 PM »
one time, in broad daylight, i saw a little girl run past my feet and then i got crushed by that ghost called "fat" in hmoob. lol. i cant spell hmong. she was about 4-5 years old... hair length was about shoulder length, i think.... frreaky.. and my hubby was sleeping right beside me, too. i guess that's why i dont sleep in the day time anymore. lol.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #993 on: October 30, 2009, 01:25:37 PM »
Great stories.... keep it coming!

I think when people are gonna reach their due date, their mind gets ready for the transition to the other side, so they are more sensitive to those things we can't see.

I agree, I think babies and older people are more sensitive to supernaturals then others because they've just transitioned from the other side or is making that transition.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 02:22:40 PM by Cheetos »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #994 on: October 30, 2009, 02:11:52 PM »
not just babies and older people, even people our age! i mean, my niece right now, she's 27 years old and has a little girl ghost attached to her. apparently, that little girl attached herself to one of my SIL's first. that SIL went over to my oldest brother's house and the girl ghost decided she wanted my niece instead. That night, the girl sat on my niece trying to choke her. My niece didn't sleep at all that night. She kept going from her room to the living room. when dawn appeared, she felt bad for my SIL, who spent the night there,  she decided to ignore the ghost and went to sleep. it didn't work, that girl ghost taunted my niece all night. She talked to one of her brother, who was also sensitive to that stuff, about the girl. i guess after much talking, she decided to meditate and find out what the girl wanted. apparently, the little girl lost her mom or something, liked how my niece was and decided she wanted my niece. during the meditation, the girl told my niece that if she was to ever have a child, the girl wanted to be that child.

the little ghost girl is always around my niece. if she'd displeased, she'll let my niece know! if the litle girl doesn't like anyone in my niece's room, she'll make the person uncomfortable. that's what it did to the brother that she spoke to about the girl. she even makes babies feel uncomfortable. one of her brothers' wife had an infant. every time that infant went into that room, it would just cry and cry. once it's out of that room, it stops.

speaking of babies, for some reason, babies look at my mom. they look at her for about a couple of minutes and all of a sudden, they just cry hysterically like they're sad or something. i don't know. anytime a child comes near my mom, they just don't like it. they cry and want to leave as soon as possible.

« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 02:13:30 PM by LadyThao »

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #995 on: October 31, 2009, 01:39:17 AM »
The name screaming thing, it's just not a good idea for any situation at all. If you sort of or kind of understand the paranormal activities of us Hmongs' weird and sometime crazy culture and traditions, the O.G.s has a saying "Don't call for someone all the time over and over and again and again or some stranger(s) spirit wondering around anywhere can pick up and copy your tone of voice and use it to call out and lure that one someone into their possession". A story that I'd once heard when I was a brat can sort of relate to this kind of action. It's a story pass down from my mom to me, I guess so that I'll stop saying "mom, mom, mom". Just kidding.

Part I

Early one morning back in Laos, long long not too long ago a Hmong grandpa and a 4 year old grandson went out to their family's garden a couple of miles away from their village to check up on the grandpa's cows (back than some Hmong raise cows and oxes at their garden and they have to go check up on the animal mostly everyday to make sure no hungry tiger or other predator got to them). The two had arrive at the location first before the rest of the family because the grandpa was anxious to check up on his new born bull. Every possible things seem to be fine so far and it's a good early start for the day. All of the mules are pretty much very well alive and calmly active. The grandpa and his grandson than went into a little shad build at one corner of their garden to have breakfast and wait for the other family to show up before getting started on the farm.

They settle in and the grandpa had just started unwrapping the food that he'd packed earlier that morning when all of a sudden all the cows' started mooing and shaking the ground with their stomps. The grandpa, afraid that it might be what he hope is not ran outside and see all of his cattle huddle up in one corner of their little field. This is when the strange stuff occur, the grandpa saw the tiger but the tiger didn't hurt any of his cows. The tiger just turn around after cornering all the cows and just took off running back into the forest. No matter what, the grandpa's instinct kick in and he got really frighten all of a sudden that the beast might come after him and his grandson so he went inside the tiny shad and hurrying locking the door the best way he know how. He than turn around to his grandson but the grandson was nowhere in sight in that small room with the grandpa. Afraid that the boy had follow him outside and maybe is lock out the grandpa hurry back outside screaming for his grandson but no answer.

The grandpa looked everywhere for the boy but no sign of him at all. When the other family finally caught up they was terrified and shock to hear about the bad news. The little boy had disappear for one whole week with no trace even with most of the villager's brave young men helped searches days and nights until a shaman lady came from another village to help the family. After she jingle jingle for a bit she told them that the boy is not too far from their village and he's alive. She recommended they had about 20 or more men with dogs go and find the boy at that particular spot and so they did. The boy was easily found under a big fallen log, the place was clear of leaves and twigs unlike the rest of the forest and the ground below the log seem like someone dug it a bit to make it just perfect enough to hide in.

After the harsh incident and the happy reunion they question the boy where he's been and how he get underneath the log where they'd found him. Part II later.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #996 on: November 02, 2009, 08:01:53 AM »
well, im safely back from hunting at a haunted area, and unluckily, no stories, other than we didnt get anything at all, stupid animals all went into hiding, so it was a fail

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #997 on: November 02, 2009, 09:47:05 AM »
Havocrazy, please finish with Part II.

In the meantime, here is one of mine:

My aunt passed away last year, she was around 40ish when she passed.  Well, her life is kind of complicated.  She was married as a niam yau to a family that from what my sister said did not treat her so well.  Before she passed, she was not in a good standing with the husband.   A month after she passed away, she came back for the husband; the niam hlob is a shaman which they tried to have her husband save.  But, my aunt was too strong and adamant that she held tight to her husband's hand telling them that they can not do anything else to save him b/c she is going to take him.

I didn't know of this until my mom mentioned to me that her husband died a month later and it was the cause of my aunt.  Funny thing is my younger sister just found out about this just this weekend.  ;D

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #998 on: November 02, 2009, 09:48:00 AM »
well, im safely back from hunting at a haunted area, and unluckily, no stories, other than we didnt get anything at all, stupid animals all went into hiding, so it was a fail

We were so hoping that you can bring back stories for us.  Oh well, next time.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #999 on: November 02, 2009, 03:53:44 PM »
Ok here's a story about a "past online member"  :'(

June was only 20 years old, lived a happy healthy life with her family. Her bf, Toua was from Canada. btw, June and her family bought a beautiful home up on the mountains of southern california, they haven't lived there for long when June heard and saw weird things. But being christian, they didn't believe in such. One day while home alone, washing the dishes, she heard someone calling her name. Without turning around she yelled back, "Ab tsis?" She turned around, no one was there. She didn't think too much of it. She and her bf was always talking about getting married but never got around to either proposing or being engaged but during christmas, they gave each other a promise ring.

A month later, June got really sick. She couldn't get out of bed. They admitted her to the hospital. They found Nothing wrong with her. Her bf went to spend some time with the family. While there, He heard weird things and saw weird shadows and blurs running pass the guest bed to his gf's bedroom. He went to check up on her. Nothing. A week after he went home, she was again admitted to the hospital, it took only a few days afterwards, then she died. It happened so fast, too soon.

Toua was told of the death and was ready to fly out and see his dead gf. But his mom wouldn't allow him at all. His mom was a shaman and she said it was not a good thing for him to do so. But his dad's parents (his paternal grand-parents) were christian and they would belittle toua's mom saying such thing doesn't matter. Toua told them he would die for her, he couldn't live without her. His paternal grandmother took him aside and told him, if he loved her that much, they will allow him to go and see her. Somehow his grandmother had given him a ring a long time ago to save it for his future wife. His mom finally gave in and let him go. When he got to the church, he took June's hand and placed the ring on her finger.

It was about a month later, Toua was riding his motorcycle down the 99, in broad day light, when a raven flew right into his sight ( according to other motorists)  he crashed and died. But they couldn't find that 'raven'. His mom did a jingle bell thing and found out that his gf had come to take him.

Weird thing is, when they were both still alive and chatting away with me, they did promise each other they would come for one another and joke with me that if they should go first before me, they will come and tell me how life after death is.  For both of their funeral, I wasn't able to attend. After their passing, I would get sick real quick and at times severly ill, my mood would change to the point that I thought i was gong insane.  I had crazy dreams and would see crazy things.

A year after, one day after doing the jingle to fix a relative. The shaman guy who I never met, nor my family ever met. Approached my parents and told me to come and sit down for a bit with him. He stared at me for a bit and asked me if I know of a girl that passed recently. I nodded. He said ok, because she was there with me. My parents were shocked. He told me that the more i let her visit me, the sooner I will go with them.  And that during their funeral, they were looking for me.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1000 on: November 02, 2009, 03:57:45 PM »
treasurer, that's CREEPY!

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1001 on: November 02, 2009, 09:15:09 PM »
Part II to my no yelling people's name story.

So yeah, they asked the little boy what happened when he and his grandpa was at the garden house. He said that when his grandpa step outside he saw his grandma came in, his grandma put a leave in front of him when his grandpa came inside and lock the door but than his grandpa open the door and went outside again. Than his grandma said "come on son, come with me this way" and so he did, when he follow his grandma outside he saw his grandpa running around looking for something but his grandma kept telling him "come on son, come with me this way" and so he did.

He follow her deep into the forest where he can no longer see his grandpa and the garden site. Than there was other people up ahead in the forest sitting around playing and laughing, when they got to where the other people were he no longer see his grandma. They parents asked him how does those people look like and he said "They are a lot smaller than real people and they have a lot of hair, and they're eyes is side way", they know exactly who those people are. They than asked him what kind of food those people feed him and why was he left alone under that one big log, he responded "They feed me crabs, snails, worms, and sometime they go steal rice from other family's house and bring it to me to eat, they are very nice people" and "You guys came to there house to get me, you guys didn't see them but they were all there making fun of you guys and than saying bye to me as you guys carry me away back home". Afterward the family had to do a big shaman ceremony and change the boy's name so just in case those people came back looking for him, they also tied a red rope around his left ankle to make him invincible to those creatures.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1002 on: November 02, 2009, 09:19:25 PM »
The grandma was one of those people that transform to looked like his real grandma and it uses his grandma's voice like how his grandma always tell him to follow his grandma around. When he said his grandma put a leave in front of him, it was to cover his presence from the grandpa. Those creatures had a tiger came to scare the cows so that the grandpa well step out and as soon as he did one of those people came in looking like his grandma. If you ever go hunting and see a clean spot in the middle of the forest with no leaves or twigs laying around than be careful, that's their house.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1003 on: November 03, 2009, 02:39:05 AM »
My younger brother is very sensitive to the spirit world.  When we were kids, my aunt gave my sister and I each a beautiful doll dressed completely in traditional hmong costume...they even had money bags with beads on them.  Well, my brother was about 8 or 9 at the time.  We were upstairs in our bedroom facing him and talking to him, the dolls were on the desk.  All of the sudden, he freaked out and started screaming.  He said that he saw the dolls blink their eyes, and rotate a full 360 degrees on their stands.  He would never go close to them after that, freaked out everytime he saw them.  Scared the crap out of us all.  My mom put them somewhere else where we wouldn't see them.  A few years later, after searching for junk down in the basement, I came across them.  Covered them back up.  Not sure if she threw them away now, or if they're still in the house somewhere.  Thing is, my brother is 21 now, and he still reports weird noises, people talking in his room at night, footsteps in the house.  Nobody else see's or hears anything except him.

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Re: Hmong ghost stories
« Reply #1004 on: November 03, 2009, 02:43:16 AM »
One of my cousins family had just immigrated from Thailand and were living with my parents family for the time being.  The grandma was very sick with a cancer that spread to the side of her face, and she passed away a week after they arrived.  Can't remember but I believe it was on the night of the funeral or a few days after she passed away that this weird thing happened.  My younger sister was babysitting all the little nieces and nephews at our house when they all started crying and hiding their face in their hands.  They said that they saw a scary lady sitting on the sofa.  None of the adults could see it.  So my other grandma from my mom's side of the family had to do this spiritual chanting thing to remove the spirit and calm the kids down. 

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